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Poker Forums => Poker Hand Analysis => Topic started by: snoopy1239 on May 17, 2010, 03:53:38 PM

Title: Top Set in UKIPT
Post by: snoopy1239 on May 17, 2010, 03:53:38 PM
UKIPT early levels. I've been playing aggressively and raised pretty frequently. I also got caught bluffing four streets by J-J with Q-J and flopped open-ended and had to show on river. Have 14,000 stack. Villain hasn't been too nitty/active, although he has three-bet me a couple of times. On an earlier hand, he three-bet me in pos, I called with Q-Q. We checked Q-J-T flop. I bet 8 turn. He folded.

I raised to 400 from early post with A-A. Villain calls, although seemed tempted by another option (whether it be fold or raise). Daniel Morgan calls in big blind (I think).

Flop: A-T-3 (one spade).

I check, Villain bets (not sure of amount, likely 850 or something).
Daniel folds.
I flat call.

Turn: 7s
I check, he checks.

River: Qs

I bet around 2,750.
He moves all in for circa 15,000 (ie. I'd be calling all in).

I folded after a long dwell as I was confused by his line, and because I don't like folding top set. Easy fold or can I call it off?

Note. I can't recall 100 percent where the A of spades was, if out there at all.

Title: Re: Top Set in UKIPT
Post by: dakky on May 17, 2010, 04:30:17 PM
Nasty and I have to think about it more.

But for starters, bet flop IMO. You're so unlikely to build a big pot here unless you've coolered someone or something silly peels off like it has and you find yourself behind. Start getting chips in and hope someone calls and see what develops. Just bet and hope something develops. You would bet your air/underpairs right?

Title: Re: Top Set in UKIPT
Post by: pleno1 on May 17, 2010, 04:30:57 PM
Villain good? Usually barrelling equity on the turn, so we can rule spades out no?

What kinda hand do you think you're repping here? Can a hand that c/c, c, bet ever call a shove on river? He tank shove? Or turbo shove? Any reads at all?

Title: Re: Top Set in UKIPT
Post by: dakky on May 17, 2010, 04:33:33 PM
Villain good? Usually barrelling equity on the turn, so we can rule spades out no?

What kinda hand do you think you're repping here? Can a hand that c/c, c, bet ever call a shove on river? He tank shove? Or turbo shove? Any reads at all?

I thought he would probably barrel spades on the turn too

Title: Re: Top Set in UKIPT
Post by: mondatoo on May 17, 2010, 05:36:36 PM
Why are we keep playing sets so passively ? I know you weren't looking for analysis but we should be betting the QQ on a QJ10 board ?

I would generally cbet here but I'm c/r if I am checking.If we c/c  by doing this at no point in the hand now can we become the aggressor without looking super strong.

Title: Re: Top Set in UKIPT
Post by: TightEnd on May 17, 2010, 05:48:31 PM
Not liking the check on the flop Snoops, but once you have

Hating the check on the turn Snoops

I don't think he has spades. He has bet the flop, and I think he'd bet the turn again with say a pair and spades

I think you are good, call.

Title: Re: Top Set in UKIPT
Post by: GreekStein on May 17, 2010, 05:51:02 PM
yeah what keys says. why oh why are we checking flop?

Title: Re: Top Set in UKIPT
Post by: George2Loose on May 17, 2010, 05:52:09 PM
Yeh deffo call

And yeh what Keys said- always bet the flop

Title: Re: Top Set in UKIPT
Post by: LeKnave on May 17, 2010, 06:14:55 PM
how dont we know where the Aspades is!

Title: Re: Top Set in UKIPT
Post by: MC on May 17, 2010, 06:48:02 PM
The only hands that beat us are ones that bet the flop with air.

Admittedly the only legitimate hand we seem to be beating is QT, but we can't necessarily rule out some kind of bluff, and these possibilities are surely likely enough vs him having backdoor spades/KJ to be giving us the price to call...

Title: Re: Top Set in UKIPT
Post by: Cf on May 17, 2010, 07:05:15 PM

AT/AQ/TT/33/QQ/randombluffs are all easily in his range here. More likely than the KJ or backdoor spades me thinks.

And bet the flop. Yeah, set of aces does suck a bit as chance of someone else having anything is lowered, but on the chance they do have something we should start building a pot.

Title: Re: Top Set in UKIPT
Post by: BulldozerD on May 17, 2010, 07:08:56 PM
errr we build an aggro image then c/c the flop OOP and check turn with the nuts - don't really get it tbh.

He could have KJ, but he also could be overplaying AQ and smaller sets. AQ/TT may fit if he was pondering 3betting before flop then deciding to flat call

Title: Re: Top Set in UKIPT
Post by: snoopy1239 on May 18, 2010, 03:07:47 AM
Thanks for the feedback. I checked because I thought there was better value in inducing a bluff, betting an inferior hand, or letting them hit something on the turn than betting and folding out what I felt, at the time, was a high percentage of their range. Villain didn't seem like the type to float, and I thought he'd three-bet J-J to K-K, and would fold a gut-shot and under pairs to the 10 (it's hard to transfer table dynamics and feelings on opponent into text). This was a rare check for me on such a big flop, but for some reason I convinced myself they were braced to fold and I think because I'd missed a lot of flops that day, psychologically, that affected me a little in terms of not wanting it to go snap-fold, snap-fold. I think I can widen his calling range, however, and given that I'd raised a lot preflop (although not c-bet every flop), I likely should have led.

My plan was to check-raise the turn as I thought my line would look odd (ie. consensus is to bet flops when you hit big) and my hand would be better disguised. I folded the river after a long dwell. I didn't feel he was capable of turning his hand into a bluff, and felt he'd just flat call with sets and two pairs (like mondatoo said, my hand looks pretty strong betting this river). This wasn't a crazy table, and he seemed pretty comfortable when he shoved in. He hadn't moved his chips about very much prior, so didn't think he'd put his tourney life on the line at this stage without the goods. Certainly didn't think he was bluffing. Although it's odd that he didn't bet the turn with spades, you could say the same about a bluff I suppose. I wasn't happy with how I played it though. Having said that, I'm not 100 percent it's a snap on the river. I still have him on a very range, but could be wrong.

I rarely play tournaments, and think I make a lot of errors still, so all comments appreciated. Ta.

Title: Re: Top Set in UKIPT
Post by: NigDawG on May 18, 2010, 02:47:36 PM
Yeh lol knowing where the As is is pretty crucial

+1 to betting the flop, wanna build a pot and it's silly not having top set in your cbetting Axx range. You say you showed a 4 barrel bluff earlier so def be betting your nut hands.

As played call the shove

Title: Re: Top Set in UKIPT
Post by: Dubai on May 18, 2010, 11:17:29 PM
how dont we know where the Aspades is!

Jesus. I was about to post this

Title: Re: Top Set in UKIPT
Post by: AlexMartin on May 19, 2010, 12:06:27 AM
how dont we know where the Aspades is!

Jesus. I was about to post this

+1 so important.

also fwiw checking flop is fine imo, given we are rarely/never gona get 3 (or evern 2) streets from worse. betting flop only v ppl that are really floaty/peeling w gutterballs.

infact i think its all fine but fold river w/o As, snap otherwise.

Title: Re: Top Set in UKIPT
Post by: pleno1 on May 19, 2010, 05:26:12 AM
i agree with alex that checking flop is fine. not much he can call with too and we usually left thinking sigghhh why can't he have 1010 one time/ why couldnt i let him catch up abit. if he has 1010 it all goes in if we check anyway.. we can even get 3 streets of value against him trying to get us off qq/kk if we tank call two streets.