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Poker Forums => Poker Hand Analysis => Topic started by: AgentChip109 on August 02, 2007, 12:39:24 AM

Title: can i make the call
Post by: AgentChip109 on August 02, 2007, 12:39:24 AM
£25 double chance f/o

down to 8 players, top 5 pay, blinds 200/400 but goin up in 6mins

i am in SB wiv  Tc 7d and have 7,800. guy in middle position limps in. he has a stack of around 12,000. i havent been on his table throughout the night and meet him for first time at final table. only real info i have on him is that hes raised a few pots and won uncontested but earlier he limped in cutoff and called the buttons all in of 3.5k wiv A9 and won.

i complete and BB checks. flop is

 Kh Qs 2d

we check to the limper who also checks. the turn now comes  2h. i bet out a cheeky 800 to see wots goin on to see if i can take it down. BB folds but the limper calls. my immediate thoughts he has picked up a flush draw, maybe J10 or less likely has a monster like KKK (any thoughts on this??). my plan is to bet around 1600 if a rag hits the river.
the river however brings  Ts. i now think im happy to check as i dont need to bluff at it now cos have made a pair and feel i will win if he has missed his draw. so i check and he now bets 4000 into a pot of 2,800

is he bluffing, can i make this call and wot range of hands could this guy have?? cheers for ur views

Title: Re: can i make the call
Post by: bobby1 on August 02, 2007, 01:16:14 AM
I pass and look for a better spot to put such a big % of my stack in.

What I like to do in similar spots and might have helped here is make a bet that looks like I want a call but is small enough for me to easily pass if the oppo raises. By checking you have told him you arent strong and he can make the bet he has if he has nowt,by betting 800- 1000 he passes wth nowt and he prob calls with a king or queen and you lose the 800-1000 but you take away his chance of betting with nowt most of the time as your bet looks fishyish**.That means you dont have to make the tough decision like the one he gave you when you check and if he raises your 800-1000 bet then you are almost deffo beat and can pass for the loss of the 800-1000.

In the hand he could well have an ace jack type hand if as you noted earlier he can limp with semi solid aces.

**as an aside why is fishyish not a real word??

Title: Re: can i make the call
Post by: boldie on August 02, 2007, 08:16:51 AM
I'd agree with bobby here. I would lead out with a stopper bet on the river (only if I think he's on a FD or straight draw of course), by not leading out you have essentially given up the pot to any decent sized bet. there's no way you can call here as the only thing you beat is a busted FD (and like you said you put him on J10 as a holding aswell. It's a fold now.

Title: Re: can i make the call
Post by: Smart Money on August 02, 2007, 11:18:17 AM
IMO these type of over-bets are usually monsters rather than air.

Title: Re: can i make the call
Post by: TheChipPrince on August 02, 2007, 11:34:06 AM

i think you HAVE to fold, AJ i reckon...

Title: Re: can i make the call
Post by: Nem on August 02, 2007, 11:41:31 AM
Pretty much an easy fold. Like SM said, he has a monster here a lot of the time and air not enough.

Title: Re: can i make the call
Post by: AgentChip109 on August 02, 2007, 02:43:21 PM
yeah i realise now i should have put a stopper bet on the river. so if he does raise me the decision to muck is even easier. the size of the bet threw me off completely. his demeanor at the table just suggested he wouldnt make an overbet with a big hand.

thanks for the views

Title: Re: can i make the call
Post by: TheChipPrince on August 02, 2007, 03:45:01 PM
did u fold? and did he show?

Title: Re: can i make the call
Post by: AlexMartin on August 02, 2007, 10:18:19 PM
Q) "can i make the call?"

A) Yes............ if you dont like money.