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1  Poker Forums / Diaries and Blogs / Re: The Best In The Business on: November 11, 2016, 04:54:45 PM
Such a huge variety of factors before you can say either yes or no, and even then you can't be sure about how you are going to react to the lack of financial sustainability. It's all well and good saying BRM is a huge part of it and you need to master this, but early doors when you don't have a tonne of money regardless of how well you save a 2 year downswing - which is viable - is going to take up all of your resources and you have no idea how you will react to this regardless of how well you think you know yourself - and you can't truly know how well you will be supported as such times by those you need support from the most. Many people who doubted it initially will be in the "I told you so" camp which certainly doesn't help matters.

In the instance described in Pads post if this player doesn't feel like they will be fully motivated throughout Uni but wants to give everything to poker, has this support group to rely on who will be beyond helpful (BITB) and has current players at the top of their game suggesting they have the hunger and desire to "make it" and be who they want to be in the poker world then it's somewhat of a standard decision to lean towards poker being the optimal life choice.

At the same time if you don't have such a group to help you make a life choice as big as this one who truly know you and understand the way your mind works then you can only look to yourself for the answer, which is very dangerous and in probably all cases I would tell these people to pursue university otherwise it's a total guess and your mind will tell you what you want to hear - which in the case of the majority of 21 year olds who don't fancy the uni grind but see this perceived flexible poker lifestyle ego will take over for the most part rather than telling you maybe you can't make a living and be mentally strong enough for poker to be your profession.
2  Poker Forums / Diaries and Blogs / Re: The Wild Rollercoaster - Just A Kid With A Lifelong Dream on: October 24, 2016, 04:44:24 AM
Had seen Peter recently selling for the WPT500 on facebook, asked advice from various people as to what, if any action should be taken and all seemed to suggest bumping this thread so people are aware of this past issue in regards to backing due to it now being a reasonable amount of time ago (despite the finances being settled).
3  Poker Forums / Diaries and Blogs / Re: There and Back Again: A Punter's Tale by Matthew Harris on: August 19, 2016, 12:34:51 AM
I kinda wish I'd never started playing this game in the first place. It's taught me a lot, and it's totally changed who I am and how I think, and I've met some remarkable people through it. But, this feeling just isn't worth it. The high points seem so few and far between unless you're a total fucking boss, and even then the lows are still going to come and still going to be brutal...

I feel like if I can study play my way through this then I'll look back on it as a defining point in my poker "career". I guess if I don't I will anyway, but in a different way. I did say they were ramblings.

Super rarely when I'm having say the worst session of the year off the back of lots of other bad session I may mumble the first sentence whilst sighing, but with no meaning behind it and 10 minutes later I can't imagine that being a genuine thought going through my head ever again. If you feel like this after a couple of days or whatever then I would suggest leaving the game, at least for a long enough amount of time for you to start feeling really hungry for it rather than just returning to a desk because you feel like you have to. Maybe go on a trip somewhere, visit a new city, just to break away from the environment, personally find it helps me realise what drives and inspires me to become great at something I love.

Added the bottom quote because this should be what makes you persist. To realise these moments shape you, make you tougher in the long term and you need these shitty lows to eventually sculpt you into an elite poker player. As weak as it sounds you need these moments as a poker player, there will always be worse (and better) moments ahead, if you are unable to deal with these then you shouldn't be in the game.
4  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: It's mark up time of the year again! on: May 16, 2016, 01:22:24 AM
imo if someone is selling action in a place where you can comment on it and pass judgement on it then you are very much free to do so, as indirectly it's being advertised to you. Offering a % to someone, then when they reply saying they don't believe you warrant the markup, can you explain a little and your response being "GTFO" seems pretty OOL.
Always annoys me when people sell with a markup and zero explanation as to why they are worthy of such a markup (unless recently made such a post, where others are aware of it or VERY well recognised within the poker community). You are looking to get investment from them, if you were appearing on Dragon's Den for example you wouldn't rock up with a product with zero maths/financial studies, just allowing them to take your word on it being a profitable investment. People when selling should invite discussion about the markup and give full justification for why you believe you are worth that, even if many believe otherwise. Any time I've seen a thread blowup about justified/unjustified markup OP tends to get defensive and aggy simply because the only reason they offered a set markup is because they had seen others doing it and presumed it's the done thing or believe they are of equal ability. Too often it's a number plucked out the air based on trends.
I agree it's a buyers market and the whole don't like it don't buy it line, but if someone brings you up on it then I'd have hoped you would of at least thought through your realistic ROI. Also the whole expenses argument is ridiculous as these don't influence your ROI of the MTT, which is the only factor that determines whether it's a fair markup or not. I can't imagine anyone playing the same mtt in two consecutive weeks, 1st week selling at 1.1 because they are able to kip on a mates floor but then justifying a markup of 1.2 the week after due to your mate being out of town and having to grab a hotel room.
5  Poker Forums / Online Tournament Staking / Re: Gil3000: WCOOP $5,200 Main Event! on: September 28, 2015, 07:03:09 AM
gg. get given zero spots then find this to bust 396th:
6  Poker Forums / Online Tournament Staking / Re: Gil3000: WCOOP $5,200 Main Event! on: September 28, 2015, 06:41:07 AM
39k, just under 10beebs on break. Had this occur to build us a rly nice stack:

hopefully I can respin with 429 left, 243 places paid
7  Poker Forums / Online Tournament Staking / Re: Gil3000: WCOOP $5,200 Main Event! on: September 28, 2015, 05:44:47 AM
47k on break, nothing eventful really occured during that hour, have 14bb or so
8  Poker Forums / Online Tournament Staking / Re: Gil3000: WCOOP $5,200 Main Event! on: September 28, 2015, 04:41:12 AM
Interesting, got up to 120k with KJ>AA on KQ2-K where he check calls my rip ott.

Then this takes us back down:

In vast majority of situations I'd be happy folding but villain has a RFI of 90% (9/10) from the sb, along with cbets across the streets of 80%/73%/100%. He only needs to have all combos of J10 and 76 for this to be more than fine (value range of 98os+ due to his sizing making him so polar), so adding all the diamond combos in I think def makes this OK.

55k on break, 22bb
9  Poker Forums / Online Tournament Staking / Re: Gil3000: WCOOP $5,200 Main Event! on: September 28, 2015, 03:44:12 AM
29k on next break, just had this before break where I agonised with my decision otf:
villain however had a rly low cbet (37%) and felt it turns my hand up pretty much face up as there are very few value hands worth raising on this board. By the riv everything missed so felt it wouldn't be clever to try and bluff, just shut it down.

I think most people, even the ones with low cbet will cbet that board. I'd care more about their rfi. It's a turd run out though, don't think you can really just donk the turn or bluff the river.

yeah I agree but a pretty solid sample size and seen him check back in weird spots too he should def be cbetting. Saying that his RFI is like 30 so perhaps should just go with it
10  Poker Forums / Online Tournament Staking / Re: Gil3000: WCOOP $5,200 Main Event! on: September 28, 2015, 03:43:10 AM
71k on break. Found some momentum, lets goooo
11  Poker Forums / Online Tournament Staking / Re: Gil3000: WCOOP $5,200 Main Event! on: September 28, 2015, 01:42:25 AM
29k on next break, just had this before break where I agonised with my decision otf:
villain however had a rly low cbet (37%) and felt it turns my hand up pretty much face up as there are very few value hands worth raising on this board. By the riv everything missed so felt it wouldn't be clever to try and bluff, just shut it down.
12  Poker Forums / Online Tournament Staking / Re: Gil3000: WCOOP $5,200 Main Event! on: September 28, 2015, 12:43:38 AM
Bad hour pushes me down to 17k.
Expect him to peel alot of broadway stuff, some he doesn't need to bluff with and alot of hands get there, even though I have the blocker. Also it's not really I board I expect him to take off on with air (A10/AQ no diamond hands) as I'm going to call ott a fair amount of the time, plus I expect him to jam otr more often with bluffs when it looks like I can have a bluffcatcher a fair amount of the time.
Not so sure about this, but has a 3bet from MP of 10%, but 3bets vs EP early only 6% over a fair sample of hands. If he goes bigger think I would rip pre, or if we had 35bb- but this felt a little excessive in a tournament with such a good structure so peeled instead just to fold otf.
13  Poker Forums / Online Tournament Staking / Re: Gil3000: WCOOP $5,200 Main Event! on: September 27, 2015, 11:42:44 PM
Just under 41k on break. Was hovering around 55k then had this hand:

Kinda expect him to bet Qx otf the majority of the time (or at least stronger Qx), so felt he had 99-1010 quite alot, potentially J10 also. Felt there are very few bluffs I get to the river with as most hands have picked up showdown value. The weaker Qx I expect him to check/call otf will mostly be suited combos so with no blockers I expect him to fold KQ/Q10. Obv Aq with As is the nut bluff catcher for him
14  Poker Forums / Online Tournament Staking / Re: Gil3000: WCOOP $5,200 Main Event! on: September 27, 2015, 09:42:48 PM
from 50 to 54k on break, please respect I wont be booming many hands that don't go to showdown because it is quite easy to access hands through Boom without giving links, meaning regs can access hands I play and such
15  Poker Forums / Online Tournament Staking / Re: Gil3000: WCOOP $5,200 Main Event! on: September 27, 2015, 08:41:17 PM
And we are in! Only brammar and jizoint recognised (rest I have 100 hands- on) which is positive
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