Title: £55 games Post by: shipitgood on August 08, 2016, 02:24:13 PM For this week, I'm going to be playing 5 x £55 bounty hunters on sky and would like to offer 30-35% @ 1.1 mark up.
The first game will be tonight. Any returns will be paid within 24 hours of the 5th game being comPleted and to make the stake run as smoothly as possible I would ask all monies for stake be paid prior to commencement of 1st game. 10% equals 30.25 Title: Re: £55 games Post by: hhyftrftdr on August 08, 2016, 04:03:49 PM Change of heart? From June 2015 when you posted this on here.....
''This will also be my last staking thread for online poker, apart from if I was doing some kind of Charity Event'' I think this is stake No4 since then ;) glgl.....fingers crossed for outstNding results. Title: Re: £55 games Post by: shipitgood on August 08, 2016, 07:55:38 PM This is closed now. Thanks