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1  Poker Forums / Best of blonde / Re: Chris Moorman: in the well on: March 25, 2008, 10:45:57 PM
Hey Chris,

Before you climb out of the well i'd be grateful if you could answer a few of my questions:

1. Do you stereotype certain nationalities as being generally better players / play in a certain way? I find that i have a lot more success on sites where burger munching yanks aren't allowed to play.

2. In order of most profitable to least how would you rank SNG's, MTT's and cash games?

3. I appreciate that you stated earlier that you learned how to play from trial and error / advise from other players. As a bit of a bookworm (me that is not you) are there any poker books that you would recommend reading?

4. Danni Behr or Donna Air? 

Cheers  thumbs up

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