blonde poker forum

Poker Forums => The Rail => Topic started by: LeeMcshane on May 07, 2012, 12:12:13 AM

Title: Best site for Training/coaching?? Also ghosting
Post by: LeeMcshane on May 07, 2012, 12:12:13 AM
Does anyone here have any experience in using any of the poker training sites as in Pokerpawnage, Pokerxfactor, cardrunners or any of these. Im looking at joining one and i would like some feedback from anyone who has actually used them and if there worth it?

Ideally it would be specifically for  MTTs. I used to have a coach that helped me on a regular basis where we would run Mikogo HH session and just run through alot of calculations and all that, but due to Reporting Poker now instead of playing ( God knows why as he earn't loads playing) i need to keep on learning and expanding my knowledge while keeping my poker brain fresh.
So if anyone knows of any sites they have used please could you give me a few hints on which you found best.

Also if anyone here does regular videos or session i would love to ghost in to improve my own and anyone elses game and vice versa for me to do a couple of sessions if a group of us wnat to get together. Im all about learning more as you can never learn to much of this game!

Title: Re: Best site for Training/coaching?? Also ghosting
Post by: jgcblack on May 07, 2012, 12:42:49 AM
I've got a TPE membership - tournament poker edge and have found their videos to be pretty good.  But I'm no mtt destroyer and so im unsure how awesome it is for a full time mtt player.  I play cash generally and experiment in online mtt's every now and then.

Title: Re: Best site for Training/coaching?? Also ghosting
Post by: KarmaDope on May 07, 2012, 10:12:51 AM
DC's weakness is their MTT section. Got some good STT/MTTSNG stuff though.

Title: Re: Best site for Training/coaching?? Also ghosting
Post by: corkeye on May 08, 2012, 08:39:18 PM
I grind sngs and basically was a member of deuces cracked until about a year ago. Great community however very little recent sng/mtt content these days. They are great for cash tho. I think card runners and poker xfactr are worth a look.

Title: Re: Best site for Training/coaching?? Also ghosting
Post by: Pugwashed on May 08, 2012, 09:33:30 PM
Leggo don't put out a ton of mtt videos but still reasonable amount but from what I've seen the standard of mtt videos they put out is really good. Tony Dunst did a hand history review of a deep run I had in an FCOOP from last year and that was pretty cool. King Dan's videos are also pretty awesome. I had a DC membership for a month, most of the mtt stuff seemed pretty weaksauce in comparison. Not really sure about others although I know CR have some sickos and I've heard good things about P5's

Title: Re: Best site for Training/coaching?? Also ghosting
Post by: LeeMcshane on May 08, 2012, 11:29:30 PM
Thanks for your feedback guys. Still a little unsure where to go im more about quality then quantity as the membership cost is not a problem. so far it looks like lego could be the best one heard good reviews about pokerxfactor from my friends across the pond i just dont want to sign up to something where i aint going to learn a great deal.