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Poker Forums => The Rail => Topic started by: mikeymike2 on January 14, 2021, 04:40:28 PM

Title: Are there benefits from withdrawing and re depositing?
Post by: mikeymike2 on January 14, 2021, 04:40:28 PM
Does anybody know whether you are penalised if you just keep playing on PS and do not withdraw.

I thought I saw somewhere that you get better RB and other goodies if you constantly deposit ie (losing player or winning player) equals - gets more benefits but i do not know if that is true. I am only playing cash and for the last couple of months things have gone okay - so if i withdraw BR do I lose out on dollar conversion and gain on other benefits when i put the money back on the site.

It all seems a terrible faff any ideas.


Title: Re: Are there benefits from withdrawing and re depositing?
Post by: Doobs on January 14, 2021, 05:02:33 PM
Firstly, you don't lose anything on dollar conversion if you have a GBP account on Stars.

On rewards, I am both a short run and long run losing player before rakeback on Stars, and since chests have come in my rewards have been consistently apalling.  By appaling I mean 9 out of 10 of my chests give me pennies or freeroll tickets.

I have had spells where I barely deposited or withdrew and other spells where I have deposited 10 times in a month (withdrawals are naturally bigger, so are less frequent).  I'd say at no stage has there been a noticeable change from appalling.  I have had stages where I have sat first in SNGs, played heads up, splashed in a few spin and goes, and played cash.  Nothing moves the rewards from appalling. 

I think it is safe to conclude that unless you are a massive whale then you aren't going to get decent rewards/rakeback from Stars.  And though theoretically more rake can be better, the reality is different.

I will just add that in the current series they have given me one or two twenty dollar and a few five dollar tournament tickets.  A five dollar ticket is probably more than is in 99% of my chests, but it is still lower than rakeback elsewhere.  It is an improvement on the previous couple of years though.

Title: Re: Are there benefits from withdrawing and re depositing?
Post by: bergeroo on January 14, 2021, 05:47:29 PM
yeah like Doobs says, first make sure you have the GBP currency option enabled, then convert all your money to £ before you withdraw and you will never lose anything. There is no reason to leave a bunch of money on a poker site anyway, even if we think Stars is super safe.

I have no idea who thought of the idea for Chests on Stars, but having to physically press the button, wait for the animation and be rewarded with 10 cents is not something that fills me with excitement and it is more of an insult. Disaster

I am sure there are some computer algorithms to generate more rake from players. Would be really interested in this but I am sure they are highly secret in each company.

A lot of people got equivalent 40% rakeback last year for a while on Stars, you have to open the Challenges window on the right and see what it offers you.

Title: Re: Are there benefits from withdrawing and re depositing?
Post by: teddybloat on January 15, 2021, 05:21:52 PM
I had a 6k downswing a couple of years ago and randomly got a 1k chest - which says a lot about my standard of play maybe haha.

But outside of that it's pennies.

Think that's the default.

They do volume challenges for 40% RB which you can complete as many times as you like, but the challenge is a push up from normal volume unless you love upstake.

RB is simply not a thing for most now

Title: Re: Are there benefits from withdrawing and re depositing?
Post by: tonytats on January 19, 2021, 11:57:06 AM
Denise’s son won a few $3 tournaments
Got a spin to win
Won $15 k