For currency exchange... there is a balance between convenience and how much you get knobbed.
For instance, £5k swapped with a poker player coming back at todays xe rate = $8070 -- whereas £5k changed up in a Vegas casino where they are giving you $1.56 to the £, you get $7800. A lot of people wouldn't lash out $270 on dinner, but are more than happy to give it away on sloppy foreign exchange.
There is also the likelihood of you coming back with those $$ (not a rub
) and if so, the likelihood of you swapping these out with another poker player, rather than changing them back to £ and getting dicked $270 more.
So super convenient method is change the lot up now with ice or best rate company that courier deliver.
Best rate is to swap with another poker player for rate.
Best route for emergency funds is take the ££ and change up with anyone English out there that just binked or with the casino if cba or can't find anyone to do it.
I don't think the amount involved is worthy of a wire, it isn't going to get you anything comped and is largely going to be a PITA to get from the cage, if you aren't intending to play tables with it, expect some grief. Just stick it in your pocket.
Finally, if you do take £5k in folding, make sure you have something with you (bank withdrawal receipt etc) that shows it is rightly yours. And if coupled with the $$ on you, that > $10k total, declare it on the form on arrival or risk confiscation.