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Community Forums => The Lounge => Topic started by: thetank on June 03, 2009, 08:09:38 PM

Title: gg creditcard
Post by: thetank on June 03, 2009, 08:09:38 PM
15 minutes and £12 quids worth of tilt. I cannot offer refunds of the 3 minutes of your life it will take you to read this post so please do not read unless bored.

Hi, you're through to z how can I help.

Hi, my minimum payment is due tomorrow, I know it takes a couple of days to go through. Is there anyway I can pay it justnow and, or at a branch or something and put a note on the account to get the charge reversed. It's the first time there's been a late payment in the history of this account and it's just a day.

I'm sorry. We've had extensive training on this today in fact. We're not allowed to do any of this sort of thing anymore, we're clamping down because of the credit crunch, we just can't afford to reverse charges any more.


To put things into perspective, the last call I had in fact was a lady who made a late payment of just 13p, and she was off by a day and we had to charge her £12 and couldn't do anything about it.

Okay (you're sure good at telling small porky pies in fact. The raising intonation when you say in fact sure doesn't sound like you're just making shit up and talking out of your arse)

the credit crunch, it's affecting everything.

Sounds like a catch-all excuse to dikk people to me, but whatever, can't be bothered, can I just crack on and make the payment anyway.

I'll just transfer you through to our automated system.

Can't you take it.

No, that's the other change to our system... blah blah... because of the time it takes the operators....blah blah... we can't take payments anymore ... no longer have the facility to do it ourselves.

In the time it took you to explain that you could have taken the payment.

You asked a question sir, I was just giving an answer

Ok, put me through to the automated system now please.

Is this the start date press 1, if not press 2
oh shit..2
Is this the start date press 1, if not press 2
(3 second delay by me coz brain is on low mode)
Please wait while we transfer you through to one of our advisors

Hi, you're through to x how can I help.

I was making a payment and I was a second late pressing one of the buttons so it's put me through to you. Can you take the payment.

I'm afraid we no longer have the facility to take the payment from you over the phone, it's only available on our automated system now.

Oh shit.

It's because of the credit crunch...

v good, just pop me back then tyvm, I'll have one last shot.


et al


Woohoo! All done.

Must remember to make the payment 7 days in advance next month because it takes about 4 days for the phonecall

Title: Re: gg creditcard
Post by: gatso on June 03, 2009, 08:23:37 PM
in england we have direct debits

Title: Re: gg creditcard
Post by: Royal Flush on June 03, 2009, 08:29:39 PM
Online banking.

Title: Re: gg creditcard
Post by: thetank on June 03, 2009, 08:40:17 PM
in england we have direct debits

Went off them a couple year ago coz I got charged left right and centre for being a numpt and not having enough money in my account to cover them.

Yo yo bank, can I have like a dinky £100 overdraft facility on my account plz.

No, your account has to be charge clear for 18 months.

18 months later...

Yo yo bank, can I have a dinky £100 overdraft on my account plz to handle dinky direct dibets justincase like.

No, your account needs regular credits going into it.

Wot about all the bucks from FullTilt yo

That doesn't count.

jings crivens, I guess I'll just have to have money in my account and not be a numpt.

any kind of money management tilts me. I shouldn't be in charge of anything ever.

Always treated finances as one big (or not so big) pile of money. When the pile gets smaller have to work a bit more and spend a bit less.

cliff notes : I suck at the moneyz

Agree completely though, direct debits, online banking, all makes sense. Going to get into pickles wotever tho probs. sigh

Title: Re: gg creditcard
Post by: cambo on June 03, 2009, 10:19:50 PM
just noticed your full tilt withdrawals there tank

how often do you do this?

cos the 1.50 bank charge tilts me hard, im of a mind to ship to stars to withdraw, as the withdrawal is made in pounds, its free.

Title: Re: gg creditcard
Post by: totalise on June 03, 2009, 10:27:27 PM
they only scarf up that £1.50 on deposits i think, and if you send it over to stars to try and w/draw, you are gonna be shit outta luck unless you give them plenty of cover play before hand. They will let you do it once or twice as a goodwill gesture, but if you aren't playing there, they will soon pox it.

Title: Re: gg creditcard
Post by: boldie on June 04, 2009, 08:21:32 AM
Just ship the Mrs all the moneyz and have her take care of the bills :)

Title: Re: gg creditcard
Post by: ripple11 on June 04, 2009, 03:41:43 PM

Don't believe her. They(or  management) will always have the discretion to take off a late charge.

Title: Re: gg creditcard
Post by: EvilPie on June 04, 2009, 03:51:53 PM
"Yo yo bank, can I have a dinky £2.5k overdraft  on my account plz to handle dinky direct debits just in case like."

"Of course you can Mr Russell"


Real job ftw!!!

Title: Re: gg creditcard
Post by: Colchester Kev on June 04, 2009, 04:05:42 PM
"yo yo bank, can I have an account"

"LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, fk off Mr Shepherd, and come back when you have a proper job"

Title: Re: gg creditcard
Post by: Claw75 on June 04, 2009, 04:48:59 PM
"Yo yo bank, can I have a dinky £2.5k overdraft  on my account plz to handle dinky direct debits just in case like."

"Of course you can Mr Russell"


Real job ftw!!!

yeah I've got one of them.

[ ] was fine when I had a real job

[X] is not so good now

Title: Re: gg creditcard
Post by: G1BTW on June 04, 2009, 05:21:36 PM
It is probably not legal for Banks/Credit card companies to charge you #12 in these instances.
I phoned my company with a similar problem but she pointed out that the charge was in the Ts and Cs to which I had signed up. I pointed out to her that her company was only entitled to levy a charge that reflected the cost of my transgression to them, which I calculated at about 35p. The #12 amounted to a fine, which she was not entitled to charge.
This seemed to change things a bit and she suggested that although she could not reduce the amount of the charge, was there anything else I would like her to do? I would like you to remove the charge altogether then. Which she did.
The regulator said before that anything over #12 was definitely too much, this doesn't mean that #12 is ok, as seems to be suggested by myriad programs including big ones on the BBC.

Title: Re: gg creditcard
Post by: gatso on June 04, 2009, 05:35:39 PM
also, if you phone them up and make payment direct to them the day before it's due then you ought to be throwing a fit at them charging for late payment

Title: Re: gg creditcard
Post by: sovietsong on June 04, 2009, 08:36:21 PM
move your account.  I recommend HSBC.

Title: Re: gg creditcard
Post by: cia260895 on June 04, 2009, 09:30:35 PM
Had my debit card stopped today as someone had made a £300 purchase in a sports shop,£120 in faith shoe shop,and £30 to top up a mobile,
tried to redo me oyster card today and got refused twice then cashpoint outside refused fml,

fortunately the bank didnt take any of the purchases out of my account as they spotted it and it was passed onto the fraud section I love barclays but 5 days til new card and no online banking grrrrrrrrrrr

Title: Re: gg creditcard
Post by: thetank on June 05, 2009, 12:03:06 AM
"Yo yo bank, can I have a dinky £2.5k overdraft  on my account plz to handle dinky direct debits just in case like."

"Of course you can Mr Russell"


Real job ftw!!!


4 more years yo!