blonde poker forum

Poker Forums => Live Tournament Updates => Topic started by: NoflopsHomer on June 27, 2007, 07:08:00 AM

Title: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: NoflopsHomer on June 27, 2007, 07:08:00 AM
It's back to the original A-squad for you today with Jen and Snoops taking over updating duties. Play begins at 2pm (10pm UK)

Join us for the last three tables. Chip counts to follow.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 27, 2007, 07:09:01 AM
Amnon Filippi -- 2,343,000
Kenny Tran -- 1,959,000
Bruno Fitoussi -- 1,248,000
John Hanson -- 1,215,000
David Singer -- 1,017,000
Freddy Deeb -- 963,000
Tim Phan -- 889,000
Barry Greenstein -- 700,000
Mike Matusow -- 696,000
Gabe Kaplan -- 625,000
Thor Hansen -- 537,000
Chris Reslock -- 536,000
Greg Raymer -- 504,000
Mark Gregorich -- 386,000
Justin Bonomo -- 295,000
Stephen Wolff -- 263,000
Dewey Tomko -- 248,000
Noah Jefferson -- 167,000
Daniel Negreanu -- 149,000
Patrick Pezzin -- 102,000
Max Pescatori -- 81,000

chip counts courtesy of the good people at

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 27, 2007, 07:10:04 AM
Okey, dokey... here are my three picks.

Dave Singer
Kenny Tran
Dewey Tomko

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 27, 2007, 07:11:38 AM
It's back to the original A-squad for you today with Jen and Snoops taking over updating duties. Play begins at 2pm (10pm UK)

Join us for the last three tables. Chip counts to follow.

There were four in the A-Team.

I'm obviously Face, being the good looking one of the update clan.


Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Nakor on June 27, 2007, 12:06:53 PM
It's back to the original A-squad for you today with Jen and Snoops taking over updating duties. Play begins at 2pm (10pm UK)

Join us for the last three tables. Chip counts to follow.

There were four in the A-Team.

I'm obviously Face, being the good looking one of the update clan.


Does that make Dana Mr T in your mind then Snoops ?
Assuming Jen is Murdoch.

I'll go


Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: ariston on June 27, 2007, 02:42:45 PM
With regards to your famous player debate its not about being famous its about being confident. If you look confident enough that you belong there you will get there as the Americans do back down to anybody who looks like they belong. I aint famous or a name but had the freedom of the arena last year by just walking around and trying to look important (talking to the bigger names does help you look like you belong- as you've said they are only people and most of them arent arses and happy to have a chat as long as you aint giving them badbeats). Last year I regularly asked a security guard "excuse me" while he was busy checking badges and passes and they always just stepped aside and let me go in and visit whoever I wanted to go say hello to, its how you deliver the "excuse me" that matters.....not please may I come in but would you mind getting out my way please I have somewhere to be. Also if someone is rude to you ffs tell them to not be so rude in your best british accent and they will back down and be polite next time you ask for anything I promise you. All men are born equal snoops so don't let them push you around, good job on the reports by the way sirs (and madam).

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Dale on June 27, 2007, 05:50:13 PM
snoops you look more like Hannibal until you undye your hair, holla

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 27, 2007, 08:15:26 PM
snoops you look more like Hannibal until you undye your hair, holla

I'd better not say who BA is...

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 27, 2007, 10:08:40 PM
Howdy ho, peeps. I've arrived.  :hello:

I was a bit behind schedule after a nice long shower (mainly long due to having to wash my boxers shorts), but couldn't avoid bumping into the endless line of familiar faces that crop up as you take that long journey through the Rio to the Convention Centre.

Saying to one of those chaps, "Sorry, can't stop, am late for the horse," probably isn't a cracking idea when that person knows that my update partner is Jen.  ;smackedbottom;

Ah well.

Anyhow, speaking of Jen, she's actually not here yet, but don't fret, she's not being lazy (I've checked that she doesn't have her The Amazing Sleeping Woman cape on), she's just behind me, slowed down somewhat by her 6am entrance last night.

Nope, she wasn't being a dirty stop-out wilting away the hours with booze and strippers (unlike Mr Floppy ;carlocitrone;), but nearing the end of a $1,000 Bellagio Event.

I received two texts last night, one saying that she was on the bubble, the second stating that 5 were left and she was shortstacked. Unfortunately, the latter wasn't overturned, and she did indeed finish in 5th, bringing back a useful $6k for her troubles.

Well done Mrs Merton!  ;applause;

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 27, 2007, 10:09:00 PM
snoops you look more like Hannibal until you undye your hair, holla

I love it when a good plan comes together!

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 27, 2007, 10:09:43 PM
With regards to your famous player debate its not about being famous its about being confident. If you look confident enough that you belong there you will get there as the Americans do back down to anybody who looks like they belong. I aint famous or a name but had the freedom of the arena last year by just walking around and trying to look important (talking to the bigger names does help you look like you belong- as you've said they are only people and most of them arent arses and happy to have a chat as long as you aint giving them badbeats). Last year I regularly asked a security guard "excuse me" while he was busy checking badges and passes and they always just stepped aside and let me go in and visit whoever I wanted to go say hello to, its how you deliver the "excuse me" that matters.....not please may I come in but would you mind getting out my way please I have somewhere to be. Also if someone is rude to you ffs tell them to not be so rude in your best british accent and they will back down and be polite next time you ask for anything I promise you. All men are born equal snoops so don't let them push you around, good job on the reports by the way sirs (and madam).

Good post. We have to be careful though, WSOP have been known to revoke passes for such behaviour, which, for us, would be a complete disaster.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 27, 2007, 10:10:36 PM
Play has yet to start.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 27, 2007, 10:22:25 PM
Good news is that they have announced the insertion of a media rail so that we can get closer to the table.

Heading out now to check this out and see if play has commenced yet.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 27, 2007, 10:31:48 PM
Down to 20. Shortstack Daniel Negreanu is the first scalp of the day, biting the dust on the TV table.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 27, 2007, 10:34:41 PM
Down to 20. Shortstack Daniel Negreanu is the first scalp of the day, biting the dust on the TV table.

Bruno Fitoussi was the assassin and the game was Stud.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 27, 2007, 10:39:47 PM
Good news is that they have announced the insertion of a media rail so that we can get closer to the table.

Heading out now to check this out and see if play has commenced yet.

Unfortunately, the results are a little disappointing. Granted, they've allocated us a tiny little box area, but we still can't see the table, as shown in the photos below, and the other table is best viewed from the public rail, which is currently crowd infested.

The rail in front of where the girl (pic 1) and the bearded chap (pic 2) is as close as we can stand.

Ah well, I guess the gesture was there, and I can understand that we haven't purchased the rights like others have.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 27, 2007, 10:42:55 PM
What this does mean, however, is that I can get slightly better photos of the one table, without Joe Public's hairy bonce getting in the way...

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Djinn on June 27, 2007, 10:48:51 PM
Yes, I missed the start of today's action due to one of those one-dayers taking a whole day.  But here I am now and off to the Box Area. 

A couple of notes on the other events which are running simultaneously to the H.O.R.S.E - there are sometimes as many as three bracelet events on the go, and they start two at once if they are 'niche' i.e. fewer than 3,000 runners...

Seniors' Event

Mickey Wernick finished around the 30 mark yesterday in a wincing fashion after losing a huge pot all-in preflop with A-A vs. J-Q (he said he knew it was coming on the 8-9-J flop) and then racing 9-9 against A-Q and A-K.  Stoically collecting his money he was then to be found in the Voodoo lounge and the Bellagio Cafe at 5am...

Omaha 8/b Event

The final table is kicking off in about 15 minutes and whom should I run into in the corridor but George 'The Panzer' Danzer, complete with suit and scarf, heading for pre-final snacks with Jan Heitmann.  Jan is now apparently his bodyguard, fending off literally tens of fans who want his autograph, not because he's on a WSOP final today, but because of the time he spent on the televised table last year, which has apparently been rerun into the collective consciousness.  Good luck to him.

The table:

1. Mark Wilds 96,000
2. Dario Alioto 61,000
3. George Danzer 116,000
4. Thomas Hant 114,000
5. Chad Brown 390,000
6. David Bach 502,000
7. Lukasz Dumanski 358,000
8. James Tolley 282,000
9. Gene Timberlake 143,000

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 27, 2007, 10:57:37 PM

Stephen Wolff and Chris Reslock split a pot. Couldn't see Reslock's hand, but Wolff has 8d 4s 2s Kd showing with 2d 4h 6d behind for two pair, so Wolff obviously had a low.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 27, 2007, 10:59:36 PM
Current top ten courtesy of

1st  Amnon Filippi -- $2,657,000
2nd  Kenny Tran -- $2,100,000
3rd  Bruno Fitoussi -- $1,450,000
4th  Barry Greenstein -- $1,100,000
5th  Freddy Deeb -- $963,000
6th  David Singer -- $940,000
7th  John Hanson -- $930,000
8th  Tim Phan -- $670,000
9th  Noah Jefferson -- $510,000
10th Mike Matusow -- $490,000

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 27, 2007, 11:03:04 PM

Meanwhile, on the same table as Reslock and Wolff, Pat Pezzin, who is painfully shortstacked, split a pot with Max Pescatori, his A-2 culminating in a low, but Max's two pair (Aces & Eights  ;snoopy'sguns;) snapping up the high.

Moments later, Pezzin was involved again, adding vital chips to his stack by getting Kenny Tran to fold by betting (?)(?) Aspades 3s 8c

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Djinn on June 27, 2007, 11:03:44 PM
And just as the Stud 8/b half hour draws to a close, we lose Pat Pezzin.  The details eluded me as they were busy being snapped up by a team of eight cameramen, but there were handshakes all round as Pezzin left the roped area. 

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 27, 2007, 11:05:09 PM
The World Series attracts an array of stars, can anyone guess who this chap is?...

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 27, 2007, 11:05:51 PM
And just as the Stud 8/b half hour draws to a close, we lose Pat Pezzin.  The details eluded me as they were busy being snapped up by a team of eight cameramen, but there were handshakes all round as Pezzin left the roped area. 

And here is your most recent exit. He's not smiling anymore.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Tonji on June 27, 2007, 11:12:11 PM
 :hello: Jen & Snoops

is it George Lucas?

btw Jen, fine result  ;hattip;

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 27, 2007, 11:20:18 PM

Smiley as ever, lowly chipped Italian Pirate Max Pescatori makes his move from under the gun, only to be re-raised to 70k by fellow shortstack Chris Reslock in the small blind.

Of course, Max sets Chris all-in (only a few bit of shrapnel more) and sheepishly turns over his Kc Th.

In contrast, Reslock flips Ac Ad with all the confidence a intoxicated Fonz.

"Ace Queen Jack, dealer," demands Pescatori. "All hearts."

The flop was a buttock clenching one...

Jh Qc 2h

However, with the 2d Turn reducing Max's outs, the Js River pretty much sealed his fate, providing Reslock with a much needed double through in the process.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 27, 2007, 11:21:27 PM
:hello: Jen & Snoops

is it George Lucas?

btw Jen, fine result  ;hattip;


Yeah, it's him, shall I ask him to stop making Star Wars films?

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Vinnebin on June 27, 2007, 11:23:34 PM
Tell him to watch the Southpark Episode where the kids try to destroy the digitally enhanced version of Raiders of the Lost Arc ;)

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Djinn on June 27, 2007, 11:26:09 PM
Hello!  Cheers - but peanuts compared to what these gents are playing for at the moment...and after three and a bit gruelling days they're still not in the money.  Which pays out like this:

1  $2,276,832
2  $1,278,720
3   $852,480
4   $586,080
5   $444,000
6   $337,440
7   $259,296
8   $188,256
9   $131,424
10  $131,424
11  $117,216
12  $117,216
13  $103,008
14  $103,008
15   $88,800
16   $88,800

After a tipoff from Snoops who was watching another table, I moved there just in time to see the bandannad Max Pescatori standing up as his bowl of rice facecard-9 all-in played against the A-3 of Kenny Tran.  No help and his tiny chips are added to Tran's stack as someone in the audience next to me mutters in a sinister fashion, "Justice is done..." - does anyone know if Max inflicted any horrific beats during this tournament?  :dontask:

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 27, 2007, 11:29:40 PM
George Lucas may be present, but we've brought some celebrities from back home, Barry Neville and Andy Johnson being the lastest two inevitable bump intos.

"I've only played tut three comps," comments Thee from Twine. "I'm hear tut relax. I've got a routine. I get up, go tut pool and then head off tut gym, for three minutes. Look at these biceps."

I said that the walk to the gym is enough excercise for me.

Barry tutted.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 27, 2007, 11:30:22 PM
Tell him to watch the Southpark Episode where the kids try to destroy the digitally enhanced version of Raiders of the Lost Arc ;)

Is that Vinnie Vinh? Where have you been?  :dontask:

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Vinnebin on June 27, 2007, 11:36:36 PM
Too young Snoop... too young. Next year will be my year :)

Please say hi to Rolf from everyone at!

Take care guys (and Jen!)

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Djinn on June 27, 2007, 11:45:08 PM
Pictured are Noah Jefferson and Gabe Kaplan.  Jefferson's twin stacks appeared to be just 5ks, which makes him a very short stack, especially considering he just lost this big pot against Barry Greenstein...


Noah Jefferson (fastest Chip Twiddler I've ever seen) called Barry Greenstein's raise in the blind, and check-raised him on the Kc Kh 6h flop.  They got to the 2s turn - Jefferson betting, Barry calling and 2c river, and then he showed what looked like 9c 9s only to find Barry Greenstein with the Aspades Kd to take a great deal of what he had left.

After calling Barry's raise the very next hand (along with Thor Hansen) only to pass on the Ac 4h Ts flop, he was then dangerously short, and the Grapevine tells us that Noah Jefferson was, just now, the Bubble Boy, meaning that there are 16 players left, who are in the money.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 27, 2007, 11:46:22 PM

As they were announcing the redraw and that everyone is now in the money, a huge hand was unfolding on Table Reslock, Dave Singer and Stephen Wolff the men involved.

The game was Omaha Hi-Lo, but with a board of 6h 6d Kh Kc, this hand was only going to produce a high.

Sitting pretty with Pocket Sixes, last year's finalist, Dave Singer, confidently pushed in his chips, but was dismayed to find that Wolff had him locked up in a nasty cooler with Pocket Kings for bigger quads.

Harsh one for the Full Tilt man, but a corker of a double up for Wolff, and at a crucial time too!

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Djinn on June 27, 2007, 11:51:28 PM
Pictured are Original Scandie Thor Hansen (with about 480k) and the back of Freddy Deeb. 

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 27, 2007, 11:51:33 PM
Latest chip counts courtesy of

1st  Amnon Filippi -- $2,300,000
2nd  Bruno Fitoussi -- $2,035,000
3rd  Kenny Tran -- $1,820,000
4th  Freddy Deeb -- $1,400,000
5th  David Singer -- $1,350,000
6th  Barry Greenstein -- $1,050,000
7th  Tim Phan -- $920,000
8th  Gabe Kaplan -- $670,000
9th  Mark Gregorich -- $625,000
10th Stephen Wolff -- $385,000

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Djinn on June 27, 2007, 11:53:19 PM
John Hanson - looks like he's down some since the start of the day which had him on over a million - looks like around 700k currently (but I really can't be sure).

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Djinn on June 27, 2007, 11:55:18 PM
Too young Snoop... too young. Next year will be my year :)

Please say hi to Rolf from everyone at!

Take care guys (and Jen!)

Hi there, yes - next year will be yours, all yours.  I don't know where Rolf is currently, but I am sure we'll run into him somewhere in the sprawling Amazon room at some point, and I will tell him he has all of Holland behind him (or at least you).

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Djinn on June 28, 2007, 12:15:28 AM
This is what the ESPN feature table looks like - very atmospheric, very hard to see what's going on without climbing across the laps of the public in the stands.  Luckily, those screens up top show the action, and there is intermittent announcement as well. 

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 12:19:57 AM

Back on the TV table, Mike Matusow is deadly serious, a far cry from his comedic performances and jovial demanour earlier on in the comp.

Meanwhile, a hand is being played out in front of the cameras, Stephen Wollf (Q-8) and Amnon Filipi (4-2) splitting a pot on an 8d Qs Aspades Qc 7c board, Amnon the agressor except on the River where he called a final 50k (I think) bet.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 12:25:36 AM
Bumped into an in-good-spirits Mickey 'The Worm' Wernick on my last venture out into the HORSE battlefield.

Me: Hello young Michael, I heard you got unlucky today.
Mickey: Yeah, was playing the senior event.
Me: Just crept into the age bracket?
Mickey: Yep, sneaked in by 13 years.
Me: What's the standard like. Do you prefer playing the oldies?
Mickey: No, not really, there are some good players in there, and they've all been playing for 20 years plus.
Me: True.
Mickey: Having said that though, one of the worst players there had written a book apparently.
Me: Was it Doyle?
Mickey: Ha, no, he ain't half bad, coming on well that kid.
Me: Bet it's been a while since he's been called kid.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Djinn on June 28, 2007, 12:30:52 AM
OUT in 16th place is Mike Matusow, winning $88,800


Matusow gets it all in on the flop in Omaha 8/b - the flop being 2c 4s 5d - against Stephen Wolff.
Matusow shows:  A-2-Q-9
Wolff shows:  A-3-Q-6 for a flopped Total Monster of nut low and top-end straight.

The turn:  Ac  Two pair for Mike...potential for the house, notes the TD...
River:  8s

No help and we lose our first money finisher.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 12:31:34 AM
As I left the pressroom, I was shocked to see Greg Raymer trundling down the corridor, but fear not sandal, white sock, beige shorts, orange shirt wearing fans, the former Main Event champion is still in, we're just starting a short 20 minute break.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 12:33:01 AM

1st  Amnon Filippi -- $2,352,000
2nd  Bruno Fitoussi -- $2,300,000
3rd  Kenny Tran -- $1,900,000
4th  Freddy Deeb -- $1,850,000
5th  Tim Phan -- $1,150,000
6th  Barry Greenstein -- $960,000
7th  David Singer -- $948,000
8th  Greg Raymer -- $820,000
9th  Mark Gregorich -- $810,000
10th Stephen Wolff -- $717,000

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 12:43:11 AM
My picks...

Dave Singer
Kenny Tran
Dewey Tomko

Still going strong(ish)

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Djinn on June 28, 2007, 01:03:46 AM
Chris Reslock finishes in 15th place, winning $88,800...


This Razz round has a bring in of 10k, a 30k complete, and 30k/60k limits.  With just 42k remaining, it is unsurprising that Chris Reslock pushed it in after Barry Greenstein completed the bet preflop.  Amnon Filippi called in the middle, and they saw a second card, at which point Barry's bet got rid of the other contender and they were on their backs:

Barry Greenstein:  [7h 4s] 7s 6d

Chris Reslock:  [4h 2c] 5d Tc

Fifth street brought Barry the Kc but a second Ts for Chris, and sixth street was crueller, bringing Chris another Th while Barry's hand just got better and better with the 5h and finally the Aspades.  Chris Reslock's final Qh gave him a Q-T-5-4-2 low against a lovely 7-6-5-4-A - and we're down to 14.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 01:04:02 AM

Not seeing too much action on the outer table, the play appearing to slow down slightly.

What I did notice, however, is that they are in jovial spirits, perhaps happy to have reached the money (that might be 50k profit for many of them).

Just before he headed over to the TV table ("C'est la vie," he said to Raymer), Bruno Fitoussi  felt the wrath of Freddie Deeb, folding his (?)(?) 5s 9d to The Penguin's 30k bet with (?)(?)2c 9s.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Tragic on June 28, 2007, 01:07:42 AM
Could one of you get to the front of the rail and shout DONKAMENT, while something important is happening?

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 01:10:34 AM
Could one of you get to the front of the rail and shout DONKAMENT, while something important is happening?

Should we be shouting it out at any one in particular?

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Tragic on June 28, 2007, 01:12:12 AM
Well, no, but you might get a good picture of someone's shocked face if they turn around and you have your camera ready?

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Benjo on June 28, 2007, 01:14:13 AM

Fitoussi obviously
Tim Phan

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 01:20:33 AM
Two players who I don't think we have pictured yet, the first is Frenchman Bruno Fitoussi, most likely to be found in the Aviation Club in Paris, and the second is John Hanson, who I know nothing about except that he was the end of Day 2 chip leader.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 01:32:14 AM

Barry Greenstein and Amnon Filipi clash on the feature table.

Barry = (?)(?) Ts Kd

Amnon = (?)(?) Qs 2d

Barry bets 30k, Amnon calls.

Barry = (?)(?) Ts Kd 2c

Amnon = (?)(?) Qs 2d Aspades

Barry bets 60k, Amnon calls.

Barry = (?)(?) Ts Kd 2c Td

Amnon = (?)(?) Qs 2d Aspades 8h

Barry bets 60k, Amnon folds.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 01:35:07 AM

1st  Amnon Filippi -- $2,212,000
2nd  Kenny Tran -- $1,857,000
3rd  David Singer -- $1,790,000
4th  Freddy Deeb -- $1,330,000
5th  Bruno Fitoussi -- $1,295,000
6th  Tim Phan -- $1,195,000
7th  Barry Greenstein -- $970,000
8th  Greg Raymer -- $850,000
9th  Gabe Kaplan -- $810,000
10th Mark Gregorich -- $810,000

Tomko, Wolff, Hansen & Hanson bringing up the rear.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 01:42:39 AM
By the looks of it, John Hanson is perhaps the lowest stack with circa 500k.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Djinn on June 28, 2007, 01:48:28 AM

A good 15 minutes of cagey Razz/Stud play on the not-so-featured table.  Just now we got to fourth street with Greg Raymer calling Freddy Deeb.  Showing X X 9c 6c he then passed, however, with Deeb lamenting, "Where are you going?" as he flipped the Aspades 8d to go with his showing Ac 9s.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 02:01:47 AM

Sandwiched in between two hands where Dave Singer took the pot uncontested by sliding his 30k across the line, a three-way pot emerged involving Singer, Kenny Tran and Amnon Filipi.

Singer is in for 5k, Tran 30k, Amnon and Singer match the 30k.

Singer = (?)(?) 4h Kc
Amnon = (?)(?) Ahrt 8h
Kenny = (?)(?) 5s 2s

Kenny bets 30k, Amnon and David call.

Singer = (?)(?) 4h Kc Qd
Amnon = (?)(?) Ahrt 8h 2c
Kenny = (?)(?) 5s 2s 8c

Kenny bets 60k, Amnon calls, David folds.

Amnon = (?)(?) Ahrt 8h 2c 2h
Kenny = (?)(?) 5s 2s 8c Kd

Amnon bets 60k, Kenny calls.

Amnon = (?)(?) Ahrt 8h 2c 2h (?)
Kenny = (?)(?) 5s 2s 8c Kd (?)

Both players check.

Amnon shows an Ace in the hole and wins the pot.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 02:06:03 AM
At this point in the competition, the tournament director is discussing with his counterparts the possibility of offering the more famous players the chance for an add-on to ensure that a star-studded final table is produced. If the add-on has no effect then the non-celebrity players will be asked to leave prior to the final.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Djinn on June 28, 2007, 02:06:24 AM
Here in red is Thien Phan, still there with what looks like a good-ish 800k+ stack after three days.  Tipped him on day one... anyway, he seems to quietly get the lot, remember him finalling in the $25k WPT Final in April?  I do.  He's a slightly under-the-radar all-rounder - he's cashed in no limit, limit and pot limit Hold'em events, and won a Stud one. 

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: totalise on June 28, 2007, 02:19:19 AM
is the bubble a lot smaller this year? I seem to remember Hoss_TBF (Matt Hawkrileno sp) bubbling and the first cash post bubble getting c$180k last year.

great updates as usual

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 02:24:13 AM

Barry comes in for 10k with the 2c showing, Singer puts in 30k with the 4h and Steve Wolff calls.

David = (?)(?) 4h 3s
Stephen = (?)(?) 7s 4s

David bets 30k, Stephen calls.

David = (?)(?) 4h 3s Ts
Stephen = (?)(?) 7s 4s Th

Stephen bets 60k, David raises to 120k, Stephen calls.

David = (?)(?) 4h 3s Ts 3d
Stephen = (?)(?) 7s 4s Th 3c

David bets 60k, Stephen calls.

David = (?)(?) 4h 3s Ts 3d (?)
Stephen = (?)(?) 7s 4s Th 3c (?)

David bets 60k, Stephen calls.

David wins with two pair, Eights and Threes.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Djinn on June 28, 2007, 02:26:04 AM
Pictured is Greg Raymer, still holding his own although dwindling in chips (I estimate him on 370k).  He just lost quite a few to Gabe Kaplan:

On fifth street they went from threeway to heads up, with Raymer (who on the first round of betting was the raiser) calling Kaplan's 60k bet.
Raymer:  X X 3s 7h 6d
Kaplan:  X X 2h 9h Aspades
Sixth street brought a 6h for Raymer, who checked to Kaplan who'd received a 9c and bet it without hesitation a second time.  Quite a bit of hesitation from the former Main Event Champion - this is when I took this photo - before a call of the 60k and a reluctant pass when the river brought him whatever unhelpful card it brought him.

Note that his Pokerstars-covered getup is of the .net rather than .com variety over here...

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 02:27:57 AM
More snaps from the outer table...

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 02:30:02 AM

1st  Amnon Filippi -- $2,575,000
2nd  Bruno Fitoussi -- $1,315,000
3rd  Kenny Tran -- $1,305,000
4th  Barry Greenstein -- $1,220,000
5th  Freddy Deeb -- $1,120,000
6th  David Singer -- $1,093,000
7th  Thor Hansen -- $1,050,000
8th  John Hanson -- $930,000
9th  Stephen Wolff -- $909,000
10th Gabe Kaplan -- $770,000

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Djinn on June 28, 2007, 02:35:45 AM
Freddy Deeb - looking like he may be the frontrunner in the Tour de France.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: scottm on June 28, 2007, 02:39:48 AM
Freddy Deeb - looking like he may be the frontrunner in the Tour de France.

 rotflmfao rotflmfao rotflmfao

I can just see him on his bike .....

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 02:46:00 AM
The players in this $50k HORSE event are just coming to the end of a short 20 minute (I think) break.

Meanwhile, another event is coming to a close, albeit it on a standard table and away from the limelight, and Chad Brown is one of the 4 or 5 remaining players.

As the only 'big name' left, and I know this sounds like an odd question, can anyone guess which of these seats is his?

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 02:49:07 AM
Still 14 players left, Mark Gregorich (a well known American cash player) is the current shortstack.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 02:57:21 AM
Greg Raymer is OUT.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 02:59:09 AM
Watching the outer table earlier was one Mr Dave Colclough, seemingly in good spirits chatting away to his Daniel-san, Brian 'The Rookie' Wilson.

Whilst I was nattering away with Dave, a random lady approached and asked to shake Dave's hand due to seeing him on TV.

Dave was a highly embarrassed and I inquired as to how much he paid her.

She didn't request an autograph though, just human contact.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Benjo on June 28, 2007, 03:00:33 AM
and the second is John Hanson, who I know nothing about except that he was the end of Day 2 chip leader.

If my memory is correct, and I think it is, I saw him playing the Bellagio Big Game (yes, THAT game) last December. Problably not a tournament player by any means, since his Hendon Mob Database record sheet is almost empty.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 03:01:47 AM
Before you ask how Woody Deck is doing, look who I found. Yep, the Deckster is here in the flesh, eagerly supporting his buddy who is currently in the last four of the Omaha Hi-Lo Freezeout with The Chad.

Cooeee Mr Deck.  :hello:

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: steels on June 28, 2007, 03:05:47 AM
Freddy Deeb - looking like he may be the frontrunner in the Tour de France.

He looks like Mini Me from austin powers.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Djinn on June 28, 2007, 03:12:39 AM
H  blinds 20k/40k

Bruno Fitoussi raises Kenny Tran's big blind, getting a call.  Flop:  Kh Kd Jh Double check.  Turn: 3d and the Frenchman, seemingly in disguise, foregoing his usual suave look for a red T-shirt and a fisherman's hat (why not go the whole hog, I say, and add the fake nose and glasses), takes it with an 80k bet. 

David Singer raises on the button to 80k.  Small blind Kenny Tran calls. 
Flop:  Qh 4h Aspades.  Tran checks, Singer bets 40k and gets instacalled.
Turn:  9h  Tran bets out 80k now, and Singer calls after some brief deliberation.
River:  2s  Check-check
Kenny Tran shows the Ks Js
David Singer shows the Jh 4c, which pair of fours takes it down.  The double check on the river was very quick - I wonder if David Singer could have called a second bet on the end from the persistent small blind...

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 03:22:02 AM
Freddy Deeb - looking like he may be the frontrunner in the Tour de France.

He looks like Mini Me from austin powers.

Mini Deeb?

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 03:25:35 AM

For a slight change, I decided to go watch several hands of Omaha Hi-Lo at the feature table.

Not too much action (in fact, the most exciting moment was a deck change), but there a few swords clashing, the most eye-opening of which being a hand between Barry Greenstein, Dewey Tomko and Dave Singer, Dewey's pre-flop raise receiving two callers.

With the Flop bringing an 8s 5h Jc, Barry check-raised Dave Singer's 40k bet, only for both Dave AND Dewey to make the call.

The Turn came a Qd, and Barry bet again, once again receiving action from both players.

The River was the Th, and everyone checked, Barry taking the hand with a rather paltry A-J, although it took Dewey an absolute age to eventually muck his cards.

Still, A-J, didn't take much, I guess there were a few A-2s out there.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 03:29:26 AM

Apart from Dewi, Bruno and David Singer taking the blinds, not too much happened on the feature table, so I quickly glanced down at the other table, where I saw Freddie Deeb (or Mini Deeb as he has been referred to - well, once, and it was me), re-raising John Hanson's flop bet on a board of Ahrt 4d 2c, thus leaving the unknown with a painful look of despair and befuddlement on his face.

Eventually, Hanson did indeed fold and live to fight another day, but he appeared very eager indeed to learn what Deeb was playing. Deeb offered the showing of his hand for a grand, but, unsurprisingly, there were no takers.

Boy, that Mini Deeb don't half drive a hard bargain.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Djinn on June 28, 2007, 03:45:50 AM

Bruno Fitoussi gets moved off the Major TV Table - in the process of changing mics he's dealt a hand in the big blind.  They kindly let him play it.  Thor Hansen has raised, and Gabe Kaplan callled in front of him.  He calls the extra 40k and they see the 4s 9s Kc flop.  It checks round and on the turn, which was a paint-y card (let's guess the Qd) Bruno bet out 80k and both his opponents folded.  Then he got back up and let them re-wire him. 

He lost back what he'd gained in that hand, however, in the next one he played (having raised from the button) against callers Freddy Deeb and Gabe Kaplan.  This time Bruno bet the flop, took the free-card option when it was checked to him on the turn, but laid it down when Freddy bet the river (the board perhaps something like 3-8-6-Q-9).

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Djinn on June 28, 2007, 03:47:25 AM
We have now hit the DINNER BREAK.  Restart at 9pm (5am UK time).

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: PeteL on June 28, 2007, 03:58:33 AM
Barry gonna win this hes focused

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 05:14:14 AM
Okay, we're back. shuffle up and deal.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 05:17:02 AM
May I remind our viewers that my 3 picks are still going strong, although Barry sure is looking good.

Current game is Razz.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 05:37:07 AM

After Bruno and Freddie Deeb took the antes, we suddenly lost Mark Gregorich who had let himself get quite short again. "I wanted to be the one making the move," he said prior to the hand.

Couldn't see the full hand, but I know he re-raised John Hanson's 50k. (10k antes, 50k/100k limits), before shoving the rest in soon after.

Both player has a two showing at the start, but Hanson's obviously transformed into a winning hand, as Gregorich was soon tapping the table and shaking hands with his opponents.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 05:40:10 AM
The chip counts just prior to that exit were...

1st  Amnon Filippi -- $2,945,000
2nd  Barry Greenstein -- $2,300,000
3rd  Freddy Deeb -- $1,710,000
4th  David Singer -- $1,650,000
5th  Gabe Kaplan -- $1,185,000
6th  John Hanson -- $1,175,000
7th  Thor Hansen -- $1,175,000
8th  Kenny Tran -- $1,100,000
9th  Bruno Fitoussi -- $940,000
10th  Dewey Tomko -- $280,000

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Djinn on June 28, 2007, 05:47:12 AM
Dewey Tomko is OUT in 10th place, winning $131,424


He was all in in the Razz on third street with a 9 showing - Amnon Filippi was his opponent.  The cards (until the last) were dealt face up, and it looked right up until the river that there might be a double up, but no - his made 8-low on sixth street was beaten by Amnon on the river and there is just one more player to be eliminated before the H.O.R.S.E. final table is decided.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: totalise on June 28, 2007, 05:48:06 AM
did singer make last years FT?

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Djinn on June 28, 2007, 05:51:04 AM
Prior to this exit, there was some very cagey Razz being played indeed - but with the limits getting a little steep (ante 10k, bring-in 15k, complete 50k, big bet 100k) it's not surprising.  Amnon Filippi seemed to win more than his share of these hands, picking up two in a row before the hand progressed past third street.  Then Barry Greenstein made it 50k and picked up the antes, showing a pair of Nines.  The hand after that, Amnon took down another one on fourth street from David Singer, showing 5-5-5... we are wondering if they changed the little sign to the correct game.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Djinn on June 28, 2007, 05:53:39 AM
did singer make last years FT?

Yes, I believe so.  One of the most underrated players in this event, in my opinion.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 05:56:59 AM

Been watching the feature table predominantly, which was a little wierd as there were only four players partaking, and just the two when Barry and Amnan left the table for a breather - David Singer and Kenny Tran being the men left to do battle.

Amnan had brought in for 15k, only for Dave Singer to makes it 50k with the 3s.

Tran then raised to 100k with the Ad, Singer re-raised to 150k and Tran called.

Tran = (?)(?) Ad 6d

Singer = (?)(?) 3s 5c

Singer bet 50k, Tran called.

Tran = (?)(?) Ad 6d 4d

Singer = (?)(?) 3s 5c Kd

Tran bet 100k, Singer calls.

Tran = (?)(?) Ad 6d 4d Ks

Singer = (?)(?) 3s 5c Kd Qd

Tran bets 100k, Singer calls.

River card dealt face down.

Tran bets 100k, Singer calls.

Tran takes a big pot with A-2-3-4-6

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: totalise on June 28, 2007, 05:57:07 AM
did singer make last years FT?

Yes, I believe so.  One of the most underrated players in this event, in my opinion.

and most hated?

its funny that last year most of the "pros" made it to the final table (reese/brunson/ivey) etc, wonder how this tourney will be opined this year when most of them aren't immedialtely recognisable.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 05:59:13 AM
I'm no expert at Razz, but I'm confused as to how Singer can call that bet on the end. Can anyone educate me? Complete novice here.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: NoflopsHomer on June 28, 2007, 06:00:15 AM
did singer make last years FT?

Yes, I believe so.  One of the most underrated players in this event, in my opinion.

and most hated?

its funny that last year most of the "pros" made it to the final table (reese/brunson/ivey) etc, wonder how this tourney will be opined this year when most of them aren't immedialtely recognisable.


Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: NoflopsHomer on June 28, 2007, 06:09:32 AM
I'm no expert at Razz, but I'm confused as to how Singer can call that bet on the end. Can anyone educate me? Complete novice here.

Singer might be holding an A-2-3-5-6 and think it's good if Tran had 3-5 in the hole for A-3-4-5-6. Perhaps he thought Tran had paired. I don't know, where's Jon MW when you need him?

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 06:15:54 AM

Bruno Fitoussi's a lively character. Benjo seems to think he's a regular at the mixed game tables in the Aviation Club, and with high success rate too, but here at the Rio, a few pro players, who shall remain unnamed, have questioned his ability as a HORSE player, suggesting that people are disappointed when he moves from their table.

From watching him at the felt, the Frenchman loves to play hands, and I just witnessed him get involved in 4 or 5 in a row.

The one that progressed the furthest was against Gabe Kaplan, the High Stakes Poker commentator folding to Bruno's 50k bet with Qs  Aspades Ks, adding, "I can't even beat Ace King".

The next hand, Bruno was the one doing the folding, this time to Thor Hansen, Bruno was showing Ace King, and as they hit the muck, he commented, "It's not easy folding a hand like that," to which the Norwegian replied, "No, not for you."

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 06:19:28 AM
I'm no expert at Razz, but I'm confused as to how Singer can call that bet on the end. Can anyone educate me? Complete novice here.

Singer might be holding an A-2-3-5-6 and think it's good if Tran had 3-5 in the hole for A-3-4-5-6. Perhaps he thought Tran had paired. I don't know, where's Jon MW when you need him?

Should he have got out of dodge slightly earlier, perhaps when that Queen arrived?

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: NoflopsHomer on June 28, 2007, 06:24:48 AM
I'm no expert at Razz, but I'm confused as to how Singer can call that bet on the end. Can anyone educate me? Complete novice here.

Singer might be holding an A-2-3-5-6 and think it's good if Tran had 3-5 in the hole for A-3-4-5-6. Perhaps he thought Tran had paired. I don't know, where's Jon MW when you need him?

Should he have got out of dodge slightly earlier, perhaps when that Queen arrived?

I think you're right, but I'm guessing he had A-2 and was drawn in by the lure of making a wheel. Perhaps he had or thought he had the correct odds to call?

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 06:26:46 AM
The players currently on the outer table are Bruno Fitoussi, Thor Hansen, Gabe Kaplan, Freddie Deeb and John Hanson.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 06:27:58 AM
I'm no expert at Razz, but I'm confused as to how Singer can call that bet on the end. Can anyone educate me? Complete novice here.

Singer might be holding an A-2-3-5-6 and think it's good if Tran had 3-5 in the hole for A-3-4-5-6. Perhaps he thought Tran had paired. I don't know, where's Jon MW when you need him?

Should he have got out of dodge slightly earlier, perhaps when that Queen arrived?

I think you're right, but I'm guessing he had A-2 and was drawn in by the lure of making a wheel. Perhaps he had or thought he had the correct odds to call?

I guess an A-2 would make sense given the raising war early doors.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: NoflopsHomer on June 28, 2007, 06:32:02 AM
I'm no expert at Razz, but I'm confused as to how Singer can call that bet on the end. Can anyone educate me? Complete novice here.

Singer might be holding an A-2-3-5-6 and think it's good if Tran had 3-5 in the hole for A-3-4-5-6. Perhaps he thought Tran had paired. I don't know, where's Jon MW when you need him?

Should he have got out of dodge slightly earlier, perhaps when that Queen arrived?

I think you're right, but I'm guessing he had A-2 and was drawn in by the lure of making a wheel. Perhaps he had or thought he had the correct odds to call?

I guess an A-2 would make sense given the raising war early doors.

Also Tran didn't cap the betting I think, so Singer probably doesn't think Tran had 2-3 and it's quite possible Tran hit his winning card on the river.

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 06:33:03 AM
1st  John Hanson -- $2,950,000
2nd  Amnon Filippi -- $2,600,000
3rd  Kenny Tran -- $2,190,000
4th  Freddy Deeb -- $1,600,000
5th  Barry Greenstein -- $1,500,000
6th  David Singer -- $1,460,000
7th  Thor Hansen -- $1,000,000
8th  Gabe Kaplan -- $460,000
9th  Bruno Fitoussi -- $440,000

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Djinn on June 28, 2007, 06:35:09 AM

Barry Greenstein loses over half a mil to David Singer in one hand - Barry raised preflop to 100k, got re-raised and called.  So 160k each in the middle before they hit fourth street... on which Barry paired his Fives and bet out, called by David.  He continued betting until the river, when the 100k was raised to 200k by David, who showed two Aces underneath to make his single showing Ace part of three-of-a-kind, which took that large pot.  Wish I could bring you more detail, but I couldn't hear what the announcer was saying, and on the Stud games the screens don't give you shots of the boards.  In any case, that was a pretty big hit to his stack...

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 06:51:16 AM
Still waiting for that last man to drop.

On the outer table, Deeb seems to be on fire, winning, according to Benjo, "at least one big pot off each player at the table."

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Djinn on June 28, 2007, 07:07:54 AM
And Freddy Deeb ends the day in the same fashion, winning a huge pot, which at the same time knocked out Gabe Kaplan in 9th place, for $131,424...


Thor Hansen started it all off by completing preflop, but with a raise to 100k from Gabe Kaplan and a call from Deeb it was going to be interesting.  It was fourth street where the last of Gabe Kaplan's chips went in the middle, along with more of the other two's.  The betting didn't stop just because one player was all in, however, and a juicy side pot of several hundred thousand grew between Freddy Deeb and Thor Hansen.
The only player's hand I could see in its entirety as it was dealt was Hansens - on 7th street he was showing X X 3d Jc Qh 4c, which lost in both respects to Freddy, as did short-stack Kaplan.  Our angle as spectators is such that the other hands were totally invisible to me - such is the tradeoff for having a low-level badge.

It looked like Hansen was left with just a few stray chips, too, after the hand was over - will be interesting to see how the final table's chips are distributed now...

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: snoopy1239 on June 28, 2007, 07:31:00 AM
No confirmation on start time, but the grapevine is telling us 2pm (10pm UK time)

Do join us.

Toodlepip ;snoopy;


It's goodnight from her...

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Djinn on June 28, 2007, 07:31:22 AM
And goodnight from him...

Title: Re: WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 4 - Interactive
Post by: Djinn on June 28, 2007, 07:32:04 AM
And goodnight from Slim
