Title: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 09:12:21 AM The first of Five Side Events of the week long Sky Poker UK Poker Championship begin tonight at 6pm with the £3300 High Roller
This thread for News, photos and results through the week from these Events Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 09:15:06 AM Qualifers in the Live HR Satellite last night
1 James Sykes Seat 2 Umar Khan Seat 3 Mitchell Johnson Seat 4 Emran Hussain Seat 5 Mohammed Ifzail Seat 6 Stacy Coore Seat 7 Andrew Hills Seat 8 Matt Perrins 1500 There is another £150rb satellite today at 1pm -- 6pm start for the High Roller with Late reg til 11.10pm, £150,000 GTD One re-entry Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 11:11:47 AM For the winners of each event
(https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/t1/1958292_10152253987727079_1008859025_n.jpg) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: theprawnidentity on February 18, 2014, 11:28:58 AM Can you make two of 'em a bit longer tighty? They will probably have to go a bit further up my arm....
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TL900 on February 18, 2014, 12:02:19 PM gl everyone
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: atdc21 on February 18, 2014, 01:08:21 PM Looks a fantastic festival, will you be doing updates for the main event Tighty?
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: flushthemout on February 18, 2014, 01:43:13 PM Gl Rich, Plenty of sleep needed
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: BulldozerD on February 18, 2014, 01:43:48 PM Hope the festival is a great success, good luck everyone.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: tikay on February 18, 2014, 02:00:14 PM I am deputising for Tighty, who has still to show his face here @ DTD. Hope you are enjoying my Updates. Any questions, fire away. I won't answer them, mind. Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: BorntoBubble on February 18, 2014, 02:12:03 PM I am deputising for Tighty, who has still to show his face here @ DTD. Hope you are enjoying my Updates. Any questions, fire away. I won't answer them, mind. Gl Rich, Plenty of sleep needed Seems like he is ;) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: smokynuts on February 18, 2014, 02:16:05 PM Is there live stream anywhere for this week ?
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 02:19:34 PM Is there live stream anywhere for this week ? No, there are updates on here and Sky Poker (similar, I am doing both) There is a six part Sky Sports TV programme starting mid March covering the UKPC week, filming starts tomorrow Streams would act as a spoiler to viewing figures for that... Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: smokynuts on February 18, 2014, 02:56:07 PM Is there live stream anywhere for this week ? No, there are updates on here and Sky Poker (similar, I am doing both) There is a six part Sky Sports TV programme starting mid March covering the UKPC week, filming starts tomorrow Streams would act as a spoiler to viewing figures for that... K ty for answer Richard you got your work cut out this weeks gl Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 03:18:41 PM The High Roller satellite today had 44 runners with 81 rebuys and made £18750 for five seats and cash
The High Roller itself starts at 6pm I will give news of that tonight Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 04:00:33 PM Might as well start as we mean to go on, huh?
(https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-sAIedzGv6is/UwN9eWNdaKI/AAAAAAAAO4M/STtTj4jg5yw/w892-h597-no/DSC04834.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Pinchop73 on February 18, 2014, 04:08:10 PM That's one of Ryan's best pics
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: atdc21 on February 18, 2014, 04:36:29 PM An excellent start with the photos Tighty 8)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 06:17:16 PM There are 36 runners at the start of the £3000 High Roller, Guaranteed at £150,000
Could be any beginners night field really 11 1 Sam Trickett 11 2 Ben Dobson 11 3 Richard Kellett 11 4 James Williams 11 5 Adam Forsyth 11 6 David Nicholson 11 7 Willie Tann 12 1 Simon Deadman 12 2 John Haigh 12 3 John-paul Kelly 12 4 Paul Jackson 12 5 Boris Becker 12 6 Barrie Price 12 7 Andrew Hills 13 1 Toby Lewis 13 2 Leon Louis 13 3 Dave Ulliott 13 4 Patrick Leonard 13 5 Keith Johnson 13 6 Enzo Gomez 13 7 Paul Foltyn 14 1 David La Ronde 14 2 Mike Hill 14 3 Steven Warburton 14 4 Richard Trigg 14 5 Alex Goulder 14 6 David Gent 14 7 Thomas Middleton 15 1 Ian Frazer 15 2 Kevin Allen 15 3 Christopher Brammer 15 4 Jack Ellwood 15 5 Andrew Hulme 15 6 Ian Simpson 15 7 Tom Batterham 15 8 Anthony Nicholls Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: celtic on February 18, 2014, 06:19:07 PM There are 36 runners at the start of the £3000 High Roller, Guaranteed at £150,000 Could be any beginners night field really 11 1 Sam Trickett 11 2 Ben Dobson 11 3 Richard Kellett 11 4 James Williams 11 5 Adam Forsyth 11 6 David Nicholson 11 7 Willie Tann 12 1 Simon Deadman 12 2 John Haigh 12 3 John-paul Kelly 12 4 Paul Jackson 12 5 Boris Becker 12 6 Barrie Price 12 7 Andrew Hills 13 1 Toby Lewis 13 2 Leon Louis 13 3 Dave Ulliott 13 4 Patrick Leonard 13 5 Keith Johnson 13 6 Enzo Gomez 13 7 Paul Foltyn 14 1 David La Ronde 14 2 Mike Hill 14 3 Steven Warburton 14 4 Richard Trigg 14 5 Alex Goulder 14 6 David Gent 14 7 Thomas Middleton 15 1 Ian Frazer 15 2 Kevin Allen 15 3 Christopher Brammer 15 4 Jack Ellwood 15 5 Andrew Hulme 15 6 Ian Simpson 15 7 Tom Batterham 15 8 Anthony Nicholls That looks fun! Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 06:33:07 PM A monster pot
Steve Warburton raises and David La Ronde calls in the big It comes 4-4-7 10 turn 10 river soon both stacks are all in Warburton 10-10 La Ronde 4-4 Quite the start to the week Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: celtic on February 18, 2014, 06:35:40 PM Picture nicked from Alex.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: George2Loose on February 18, 2014, 06:37:06 PM Knew sky poker was rigged
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 06:39:52 PM cambridge alex's photo of it
(https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1/1606926_10153842523700564_1562859802_n.jpg) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Vinodh on February 18, 2014, 06:40:52 PM ridic start!!! Wow!
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: theprawnidentity on February 18, 2014, 06:43:08 PM Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Nit Tendencies on February 18, 2014, 07:16:37 PM Lol poker.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: T8MML on February 18, 2014, 07:17:38 PM Picture nicked from Alex. That's what happens when the extra dealers needed this week come from the Internet Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 07:21:15 PM Aces against Kings in the first orbit for Ian Frazer against Ian Simpson.
There's one re-entry too Mr Simpson (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/jnA9H5oEI3nOiWEl9duOTXSsJ1FlgiSoTsiudBYz2TM=w892-h597) (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-H3E0hiOhpCE/UwOoee4AEeI/AAAAAAAAO5c/J1F_skvyzn4/w400-h597-no/DSC04841.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 07:23:49 PM Chris Brammer next to Jack Ellwood
(https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-MMwjGzQX89w/UwOopGTonWI/AAAAAAAAO5k/5ydUvnBkAgs/w892-h597-no/DSC04842.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 07:25:18 PM actionman
(https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-mcex1ZHl-YM/UwOozJ2NZzI/AAAAAAAAO5s/N0d8kOfiYdc/w400-h597-no/DSC04843.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TheJokerKing on February 18, 2014, 07:29:04 PM good luck to all blondies !
looks pretty sick start with those coolers. Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: BorntoBubble on February 18, 2014, 07:30:04 PM trigg knows this is UKPC not UKIPT right?
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 07:30:08 PM inaction man
(https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-t6OfSahZ0Sk/UwOo27VuBBI/AAAAAAAAO50/esOynpxDrSM/w400-h597-no/DSC04844.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 07:33:12 PM Middy
(https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-LTmTqUdhlZo/UwOo_dNY_yI/AAAAAAAAO58/sBrHPOjU44Q/w400-h597-no/DSC04845.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 07:34:30 PM That's second place sorted then
(https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Y4AMZqw95wY/UwOpDhsfBPI/AAAAAAAAO6E/wOx5C6qsGXs/w400-h597-no/DSC04846.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 07:36:48 PM Toby Lewis
(https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-lqbuHYHojlI/UwOpP2kEnvI/AAAAAAAAO6c/5EKTFdJCvzQ/w400-h597-no/DSC04849.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 07:38:09 PM James Williams hoiping to follow up on his Grand Prix second
Just had Aces and Kings back to back "no good to me now, I need them later.." (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-tLaENWtrKIo/UwOpM1TR-2I/AAAAAAAAO6U/ksLnB1NENyU/w400-h597-no/DSC04848.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 07:39:29 PM Devilfish mixing it with the young'uns
(https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-hVD04rieK9I/UwOqX-gKYwI/AAAAAAAAO6o/1WaR-OVn4UI/w400-h597-no/DSC04850.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 07:40:45 PM Pleno and MundaneMan
(https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-8ErIgumbReM/UwOqv0joX6I/AAAAAAAAO6w/Z0zKZfVKwUc/w892-h597-no/DSC04851.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 07:41:35 PM Fresh from recent online wins, Pab
(https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-5QRE5wmfgsE/UwOrVGJNu2I/AAAAAAAAO68/jqbYoTK38EI/w400-h597-no/DSC04852.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 07:42:38 PM When two worlds collide.
LilDave and Willie Tann (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-7XfqHWgo5po/UwOpHZRhoeI/AAAAAAAAO6M/tCMvD35d7VI/w892-h597-no/DSC04847.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Vinodh on February 18, 2014, 07:49:16 PM Snap of the UKPC Ambassador please!
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: BorntoBubble on February 18, 2014, 07:50:13 PM So many heros looks like a lot of fun if you were in for free. dont think id wanna put my money up with these guys!
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: BorntoBubble on February 18, 2014, 07:50:37 PM Snap of the UKPC Ambassador please! enough photos of tikay already.... oh that other one! Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Vinodh on February 18, 2014, 07:51:18 PM Snap of the UKPC Ambassador please! enough photos of tikay already.... oh that other one! Nice one.. lol Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 07:54:38 PM On the same tabel
"So Albert, still playing at the Vic?" "Every f****** day Sam, they get me every f******** day" (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-LKloX6X6xAE/UwO1deLXw8I/AAAAAAAAO8A/eYbJIFDG0Ws/w400-h597-no/DSC04860.JPG) (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-Rns_X4j45eI/UwO1AbU6EdI/AAAAAAAAO74/a2Xk2JaHbaM/w400-h597-no/DSC04859.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 07:56:09 PM He's on the worst table for me to snap, but one of Bayern Munich's greatest fans is taking the tournament in and the Emirates tomorrow if he busts
(https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-Zgw-BCckZjY/UwO0Ne5_VfI/AAAAAAAAO7g/fx68fnHT4uo/w400-h597-no/DSC04856.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 07:57:08 PM Punter on a beano, tie dye and cap = Sam Grafton
(https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-ykyq6MF4TUo/UwO0-fhWwtI/AAAAAAAAO7w/YmQ9FdNI94I/w400-h597-no/DSC04858.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 07:58:08 PM button to Becker's big blind, JP Kelly
Advantage Kelly? (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-6HWJ15IVi3s/UwOzUrFvcEI/AAAAAAAAO7M/cKQfaLU8wS0/w400-h597-no/DSC04854.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 07:59:12 PM Nottinghamshire Go-Karting champion 2014
(https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-GqXFU8HiSiY/UwO0uIZaJkI/AAAAAAAAO7o/xSSiaLyPX5A/w400-h597-no/DSC04857.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 08:00:17 PM between JP and Boris, with Grand Prix winnings to spend
(https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-IkG_ChcIN1Q/UwOzqz06D9I/AAAAAAAAO7U/gWJesZKthq8/w400-h597-no/DSC04855.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: T8MML on February 18, 2014, 08:03:21 PM Albert only decided to play the HR when he found it was a re-entry
"needed to find something to f----------ing do until the f------------ing Mega satt started" #legend Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 08:14:39 PM Up to 65 entries, including 2 re-entries so far
That's the first of this week's guarantees met In shock news, tikay is in Nandos for dinner Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: celtic on February 18, 2014, 08:19:13 PM In shock news, tikay is in Nandos for dinner Please let that be true. Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 08:20:33 PM In shock news, tikay is in Nandos for dinner Please let that be true. 100% true The Poor staff. Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Karabiner on February 18, 2014, 08:21:08 PM It must be the first tourney that he's not played this year or a misprint.
No Dave C. Nesbitt on the player's list. Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 08:30:16 PM There is currently a sizeable overlay in the £50 rebuy Mega Sat for the Main
75 runners, guaranteed at 20 £1100 seats Late registration to 10.20pm if you are close enough Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: smokynuts on February 18, 2014, 08:33:39 PM Devilfish mixing it with the young'uns (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-hVD04rieK9I/UwOqX-gKYwI/AAAAAAAAO6o/1WaR-OVn4UI/w400-h597-no/DSC04850.JPG) From the off my pick for win simon deadman and devil fish heads up Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 08:51:03 PM It must be the first tourney that he's not played this year or a misprint. No Dave C. Nesbitt on the player's list. (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-gPgW5nonTU4/UwPDgCMnMQI/AAAAAAAAO8o/-fB0TpU9C-g/w400-h597-no/DSC04869.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 08:51:58 PM He tore himself out of Nandos and into the High Roller
Matt Perrins (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-r4V8AUiw5bg/UwPDenmhVSI/AAAAAAAAO8g/C_mcae-FvQ0/w400-h597-no/DSC04868.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: rfgqqabc on February 18, 2014, 08:52:32 PM Should have thought more about the live sat, didn't realise it was 20 seats guaranteed to be honest. Will do my best with the online one though.
I presume the day 1s are 9 levels. I guess 4x 20min breaks, so I'd guess 1a will finish about 11:30 or so? Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 08:52:52 PM Wadey and Ben Jackson
(https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-4RYF-7T0J9A/UwPDUZovi7I/AAAAAAAAO8Q/RlzIrjpEwNA/w892-h597-no/DSC04866.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 08:55:06 PM Not the Nottinghamshire Go Karting Champion 2014
He was telling me of a thorny problem he had this afternoon He and Mitch went for the same corner in their Karts and crashed at the bottom of the hill Neither of them could then get their Karts up the hill from a stationary start, as the motor on the back was lacking some power.... Extra ballast, the same technique that the BTCC has used to level the field up in the last few years.... (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-UnF2gKWWfVU/UwPDii-oIcI/AAAAAAAAO8w/szZpjdBlgEQ/w400-h597-no/DSC04870.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 09:02:44 PM Should have thought more about the live sat, didn't realise it was 20 seats guaranteed to be honest. Will do my best with the online one though. I presume the day 1s are 9 levels. I guess 4x 20min breaks, so I'd guess 1a will finish about 11:30 or so? Yes correct Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Tal on February 18, 2014, 09:15:36 PM He's on the worst table for me to snap, but one of Bayern Munich's greatest fans is taking the tournament in and the Emirates tomorrow if he busts (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-Zgw-BCckZjY/UwO0Ne5_VfI/AAAAAAAAO7g/fx68fnHT4uo/w400-h597-no/DSC04856.JPG) FC Bayern München. Wir singen und tanzen auf jeden Fußballplatz. Ein Schuss. Ein Tor. Die Bayern! Not biased or owt... Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 09:31:50 PM chip leader? Albert Sapiano
Two and a half hours into a massage? Sam Trickett Laughing at Devilfish's chat: pleno1 Watching the football on the big screen: Most of the 68 entrantas! Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 09:33:09 PM exits so far
63 Zimnan Ziyard 64 Richard Kellett 65 David La Ronde 66 Richard Berridge 67 Barrie Price 68 Ian Simpson Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 09:36:00 PM Updating for all the late reg's
11 1 David Gent 11 2 Adam Reynolds 11 3 Ben Vinson 11 4 James Williams 11 5 Adam Forsyth 11 6 David Nicholson 11 7 Willie Tann 11 8 Michael Kane 12 1 Simon Deadman 12 2 Thomas Dunwoodie 12 3 John-paul Kelly 12 4 Paul Jackson 12 5 Boris Becker 12 6 Leon Louis 12 7 Andrew Hills 12 8 Martyn Frey 13 1 Neil Strike 13 2 Mohammed Ifzail 13 4 Waheed Ashraf 13 5 Ben Jackson 13 6 Enzo Gomez 13 7 Paul Foltyn 13 8 Mitchell Johnson 14 1 Tony Salmon 14 2 Mike Hill 14 3 Steven Warburton 14 4 Richard Trigg 14 5 Alex Goulder 14 6 Ludovic Geilich 14 7 Thomas Middleton 14 8 Emran Hussain 15 1 Ian Frazer 15 2 Kevin Allen 15 3 Christopher Brammer 15 4 Jack Ellwood 15 5 Andrew Hulme 15 6 Matthew Davenport 15 7 Tom Batterham 15 8 Anthony Nicholls 21 1 Chris Dowling 21 2 Jonas Klausen 21 3 Matt Perrins 21 4 Robert Cooper 21 5 Toby Lewis 21 6 Ben Jones 21 7 Sam Grafton 21 8 Kuljinder Sidhu 22 1 Jeremy Nock 22 2 Mark Buckley 22 3 Patrick Leonard 22 4 Keith Johnson 22 5 John Haigh 22 6 Dave Ulliott 22 7 Ben Dobson 22 8 Zimnan Ziyard 23 1 Tom Hall 23 2 Sam Trickett 23 3 Ariel Adda 23 4 Albert Sapiano 23 5 Basharat Mahmood 23 6 Umar Khan 23 7 Stacy Coore 23 8 James Sykes I am not sure where to look first, this sort of field is rare for me, never struck lucky and got gigs at EPTs and PCAs and stuff So, which table should I do a round with? Most votes by 9.30pm gets it Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Tal on February 18, 2014, 09:42:21 PM 12
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Ventura8 on February 18, 2014, 09:43:35 PM Table 12 please tightly, wanna see Boris smash an unplayable return to JP's button serve
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: George2Loose on February 18, 2014, 09:43:56 PM 14
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: celtic on February 18, 2014, 09:44:23 PM Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: BorntoBubble on February 18, 2014, 09:44:28 PM 12 with deadman hold card cam so we can see how he always comes 2nd
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Tal on February 18, 2014, 09:47:48 PM No ace puns though, please.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: bagel on February 18, 2014, 09:50:22 PM 14
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: KarmaDope on February 18, 2014, 09:52:17 PM Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: dan_arbon on February 18, 2014, 09:52:26 PM 23 or 12
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: millidonk on February 18, 2014, 09:52:33 PM Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Junior Senior on February 18, 2014, 09:55:29 PM 23
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: tonytats on February 18, 2014, 09:56:49 PM Martin Frey aces slow played till river against Paul Jackson's kings
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: rfgqqabc on February 18, 2014, 09:57:41 PM 11 or 23. Tell James Sykes he is a gimp too please.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 10:00:03 PM Kevin Allen raised
Jack Ellwood called Matthew Davenport three bet Allen shoved for around 20,000 at 200-400, average 36k Ellwood called Davenport passes Jacks Ellwood knocks out Allen on a Jack high board Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 10:01:24 PM ok there are requests for 11,12,14,23
12 and 14 the most will start there and try and do the others in due course too Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: lolwutwasthat on February 18, 2014, 10:07:06 PM What did elwood and allen have?
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 10:20:22 PM What did elwood and allen have? Ellwood AA Allen QQ Sorry, rushing about Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: celtic on February 18, 2014, 10:20:35 PM What did elwood and allen have? AA v qq Too slow :( Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 10:31:26 PM New Balls please
12 1 Simon Deadman 35,000 12 2 Thomas Dunwoodie 55,000 12 3 John-paul Kelly 45,000 12 4 Paul Jackson out 12 5 Boris Becker 25,000 12 6 Leon Louis 32,000 12 7 Andrew Hills 18,000 12 8 Martyn Frey 65,000 At 200-400, average 37,000 Hand 1 button Dunwoodie Dunwoodie raises to 1000 JP and Boris Call 6-9-6 flop check to Dunwoodie who bets 1400 JP fold Boris call 5 turn Boris check calls 1800 8 river check check Dunwoodie K-K beats Boris 10-9 Hand 2 button JP Deadman raises to 1000 Dunwoodie calls Td 3d 5d check check 7d check check 9c Deadman 1200 Dunwoodie fold Hand 3 button Becker Deadman to 1000 Dunwoodie call Boris calls 5s 8s 8c Deadman 1000 Dunwoodie calls Boris checks his card, raises a teutonic eyebrow, and shoves for 11,000 ish Deadman fold Dunwoodie calls with 8h 9c Boris Js Qs Boris exclaims "Come on!" turn 6s "Oh" he says river Kc for Becker to double up Hand 4 button Louis Dunwoodie raises to 1000 Hills in the small blind 2625 Call 2s 8d Qc Hills 2300 Dunwoodie folds Hand 5 button Hills Dunwoodie opesn to 1,0000 Frey in the small blind calls 5h Qs 6c Frey check folds to 2,000 Hand 6 button Frey Hills raises to 775 All pass Hand 7 button Deadman JP gets a walk Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 10:33:36 PM that was 12, table 14 next
14 1 Tony Salmon 14 2 Mike Hill 14 3 Steven Warburton 14 4 Richard Trigg 14 5 Alex Goulder 14 6 Ludovic Geilich 14 7 Thomas Middleton 14 8 Emran Hussain Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 11:13:51 PM Action Men
300-600 ra 75 14 1 Tony Salmon 60,000 14 2 Mike Hill 13,000 14 3 Steven Warburton 45,000 14 4 Richard Trigg 30,000 14 5 Alex Goulder 55,000 14 6 Umar Khan 8,500 14 8 Emran Hussain 23,000 hand 1 button Hussain Goulder raises to 14000 Hill calls in the big blind Hill check raises a c bet of 15000 to 5200 on 5c Kd 4d Goulder folds hand 2 button Salmon Trigg to 1400 Hussain to 3200 Call 7c 2s 5s check Hussain 4,000 Trigg folds Hand 3 button Hill Hill to 1600, the blinds fold Hand 4 button Warburton Warburton to 15000, the blinds fold Hand 5 button Trigg Salmon opens to 1700 Warburton 4000 3 bet Khan in the big blind all in Salmon passes Warburton calls with Q-10 Khan K-J 7-6-2-Q-J knocks Khan out Hand 6 button Goulder Salmon opens to 1700 Trigg calls 5s 5d 6d Salmon 2800, Trigg call 7d Salmon check Trigg 5,000 Salmon goesto call, silently, and accidently drops two chips stuck together on the felt, value 10,000 Ruling. It goes as a raise Trigg calls 6h river Salmon all in covering Trigg, quickly, as if not wanting to leave his accidental check raise behind Trigg smile chuckle grimace folds* Hand 7 button Dead Hill 1500 Trigg call Salmon call big blind 2c 2h 5c check to Trigg who bets 30000 all fold * Trigg folded 8-9 he tells me. Was going to bomb a brick river, but the board double paired, and he put him on a 6 Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 11:15:52 PM On a break after six levels
exits 54 Umar Khan 55 Ludovic Geilich 56 Tom Hall 57 Jack Ellwood 58 Neil Strike 59 Ben Vinson 60 Waheed Ashraf 61 Tom Batterham 62 Kuljinder Sidhu 63 Kevin Allen 64 Paul Jackson 65 Richard Kellett 66 David La Ronde 67 Richard Berridge 68 Barrie Price 69 Ian Simpson Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 11:17:16 PM 77 entries, 53 left £231,000 prize pool and three levels to play tonight
blinds go 400-800 table breaks have produced this line up which I will watch after the break 21 1 Chris Dowling 21 2 Jonas Klausen 21 3 Matt Perrins 21 4 Jeffrey Duvall 21 5 Toby Lewis 21 6 Ben Jones 21 7 Sam Grafton 21 8 Sam Trickett Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 18, 2014, 11:56:02 PM Clash of the Titans
21 1 Chris Dowling 35,000 21 2 Jonas Klausen 40,000 21 3 Matt Perrins 30,000 21 4 Jeffrey Duvall 45,000 21 5 Toby Lewis 50,000 21 6 Ben Jones 85,000 21 7 Sam Grafton just moved, sadly 21 8 Sam Trickett 25,000 400-800 Hand 1 button Trickett Perrins to 1700 all fold Hand 2 button Dowling Trickett raises to 2000 all fold Hand 3 button Klausen Trickett calls Perrins and Duvall complete and call 9c Kd Jc checked through Ac checked through Ad check check Trickett 1200 Both fold (this is going well, isn't it?) Hand 4 button Perrins Klausen to 1800 all fold (about to make up a hand if something doesn't happen soon) Hand 5 button Duvall Trickett to 2000 all fold (next....) Hand 6 button Lewis. Toby is awake, honest Klausen 1800 Trickett calls in the big blind 5s Tc 2s check Klausen 2100 Trickett check raises to 6000 Call 7d turn Trickett 4200 fold (booooooo) Hand 7 Jones button Perrins 1800 Dowling call big blind Qh 3c Th Dowling check calls 1900 7d Dowling check calls 3400 5h check check Perrins Qs Jh beats Dowling Jd Td Hand 8 Trickett button Trickett opens to 2000 blinds fold. Normal service resumed Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 12:02:31 AM Look out for you tubes tomorrow, interviews with the likes of Sam Trickett and Boris Becker
tikay interviewed Becker on poker, tennis, Bayern Munich and the like and that will be out on sky sports news tomorrow too there is actually an 8-9 strong TV crew here for the six days, couple of presenters, cameramen, producers, directors and there will be six programmes on sky sports from mid march going through the festival from tonight until we have a main event winner on Sunday Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 12:04:53 AM Jamie Sykes' exit was a grisly one for him
KQdd v A4dd on Q-xd-xd all in, diamond on the turn, Jeremy Nock with nuts v second nuts Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 12:15:21 AM 42 left at 500-1000
55k average Albert Sapiano 120,000 Adam Reynolds 120,000 Jeremy Nock 100,000 Ben Jones 90,000 Sam Grafton 60,000 Martyn frey 110,000 Jeff Duvall 60,000 Chris Brammer 60,000 Ian Fraser 80,000 Matt Davenport 95,000 Steve Warburton 90,000 Tony Salmon 100,000 David Gent 70,000 if not listed, the player has below 50,000 recent exits 44 Ben Dobson 45 Andrew Hulme 46 James Sykes 47 Michael Kane 48 David Nicholson 49 Mark Buckley 50 Patrick Leonard 51 Anthony Nicholls 52 Simon Deadman 53 John Haigh Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: skalie on February 19, 2014, 12:20:56 AM Gotta feel for Deadman. This is at least two tournies on the trot he hasn't won. He must be beginning to wonder if he will ever get there again.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 12:28:05 AM Simon has produced a quick check list because of the mass of questions out there on the events on timings etc
Sky UKPC Useful information Hi Roller : Day 1 has 9 x 45 min levels ends 1.25am --- Main Event Day 1 Weds / Thu has 9 x 60 min levels ends 12.05am Starts 1pm Late reg to 8.40pm Split dinner break at level 6 between 6.40pm to 8.40pm --- Main Event Day 2 Fri has 9 x 60 min levels ends 12.05am Split dinner break at level 15 between 6.40pm to 8.40pm --- Main Event Day 3 Sat has 9 x 60 min levels ends 12am Single dinner break after level 23 between 6.40pm to 7.40pm ---- PLO Day 1 Thu has 9 x 45 min levels ends 1.40am starts 6pm late reg 11.10pm --- 6 Max Day 1 Fri / Sat has 15 x 45 min levels ends 2.40am starts 2pm late reg 9pm --- NL Turbo Sun starts 2pm late reg 5.55pm --- Hi Roller / PLO and 6 Max are 45 min / Final 60 min Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 12:56:07 AM David Gent and Adam Reynolds
They play each other online every day in chunky games....ended up side by side and were told by a mutual friend who the other was.... (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-9U6tKjRnOpU/UwP8jB5MNUI/AAAAAAAAO9A/BMHkEcCd-XA/w892-h597-no/DSC04871.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 12:56:56 AM Jeremy Nock
(https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-rWO_hH3S-QQ/UwP8nF4Gf1I/AAAAAAAAO9I/Kqy1ffKm-GI/w400-h597-no/DSC04872.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 12:57:48 AM GUKPT winner and Hi Roller regular/winner Leon Louis
(https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-q2HJ_HfXkQM/UwP8uUJl5JI/AAAAAAAAO9Q/vGlnMJV1b98/w400-h597-no/DSC04873.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 12:58:25 AM Ben Jones
(https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-XI4HLlGtRjc/UwP8wiPbILI/AAAAAAAAO9Y/lh9jXLTiqYA/w400-h597-no/DSC04874.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 12:59:11 AM Jeff Duvall and Thomas Dunwoodie
(https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-KHb4SdGXxpA/UwP8yXbWHCI/AAAAAAAAO9g/vZghBn5vBcY/w892-h597-no/DSC04875.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 01:00:07 AM Martyn Frey, already a winner of two big events at DTD this year
(https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-JxebkC3Zd9M/UwP827A_xdI/AAAAAAAAO9o/r9UeM_4IaxA/w400-h597-no/DSC04876.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 01:01:00 AM UKIPT Six Max finalist Tony Salmon and Mike Hill
(https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-cuiSHGLwLDY/UwP87T0bxMI/AAAAAAAAO9w/BV7pHumAMjA/w892-h597-no/DSC04877.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 01:30:17 AM (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BgzHAJiIgAE3t6D.jpg:large)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 01:40:54 AM 30 made it through to day 2 of the High Roller tomorrow
those that didn't include 31 Stacy Coore 32 Jeffrey Duvall 33 Enzo Gomez 34 David Gent 35 Basharat Mahmood 36 Chris Dowling 37 Dave Ulliott 38 Matt Perrins 39 Boris Becker 40 Paul Foltyn 41 Alex Goulder 42 Jonas Klausen chip counts soon Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 01:47:41 AM 12 paid
£61,000 for 1st £7,500 for 12th Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 02:04:39 AM blinds 800-1600 on resumpton at 2pm tomorrow
Matthew Davenport 12 6 171900 Jeremy Nock 11 3 147200 Tony Salmon 12 5 147200 Christopher Brammer 11 1 141500 Zimnan Ziyard 14 5 133800 Robert Cooper 13 3 130800 Leon Louis 11 4 128900 Martyn Frey 12 8 117900 Mitchell Johnson 13 8 116100 Albert Sapiano 11 8 93500 Steven Warburton 14 3 90600 Adam Reynolds 11 2 89400 Ian Frazer 13 7 88000 James Williams 14 8 75800 Ben Jones 11 5 71100 John-paul Kelly 12 3 69200 Sam Grafton 12 4 64900 Mike Hill 14 2 60000 Keith Johnson 13 4 57700 Ariel Adda 12 7 52600 Thomas Middleton 14 1 44100 Sam Trickett 13 6 38000 Toby Lewis 14 7 35900 Thomas Dunwoodie 12 2 33200 Ben Jackson 13 5 30900 Willie Tann 11 7 30700 Emran Hussain 11 6 30500 Andrew Hills 14 6 26800 Richard Trigg 14 4 22000 Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 02:06:00 AM Main event starts tomorrow 1pm, day 1a
Please see a new thread in the morning for that Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: tikay on February 19, 2014, 12:29:39 PM In shock news, tikay is in Nandos for dinner Please let that be true. Sadly, it is. Jen Mason kidnapped me. After perusing the menu, I chose chicken. Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: RED-DOG on February 19, 2014, 12:49:37 PM In shock news, tikay is in Nandos for dinner Please let that be true. Sadly, it is. Jen Mason kidnapped me. After perusing the menu, I chose chicken. In Vinny's absence, I took one for the team. Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: celtic on February 19, 2014, 01:12:27 PM In shock news, tikay is in Nandos for dinner Please let that be true. Sadly, it is. Jen Mason kidnapped me. After perusing the menu, I chose chicken. In Vinny's absence, I took one for the team. So proud of you all. Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: PokerDeckPaul on February 19, 2014, 03:36:54 PM Link to thread for UKPC High Roller? Not been any updates on here for Day 2, wondered if it was somewhere else but can't find recent posts for it in Live Tournament Updates.
Great job so far Tighty ! Hope you're very well sir Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 03:39:39 PM (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-K6Snfvp0wfE/UwTI7NXnuTI/AAAAAAAAPck/4p5UhFWRKnc/w398-h597-no/IMG_5308.JPG)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 03:40:27 PM (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-1VPJ4G4SQS0/UwTJEXwg3EI/AAAAAAAAPck/jeGuQ08kvag/w398-h597-no/IMG_5315.JPG)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 03:41:35 PM (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-JCA9tI83M6c/UwTJM4WeDKI/AAAAAAAAPck/LAhwskpJ_k4/w896-h597-no/IMG_5324.JPG)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 03:42:25 PM (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-E2mHdVTViE8/UwTIzagKc6I/AAAAAAAAPck/UB6iCHVXquY/w896-h597-no/IMG_5301.JPG)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 03:43:12 PM (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-r2gr9YBmNUU/UwTJJD5l_XI/AAAAAAAAPck/waZRd2iJelU/w398-h597-no/IMG_5321.JPG)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 03:43:56 PM (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-VcYMFmo6VMs/UwTJMkNKj9I/AAAAAAAAPck/YYbv0fSdsK8/w896-h597-no/IMG_5323.JPG)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 03:44:33 PM (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-mJaB7j5gFHU/UwTJMsuxL0I/AAAAAAAAPck/m9QSDCE6Z60/w896-h597-no/IMG_5322.JPG)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 03:46:55 PM At the first break of the day in the high roller there are 22 left as follows, with 12 paid
12 1 Jeremy Nock 12 3 Leon Louis 12 4 Sam Grafton 12 5 Tony Salmon 12 6 Matthew Davenport 12 7 Ariel Adda 12 8 Martyn Frey 13 1 Mike Hill 13 2 Christopher Brammer 13 3 Robert Cooper 13 4 Adam Reynolds 13 5 Ben Jackson 13 6 Sam Trickett 13 7 Ian Frazer 13 8 Mitchell Johnson 14 2 Willie Tann 14 3 Steven Warburton 14 4 Emran Hussain 14 5 Zimnan Ziyard 14 6 Andrew Hills 14 7 Keith Johnson 14 8 James Williams exits today are 23 Thomas Dunwoodie 24 Albert Sapiano 25 Richard Trigg 26 Toby Lewis 27 Ben Jones 28 John-paul Kelly 29 Thomas Middleton Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 03:47:31 PM I don't have any time to do the HR justice I am afraid but will be back with final table line up and some more pics when I can
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Pinchop73 on February 19, 2014, 03:48:33 PM (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-VcYMFmo6VMs/UwTJMkNKj9I/AAAAAAAAPck/YYbv0fSdsK8/w896-h597-no/IMG_5323.JPG) Rooting so hard for the little guy! glgl Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 04:55:30 PM Sam Trickett went out of the HR in 18th
he lost a big pot to Mike Hill, QJ v KJ, on a Jack high board and was down to 5xbb He then shoved 8-10 in an unopened pot Mike Hill called and Chris Brammer jammed, to get it heads up, with JJ Hill folded Brammer proceeds to hit Quads Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 05:00:32 PM (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-Q7QV42V3Ku0/UwTeT0UcoJI/AAAAAAAAPew/70UJAYeqrSo/w398-h597-no/IMG_5335.JPG)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 05:21:08 PM Ian Frazer raises and Zimnan Ziyard 3 bets
(https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-0dg8Is6eTNU/UwTjg8DtSnI/AAAAAAAAPgM/o_aTgzcfJYA/w398-h597-no/IMG_5337.JPG) Frazer shoves (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-itYZE97FgPY/UwTjhKXbyyI/AAAAAAAAPgQ/INC-l1BMnQI/w398-h597-no/IMG_5339.JPG) Ziyard calls,priced in with 3-4 (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-FQOdU08penw/UwTjg-EPE_I/AAAAAAAAPgI/hi-18k95wdg/w896-h597-no/IMG_5340.JPG) the flop (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-P9Ui6EdbgZM/UwTjiflBdII/AAAAAAAAPgc/rsBAZHqwAqM/w896-h597-no/IMG_5341.JPG) the turn (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-wi8OvNjwSd8/UwTjiuQMt9I/AAAAAAAAPgk/bqXpsMCBBBU/w896-h597-no/IMG_5342.JPG) the river (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-rYYyxsm7Xs0/UwTjjS1veuI/AAAAAAAAPgo/6MLjq6ytJi4/w896-h597-no/IMG_5343.JPG) Frazer is out, and we are at 14 left 12 paid Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 05:28:55 PM On the bubble of the High Roller
12 1 Jeremy Nock 12 2 Emran Hussain 12 3 Andrew Hills 12 5 Tony Salmon 12 6 Matthew Davenport 12 8 Martyn Frey 13 1 Mike Hill 13 2 Christopher Brammer 13 3 Robert Cooper 13 4 Adam Reynolds 13 5 Willie Tann 13 6 Zimnan Ziyard 13 8 Mitchell Johnson exits 14 Ariel Adda 15 Ian Frazer 16 Sam Grafton 17 Keith Johnson 18 Steven Warburton 19 Sam Trickett 20 James Williams Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: iangascoigne on February 19, 2014, 06:00:34 PM Go Mitch.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: flushthemout on February 19, 2014, 06:08:11 PM Go Mitch
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: MPOWER on February 19, 2014, 06:11:50 PM Best of British to Tony Salmon
good luck chap Regards M Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 06:19:16 PM I have been watching the bubble of the High Roller since the break
Zimnan Ziyard and Brammer are captaining one table,putting alot of pressure on shortstacks Willie Tann and Robert Cooper Tann came back with 30,000 and hasn't been above it all day with blinds now 2-4k until...in nthe big blind and with 10k behind he put it in with Q-3 againzt Zimnan's UTG raise with 87HH He flopped a 3 and rivered a Q to double, for now The overall chip leader is Martyn Frey with over 300,000, on the other table, where Andrew Hillis is the short stack Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TheJokerKing on February 19, 2014, 06:22:32 PM good luck to blondeys left in !
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: LonOhRay on February 19, 2014, 06:25:49 PM I would like Adam Reynolds to win
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 06:28:52 PM (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-UmVrf5g30Xk/UwTy_ZaoAqI/AAAAAAAAPik/hDktVBMGCX8/w896-h597-no/IMG_5358.JPG)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 06:29:52 PM (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-3FctA8RM-y4/UwTzAcqLIaI/AAAAAAAAPis/8B64p3yAIxY/w896-h597-no/IMG_5359.JPG)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: flushthemout on February 19, 2014, 06:35:23 PM Gl Martin Frey
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 06:35:52 PM Grinding the bubble
(https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-ye3vjAVv2hc/UwT0AXdrElI/AAAAAAAAPj8/1FijOtC-OYo/w400-h597-no/DSC04923.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 06:38:58 PM £234000
1 £61000 2 £36000 3 £26000 4 £21000 5 £18000 6 £15000 7 £13000 8 £11000 9 £9000 10 £9000 11 £7500 12 £7500 Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Redbull on February 19, 2014, 06:47:42 PM Come on Monson, think you're due.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: BangBang on February 19, 2014, 06:49:35 PM VBOL Mitch Johnson and Tony Salmon .....
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: LonOhRay on February 19, 2014, 06:51:47 PM Wongy says "gl reynold gl reynold"
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: FredW on February 19, 2014, 06:56:13 PM Mitch ftw
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 07:01:39 PM Bursting the bubble was a three stageprocess
On the 6 handed table Adam Hillis was on the button with 4k left at 2-4k On the 7 handed final Willie Tann passes the button with 5k left Hillis thinks and thinks, there has been a limp ahead of him, and shoves eventually (reckoning the blinds hit him on the short handed table before they hit Willie) Salmon in the small blind calls Davenport in the big blind 16,000 to get it Heads Up fold fold so he succeeds and shows AQss Huillis AKo "why did you raise?" enquires Willie watching over the table "I am happy for the bubble to continue" says the chipped up Davenport Hillis doubles and then some -- so the pressure is on Willie who has an orbit. During that orbit Cooper shoves KK UTG And gets no takers --- Willie folds for an orbit and is in the big blind for his last 4k Cooper limps Reynolds completes the small blind they check A-4-7 Cooper bets the J turn Reynolds folds Cooper flips AA for flopped set Tann 6-4 and he bubbles, K on the river The hour and a bit long bubble is done, the remaining 12 are in the money Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: George2Loose on February 19, 2014, 07:04:18 PM C'mon Mitch! Dodge that min cash
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 07:13:13 PM the final was reached very quickly
exits 10 Robert Cooper 11 Adam Reynolds 12 Andrew Hills 13 Willie Tann line up 12 1 Jeremy Nock 12 2 Emran Hussain 12 5 Tony Salmon 12 6 Matthew Davenport 12 8 Martyn Frey 13 8 Mitchell Johnson 14 6 Zimnan Ziyard 14 7 Mike Hill 14 8 Christopher Brammer Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TexasGrindEm on February 19, 2014, 07:22:55 PM Can I have a picture of Emran Hussain please Tighty :D .
I bigged this guy up 24 hours ago and some thought I was nuts :D . 'Emran Hussein, one poker player to look out for - reads opponents emotions and betting sequence just right.' Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 07:27:55 PM (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-GWo1I6t-Nhk/UwUB4mAOGhI/AAAAAAAAPlU/B_G3o9g5CZo/w896-h597-no/IMG_5374.JPG)
(https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-kQe8rseaJSU/UwUB3bCuJ4I/AAAAAAAAPlI/OiCNw_rNBVs/w398-h597-no/IMG_5373.JPG) (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-i7V6U3nXKhs/UwUB2tTE11I/AAAAAAAAPlM/BzJrir_3jUA/w398-h597-no/IMG_5370.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 07:29:33 PM (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-zeBUX1vYJRM/UwUB2Md8rwI/AAAAAAAAPlY/2Ky5yxNRzDk/w398-h597-no/IMG_5371.JPG)
(https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-AetzZ95Xo2U/UwUB08ssvMI/AAAAAAAAPlA/bPg99-AChC4/w398-h597-no/IMG_5369.JPG) (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-N2uHiPRDmGs/UwUBz_iF1rI/AAAAAAAAPk0/0OH0RHulA0c/w398-h597-no/IMG_5366.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 07:31:15 PM (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-Lul0OjXGgnI/UwUByf5GF7I/AAAAAAAAPko/TAWCYkQm6-g/w398-h597-no/IMG_5361.JPG)
(https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-GIlUyei9J00/UwUBxw18IcI/AAAAAAAAPkc/CmArGOkLqf0/w398-h597-no/IMG_5365.JPG) (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-obHJTIKOsxQ/UwUBx861YgI/AAAAAAAAPkY/kccEAPktDIU/w398-h597-no/IMG_5364.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TexasGrindEm on February 19, 2014, 07:33:03 PM You just had to save him till last didn't you - fantastic going for that lad.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Marky147 on February 19, 2014, 07:33:46 PM Go on Mitch!!
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: MLHMLH on February 19, 2014, 07:36:30 PM Any chance of some chip counts?
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Kev B on February 19, 2014, 07:40:03 PM Mike Hill win it ;first;
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 07:45:38 PM Mitch Johnson is the short-stack of nine, he shoves a couple of times uncalled
Is then UTG with about 20k at 2,500-5,000 He shoves again Folded round to Jeremy Nock in the big blind who grimace calls with Q-8 Mitch J-J board runs out 2-Q-4-7-5 to knock Mitch Johnson out in 9th Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: BorntoBubble on February 19, 2014, 07:46:23 PM :( UL Mitch
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 07:46:50 PM Any chance of some chip counts? Ziyard is a big chip leader with around 400k Frey, Brammer, Davenport around 300k Hill, Nock, Hussain 150-250k Salmon with 100k is the short-stack Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Marky147 on February 19, 2014, 07:51:25 PM ;frustrated;
Unlucky Mitch Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Rupert on February 19, 2014, 07:53:01 PM GL zimmy and bram!
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Redbull on February 19, 2014, 07:53:18 PM ;frustrated; Unlucky Mitch Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 07:59:17 PM the players are on a short break
I am going to stick with this to a winner, as its a day one of the Main with some of the field on dinner Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Kev B on February 19, 2014, 08:03:08 PM Is the FT live streamed Rich?
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: flushthemout on February 19, 2014, 08:04:22 PM No streaming at all kev
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Kev B on February 19, 2014, 08:06:44 PM No streaming at all kev Thx Mike. Just realised Sky are filming it. Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TheJokerKing on February 19, 2014, 08:15:40 PM good luck to final 8!
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 08:16:08 PM Just resuming
I had to do some research for final table announcements to find out that each of the finalists has won over $200,000, some over $1m including an EPT winner, WPT and WSOP finalists, live except Emran Hussain who was 9th in an XXL£25 earlier this year and has live winnings of £750 He satellited in for £450 live at DTD Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: BorntoBubble on February 19, 2014, 08:17:24 PM Just resuming I had to do some research for final table announcements to find out that each of the finalists has won over $200,000, some over $1m including an EPT winner, WPT and WSOP finalists, live except Emran Hussain who was 9th in an XXL£25 earlier this year and has live winnings of £750 He satellited in for £450 live at DTD WAFL. Hope he wins it! Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 08:19:40 PM Davenport 259,000 3rd in GUKPT Grand Final, winner of DTD Deepstack
Salmon 120,000 UKIPT Six Max finalist Hussain 124,500 Nock 377,500 3rd in a WPT Ziyard 687,000 EPT Loutraki winner Hill 130,000 $280k live winnings in over 15 countries Brammer 303,000. Over $1m live winnings, top ranked UK Online player Frey 480,000. 2 major dtd finals this year, dtd deepstack winner a year ago. $200k live winnings 2500-5000 blinds Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 08:37:04 PM Ziyard opens to 12,000
Davenport 35,000 on the button call 3h Kd 8d check, Davenport 14,500 Ziyard check raises to 36,000 Call 9h check check Ks Ziyard 14,500 Davenport allin 200,000 Ziyard fold Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: BangBang on February 19, 2014, 08:45:07 PM Just resuming I had to do some research for final table announcements to find out that each of the finalists has won over $200,000, some over $1m including an EPT winner, WPT and WSOP finalists, live except Emran Hussain who was 9th in an XXL£25 earlier this year and has live winnings of £750 He satellited in for £450 live at DTD Brilliant... Emran FTW...!! Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 08:47:32 PM Frey 12,000 in the small blind
Davenport calls in the big blind Ac Qc 2c Frey check calls 25,000 5s Frey check calls 35,000 Qd Frey bets 35,000, is called and shows Qh 3h to win Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: doublebubble on February 19, 2014, 08:48:36 PM the players are on a short break I am going to stick with this to a winner, as its a day one of the Main with some of the field on dinner Great to hear. Gl da bookie Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 08:51:53 PM Mike Hill raises and Tony Salmon shoves in the small blind
Call Hill A-6 Salmon K-Qdd it comes Ac 6s 2d then 8d 9d to double Salmon up with the runner runner flush Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 09:02:34 PM Hussain raises from a short-stack
Brammer 3 bets in position Hussain shoves for 75,000 total and call Brammer A-J Hussain 3-3 10-6-Q-2-8 to double Hussain up to around 160,000 Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 09:13:46 PM Nock in the small blind 11,000
Ziyard in the big blind calls 6d Kd Ts Nock 13,000 call 9h Nock check, Ziyard 31,000, call 2d Nock 35,000 Ziyard 116,000 Nock a long think and fold Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 09:21:29 PM Salmon opens to 10,000
nock calls Frey flicks in the extra 5,000 from the big blind Q-5-2 rainbow flop Frey check Salmon 25,000 Nock fold Frey check raise to 50,000 Salmon all in 125,000 Call Frey Q-5o Salmon K-Qdd 9 turn 8 river Tony Salmon is out in 8th Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 09:29:46 PM Ziyard 12,000 UTG
Folded to Nock in the big blind all in 95,000 Call Ziyard 8-8 Nock A-Q 5-4-7-K-A to double Nock up Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 09:37:03 PM Martyn Frey raises UTG and Chris Brammer calls int eh big blind
9-9-Q check check Brammer check Frey 35,000 Brammer all in 100,000 Call Frey 10-10 Brammer 9-8 off 6 turn, 2 on the river to double Brammer up Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 09:44:58 PM Frey raises UTG+1
Folded round to Hill in the big blind who calls 4-K-3 rainbow flop Frey c-bets and Hill check raises all in for under 100,000 Call Hill K-J suited Frey A-K suited 8 turn 7 river We lose Mike Hill in 7th place Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 09:55:21 PM Hussain is clinging on here with sub 20x bb at 3-6k
Nock the second short stack with c30x bb Brammer 35xbb Frey, Davenport and Ziyard all around the chip lead with around 500-600k each Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 09:57:09 PM Brammer raises, Hussain shoves and Brammer calls
200,000 pot Brammer A-10 Hussain A-9 J-5-8-9-6 to double Hussain up and leave Brammer short Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: flushthemout on February 19, 2014, 10:12:04 PM Emran sat on cash after winning his seat last week, loves the game and a nice lad
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 10:16:18 PM Ziyard raises and Davenport calls in the big blind
8h Js Jh Davenport check calls 30,000 4c check Ziyard 35,000 Davenport check raise to 82,000 A slow deliberate call 5c river Davenport check with 180,000 behind Ziyard 76,000 A really long think from Davenport. Really long. Long. Very long He calls and Ziyard shows Kh Ks to win the pot and knock Davenport down to 100k at now 4-8k Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 10:21:10 PM Davenport shoves UTG+1
Brammer in the big blind calls, for a good percentage of his stack, with 2-2 Davenport K-Q 3-A-9-3-6 to knock Matthew Davenport out in 6th Mr Hussain went to Wickes this morning, laddering like a good'un and good luck to him Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 10:36:13 PM Break chip counts
Hussain 200,000 Nock 150,000 Ziyard 1m Brammer 260,000 Frey 700,000 4-8k blinds Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TexasGrindEm on February 19, 2014, 10:40:08 PM I see 'my lad' is working his way up there, grinding his short stack like a boss!!!
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 10:44:57 PM Hussain opens to 17000
Ziyard calls small blind Brammer calls big blind 2-4-A Ziyard 11,000 call call Q check check check 3 check check check Hussain shows down 10-10 to win the pot Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 10:52:10 PM Chris Brammer raises
Martyn frey calls Hussain calls otb K-4-2 Brammer leads call call 8 Brammer all in 100,000 Frey fold Hussain call Brammer K-9 Hussain 4-4 turn 8 river 2 Chris Brammer is out 5th Hussain over 500,000 and 3rd of 4 in chips Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 11:10:56 PM Frey raises
Nock calls in the big blinc Nock check calls 22,000 on J-8-7 Nock check calls 31,000 on the K turn Nock leads for 40,000 on the 6 river Frey calls with AK and beats AJ Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 11:32:05 PM Hussain button raises and Ziyard calls in the big blind
Ziyard check calls 28,000 on 7-8-3 two diamonds Ziyard check calls 32,000 on the Jd turn Ziyard leads for 115,000 on the J river, is called and shows J-10cc to win the pot Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 19, 2014, 11:53:13 PM the players went on a short break again
Not much has changed. Nock is the shortstack, Ziyard the chip leader Could go on a while Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 20, 2014, 12:18:20 AM We continue 4 handed
blinds of 5-10k and average 585k there is plenty of play, the short stack Nock has 25xbb In bad news for me the players, who have been generally in raise/fold, raise/3bet/fold mode for a level are having a food break in 20 minutes Hussain is playing impressively with 600,000 and has made up some ground on Frey with 500k and Ziyard 800-900k Feels like a long way to go yet Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 20, 2014, 12:34:34 AM At the break
Ziyard 800,000 Hussain 740,000 Frey 550,000 Nock 250,000 Trumper esq is thinking a 5am finish I won't be here for 5am with 4 days of this to go solo, so will photo the winner in the morning. I am getting old! Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 20, 2014, 12:36:27 AM (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-l1A6NciYKGY/UwVKKBYuPaI/AAAAAAAAPpI/yC5SoWWam6Y/w896-h597-no/IMG_5403.JPG)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 20, 2014, 12:37:08 AM (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-xISR_ZQtC2g/UwVKIUPS0JI/AAAAAAAAPpA/kJ25gSG1Y0w/w398-h597-no/IMG_5402.JPG)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 20, 2014, 12:37:52 AM (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-ga0_x7CMwYY/UwVKH3Y6SaI/AAAAAAAAPo8/JQSbhhptrH0/w896-h597-no/IMG_5401.JPG)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 20, 2014, 12:38:30 AM (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-cvjB0KpLx4s/UwVKFd55MdI/AAAAAAAAPog/CJlh7tBc7zI/w896-h597-no/IMG_5398.JPG)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: vegaslover on February 20, 2014, 12:47:21 AM GL to Zimmy
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 20, 2014, 10:41:52 AM At 6.22am!!...the final result was
1 Jeremy Nock 2 Zimnan Ziyard 3 Martyn Frey 4 Emran Hussain 5 Christopher Brammer 6 Matthew Davenport 7 Mike Hill 8 Tony Salmon 9 Mitchell Johnson 10 Robert Cooper 11 Adam Reynolds 12 Andrew Hills Congratulations to Jeremy and all the cashers Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: OffTheRadar on February 20, 2014, 12:10:49 PM WP sir
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Junior Senior on February 20, 2014, 01:57:41 PM At 6.22am!!...the final result was 1 Jeremy Nock 2 Zimnan Ziyard 3 Martyn Frey 4 Emran Hussain 5 Christopher Brammer 6 Matthew Davenport 7 Mike Hill 8 Tony Salmon 9 Mitchell Johnson 10 Robert Cooper 11 Adam Reynolds 12 Andrew Hills Congratulations to Jeremy and all the cashers Any idea why prize amounts no longer show in results on DTD website? Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 20, 2014, 01:59:23 PM At 6.22am!!...the final result was 1 Jeremy Nock 2 Zimnan Ziyard 3 Martyn Frey 4 Emran Hussain 5 Christopher Brammer 6 Matthew Davenport 7 Mike Hill 8 Tony Salmon 9 Mitchell Johnson 10 Robert Cooper 11 Adam Reynolds 12 Andrew Hills Congratulations to Jeremy and all the cashers Any idea why prize amounts no longer show in results on DTD website? the payout was calculated manually, not generated by the DTD system which populates the website Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 21, 2014, 12:22:48 AM The £500 PLO tonight attracted 77 runners and a £38,500 Prize pool (GTD at £25,000)
List of runners at http://www.dusktilldawncasinonottingham.com/result-info.php?id=3925 those out so far 59 Lee Dixon 60 Robert Boon 61 Jappan Patel 62 Craig Grant 63 Christopher Brammer 64 Andrew Garland 65 Richard Rudling-smith 66 Anonymous 67 Jeffrey Duvall 68 Andrew Larwood 69 Hamid Rowshanaei 70 Chris Canadine 71 Christopher Murtagh 72 Anonymous 73 Martin Hogarty 74 Peter Barrable 75 Terence Owens 76 Christopher Kromidias 77 Gerard Barclay Day 2 is tomorrow, chip counts when they are finished Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 21, 2014, 12:25:10 AM The Heads Up competition, unguaranteed is about to close for entries and the first round draw done
These players ahve entered Alex Martin Andrew Garland Benjamin Nuttall Dean Lyall Jonathan Slater Keith Johnson Keith Littlewood Michael Kane Mitchell Johnson Paul Zimbler Peter Ashurst Richard Blacklock Robert Yong Samad Razavi Sandiep Khosa Thomas High Toby Lewis Tom Batterham If you are in the main now and for tomorrow, you can't enter, so thats 300 players ineligible Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 21, 2014, 12:45:54 AM Heads Up Draw
my virtual odds, no thought to overround Razavi v Blacklock (Razavi 4/7, Blacklock 6/4) Batterham v Kane ( 4/5 vs Ev) Zimbler v Warburton (5/4 v 4/5) Jon Slater v Ashurst (no odds, unknown) Khosa v Garland (4/6 v 11/8) Lyall v Alex Martin (4/5 v 5/4) Nuttall v Toby Lewis (6/4 v 4/7) Berridge v Min Cash Mitch (Evens each of two) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: celtic on February 21, 2014, 12:47:14 AM Surely you mean 6/1 Blacklock?
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Dry em on February 21, 2014, 01:09:21 AM @Tighty
Can you get Tikay to text me when he wins the PLO? Kthx Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 21, 2014, 10:38:40 AM 79 runners in the PLO
26 got through Yucel Eminoglu 56 2 242100 Mark Buckley 56 4 205200 Keith Johnson 67 2 173500 Jason Beazley 56 1 141000 Ben Vinson 58 3 136800 Dave Ulliott 58 1 130000 Trevor Lawson 58 5 121300 Ian Bradley 67 4 118700 Laith Sheena 67 9 106500 Andrew Sweeney 56 8 102400 Basharat Mahmood 56 7 92700 Tamer Kamel 56 3 89200 John Burberry 58 7 77300 Timothy Flanders 67 3 71000 Christopher Cox 58 9 66200 Anthony Kendall 56 6 64400 Aleksandrs Golubevs 58 2 63100 Jac Arama 67 6 61100 Kevin Allen 67 8 58700 Thomas Jones 67 5 56200 Steven Henderson-thynne 56 9 49000 Jerome Bradpiece 58 8 44300 Abdul Valimahomed 58 4 32500 Adam Picken 67 1 32400 Nigel Pemberton 56 5 30800 Paul Wilson 58 6 9600 Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 21, 2014, 10:44:23 AM The state of play in the Heads Up
(https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-sOQc1jDLPkk/Uwcp-5OrDKI/AAAAAAAAQ2g/xM_0QjHmSSE/w912-h597-no/DSC05018.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: millidonk on February 21, 2014, 11:09:48 AM Huh, as Eso been giving a by here? He's not even played Razavi let alone beaten him yet?
Anyone give me £200 on Eso @7/4? Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 21, 2014, 02:42:45 PM Day Two of the Omaha
(https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-qHXqsLjnejg/UwdfKwc8z_I/AAAAAAAARDU/6pvNbfnM8cA/w398-h597-no/IMG_6067.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 21, 2014, 02:43:29 PM (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-EMP5xTNChso/UwdfN1sekOI/AAAAAAAARD8/gG-wM6Tgaoc/w398-h597-no/IMG_6073.JPG)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 21, 2014, 03:36:34 PM tikay update
he doubled up to 130,000 in the Omaha Holding Q-J-10-8 he called to a raise and a call and flopped Q-Q-8- J on the turn to improve his full house and he doubled through a smaller full house the drean is still alive. Or he might have gone to sleep, I don't know which Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 21, 2014, 07:47:34 PM tikay has just under 300k in the Omaha and he has just cashed
Average 200,000 12 left £117650 to the winner Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: booder on February 21, 2014, 07:50:08 PM Good luck Gramps , do a win.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Karabiner on February 21, 2014, 07:53:35 PM Good luck Gramps , do a win. ;cheerleader; ;tk; ;cheerleader; Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 21, 2014, 08:00:24 PM Cashers in the Omaha
56 1 Jason Beazley 56 2 Yucel Eminoglu 56 3 Ian Bradley 56 4 Mark Buckley 56 6 Anthony Kendall 56 8 Andrew Sweeney 58 2 Aleksandrs Golubevs 58 3 Ben Vinson 58 6 Adam Picken 58 7 John Burberry 58 8 Jerome Bradpiece 58 9 Timothy Flanders Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 21, 2014, 08:01:58 PM 1a of the Six Max began at 2pm and has attracted a whopping 163 entries
There is one re-entry allowed today, and another flight with one re-entry tomorrow at 2pm You can keep up to date with that event at http://www.dusktilldawncasinonottingham.com/result-info.php?id=3928 Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: ruud on February 21, 2014, 08:18:43 PM tikay has just under 300k in the Omaha and he has just cashed Average 200,000 12 left £117650 to the winner HOW MUCH??? GL Teeks! Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Doobs on February 21, 2014, 08:20:26 PM tikay has just under 300k in the Omaha and he has just cashed Average 200,000 12 left £117650 to the winner HOW MUCH??? GL Teeks! Yah, gets 100k Sky bonus if he wins Gl Tikay, you put those young whippersnappers in their place. Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: ripple11 on February 21, 2014, 08:38:31 PM tikay has just under 300k in the Omaha and he has just cashed Average 200,000 12 left £117650 to the winner HOW MUCH??? GL Teeks! WOW ;goodluck; Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 21, 2014, 08:43:41 PM £11750 to the winner. typo
He has hit the final. £1300 GTD Average stack Above average chirping Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Tal on February 21, 2014, 09:08:52 PM Pony satellite a level in. Your correspondent (possibly for this hand only) has witnessed a bizarre one.
Blinds 75/150 Utg opens to 350. Next guy folds. Utg+2 doesn't realise it's been raised already, throwing out 525. He is advised that he must make it 550 and it's a 3bet. Making sure he isn't outdone, the chap to his left decides he wants to raise and asks the dealer what the minraise is. After being informed of the correct number, he then proceeds to bet 1,525. Obviously. I fold. Chap to my left has kings. What must he be thinking?! He lets 3k decide. Utg now fires in a six bet and Mr Kings duly obliges. Utg shows queens and the board - in an incongruously one dimensional display - bricks out. Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: ruud on February 21, 2014, 09:22:14 PM Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Tal on February 21, 2014, 09:26:53 PM Gotta have some discipline. Anyway, I hate Jacks Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: fandango on February 21, 2014, 09:56:37 PM Will final table of PLO be streamed?
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: ruud on February 21, 2014, 09:56:54 PM Wish I'd known you were coming, I'd have come down to value hunt. ;)
As it is, I am lounging in my pjs watching the rugby and rofling about online now ;slavedriver; Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 21, 2014, 10:01:00 PM Will final table of PLO be streamed? No streaming this week, there are TV shows on Sky SPorts coming following the festival Final table tikay Ben Vinson Mad Turk Alex Golubevs John Burberry Jason Beazley Ian Bradley is chip leader Adam Picken great line up pics coming Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 21, 2014, 10:08:36 PM Proud as punch
(https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-N-Y4ELatMIg/UwfKZDlPjsI/AAAAAAAART4/YAYHc__sHeI/w398-h597-no/IMG_6173.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 21, 2014, 10:09:16 PM A potential shaggy dog story
(https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-RCw8vuWweRc/UwfKXViN4LI/AAAAAAAARTo/xQwT4pLYu58/w398-h597-no/IMG_6169.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 21, 2014, 10:09:46 PM Local Derby
(https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-lWfm-KFJH18/UwfKVfmGT4I/AAAAAAAARTI/6RPt-UOJIHk/w398-h597-no/IMG_6164.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 21, 2014, 10:10:19 PM Jason Beazley
(https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-ZRh5X_8QMso/UwfKTww-NTI/AAAAAAAARSw/PqElX4jHRVw/w398-h597-no/IMG_6158.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 21, 2014, 10:10:49 PM John Burberry
(https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-esMczkkGHSE/UwfKWH7ya8I/AAAAAAAARTQ/Umlg4FVExQc/w398-h597-no/IMG_6165.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 21, 2014, 10:11:29 PM At It Bradley
(https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-IaainTuUmUs/UwfKaP6wrPI/AAAAAAAARUI/o9leMgf3Glk/w398-h597-no/IMG_6176.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 21, 2014, 10:12:02 PM (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-JV2QAQ4HrRQ/UwfKa0Coz-I/AAAAAAAARUU/AAte9PFVM_I/w398-h597-no/IMG_6178.JPG)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 21, 2014, 10:12:45 PM Alex Golubevs
(https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-HGhzhRgHk4g/UwfKc0wuUUI/AAAAAAAARUs/eyHAj3d8F2U/w398-h597-no/IMG_6181.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 21, 2014, 10:13:22 PM (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-JkmTgc5kHxo/UwfKTEUKA4I/AAAAAAAARSk/n8cKW90MIUY/w896-h597-no/IMG_6157.JPG)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Kev B on February 21, 2014, 10:13:33 PM Teeks v Turk HU please.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Karabiner on February 21, 2014, 10:15:33 PM Is Bradders auditioning for the black and white minstrel show?
A question for the senior members. Goooooooooo Teeeeeks ;cheerleader; Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: jbworldwide on February 21, 2014, 10:21:20 PM What no anonymouse!
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: cambridgealex on February 21, 2014, 10:33:50 PM Very best of luck to Tikay! Would be epic if he won a bracelet!
Great photos whoever took them btw. Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: George2Loose on February 21, 2014, 10:33:58 PM Alex Golubevs (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-HGhzhRgHk4g/UwfKc0wuUUI/AAAAAAAARUs/eyHAj3d8F2U/w398-h597-no/IMG_6181.JPG) James Atkins long lost brother? Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: ForthThistle on February 21, 2014, 11:08:42 PM GL Mr Kendal
Win it for the rubs... Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: h on February 21, 2014, 11:17:15 PM UKOPS IX - YouTube
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iY32sJO1dE0 our heros finest work gl TK Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: dakky on February 21, 2014, 11:23:02 PM go tk!!!
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 21, 2014, 11:46:15 PM We had two exits on the same hand on the Omaha
All in pre Burberry AAJ7 Turk AA56 Golubevs KK52 The run out has the table and crowd whooping anf hollering 5-5-4-4....K Golubevs knocks both out A pensioner with a penchant for velvet jackets, having the time of his life like a pig in muck, ladders two spots Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: George2Loose on February 21, 2014, 11:47:53 PM GO tikay!
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 21, 2014, 11:47:53 PM TIKAY DOUBLES UP
All in with AKQJ against Vinson who called him with K986 It ran out 256-10----A Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: sonour on February 21, 2014, 11:50:53 PM An extra 11k on the TFT roll would be awesome :)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: mondatoo on February 22, 2014, 12:00:51 AM tikay and Adam HU plz, gl both.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Doobs on February 22, 2014, 12:02:40 AM tikay and Adam HU plz, gl both. very much this. Gogo Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: BorntoBubble on February 22, 2014, 12:02:47 AM Gogogo picken!
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Supernova on February 22, 2014, 12:03:18 AM gl Tikay!!! ;applause;
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 12:27:10 AM Ian Bradley raises UTG and tikay calls in the big blind
tikay check calls K-2-4 and moves all in on the 5 turn Bradley passes, accidentally flipping a six "He's got a six, how can he raise UTG with a six?" squawks tikay and shows A-3-4-5 Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 12:28:16 AM 8000-16000 blinds
Golubevs 1m Vinson 500,000 tikay 400,000 Picken 400,000 Beazley 200,000 Bradley 200,000 Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: mondatoo on February 22, 2014, 12:29:54 AM Oops, gl Ian also.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: celtic on February 22, 2014, 12:32:00 AM Alex promised a nandos if he wins.
Good luck Alex. The rest can chop it if they like. I like them all. Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 12:32:45 AM Bradley doubles through Vinson
K-J-10-7 called by A-A-Q-5 both have thre clubs 8-9-2-5-6. No clubs. Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 12:34:56 AM Beazely Ace Queen single suited in clubs
Picken Kings single suited in diamonds, calls the all in A-2-4-7-A to double short stack Jason up Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Marky147 on February 22, 2014, 12:54:37 AM Any one of 4 ftw then please!
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 12:55:31 AM Picken all in with KK42 on
Q-10-2 Ben Vinson calls with 10-9-7-5 A 10 Adam Picken finishes 6th Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 12:58:04 AM 196 players in the Six Max today, 4 short of hitting the GTE on the first of two days. 58 left currently
Huge field expected tomorrow Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 01:09:28 AM tikay doubles up
AAQ3 all in KJ77 ds Jason Beazley, calls Q-J-2-Q-3 Full house Still below average, but still in with a shot Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: nirvana on February 22, 2014, 01:11:15 AM For anyone who is a reg at Luton that's quite a representation on that final. gl to all of them
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 01:23:33 AM Bradley all in with a wrap against Aces and a medium flush draw of Golubevs, he himself picks up a flush draw on the turn, but misses on the river and Ian Bradley is out 5th
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 01:25:46 AM Golubevs a huge chip leader 1.4m over half the chips in play
Beazley 240,000 tikay 260,000 Vinson 600,000 at 10-20k Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 01:27:06 AM Vinson opens
tikay pots Vinson all in call AAK3 tikay QQ45 Vinson 10-4-3-5----- Vinson has two pair 2 on the river to double the serial finder of Aces up again! Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 01:29:14 AM £11750 for the winner
£7000 2nd £4750 3rd £3750 4th Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Tal on February 22, 2014, 01:29:27 AM Vinson opens tikay pots Vinson all in call AAK3 tikay QQ45 Vinson 10-4-3-5----- Vinson has two pair 2 on the river to double the serial finder of Aces up again! Just want to confirm that tikay definitely - DEFINITELY - noticed that the river gave him a wheel. Half a million and change now. Ladder.gif Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 01:31:19 AM Jason finishes 4th. I completely missed it as I was penned in having to listen to a bad beat story at my workstation.
Apologies Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 01:37:11 AM (http://whatsbinaryoptions.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/ladder-strategy.jpg)
(http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/elinamanninen/elinamanninen0906/elinamanninen090600208/5107114-aces-and-jack-ten-double-suited-is-a-premium-starting-hand-in-omaha-high-low-poker.jpg) (https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSEeDbA6KQdK2BUVEmyIK9pwUz1Ny_1phm-QD5gsBIVCYMvqsqN) (http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/42528000/jpg/_42528083_peroxide416.jpg) (http://www.ramtips.me.uk/multiples-superplus%20v3.jpg) (http://img.docstoccdn.com/thumb/orig/70521955.png) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Tal on February 22, 2014, 01:37:39 AM Jason finishes 4th. I completely missed it as I was penned in having to listen to a bad beat story at my workstation. Apologies (http://content.presentermedia.com/files/animsp/00004000/4999/stick_figure_climb_ladder_md_wm.gif) Gwarrrrn, as the kids say Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 01:40:20 AM Alex flops a Set of fives
Ben flops the wheel and nut flush draw, and holds all in and call on flop to double up Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 01:41:18 AM Vinson 1m
Golubevs 800k tikay 560k Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Tal on February 22, 2014, 01:52:14 AM Tikay picks up two nice pots without significant perspiration to be nursing a 700k stack.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: theprawnidentity on February 22, 2014, 02:23:28 AM GL tikay
Gg Picken Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 02:25:06 AM Vinson 1.3m
Golubevs 600k tikay 400k on a short break Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: cambridgealex on February 22, 2014, 02:30:30 AM Gowannnn Tikay!!!!!
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Gamblor21 on February 22, 2014, 02:34:24 AM Get it won Tony, bit odd considering I made the final but want him to win it more than me! He's just bracelet hunting...
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 02:37:52 AM 12000-24000 blinds and we are back on
the Main event resumes in 11 hours and I need to be back in in under 8 hours Get it won tikay. Quick Cheers Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Amatay on February 22, 2014, 02:41:44 AM Goooo teeeeeeks!
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 02:45:30 AM Alex wins a 500,000 pot off Ben with a rivered nut flush, paid off, to go joint chip leader
tikay has passed the last 3-4 orbits, the two big boys are fighting this out at this stage Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Marky147 on February 22, 2014, 02:48:11 AM Come on Tikay, get that wheel on the go!
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Tal on February 22, 2014, 02:57:53 AM Tikay has about 17% of the chips in play. He does, however, have about 70% of the years in play, so it's not all bad.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 03:03:39 AM Alex 50,000 otb
Vinson 174,000 sb tikay all in 412,000 bb Alex fold Vinson call tikay Ahrt Kh Tc 4h Vinson Ac Qd 6h 5d 9h 9d Qc Ks 4h tikay doubles alll three players now on c 900k Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 03:11:08 AM Alex 50,000 otb
tikay pot in the bb call Q-J-6 tikay 200,000 alex 425,000 tikay fold alex resumes the chip lead Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 03:27:38 AM Six Max Day 1a
38 of 196 through Basharat Mahmood 57 6 401600 Matthew Davenport 67 1 341400 Robert Hallworth 58 5 314300 Rehman Kassam 68 6 286200 Tamer Kamel 58 4 258700 Ben Mayhew 58 6 235100 Trevor Pearson 58 2 233100 Joseph Tully 68 4 219400 Jeffrey Duvall 46 5 217500 Simon Deadman 68 5 203000 Zimnan Ziyard 48 2 201100 Philip Pattenden-oxenham 48 1 188500 Inaki Santos 46 3 185800 Paul Lambert 68 3 161400 Tristan Mcdonald 57 2 154700 Asif Raja 68 2 148400 Ian Simpson 57 4 135700 Mark Hitchens 47 2 135400 Paul Coughlan 58 1 128300 Phillip Corion 48 3 123300 Michael Wernick 48 4 119100 Ross Jarvis 48 5 116700 Danny Hernon 47 4 109900 Richard Blacklock 67 2 109000 Martin Hogarty 47 5 103800 Tim Davie 67 5 102200 David Thomas 58 3 97200 Ryan Spittles 68 1 96400 Ceri Rees 46 4 95200 Jonathan Slater 47 6 92500 Trevor Reardon 57 5 92200 Andrew Hulme 67 4 91900 Lloyd White 57 1 91700 Greg Hill 46 6 75200 Craig Grant 47 3 69900 Fuad Serhan 67 6 66600 Gordon Anthony Casey 46 2 38400 Dean Gilbert 57 3 38000 Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 03:28:56 AM Golubevs 1.4m
tikay 700k Vinson 500k Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 03:34:21 AM Vinson doubles up through Golubevs then on a
Jd Qs 3s board Vinson sb bets 120,000 tikay raise all in call Vinson Aspades 7s 6c Th tikay Ac Kc Js 4h turn Ad river 2h tikay doubles, Vinson now down to 140,000 at 12-24k Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 03:38:23 AM Ben raises to 84,000 otb
tikay calls Alex bb folds 3-K-A flop tikay leads Ben all in call J-3-Q-J flush draw tikay has a bigger flush draw, hits tow pair on the turn and holds Oh I am completely lost lol. Too many cards! Ben Vinson is out in 3rd anyway Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: cambridgealex on February 22, 2014, 03:38:53 AM oioi!!! closeeee tikay!!
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 03:39:18 AM tikay 800k v Alex 1.5m at 15-30k
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 03:39:56 AM £11750 for the winner
£7000 2nd Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 03:42:57 AM Alex 60,000 button
tikay 160,000 rr in the blind call Q-6-9 flop check check A turn tikay 175,000. takes it down with the MOF Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: dakky on February 22, 2014, 04:18:05 AM This is absolutely epic
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 04:29:11 AM a long Heads up. tikay had got it back to level, then a lead, then lost it again
tikay button raised Alex called Ad 6h 2h Alex check calls 60,000 Qc Alex checks tikay 165,000 Alex check raises the pot 795,000 tikay stand up, think..think...think all in call tikay Ahrt 5h 8s 3c Alex Ac 9d Qh Td river 3d tikay finished 2nd Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Ant040689 on February 22, 2014, 04:33:14 AM Great effort Tikay!
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 04:36:14 AM Alex Golubevs, the winner
(https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/ILI7G1_gLsgBxl92zaxjYdxV14EiHUlMVfZ9WKSwKyrc=w892-h597) with the Luton massive (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-i1B2CABr9-s/UwglQMPegPI/AAAAAAAARV0/z43DxyQubNQ/w892-h597-no/DSC05068.JPG) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Marky147 on February 22, 2014, 04:41:09 AM Well played Tikay, and you'll just have to pick your bling up in the summer ;)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Tal on February 22, 2014, 05:59:14 AM Superb performance, sir. A pleasure to watch.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: RED-DOG on February 22, 2014, 07:52:04 AM ;tightend;
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Doobs on February 22, 2014, 08:02:47 AM Congratulations. Brilliant result.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: nirvana on February 22, 2014, 08:16:22 AM Well done Tikay and great result Alex.
Just need Ryan to go deep in the 6 max and gonna be great for the sky coverage. Tikay's story gonna be a great byline for the site - "Sky reg pensioner, who normally only plays £2.00 DYM Sit N Gos, came runner up in the inaugural.....' cue video as clearly befuddled pensioner, dressed like a sports presenter from the early 90s accepts his prize. Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: edgascoigne on February 22, 2014, 09:04:25 AM Yes Tikay!! Well played that man.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: bookiebasher on February 22, 2014, 09:18:44 AM 2nd , pathetic. Your as bad as that Deadman bloke.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Kev B on February 22, 2014, 09:19:58 AM Fantastic Tikay well done young man.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: scotty2hatty on February 22, 2014, 09:37:58 AM Half remember waking up and reading this. Great work tikay.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Amatay on February 22, 2014, 09:48:21 AM WD Teeks
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: MC on February 22, 2014, 10:10:31 AM Nice one Tikay!
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Karabiner on February 22, 2014, 10:27:36 AM Fantastic performance Tony, epic even.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Honeybadger on February 22, 2014, 10:28:28 AM So happy when I woke up and saw this. Well done Tikay, great performance and great result!
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TL900 on February 22, 2014, 10:29:54 AM Nice one Tikay! Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Big_D on February 22, 2014, 11:12:24 AM Brilliant news, chuffed for you teeks
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Junior Senior on February 22, 2014, 11:20:03 AM Bugger. 1st would have been epic but he will be so proud of himself and chuffed to bits.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: pleno1 on February 22, 2014, 11:23:27 AM The 6,ax will be finished in Sunday right?
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: tikay on February 22, 2014, 11:41:08 AM The 6,ax will be finished in Sunday right? Morning Patrick, Yes, the 6-Max will conclude on Sunday. Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: RED-DOG on February 22, 2014, 11:42:30 AM The 6,ax will be finished in Sunday right? Morning Patrick, Yes, the 6-Max will conclude on Sunday. Lol. Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: iangascoigne on February 22, 2014, 11:44:44 AM Congrats to Tikay who must be walking on air at the moment. Fantastic result for him and all at Sky Poker. DTD rammed with the great and the good of the poker world,brilliant numbers,guarantees smashed, splashy cash games and a really friendly vibe...............but most of all Tikay gets a nice bink.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Dubai on February 22, 2014, 11:45:18 AM Superb result Tikay! No more £150 max bets :)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: RED-DOG on February 22, 2014, 11:56:50 AM Did we get some FT / HU footage?
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: booder on February 22, 2014, 12:03:27 PM Congratulations Tony. Brilliant result.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Young_gun on February 22, 2014, 12:12:31 PM What a boss! WP TK your a ledge
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: JaffaCake on February 22, 2014, 12:46:13 PM Well done gramps, super effort
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Knottikay on February 22, 2014, 12:54:47 PM I am sure Richard Orford won a SPT side event #justsaying Congrats anyway Tikay........fantastic effort & result. Did this count towards your staked package BTW? ::) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: horseplayer on February 22, 2014, 01:04:00 PM great stuff Tikay well done
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Redbull on February 22, 2014, 01:05:42 PM Fantastic Tony! Great result & VWP :)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: atdc21 on February 22, 2014, 01:06:03 PM Well played Tikay, great result.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: rfgqqabc on February 22, 2014, 01:24:52 PM Oioi tikay. I'm sure your a bit gutted having seen how sexy the bracelet was. Wp though and I hope you enjoyed it. Probably one of the most fun comps I've played, unbelievable structure too.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: GreekWay on February 22, 2014, 01:35:34 PM Well done TK! Great result and well played. :)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: typhoon13 on February 22, 2014, 02:04:45 PM Nice one sir, well done Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: bobAlike on February 22, 2014, 02:40:17 PM Fantastic Tony! Great result & VWP :) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: ripple11 on February 22, 2014, 02:45:25 PM ;hattip; ;applause; ;applause; Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: HOLDorFOLD on February 22, 2014, 03:38:44 PM Well played and congrats Tikay, Alex and Jason ;applause;
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: vegaslover on February 22, 2014, 03:53:59 PM Congrats Tikay ;applause; ;applause; ;applause;
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: aetos on February 22, 2014, 04:16:50 PM ;karabiner;
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: RedFox on February 22, 2014, 04:51:55 PM Well done TK.
How many entries in the 6 max today please? Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 05:05:41 PM Well done TK. How many entries in the 6 max today please? 147 so far on 24 tables Entry is still open going to make £200k plus, double the GTE Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: RedFox on February 22, 2014, 05:08:37 PM Well done TK. How many entries in the 6 max today please? 147 so far on 24 tables Entry is still open going to make £200k plus, double the GTE nice im headin down Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Supernova on February 22, 2014, 05:39:46 PM Nice one Mr Kendall. VWP Sir!
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Djinn on February 22, 2014, 07:27:29 PM Hi, Long-time Lurker, first time Poster:*
Have to say watching Tikay ladder to heads up in the PLO final was one of the highlights of the trip for me overall. Staring with a slight frown into the middle distance in alternating directions between hands wasn't enough to fool anyone that he wasn't utterly enjoying himself every hand. Well played to them all (Ben, champion Alex and Ian among them) and the core 4am railgroup. Anyone I know whom I saw for the first time in months/years over the weekend - it was a pleasure; occasionally an event seems to trap everyone like honey on that Micro Machines on-the-kitchen-table level and this was definitely one of them. Best of luck to anyone heading to the deep end of the Main and 6-Max. Also a big thank-you directed to the dealers and floor staff many of whose faces I saw so often I wondered if they actually went home at all - these things run smoothly because people are on their feet and on the ball for long hours. Here are my clearest-remembered aspects of my days there (+ stand-out features): Everyone was there (multiplicity & camaraderie) DTD staff (hospitality in adversity) Day 1a buffet (viscosity & salinity) Jeremy Nock winning the hi roller at 6am (tenacity not alacrity) Nando's (proximity and periperi) ..and especially TightEnd (indefatigability). Hope everyone still out there has a great time until end of the UKPC! *This year Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 07:42:47 PM CURRENT LEADERBOARD AFTER THE COMPLETED EVENTS
(https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/1972495_589223474495627_1014277318_n.jpg) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 07:44:28 PM There are currently 163 runners in 1b of the Six Max, reg is open til 9pm
Currently total 359 runners over the two days for a £179500 prize pool Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 22, 2014, 07:56:36 PM Richard Blacklock versus Steve Warburton to play Alex Martin in the final of the Heads Up
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Junior Senior on February 22, 2014, 08:05:51 PM Richard Blacklock versus Steve Warburton to play Alex Martin in the final of the Heads Up Gogogo Eso Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: bromley04 on February 22, 2014, 11:18:48 PM Hi, Long-time Lurker, first time Poster:* Love this reference! Great post all round Jen!Have to say watching Tikay ladder to heads up in the PLO final was one of the highlights of the trip for me overall. Staring with a slight frown into the middle distance in alternating directions between hands wasn't enough to fool anyone that he wasn't utterly enjoying himself every hand. Well played to them all (Ben, champion Alex and Ian among them) and the core 4am railgroup. Anyone I know whom I saw for the first time in months/years over the weekend - it was a pleasure; occasionally an event seems to trap everyone like honey on that Micro Machines on-the-kitchen-table level and this was definitely one of them. Best of luck to anyone heading to the deep end of the Main and 6-Max. Also a big thank-you directed to the dealers and floor staff many of whose faces I saw so often I wondered if they actually went home at all - these things run smoothly because people are on their feet and on the ball for long hours. Here are my clearest-remembered aspects of my days there (+ stand-out features): Everyone was there (multiplicity & camaraderie) DTD staff (hospitality in adversity) Day 1a buffet (viscosity & salinity) Jeremy Nock winning the hi roller at 6am (tenacity not alacrity) Nando's (proximity and periperi) ..and especially TightEnd (indefatigability). Hope everyone still out there has a great time until end of the UKPC! *This year Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: 77dave on February 23, 2014, 12:00:26 AM Hi, Long-time Lurker, first time Poster:* Have to say watching Tikay ladder to heads up in the PLO final was one of the highlights of the trip for me overall. Staring with a slight frown into the middle distance in alternating directions between hands wasn't enough to fool anyone that he wasn't utterly enjoying himself every hand. Well played to them all (Ben, champion Alex and Ian among them) and the core 4am railgroup. Anyone I know whom I saw for the first time in months/years over the weekend - it was a pleasure; occasionally an event seems to trap everyone like honey on that Micro Machines on-the-kitchen-table level and this was definitely one of them. Best of luck to anyone heading to the deep end of the Main and 6-Max. Also a big thank-you directed to the dealers and floor staff many of whose faces I saw so often I wondered if they actually went home at all - these things run smoothly because people are on their feet and on the ball for long hours. Here are my clearest-remembered aspects of my days there (+ stand-out features): Everyone was there (multiplicity & camaraderie) DTD staff (hospitality in adversity) Day 1a buffet (viscosity & salinity) Jeremy Nock winning the hi roller at 6am (tenacity not alacrity) Nando's (proximity and periperi) ..and especially TightEnd (indefatigability). Hope everyone still out there has a great time until end of the UKPC! *This year good post please post more Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: booder on February 23, 2014, 10:55:48 AM Hi, Long-time Lurker, first time Poster:* Have to say watching Tikay ladder to heads up in the PLO final was one of the highlights of the trip for me overall. Staring with a slight frown into the middle distance in alternating directions between hands wasn't enough to fool anyone that he wasn't utterly enjoying himself every hand. Well played to them all (Ben, champion Alex and Ian among them) and the core 4am railgroup. Anyone I know whom I saw for the first time in months/years over the weekend - it was a pleasure; occasionally an event seems to trap everyone like honey on that Micro Machines on-the-kitchen-table level and this was definitely one of them. Best of luck to anyone heading to the deep end of the Main and 6-Max. Also a big thank-you directed to the dealers and floor staff many of whose faces I saw so often I wondered if they actually went home at all - these things run smoothly because people are on their feet and on the ball for long hours. Here are my clearest-remembered aspects of my days there (+ stand-out features): Everyone was there (multiplicity & camaraderie) DTD staff (hospitality in adversity) Day 1a buffet (viscosity & salinity) Jeremy Nock winning the hi roller at 6am (tenacity not alacrity) Nando's (proximity and periperi) ..and especially TightEnd (indefatigability). Hope everyone still out there has a great time until end of the UKPC! *This year good post please post more This. Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Tal on February 23, 2014, 11:01:05 AM Hi, Long-time Lurker, first time Poster:* Have to say watching Tikay ladder to heads up in the PLO final was one of the highlights of the trip for me overall. Staring with a slight frown into the middle distance in alternating directions between hands wasn't enough to fool anyone that he wasn't utterly enjoying himself every hand. Well played to them all (Ben, champion Alex and Ian among them) and the core 4am railgroup. Anyone I know whom I saw for the first time in months/years over the weekend - it was a pleasure; occasionally an event seems to trap everyone like honey on that Micro Machines on-the-kitchen-table level and this was definitely one of them. Best of luck to anyone heading to the deep end of the Main and 6-Max. Also a big thank-you directed to the dealers and floor staff many of whose faces I saw so often I wondered if they actually went home at all - these things run smoothly because people are on their feet and on the ball for long hours. Here are my clearest-remembered aspects of my days there (+ stand-out features): Everyone was there (multiplicity & camaraderie) DTD staff (hospitality in adversity) Day 1a buffet (viscosity & salinity) Jeremy Nock winning the hi roller at 6am (tenacity not alacrity) Nando's (proximity and periperi) ..and especially TightEnd (indefatigability). Hope everyone still out there has a great time until end of the UKPC! *This year good post please post more This. Multiplicity of your artistry, please. Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: tikay on February 23, 2014, 12:00:59 PM Jen is the greatest. Manages to be a sheer genius, & a complete fruitcake, at one & the same time. No further evidence, M'Lord. Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 23, 2014, 12:05:11 PM Day1b of the Six Max
32 of 202 got through Sinem Melin 58 5 570600 Julian Thew 46 2 549700 Elaine Cockburn 48 2 339800 Ben Dobson 68 5 323300 Anooj Sareen 48 3 312500 Martyn Frey 47 2 302700 Bruce Jones 58 6 254400 Mazalahedwa Bako 46 5 253500 Thomas High 67 5 245000 Harry Zammit 67 3 243700 Waikiat Lee 68 4 233200 Mathew Perry 46 4 200700 John-paul Kelly 48 4 197500 Gary Strang 47 4 180100 Lee Taylor 67 1 176700 Jack Allen 58 3 173600 Robert Bostock 47 6 164700 Emrah Yildiz 68 1 152700 Waheed Ashraf 47 1 147300 Jeremy Nock 67 4 146100 Stavros Ioaanou 67 6 117900 Masud Prodhan 58 2 106700 Paul Garner 48 5 93600 Marc Convey 48 1 83200 John Sadler 48 6 80900 Anonymous 47 5 80000 Ian Tough 58 1 64300 Dahe Liu 68 6 57800 David Crilly 46 6 41400 Oluwashola Akindele 68 3 25300 Timothy Chung 46 1 17800 Paul Grummitt 46 3 6800 70 of 402 (£201,000 prize pool!) resume at 2pm Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 23, 2014, 12:11:55 PM With the £500 Turbo event to come at 2pm this afternoon, prize pools this week now exceed £1.1m. The whol week was Guaranteed at £800,000
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 23, 2014, 12:14:51 PM Seat draw for the Six Max today
Tournament Scroll to Top Table 21 Seat Player 1 David Thomas 2 Inaki Santos 3 Bruce Jones 4 Jonathan Slater 5 Waheed Ashraf 6 Dahe Liu Table 22 Seat Player 1 Richard Blacklock 2 Andrew Hulme 3 Ceri Rees 4 Mathew Perry 5 Simon Deadman 6 Thomas High Table 23 Seat Player 1 Robert Hallworth 2 Paul Lambert 3 Greg Hill 4 Tamer Kamel 5 Mark Hitchens 6 Anooj Sareen Table 25 Seat Player 1 Dean Gilbert 2 Matthew Davenport 3 David Crilly 4 Michael Wernick 5 Sinem Melin 6 Anonymous Table 26 Seat Player 1 Rehman Kassam 2 Mazalahedwa Bako 3 Joseph Tully 4 Paul Coughlan 5 Trevor Pearson 6 John-paul Kelly Table 31 Seat Player 1 Ben Mayhew 2 Oluwashola Akindele 3 Paul Garner 4 Timothy Chung 5 Emrah Yildiz Table 32 Seat Player 1 Ian Tough 2 Jeremy Nock 3 Gary Strang 4 Zimnan Ziyard 5 Ben Dobson 6 Gordon Anthony Casey Table 33 Seat Player 1 Danny Hernon 2 Trevor Reardon 3 Elaine Cockburn 4 Fuad Serhan 5 Basharat Mahmood 6 Masud Prodhan Table 34 Seat Player 1 Jeffrey Duvall 2 Harry Zammit 3 Julian Thew 4 Waikiat Lee 5 Paul Grummitt 6 Asif Raja Table 35 Seat Player 1 Ian Simpson 2 Ryan Spittles 3 Marc Convey 4 Jack Allen 5 Robert Bostock 6 Martin Hogarty Table 36 Seat Player 1 Ross Jarvis 2 Philip Pattenden-oxenham 3 Martyn Frey 4 John Sadler 5 Craig Grant 6 Phillip Corion Table 37 Seat Player 1 Tristan Mcdonald 2 Lee Taylor 3 Stavros Ioaanou 4 Tim Davie 5 Lloyd White Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: bagel on February 23, 2014, 12:18:57 PM chip count for stato? see him on seat draw but not chip count list.
great updates as per Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: KarmaDope on February 23, 2014, 12:22:39 PM Seat draw for the Six Max today Table 22 Seat Player 1 Richard Blacklock 2 Andrew Hulme 3 Ceri Rees 4 Mathew Perry 5 Simon Deadman 6 Thomas High Sick. Round of this please Tighty! Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: ruud on February 23, 2014, 12:25:37 PM Seat draw for the Six Max today Table 22 Seat Player 1 Richard Blacklock 2 Andrew Hulme 3 Ceri Rees 4 Mathew Perry 5 Simon Deadman 6 Thomas High Sick. Round of this please Tighty! +1million to this Eso for bracelet double today!! Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Dubai on February 23, 2014, 12:33:50 PM What's payouts for £500? Bought shares in 3 people and they all still in.
Thin :) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: tikay on February 23, 2014, 12:55:15 PM What's payouts for £500? Bought shares in 3 people and they all still in. Thin :) They are not available yet Mr S, but Tighty will Post them as soon as they are available. Think there were just over 400 Entries @ £500 Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Eso Kral on February 23, 2014, 12:56:50 PM Seat draw for the Six Max today Table 22 Seat Player 1 Richard Blacklock 2 Andrew Hulme 3 Ceri Rees 4 Mathew Perry 5 Simon Deadman 6 Thomas High Sick. Round of this please Tighty! +1million to this Eso for bracelet double today!! Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: flushthemout on February 23, 2014, 12:58:49 PM Best of luck to Harry (piano man) Zammit, and Eso
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: cambridgealex on February 23, 2014, 01:05:18 PM Seat draw for the Six Max today Table 22 Seat Player 1 Richard Blacklock 2 Andrew Hulme 3 Ceri Rees 4 Mathew Perry 5 Simon Deadman 6 Thomas High Sick. Round of this please Tighty! That is a sick sick table! Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: david3103 on February 23, 2014, 01:06:11 PM Seat draw for the Six Max today Table 22 Seat Player 1 Richard Blacklock 2 Andrew Hulme 3 Ceri Rees 4 Mathew Perry 5 Simon Deadman 6 Thomas High Sick. Round of this please Tighty! I'd pay to watch this table on a stream Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: cambridgealex on February 23, 2014, 01:15:18 PM Seat draw for the Six Max today Table 22 Seat Player 1 Richard Blacklock 2 Andrew Hulme 3 Ceri Rees 4 Mathew Perry 5 Simon Deadman 6 Thomas High Sick. Round of this please Tighty! I'd pay to watch this table on a stream Blonde legend and sicko Eso Kral, online beast Stato_1, Welsh wizard and serial binker Ceri, Brummie hero and sick player Matt Perry AND the man on fire Simon Deadman! It's certainly one to watch. Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: verndog158 on February 23, 2014, 02:18:51 PM Seat draw for the Six Max today Table 22 Seat Player 1 Richard Blacklock 2 Andrew Hulme 3 Ceri Rees 4 Mathew Perry 5 Simon Deadman 6 Thomas High Sick. Round of this please Tighty! I'd pay to watch this table on a stream Blonde legend and sicko Eso Kral, online beast Stato_1, Welsh wizard and serial binker Ceri, Brummie hero and sick player Matt Perry AND the man on fire Simon Deadman! It's certainly one to watch. and Tom High ;) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: suzanne on February 23, 2014, 02:52:42 PM Good Luck to Robert Hallworth ;cheerleader;
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: rfgqqabc on February 23, 2014, 02:55:35 PM Seat draw for the Six Max today Table 22 Seat Player 1 Richard Blacklock 2 Andrew Hulme 3 Ceri Rees 4 Mathew Perry 5 Simon Deadman 6 Thomas High Sick. Round of this please Tighty! I'd pay to watch this table on a stream Blonde legend and sicko Eso Kral, online beast Stato_1, Welsh wizard and serial binker Ceri, Brummie hero and sick player Matt Perry AND the man on fire Simon Deadman! It's certainly one to watch. and Tom High ;) ;marks; Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 23, 2014, 02:57:03 PM exits today
61 Tristan Mcdonald 62 John Sadler 63 Paul Garner 64 Dean Gilbert 65 Andrew Hulme 66 Ryan Spittles 67 John-paul Kelly 68 Masud Prodhan 69 Gordon Anthony Casey 70 Ceri Rees Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Junior Senior on February 23, 2014, 03:14:44 PM Seat draw for the Six Max today Table 22 Seat Player 1 Richard Blacklock 2 Andrew Hulme 3 Ceri Rees 4 Mathew Perry 5 Simon Deadman 6 Thomas High Sick. Round of this please Tighty! I'd pay to watch this table on a stream Blonde legend and sicko Eso Kral, online beast Stato_1, Welsh wizard and serial binker Ceri, Brummie hero and sick player Matt Perry AND the man on fire Simon Deadman! It's certainly one to watch. and Tom High ;) Table didn't happen. Deadman obv so golden he manger to get a move onto a far more inferior table before it even started Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 23, 2014, 03:21:13 PM (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-9RxCy8H-AJE/UwoKyrHzT4I/AAAAAAAAR8o/zdqmnGvTR3k/w398-h597-no/IMG_6498.JPG)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Mango99 on February 23, 2014, 03:59:02 PM Good Luck to Robert Hallworth ;cheerleader; +1 ! Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: IrishRose on February 23, 2014, 06:16:35 PM Hi
Can I ask if there are any updates to the SixMax event today please? Chip counts and payouts? Thanks Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 23, 2014, 06:20:35 PM 28 left in the side event
22 1 Fuad Serhan 22 2 Zimnan Ziyard 22 3 Mazalahedwa Bako 22 4 Phillip Corion 22 5 Jeremy Nock 23 1 Tamer Kamel 23 2 Martyn Frey 23 3 Mathew Perry 23 5 Ben Dobson 23 6 Jeffrey Duvall 25 1 Asif Raja 25 2 Robert Hallworth 25 3 Danny Hernon 25 4 Tim Davie 25 5 Emrah Yildiz 25 6 Trevor Pearson 34 1 Rehman Kassam 34 2 Ian Simpson 34 4 Harry Zammit 34 5 Paul Grummitt 34 6 Simon Deadman 35 1 Basharat Mahmood 35 2 Inaki Santos 35 3 Thomas High 35 5 Julian Thew 35 6 Paul Lambert We have 4 players still in the running for the $15,000 Vegas package - as well as unknown main event winner. To even compete with ME even winner these players need the following or higher finishes. Jeremy Nock (High Roller winner) needs 8th in Six Max Zimnan Ziyard (High Roller 2nd place) needs 6th in Six Max Martyn Frey (High Roller 3rd place) needs 4th in Six Max Emran Hussain (High Roller 4th place) needs 1st in Turbo Obviously the Main Event winner will win it it if none of these earn the positions above No-one in the Main Event can win now except 1st place as they don't have points elsewhere. Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 23, 2014, 06:22:10 PM Hi Can I ask if there are any updates to the SixMax event today please? Chip counts and payouts? Thanks I simply don't have the time I am afriad, trying to cover the main event hand by hand A while ago Thewy had 650k, Lambert180 220k and Deadman 400k Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 23, 2014, 06:25:03 PM Aleksandrs Golubevs (PLO winner) has regged for the Turbo so he can win the leaderboard with a 3rd finish in the Turbo.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: cambridgealex on February 23, 2014, 08:47:35 PM Heads up
(http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc416/cambridgealex/2D9FB381-F80B-4A4A-AE92-A4DB3355AE2D_zpscokw3yuo.jpg) (http://s1210.photobucket.com/user/cambridgealex/media/2D9FB381-F80B-4A4A-AE92-A4DB3355AE2D_zpscokw3yuo.jpg.html) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 23, 2014, 08:58:49 PM 9 left in the £201,000 Six Max
23 1 Paul Lambert 23 2 Asif Raja 23 3 Thomas High 23 4 Basharat Mahmood 23 5 Ben Dobson 34 1 Julian Thew 34 2 Ian Simpson 34 3 Emrah Yildiz 34 6 Robert Hallworth £45,000 for 1st £4,750 for 9th Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 23, 2014, 09:01:07 PM 17 of 55 left in the £500 Turbo
56 1 Matthew Davenport 56 2 Anooj Sareen 56 3 Mitchell Johnson 56 4 Zack Rosen 56 5 Thomas Dunwoodie 56 6 Andrew Hills 56 7 John Allison 56 8 Robert Machin 56 9 Andrew Papageorgiou 57 1 Daniel Carter 57 2 Jonathan Grice 57 3 Craig Grant 57 4 Jonathan Cooper 57 5 John Sadler 57 6 Jeff Sharpe 57 8 Oliver Hutchins 57 9 Anonymous Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: j.p. on February 23, 2014, 09:10:10 PM Rob Hallworth to win the 6 max and Dan Carter the turbo please
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: mondatoo on February 23, 2014, 09:13:14 PM Heroes everywhere, glgl all.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Mango99 on February 23, 2014, 09:41:35 PM Rob Hallworth to win the 6 max and Dan Carter the turbo please +1 for both of those. Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: ashhen on February 23, 2014, 09:47:07 PM Rob Hallworth to win the 6 max and Dan Carter the turbo please +1 for both of those. That would be an awesome result. GL guys. Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Ant040689 on February 23, 2014, 10:22:17 PM Gwan Ben Dobson!!! £45k would not be bad!
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: lolwutwasthat on February 23, 2014, 10:43:49 PM gl ben & tom!
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 23, 2014, 10:48:50 PM FINALISTS IN THE SIX MAX
23 1 Paul Lambert 23 2 Asif Raja 23 3 Thomas High 34 1 Julian Thew 34 2 Ian Simpson 34 3 Ben Dobson 34 6 Robert Hallworth Alex Martin won the Heads Up Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: George2Loose on February 23, 2014, 10:50:13 PM gl ben & tom & Julian! Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 23, 2014, 10:51:17 PM Turbo final
67 1 Andrew Hills 67 2 Anooj Sareen 67 3 John Allison 67 4 Daniel Carter 67 5 Jonathan Cooper 67 6 John Sadler 67 8 Zack Rosen 67 9 Craig Grant Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: cambridgealex on February 23, 2014, 10:53:03 PM Ben thigh and Julian on the ft wow, all super nice guys and great players, good luck all but my pick is my good friend Thigh who always gets forgotten about and has ran pretty awful over the last couple of years. Would be great to see him take this down.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: George2Loose on February 23, 2014, 10:56:53 PM Ben thigh and Julian on the ft wow, all super nice guys and great players, good luck all but my pick is my good friend Thigh who always gets forgotten about and has ran pretty awful over the last couple of years. Would be great to see him take this down. Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: cambridgealex on February 23, 2014, 10:57:09 PM (http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc416/cambridgealex/CE8B7F0D-72EB-4A85-8B8C-616C7AEAA713_zpsfquwgdmt.jpg) (http://s1210.photobucket.com/user/cambridgealex/media/CE8B7F0D-72EB-4A85-8B8C-616C7AEAA713_zpsfquwgdmt.jpg.html)
(http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc416/cambridgealex/3CBA1CA8-9BC0-44AD-B2A0-1AFA37321611_zpsme60sbts.jpg) (http://s1210.photobucket.com/user/cambridgealex/media/3CBA1CA8-9BC0-44AD-B2A0-1AFA37321611_zpsme60sbts.jpg.html) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Mango99 on February 23, 2014, 11:08:40 PM n1 cambridgealex.
any chance of some chipcounts (guesstimates)? Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Magic817 on February 23, 2014, 11:13:35 PM GL Julian and Paul. If someone there could do rough chip counts it would be really appreciated
Thanks Matt Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Slykllist on February 23, 2014, 11:23:36 PM Last I heard from Paul he had around 2million
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: riveredAgAin on February 23, 2014, 11:28:59 PM Asif Raja FTW! take it down pal
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 24, 2014, 12:00:02 AM six left in the turbo
67 1 Andrew Hills 67 2 Anooj Sareen 67 5 Jonathan Cooper 67 6 John Sadler 67 8 Zack Rosen 67 9 Craig Grant Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 24, 2014, 12:00:46 AM Six left in the six max
32 1 Julian Thew 33 1 Thomas High 33 3 Paul Lambert 33 4 Ben Dobson 33 5 Robert Hallworth 33 6 Ian Simpson Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: suzanne on February 24, 2014, 12:29:22 AM Six left in the six max 32 1 Julian Thew 33 1 Thomas High 33 3 Paul Lambert 33 4 Ben Dobson 33 5 Robert Hallworth 33 6 Ian Simpson CMON Rob!!! Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: cheryl2711 on February 24, 2014, 12:30:57 AM He needs some rubbing!!
Give him some suziiiii!!!!!! Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: suzanne on February 24, 2014, 12:32:55 AM 5 left, no idea of stacks but giving him some lucky rubz x
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: suzanne on February 24, 2014, 12:33:57 AM He needs some rubbing!! Give him some suziiiii!!!!!! Hiya Rod xxxxxxxxx Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: cheryl2711 on February 24, 2014, 12:35:27 AM Ello, got thoughts of you rubbing
xxxxxxxxx Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: suzanne on February 24, 2014, 12:38:37 AM Ello, got thoughts of you rubbing xxxxxxxxx Naughty boy ;) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: cheryl2711 on February 24, 2014, 12:39:00 AM 5 left, no idea of stacks but giving him some lucky rubz x 7.5, 5, 3, 1.5 and thew 1 and rob 1 Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: cheryl2711 on February 24, 2014, 12:40:44 AM Edit, forget the 5 :-)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: suzanne on February 24, 2014, 12:42:37 AM Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: j.p. on February 24, 2014, 12:44:55 AM Julian Thew out in 5th. Rob is short with 15bb
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: suzanne on February 24, 2014, 12:49:03 AM Julian Thew out in 5th. Rob is short with 15bb £10k sewn up :) Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: cheryl2711 on February 24, 2014, 01:08:42 AM Rob doubles :-)
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: suzanne on February 24, 2014, 01:13:01 AM Rob doubles :-) ;cheerleader; ;cheerleader; ;cheerleader; Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: suzanne on February 24, 2014, 01:21:39 AM Anyone there that can give us updates? Im assuming Tighty has gone home for a well deserved rest.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Slykllist on February 24, 2014, 01:23:21 AM Just heard we're down to 3, no idea on chip counts yet though.
Think Tighty has been tied up sorting the photography and stuff for the Main Event winner Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: suzanne on February 24, 2014, 01:25:24 AM Rob out 4th :( WP lad xxx
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: cambridgealex on February 24, 2014, 02:06:36 AM Ian Simpson vs Ben Dobson hu, Ian 3:1 chip lead.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: Ant040689 on February 24, 2014, 03:10:26 AM Ben won it according to his twitter, the man is a joke.
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: willrobrobu on February 24, 2014, 12:36:05 PM was a really fun FT, interesting seeing the mix of extremely tight and extremely laggy players mixing and shifting gears. bit gutted to come 4th once i finalled obvs but happy with most of my decisions. gratz to the big winners
Title: Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD: Side Events Post by: TightEnd on February 24, 2014, 12:41:20 PM Rounding up the Other results
Six Max 1 Ben Dobson £45,000.00 2 Ian Simpson £27,000.00 3 Paul Lambert £18,000.00 4 Robert Hallworth £11,750.00 5 Julian Thew £8,250.00 6 Thomas High £6,250.00 7 Asif Raja £4,750.00 8 Basharat Mahmood £4,750.00 9 Emrah Yildiz £4,750.00 10 Paul Grummitt £3,750.00 11 Trevor Pearson £3,750.00 12 Inaki Santos £3,750.00 13 Phillip Corion £2,750.00 14 Tim Davie £2,750.00 15 Simon Deadman £2,750.00 16 Harry Zammit £2,000.00 17 Fuad Serhan £2,000.00 18 Tamer Kamel £2,000.00 19 Jeremy Nock £1,500.00 20 Danny Hernon £1,500.00 21 Jeffrey Duvall £1,500.00 22 Rehman Kassam £1,500.00 23 Mathew Perry £1,500.00 24 Zimnan Ziyard £1,500.00 25 Mazalahedwa Bako £1,500.00 26 Martyn Frey £1,500.00 27 Gary Strang £1,500.00 28 Lee Taylor £1,500.00 29 Bruce Jones £1,500.00 30 Joseph Tully £1,500.00 31 Dahe Liu £1,250.00 32 Jack Allen £1,250.00 33 Trevor Reardon £1,250.00 34 Ross Jarvis £1,250.00 35 Richard Blacklock £1,250.00 36 Philip Pattenden-oxenham £1,250.00 37 Sinem Melin £1,250.00 38 Stavros Ioaanou £1,250.00 39 Anooj Sareen £1,250.00 40 Matthew Davenport £1,250.00 41 Elaine Cockburn £1,250.00 42 Lloyd White £1,250.00 43 David Crilly £1,000.00 44 Paul Coughlan £1,000.00 45 David Thomas £1,000.00 46 Robert Bostock £1,000.00 47 Mark Hitchens £1,000.00 48 Waheed Ashraf £1,000.00 49 Jonathan Slater £1,000.00 50 Anonymous £1,000.00 51 Timothy Chung £1,000.00 52 Ben Mayhew £1,000.00 53 Waikiat Lee £1,000.00 54 Craig Grant £1,000.00 Turbo 1 Andrew Hills £9,200.00 2 John Sadler £5,500.00 3 Zack Rosen £3,800.00 4 Craig Grant £2,800.00 5 Anooj Sareen £2,200.00 6 Jonathan Cooper £1,700.00 7 Daniel Carter £1,300.00 8 John Allison £1,000.00 |