Title: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: Karabiner on January 02, 2014, 01:52:13 AM Nobody appears to have mentioned this new trend of around 10% of prizepools being deducted for seats to future big events such as £500+50 deepstacks and Sky £1k+100 ME so I thought it might be interesting to find out how people feel about it.
Title: Re: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: blueace on January 02, 2014, 01:57:25 AM You've put a negative slant on this. The way I saw it the prize pools went up and the tickets were part of the rise. If we are talking Dtd then the numbers seem to confirm that the players like it too.
Title: Re: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: rfgqqabc on January 02, 2014, 02:00:17 AM The poll answers are hilariously biased. The most positive option is pretty meh and the most negative is absolute outrage. I think these are great ideas.
Title: Re: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: Karabiner on January 02, 2014, 02:03:10 AM The poll answers are hilariously biased. The most positive option is pretty meh and the most negative is absolute outrage. I think these are great ideas. I've added a more positive option for you. Title: Re: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: Tal on January 02, 2014, 07:51:48 AM I suppose the only thing I would want is for the seat to be transferrable, as I'm playing Comp A, rather than a satellite into Comp B. I might not want to play Comp B or I might not be able to. That shouldn't stop me from wanting to play Comp A, which is a suitable buy-in level and a fun comp.
I appreciate that the organisers want to advertise that, in Comp B, they have the winner of Comp A, "who won his seat for just the entry fee of Comp A". This is the conflict that the system imposes. That's it for me, though. Anything added to a prize pool is a gift. Title: Re: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: Skippy on January 02, 2014, 10:15:24 AM So what you are saying is that if it's a £100 comp with a guarantee of 10k including say 2x 500+50 seats (£1100), and it makes 12k, actually the payouts only come to £10,900, and the top two people get £500 seats whether they like it or not. They are not added seats?
Title: Re: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: blueace on January 02, 2014, 10:42:23 AM So what you are saying is that if it's a £100 comp with a guarantee of 10k including say 2x 500+50 seats (£1100), and it makes 12k, actually the payouts only come to £10,900, and the top two people get £500 seats whether they like it or not. They are not added seats? Prizepools INCLUDE the price of the tickets, so for all the money raised take off the price of any torn tickets that are part of the pool. Title: Re: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: CHIPPYMAN on January 02, 2014, 10:48:14 AM I think DTD is the ONLY club in the world that is trying to make everyone one happy but not everyone are. I like the way the GUARENTEE are inclusive of seats and by the responsed from the turnout , it's a success . Well DTD
Title: Re: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: BangBang on January 02, 2014, 10:56:20 AM Think it's a good idea.. For someone like me who only plays once in a while due to work and family commitments, it gives me an added incentive to play during the week..
Plus the numbers seem to be up and the GTD has been raised on the tournies to accommodate this.. All in all I think it's a good idea.. Title: Re: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: GlennDuskTillDawn on January 02, 2014, 11:14:39 AM My 2p's worth.
From a pure playing perspective, I think its a great way to get recreational players and smaller buy in players into bigger events. For example: I wouldn't play a satellite for a £1K event. But I see it as an added incentive for tournaments I would play such as Super 50 and tournaments like the £100 multi day event planned at Genting Luton. To a recreational guy and the type of player that could be more involved in the game, they get prize money and potentially a seat into a £1K event for as little as £25, win win really. Title: Re: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: YEAHMAN123 on January 02, 2014, 03:18:30 PM I can see it be confusing when you read it, when I first saw them I wasn't quite sure and heard some funny stories of players doing a 4/5 way chop then selling the 500seat for £150 or sumthin because they just duno what it's for lol.
I think it's a good idea what Dtd our doing putting up the gtd for the smaller buyins, please don't change and if u do keep a once a month one ( I know Dtd do like to tinker ;) ) I'd love to play these every night but work and house commitments means my plastic cards running low :( Frankie you'll never please us moaners its what we do ;) I'm sure u get them too in ur business Title: Re: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: rfgqqabc on January 02, 2014, 03:29:10 PM The poll answers are hilariously biased. The most positive option is pretty meh and the most negative is absolute outrage. I think these are great ideas. I've added a more positive option for you. Didn't mean to sound like such an arse. Cheers (Y) As long as they don't take up much of the prizepool then its cool. Title: Re: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: The Camel on January 02, 2014, 03:36:59 PM I can why Karabiner's dander is up, but I'm a little less bothered.
If you want to play a specific tournament in the future, you'd play a satellite. This is like an extra bit of juice on a small tournament. I don't think it would stop me playing a competition (unless I couldn't play in the tournament the seats are given in), but I do think the tickets should be transferable at the very least. Title: Re: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: 77dave on January 02, 2014, 04:27:12 PM Luton Genting Cardroom
£20000 GTD + 10x £440 GPS Seats for DTD Notts £135 + £15 NLH Deepstack this is the comp on at Gentings Luton tonight, 10 seats for DTD GPS tomorrow bit rough having seats for the following night for a diifferent casino. Title: Re: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: GlennDuskTillDawn on January 02, 2014, 04:33:49 PM Luton Genting Cardroom £20000 GTD + 10x £440 GPS Seats for DTD Notts £135 + £15 NLH Deepstack this is the comp on at Gentings Luton tonight, 10 seats for DTD GPS tomorrow bit rough having seats for the following night for a diifferent casino. Hi, The GPS Nottingham starts next week not tomorrow. The event at Luton is a 2 Day event with Day 2 in the weekend, Sunday I believe. Hope this helps. Glenn Title: Re: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: Junior Senior on January 02, 2014, 07:18:33 PM Its fine as long as seats can be transferred. I actually like it as i can go home and say to the wife that my prize came with a free seat and the comp is this coming weekend so you know that lunch with your Mum etc etc.... Needs to be transferable though in case you cant fob off your in laws as easily as i can
Title: Re: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: brookie on January 02, 2014, 07:40:22 PM I think u should be able to take the money value, because as myself I don't get to dtd often
Title: Re: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: redarmi on January 03, 2014, 02:39:32 AM Must say it doesn't bother me massively and I can definitely see why DTD are doing it BUT it definitely has stopped me playing a couple of events at DTD in the past couple of weeks. I was in Derby for a few days over Xmas and played the deepstack and whilst i was there I noticed a few smaller events with fairly big prizepools but also with gteeds tickets for the UKPC. I know I definitely can't play UKPC as it clashes with my daughters bday and I will be in States. Obviously I am a fairly unique case but it did make me think "meh I won't play then" and there must have been people in Notts at Xmas that had similar thoughts. I think in this case it represented over 10% of the gtee which seemed a fair whack to me but it did mean I only played the deepsatck whereas I might have been inclined to play a few other events too.
Title: Re: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: RobM on January 03, 2014, 03:33:31 AM I personally think it's a very good thing - for players and the Business which goes towards a positive cycle. The idea is one of Dtd's best to date for this reason IMO.
Sunday was a prime example. £20k guaranteed for a £100 - 1 day event - fantastic tourney and prizepool for a rec player like me. The tourney generated £17.8k, but - whereas before this may discourage dtd to put it on again, this pool, although not ideal, is a lot more manageable for them... before, £2.2k would walk out of the door spread thinly across many players whereas now it's reinvested via 4 seats into a tourney which crucially is already guaranteed, thus spreading their pain and reducing risk as these 4 seats count towards that guarantee. It's just good business and in turn keeps nice comps in the calendar for us. The tourney progression also helps promote the grass roots player pool growth too. I am a perfect example for this...Binked a seat on Sun (thin), hence why I've thought about this enough to respond... Basically a £2.8k win and I still cannot justify a future entry to a £550 comp to my bank roll conscience or indeed the wife. Whereas - instead, I still brought home a chunky £2.25k for a nights play and now have a guilt free shot at the bigger event. These are where I want to be playing longer term and can't help but feel this assists more than hinders this plan and can only assume it will be the same for many others. Interestingly the Deepstack is also guaranteeing seats into the sky £1k - where could the dream take me... :) thanks dtd! The only slightly negative thing that I would say (for balance) is as these are forced - to ensure the original tourneys can categorically be distinguished from satellites and to avoid it becoming a deterrent on this basis, I would love to see seat validity for a minimum of three months. I was told I need to use mine in Feb and although I was told I can use it towards the sky 1k directly too, meaning some flexibility is already there, it just could be better as again for Title: Re: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: The Camel on January 03, 2014, 04:10:44 AM Perhaps this is an idea - if a player uses his winnings from one of these "feeders" tournaments to buy in to the main event, he gets a rake free seat?
But not compulsory. Title: Re: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: BulldozerD on January 03, 2014, 10:33:03 AM Not played at DTD for a while so not up to speed on their regular comps and guarantees but the OP title suggests that seats are being deducted from existing prizepools/guarantees. I am note sure this is the case? Would an Incredible £100 be guaranteed at £20k without the seats being included?
My impression of these comps is that the guarantees are being increased or maintained by the prospect of winning one of these seats and the way that the comps are advertised is not misleading in my opinion. This is probably are more sustainable way for DTD to keep guarantees high than cold hard cash when the overlays start happening. As an example I guess the comps could be advertised as either ~£17.8k plus 4 added £550 seats or £20k guaranteed (including 4 £550 seats) - both are as broad as they are long. Satellites/Tokens Generally Personally I get confused with all the sats/tokens etc and as I can only make the occasional comp I never bother playing satellites well in advance as I usually make last minute decisions to play and would hate to win a seat that expires. As an aside I think having tournaments at set buyins that are multiples of each other may be a good way of structuring Satellites etc. So if regular bigger tourney buyins were (say): £1,000 + £100 £500 + £50 £250 + £25 £125 + £12.50 Players who satellite into bigger events would have choice to play intermediate tournaments on their satellite wins or save up tokens to play the bigger events. This could encourage satellite players to build up tourney credits on a regular basis through the online sats and encourage more regular participation. Just a thought that would suit me better that's all. Title: REPLY Post by: DTD-ACES on January 03, 2014, 01:45:25 PM Hi
Read the comments, thank you - just to be clear on this and I will speak to Nicola to make it clearer on the schedule, 1. The seats won have no expiry 2. £550 seats can be used for any £550 event in the future (Deepstack, Big Game, Sky £500 Side events) OR used as part payment for a higher buy-in event 3. £1100 seats can be used for any £1100 event in the future (eg. Sky, UKIPT £1M, Monte Carlo) 4. The seats are included in the GTE, so in effect when we miss the GTE, we are adding them, such as the Incredible 100 last Sunday, we added all 4 seats to the prizepool. We advertise as "10 x Sky Poker £1100 Seats" so that we can promote the next event (very important when you do so many major events), and to be honest, 95% of seat winners have used for the next available event and I would expect this to continue. So far, so good, numbers have increased in the comps and players have given me very positive feedback. The idea to increasing GTE's and including seats into our major events came from club members suggestions - like most of the things we do at DTD. On a personal note. our GTE's at all buy-ins continue to be at what Rob refers to as 'nosebleed level', anything that gets NEW players into these events rather than just our regular sat winners and direct buy-ins has to be good for the game. As always, if anyone wants to discuss this will me, feel free to talk to me at the Club. Cheers Aces Title: Re: REPLY Post by: redarmi on January 03, 2014, 02:00:48 PM Hi Read the comments, thank you - just to be clear on this, 1. The seats won have no expiry 2. £550 seats can be used for any £550 event in the future (Deepstack, Big Game, Sky £500 Side events) OR used as part payment for a higher buy-in event 3. £1100 seats can be used for any £1100 event (eg. Sky, UKIPT £1M, Monte Carlo) 4. The seats are included in the GTE, so in effect when we miss the GTE, we are adding them, such as the Incredible 100 last Sunday, we added all 4 seats to the prizepool. We advertise as "10 x Sky Poker £1100 Seats" so that we can promote the next event (very important when you do so many major events), and to be honest, 95% of seat winners have used for the next available event and I would expect this to continue. So far, so good, numbers have increased in the comps and players have given me very positive feedback. To be fair, increasing GTE's and including seats for our major events was from our members suggestions - not actually a DTD idea, although it will work well for the club if it continues to be successful. Our GTE's at all buy-ins continue to be at what Rob refers to as 'nosebleed level', anything that get NEW players into these rather than just our regular sat winners and direct buy-ins has to help the ecology of our major events. Cheers Aces Fwiw - if I had realised this I would definitely have played a few more events over Xmas. Maybe make it a bit clearer as for a non reg there like me it was literally a case of seeing the poster, thinking that looks like a good event and then seeing the seats gteed and realising I couldn't play the subsequent event so deciding against it. Title: Re: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: T8MML on January 03, 2014, 06:57:33 PM Personally I think this is a great idea that serves two masters. From DTDs viewpoint it helps ease the pain of overlays and any overlay money in smaller comps walking out the door. From the rec players point of view especially those who would love to play the bigger comps it's a no brainer IMHO. A guy wins £3000 flat and with the transparency of money won he goes home with the cash. The wife/girlfriend will be pleased and could easily find a home for it. He would like to keep £500 back for a d/s however has never paid more than say £25 she's gonna flip. You go home with £2500 shes still happy plus youre free rolling a £500 comp the wife's happy/you're happy.
Winner winner chicken dinner! Title: Re: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: pokerplayingfarmer on January 05, 2014, 11:29:11 AM Yes I agree with the majority here, good idea for both parties, it gets extra players in the bigger comps, and gives those who wouldnt have bought in direct or even tried satellites a chance to play.
Also, am I right in thinking that its not actually a full £550 deducted from the winning seats prize? The way I understand it the seats are deducted from the prizepool, before payouts are worked out, meaning in effect all the cash payouts have reduced by a smaller amount. ie, if 1st place got paid 25% of the total prizepool, in effect the winner only has 25% of £550 x number of seats (137.50 x 2 seats) deducted, so really gets a seat for £275. Win Win alround. Well done DTD Title: Re: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: leethefish on January 05, 2014, 01:49:35 PM While the seats have no expiry ,...it's A great idea it means for me for instance if I won 2k in a comp I wouldn't use £500 of it for a deepstack it would be swallowed up by all sorts
But if it was £1500 plus a £500 seat it's win win cos I would have to play a tourney I want to play but wouldn't buy into directly. Title: Re: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: teamonkey on January 06, 2014, 11:52:40 AM My only real issue with it is the way it is worded
For example 20k gtd prize pool (including 4x 550 seats to tournament X) Is actually a 17.8k gtd prize pool with a bonus of 4x 550 seats to the top 4 finishers I fully understand why it is worded that way, to attract players to the larger gtd figure, but like most people clicking on the "I accept" button for t&c's, you need to look a little deeper to see the full explanation. Regardless of that though, still love dtd, wish i lived closer and could afford to play more, and the prizepools, regardless of added OR included seats, offer the best value and poker experience in the UK imo. Title: Re: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: CHIPPYMAN on January 06, 2014, 12:18:41 PM Played the XXXL yesterday . Yes I did n luck box the comp . Flicked in £55 (+reload) n get over £1300 with seats . Bargain ! Well done DTD, u always get my support
Title: Re: Seats for future events deducted from prizepools. Post by: dik9 on January 06, 2014, 01:58:05 PM If it is clearly advertised then I cannot see a problem.
What I would like to see (for the protection of overlays) is added money to make up the guarantee added as tournament pounds on deposit for future live or online tourneys. So Prizepools are honoured but the overlay stays in the club. |