Title: Free Books Post by: byronkincaid on July 24, 2016, 04:07:42 PM I'm moving and have to get rid of these. Some are worthless I imagine but some seem to be up for £15 secondhand on Amazon. Ideally someone would take them all off my hands but I can't be bothered to send them sorry. I live in Sutton, Surrey. If nobody wants them they'll go in the bin. To clarify they are free if you can come and collect.
Maths of Poker, Chen and Ankenman Elements of Poker, Angelo Kill Everyone, Nelson etc FTP Strategy Guide, Craig Little Green Book, Gorden (Think the Camel really rates this one) Swimming with Devilfish Man Behind the Shades Poker Tournament Formula, Snyder Hold Em Poker, Sklansky Every Hand Revealed, Gus Professor, Banker, Suicide King Biggest Game in Town, Alvarez SSHE, Miller and Sklansky HOH 1,2&3, Harrington PLO, Hwang Winners Guide to Texas Hold'em (why am I even writing this shit out) HUNLHE, Moshman (better) Secrets of short handed NLHE, Ashman Theory of Poker, Pompous Twat Caro's book of poker tells Tournament poker for Advanced Players (don't think I ever qualified for this) Harrington on Cash vol 1 and 2 (everyone hated these but I thought they were good) NLHE, pompous and Miller Ace on the River, The other Barry Making of a Poker Player, Matros Positively Fifth Street Bigger Deal Title: Re: Free Books Post by: FUN4FRASER on July 24, 2016, 04:16:51 PM yes please
can collect within the week Title: Re: Free Books Post by: byronkincaid on July 24, 2016, 04:34:30 PM great, see you soon then. PM me when you know when you can get over here.
Title: Re: Free Books Post by: Sheriff Fatman on July 24, 2016, 07:51:40 PM If it falls through for any reason, I'll take them for the collection.
Title: Re: Free Books Post by: byronkincaid on July 24, 2016, 10:00:49 PM OK mate 2nd on list