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24346  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: Hello from a Newbie...... on: January 27, 2006, 02:28:43 PM
Cheers for the welcome everyone!

Tikay - the name Claw is just my initial and the first three letters of my maiden name - very boring and nothing to do with a penchant for long fingernails or the like!

Hi Heid - yes it was a good evening.  Am gutted I didn't hang around longer now!  I thought the plan for the rest of the night was just to watch Celeb BB on that big screen so decided to toddle off - Bah! Oh well I'll know better next time.

right, better get back to serving the public!
24347  Poker Forums / The Rail / Hello from a Newbie...... on: January 27, 2006, 01:22:21 PM Blondepoker and poker in General!  I met Heid at a Betfair marketing thingamejig earlier in the week and she recommended popping along here - apparently you're a great bunch of friendly people, so don't shatter my illusions just yet!

Anyway, about me.  I'm Claire, 30, live in Middlesex with partner and 3 year old daughter and work for civil service.  Been playing poker online (Betfair) for only a couple of months - mainly very low stake STTs.  Still very much learning the game (but keeping head above water now after losing a fair bit of cash first few weeks by playing like a muppet) and enjoying it immensly.  No live game experience yet, but feel about ready to have a go as and when the opportunity presents itself. 

I've had a quick scout around and this seems like a good place to come for constructive comments on play and general badinage, so no doubt I'll be back!  (think I recognise a couple of names from tables too?)

Look forward to chatting soon!

Claire x
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