1) I would describe my playing style as generally tight aggressive with many deviations depending on who i'm playing. I can play as much as 80% of hands v weak players who just do a lot of calling and I can control the
pots or as little as 15% if I am on a table full of tough internet players/ top class live pros who either 3 bet me a lot or just call and own me in position. I like to call in position (and out sometimes

most but again v tougher players who are gonna make my life tough I will not give them a chance to outplay me by playing inferior hands v them. I like to have easy decisions and keep the game simple so you will
see me act quickly and decisively on my hands for the most part.
I built my roll initially online while I was at school doing my A-Levels not huge amounts but enough where I was winning consistently then when i finished i played live £10-£20 rebuys and was winning consistently so I
took a shot at Walsall and won the £200 rebuy for £20k+, I went in with 11 left 10 paying out as shortest stack with like 2.5 bbs where cashing was just huge for me and ended up getting lucky and I built from there.
Easy. Neil Channing.
2) My playing style has changed loads since I first started, when I first came on the scene I was very raw and played quite badly from a technical point of view but my game was built on pure aggression and assessing
situations and basically playing my way out of trouble. So when I came to play online after crushing live that style just doesn't work. I had to get my fundamentals right and restructure my game to be able to beat
online poker. Now I am technically a good player who plays my hands in a more "correct" way but i like to always be adjusting and trying out different ways of doing things occasionally to keep my opponents guessing.
There is no-one i find "unplayable", yet. But if i see a good player at the table who could make my life difficult I avoid them rather than take them on which I think a lot of inexperienced players make the mistake of
targeting the good players and getting involved with them, whats the point when they play well and make good decisions i want to target the opposite style to that. I've been gifted so many chips in tournaments
from internet guys who go out of their way to try and outplay me and just get crushed because they make obvious moves and plays.
3) Centaur with a crossbow.
4) When the 9 hit i almost felt embarrassed because i'd played so good since the end of day 1 and the whole of day 2 for me to make that big a cock up was not good at all. For the next 30 mins I barely played a hand
and then I had the break and everyone snapped me out of it and said it happens just get on with it and make sure you win it now and then I got my confidence back and actually played pretty good after it all.
5) The Rock I think was the best face wrestler, best heel wrestler has to be Kurt Angle.
Stone Cold Steve Austin v The Rock at WMX7 was my favourite match for pure excitement.
Fav Finisher is probably the tombstone or stunner.
Trish Stratus and Stacy Kiebler.
6) GUKPT. Easy.
7) I wouldn't know about Annette i have no idea where that idea came from.

9) Live I play a lot more hands because the players are worse so I feel more condfident in making good decisions.
Tips I have are: Play tight between 12-20 bbs look to re-shove as oppsoed to opening, keep an eye on who is playing reckless as people make more mistakes as they get anxious as they near the money and can get
more frustrated, Bluff weaker players more as they will be looking to make the money.
10) No my top teeth are not real I knocked them out when I was 11 so always wanted to get them done properly.
11) John Paul Peter Kelly
12) No to all the middle questions.
13) NoFlopsHomer
14) I'd played a lot of live and to be honest I couldn't be bothered with all the travelling to the less glamorous places and I was enjoying play online a lot more. Live is very time consuming and expensive.
I've always liked card games and exploring new things. I think I take to new things quite well and we used to play card games at home from about the age of 9 though I explored it myself when I was 16. If
something interests me and intrigues me I strive to try and be the best or as good as I can be at that particular thing.
15) Nah Barry sorry to disappoint you only in YOUR MIND you wish I was a rent boy. Sicko!
16) Er No Barry is a legend plus I don't think you got the minerals!!