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1  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: 8th Birthday..... on: February 08, 2013, 09:46:45 AM
I still like to visit blonde even though I never have much time to play or post, just a pro lurker.
2  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: Helicopter Crash in London on: January 16, 2013, 12:07:24 PM
A lot of information / images on the BBC site:

3  Poker Forums / past blonde Bashes / Re: Acceptances for Broadway Blonde Bash 7/1/06 on: December 21, 2005, 06:46:59 PM
Ive havent been around for a while but I will defo still be going to this but without the +1, cheers for remembering me TE Smiley
4  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: blonde-Bash # 1 - January, The Broadway, Birmingham on: October 19, 2005, 09:08:51 AM
Im coming! on my own I think although Jan is ages away so It could be + 1.

One question though, how are you going to make sure that only us blonde peeps can enter?
5  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: ANYBODY UP FOR A LIVE BLONDE TOURNY? on: October 18, 2005, 04:58:08 PM
I originally voted for a £100 freeze but I do selfishly live within walking distance of the Broadway Smiley on reflection if it was to be held in London (or Glasgow) etc then I would be more aimed towards a £50 which is just enough IMO to make it interesting and still a laugh. Still looking for double chance tho Smiley
6  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: ANYBODY UP FOR A LIVE BLONDE TOURNY? on: October 17, 2005, 02:06:10 PM
£100 Jan 7th, fine idea save me a seat.
7  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: Neteller on: October 14, 2005, 12:39:53 PM
Ahhhh cheers mikky, thought I was a wanted man or something! I guess its super easy to withdraw money back into my account then? no more info needed?
8  Poker Forums / The Rail / Neteller on: October 14, 2005, 12:06:50 PM
I decided to open an account at Neteller so that I could keep my bankroll in one place (after some decent advice topics on blonde Smiley ), opened an account and saw that I could transfer money from my online bank account "thats handy" I thought so I tried it. Ok so it takes three days to clear which is to be expected I guess but when it did clear on Wednesday Neteller closed my account for verification purposes...... I had to send them an email giving them a contact number and a convenient time for them to ring me up. I just got of the phone from a representative and they want me to send them a recent utility bill and a copy of my passport before they will let me spend my money! ha ha madness I say.

I wouldnt mind but they asked me all my 'secret questions' and to transfer the money I had to log into my super secure online bank account.

Could I of avoided all this by putting in funds using my credit card?

Anyway no choice now cause theve got my money! ha ha so if I want to spend it I will have to go through the rigmarole.
9  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: Collusion online on: September 26, 2005, 04:53:57 PM
Playing on TruePoker eh? I use to like it over there. Hows it playing nowadays? Well besides the cheats etc.
10  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: c.t law wsop event on: September 12, 2005, 01:34:32 PM
Can I have the linkage for tillermans blog please? thanks  Grin
11  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: Tikay on: September 10, 2005, 12:00:01 AM
Happy birthday tikay!  Grin

Where is he anyway?
12  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: Who would be interested? on: September 07, 2005, 09:21:19 AM
Yeah I would be interesed, sats only though......... what if you 'ask' our local friendly cardroom manager dik9 to put some sats on with the juice going to P4C.........
13  Poker Forums / Live Tournament Updates / Re: crypto-blonde Tourney Live Update on: September 07, 2005, 08:57:11 AM
Congrats Ironside  Grin
14  Poker Forums / Live Tournament Updates / Re: crypto-blonde Tourney Live Update on: September 06, 2005, 09:42:05 PM
Im not playing tonight (got home tooooooo late) but Im watching! good luck all! Cant belive tikay is out already!
15  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: hill grand prix/ anyone playing on: September 04, 2005, 09:52:49 PM
Looking good guys! Im on the rail...........
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