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61  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: blonde's Greatest Mind 2 - The Ultimate Quiz (again) on: November 19, 2015, 11:00:34 AM
tbf, I got 19 - probs should've entered

Only one wrong was Bent Buffalo shark, was so sure too

Dangerous SOBs they are
62  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: blonde's Greatest Mind 2 - The Ultimate Quiz (again) on: November 19, 2015, 12:09:22 AM
Ha - getting a bit like a reverse sheep quiz reveal here! If I hadn't got through I'd be appealing being marked wrong on the slang one as my andwer would appearto be equally valid. Also a bit confused by the last one as thought I'd got it right.

Sorry to disappoint: you answered dole money for the question, no way I can accept that. And you answered shark for last question.
63  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: blonde's Greatest Mind 2 - The Ultimate Quiz (again) on: November 18, 2015, 07:27:36 PM

It's probably not one to show the kids.

Not seeing it would have saved 7 year old me from cracking my head open whilst play acting as murdock on our shed roof.
64  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: blonde's Greatest Mind 2 - The Ultimate Quiz (again) on: November 18, 2015, 02:17:39 PM
Ha - getting a bit like a reverse sheep quiz reveal here! If I hadn't got through I'd be appealing being marked wrong on the slang one as my andwer would appearto be equally valid. Also a bit confused by the last one as thought I'd got it right.
65  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: blonde's Greatest Mind 2 - The Ultimate Quiz (again) on: November 17, 2015, 09:13:27 PM

I've been waiting for someone to answer question 18 for over six years now!
66  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: blonde's Greatest Mind 2 - The Ultimate Quiz (again) on: November 17, 2015, 09:12:43 PM
67  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: blonde's Greatest Mind 2 - The Ultimate Quiz (again) on: November 16, 2015, 09:12:22 PM
The online cockney dictionary (consulted post-submission) gives six different answers.

Ha - my guess is one of them!!
68  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: blonde's Greatest Mind 2 - The Ultimate Quiz (again) on: November 15, 2015, 08:39:49 PM
Being a proud Northern man, not happy with the Cockney rhyming slang stuff.

Geographical discrimination!

(Just kidding, great set of questions)

I've lived in London all my life and had never heard of it (nor had a few people I straw polled). I think it's a made up internet thing and will be amazed if anyone actually gets that one!
69  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: Things that piss you off! on: November 13, 2015, 08:57:19 PM
People who take forever at a cash machine.

We're old, we struggle with technology, our eyesight is poor, the screen is small and dim and the buttons are fiddly. We forget pin numbers and we confuse one card with another. We're flustered because we're holding up the queue and the bloke behind looks very impatient and a bit angry.

Cut us a bit of slack. Exchange a friendly word or a smile as we leave. You will feel better, we will feel better, and we will probably be quicker the next time.

People who use the phrase PIN number Wink

Confused now - what else could you call it?
70  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: blonde's Greatest Mind 2 - The Ultimate Quiz (again) on: November 12, 2015, 12:58:47 PM
Sent - a lot of guesswork there - great set of questions again - my knowledge of all things lowbrow will hopefully help!
71  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: blonde's Greatest Mind 2 - The Ultimate Quiz (again) on: November 06, 2015, 01:17:31 PM
Not sure what it says about me that I was the only one who got the Gynophobia question

Ha - i guessed 'women's genitals' which makes much more sense to me! Rushed my answers and annoyed at putting wrong roman numeral as I do know it - glad it didn't cost me - will take a bit more time next round.
72  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: blonde's Greatest Mind 2 - The Ultimate Quiz (again) on: October 30, 2015, 08:53:45 PM
Bugger. Was just testing the questions on dan and realised i've made a really stupid mistake Sad
73  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: blonde's Greatest Mind 2 - The Ultimate Quiz (again) on: October 29, 2015, 12:45:05 PM
Good mix of questions I thought. Bit annoyed that I changed two of my guesses from right to wrong answers though - if i make it to next round will be trusting gut instinct more!
74  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: blonde's Greatest Mind 2 - The Ultimate Quiz (again) on: October 27, 2015, 08:28:45 PM
ooh exciting!  group G really is a corker
75  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: You are heads up in a major competition with your other half.... on: October 27, 2015, 08:27:42 PM
You'd have to be some kind of weasel to deliberately let your Mrs win and the same goes if she was to let you win.

It's only poker ffs, play it out with 100% determination to win, slowroll the f**k out of each and take the p**s as much as possible out of the loser.

If you can't play it to win you need to find a new joint pastime.


I like how all the men are arrogant enough to think they can decide who wins.

and this.

Well done Bedis!! xx
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