Dickenson's Real Deal, Loose Women, Dinner date itv2 amongst numerous other day time tv shite! The perils of working from home full time!
I used to watch judge judy, but have long past the time where I watch any of this. I'd rather just sit in silence rather than watch daytime TV when the sport isn't on. I do remember watching bid up tv far too often when that came out. Now most of the rubbish I watch is on the Internet, Taylor Swift anyone?
Having said that I get to watch an enormous amount of kids TV. I can tolerate most of the stuff on Ceebeebies, but Tiny Pop is another level. You haven't watched shite TV unless you have sat through an episode of My Little Pony.
Haha, that post takes me back a few years. My Son is 8 now so past all that stuff, but tiny pop made a regular appearance.
Personally love watching Storage wars, Storage hunters etc
Is Storage Wars staged or can you actually go to storage sites for real and just rock up and bid on these bins in the UK? How do you find out about when they happen? Quite fancy going to one just to see what it is like IRL.
Pretty obv a lot of it is staged. One of the bidders on Storage wars took the tv company to court and disclosed they are staged.
However, buying storage lockers is a common theme in the US and most of the people on the shows are actual buyers/auctioneers.
Very rare in the UK, most stuff goes to a local auction house, or gets put online.
Would have thought if a storage company was owed lots by a client, they have the right to the bin themselves rather than auction it off.