So, things have been great! First of all, I don't think I introduced you to the Llama I bought 2 weeks ago, meet Barnaby!
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Obviously SNAP made him my new lucky stars avatar

Last Friday my friend was writing to my about how great the last Classico was in Madrid and what I thought the score would be this week, I was like wow a Classico in Barcelona, we have to go! The next day the two of us + European went for 2 days in Barca and to watch the match, it was a great match and I think we were all very happy that we went. The match was great and we had some good times in and around the city.
The day before Barcelona we went to our favourite restaurant, as we went to pay the check, the waiter asked me if i wanted to play poker against the owner with some friends of his and mine, obviously snap accepted, he was nice, successful Asian guy, was great fun, won 5 buy ins and quickly left because I was flying in the morning! Will be back for more

This last week has been really packed, Monday/Tuesday I was up and about early, both days I went to the gym and then walked around the city for 5 hours both days just stopping and having lemonades, beers or ice creams in different cool places.
Wednesday I got up early and went for a Pottery class. It was actually a lot tougher than you would imagine, between my Pottery partner and I we made 6 bowls, her 3 were slightly better structured than mine but I got to grips in the end, on Wednesday we go back for round 2 (Painting the pots that will have formed in the oven and built more solid shapes, pictures to come.
On Wednesday evening, two really great guys came over for a business meeting from London and investment opportunity for me, it was two very good meetings, finally in a nice Japanese restaurant. Cliffs are that I am definitely going to invest myself and in the future see both guys as potential business partners, shortly I'll be able to write more details about this, but very exciting chance for some successful cooperation here.
On Thursday I was again up early and off to my first ever Hungarian class, Hungarian is one of the top 5 toughest languages to learn apparently, but I seemed to do ok.
Friday, luxury breakfast in my favourite place, more lemonades, beers and ice creams in the city and then a night of cocktails with great company.
Saturday, really great 2 hour massage followed by football with my team, we played one of the top 3 teams in the league and we needed to win. I didn't bring my boots, but inside knew I should have, we drew 2-2 and a couple of fingers were pointed at me for potentially not being as motivated as I should be to play, next week I'll definitely play as I'm feeling fitter and we need to win.
Sunday played a long session online, went deepish in the $2k, lost kk v aa for chiplead then AK v AQ for great stack both AIP, but cashed to make it an almost break even Sunday, had lots of really good runs, but no dice at the end, definitely made 5-6 biggish mistakes too, so lots of room for improvement which is great too.
Stable has been doing fantastically, pretty sexy graph of our players lifetime profits (not including coaches)
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Coaching roster for this month all coaching a lot of hours are:
And then 8 of our best guys coaching around 10-15 hours too.
Really can't explain how happy I am with the stable, we have came on leaps and bounds and the improvement our players have made is very satisfying to see.
We expand by over 10% every month, so by the end of the year our projections for next 2-3 years are really promising.
Two really exciting ventures that I really want to talk about but can't yet. On Thursday I will fly to England and sign a contract with somebody and I'm so so pumped for that and going to make a really big difference there, the second is a big business plan I've been working on that I want to launch in September.
The most important thing that has changed in my life is how i approach it, poker is far from the be all and end all now, I worked hard to get to where I am now and was bit geeky at times, sacrificed potentially too much at times, but having the freedom of deciding that today I'm going to walk around one of the most beautiful cities in the world and just enjoy it, staying healthy, eating healthy and living healthy makes me feel as complete as I have done since leaving school.
Big love everybody <3