blonde poker forum

Poker Forums => Live Tournament Updates => Topic started by: tikay on May 04, 2005, 10:28:36 PM

Title: Isabelle Mercier & the British Poker Open
Post by: tikay on May 04, 2005, 10:28:36 PM
Hi Guys,

Isabelle Mercier's Mum is at home in Canada, & is trying to keep tabs on how Isabelle is doing in tonights heat of the BPO, & has asked if we can help. Can we, working as a team, keep her updated via blonde?

The present position, as of 2 minutes ago, was....

5 players left.

Tindall, 169k

Dahl, 165k

Walters 138k

John Gale 65k (he just got paid with AA)

Isabelle Mercier 63k.

From what I gather, Isabelle has been card dead so far.

If anyone has any more info - I have only just got home - please post it here.

Title: Re: Isabelle Mercier & the British Poker Open
Post by: tikay on May 04, 2005, 10:32:25 PM
And this was the note Isabelle's Mum sent me - don't you just love the "allo Tikay".....

"......Allo Tikay,
Isabelle is somewhere in England tonight for a live TV tournament.
Would you happen to know where I could follow the game, if I can,
or may be you are there yourself.
If she wins tonight, she will be on semi-final on Sunday.
Cold you help me get some news ?

Isabelle's mum,
Thank you....."

How touching is THAT?

Title: Re: Isabelle Mercier & the British Poker Open
Post by: Karabiner on May 04, 2005, 10:41:43 PM
Bonsoir Isabelle's mum,

Current standings are:

5 left, Isabelle in 2nd place with 141k
Chip leader has 180k

A bientot !

Title: Re: Isabelle Mercier & the British Poker Open
Post by: tikay on May 04, 2005, 10:43:45 PM
You must have bought her luck Mum - Isabelle is now in 2nd place!

She moved in with QJ, and forced Mike Tindall with the dominating KJ to pass, but Walters called with A-5. Isabelle caught her Q & is in good shape now. Lucky for her that Mike Tindall passed though - he would have hit a staight & busted her!

Title: Re: Isabelle Mercier & the British Poker Open
Post by: tikay on May 04, 2005, 10:45:23 PM
There you go, you even got stuff in French now from fellow blondeite Karabiner.

Anyone care to tell me what "A bientot" means?

Title: Re: Isabelle Mercier & the British Poker Open
Post by: Surprise on May 04, 2005, 10:47:11 PM
?bient?  means  See you soon

Keep me up date,  Thank you very much

Title: Re: Isabelle Mercier & the British Poker Open
Post by: tikay on May 04, 2005, 10:59:52 PM
Karabiner, can you keep this updated for the next half hour please. I gotta watch the new edition of Poker 425 at 11pm, for 30 minutes. Regrettably it features not one but TWO Poker 425 presenters in swimwear........

A bientot - in about 30 minutes. Hehe.....

Title: Re: Isabelle Mercier & the British Poker Open
Post by: Karabiner on May 04, 2005, 11:03:03 PM
Isabelle in 3rd psition with roughly 100k

Chip leader is a guy with 200k who needs to get very lucky to win

Title: Re: Isabelle Mercier & the British Poker Open
Post by: Karabiner on May 04, 2005, 11:05:16 PM
Blinds are 5k 10k

Still 5 left

Title: Re: Isabelle Mercier & the British Poker Open
Post by: Colchester Kev on May 04, 2005, 11:08:26 PM
Ariston is probably too excited to post, imagine if he was in the same heat as isabelle ..............................  SECURITY !!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Isabelle Mercier & the British Poker Open
Post by: ariston on May 04, 2005, 11:16:37 PM
I am here you know. She is playing well and she may be coming to blackpool tomorrow for the main event. Better hope she isnt on your table kev.

Title: Re: Isabelle Mercier & the British Poker Open
Post by: Karabiner on May 04, 2005, 11:17:12 PM
Ariston is probably too excited to post, imagine if he was in the same heat as isabelle ..............................  SECURITY !!!!!!!!!!

Well there's one geezer with a heart rate of about 180 already.

Paramedics are standing by !

Title: Re: Isabelle Mercier & the British Poker Open
Post by: Colchester Kev on May 04, 2005, 11:21:04 PM
I will be at blackpool tomorrow night, you can buy me my first JD mate :)

I hear Tikay and the Notts boys are planning to wear Isabelle face masks when they play you heads up Ariston, as they know you will be putty in their hands lol

Title: Re: Isabelle Mercier & the British Poker Open
Post by: Karabiner on May 04, 2005, 11:40:39 PM
Still 5 left in.

Action is very slow, and Isabelle seems a little card-dead.

But one double through would make her near enough chip leader.

Blinds are still 5k/10k

Title: Re: Isabelle Mercier & the British Poker Open
Post by: ariston on May 04, 2005, 11:44:21 PM
Shes just gone, tried a resteal on John Gale who made the call with kq. Unlucky isabelle.

Title: Re: Isabelle Mercier & the British Poker Open
Post by: Karabiner on May 04, 2005, 11:46:36 PM
Bad luck Isabelle.

After being card-dead for an age she made a move with T4 reraising John Gale,
who had raised with KT.

Gale eventually called and Isabelle missed

Title: Re: Isabelle Mercier & the British Poker Open
Post by: Surprise on May 04, 2005, 11:50:13 PM
Well,  thank you very much for the info.
She'll do better in Paris. 
Good evening all.

Title: Re: Isabelle Mercier & the British Poker Open
Post by: tikay on May 04, 2005, 11:52:48 PM
Well there you go Surprise (Mum), we were rooting for your lovely daughter, but she just could not find the cards when it mattered. But she was gracious in defeat in her interview.

And if she decides to play the Blackpool Main Event on Saturday, you will be able to follow her progress here on blonde.

Sadly, I won't be playing Paris, as Poker 425 will be in Vienna that week, but we wish her well.

A bientot!

Title: Re: Isabelle Mercier & the British Poker Open
Post by: Ironside on May 05, 2005, 12:04:21 AM
Bad luck Isabelle.

After being card-dead for an age she made a move with T4 reraising John Gale,
who had raised with KT.

Gale eventually called and Isabelle missed

you need new glasses mate

she tried the steal with 84 got called by kq

8 and q on flop k on river and she was toast

french toast !!!!

anyway i have to call it a night have to be up early in morning

see you guys in blackpool at weekend where i plan on walking away with the one off the bubble (we all know tikay will get the bubble)

Title: Re: Isabelle Mercier & the British Poker Open
Post by: Surprise on May 05, 2005, 12:11:43 AM
Hi there,
I don't think Isabelle will play the Blackpool Main Event on Saturday.
But if she does, I will be watching  through Blonde.
Till then, bye and have fun,

Title: Re: Isabelle Mercier & the British Poker Open
Post by: Colchester Kev on May 05, 2005, 12:15:51 AM
Ironsides application form for the "Diplomatic Corp" is in the post ;)

Title: Re: Isabelle Mercier & the British Poker Open
Post by: ifm on May 05, 2005, 03:01:13 AM
Ironsides application form for the "Diplomatic Corp" is in the post ;)

Along with Tikay's!!!
I thought it was established a while back she was Canadian and not a frog?

Title: Re: Isabelle Mercier & the British Poker Open
Post by: tikay on May 05, 2005, 09:28:26 AM
I don't believe I said or implied anywhere in this thread that Isabelle was French.....

Title: Re: Isabelle Mercier & the British Poker Open
Post by: Isabelle on May 05, 2005, 01:13:50 PM
French toast !  That's a good one!
You guys are too much, I'm having a blast reading all the post!
Anyway, I wish I had done better and impress you more, but it will have to wait for next time, sorry!
Many thanks for keeping my mom updated, she's my biggest fan, LOL !
Love always,
Isa xxx

Title: Re: Isabelle Mercier & the British Poker Open
Post by: Ironside on May 05, 2005, 03:07:50 PM
you played well isabelle
amazing you lasted so long seeing as you were so card dead
and other players were getting a big hand every other hand

Title: Re: Isabelle Mercier & the British Poker Open
Post by: Karabiner on May 05, 2005, 09:45:03 PM
Bad luck Isabelle.

After being card-dead for an age she made a move with T4 reraising John Gale,
who had raised with KT.

Gale eventually called and Isabelle missed

you need new glasses mate

she tried the steal with 84 got called by kq

Spot on mate !

I was sitting two feet from my pc with glasses off.

TV is in the corner 12 feet away, good read !

C'est la vie.

8 and q on flop k on river and she was toast

french toast !!!!

anyway i have to call it a night have to be up early in morning

see you guys in blackpool at weekend where i plan on walking away with the one off the bubble (we all know tikay will get the bubble)