Poker can be so crazy. Had a pep talk from PJ immediately after losing that pot on Wednesday where he basically said (among other things) to just get back on it and I'd make it back in no time. Wasn't expecting it to take a day! Absolutely sun ran yesterday and got everything I lost on Wednesday back plus a little bit more. Totally mental, proper rollercoaster this week.
On Evilpie's request, I'm going to keep talking about the poetry

That bloke I mentioned in my previous post is touring in November this year, and will be doing a set at Nottingham Uni among other places, performing his play "What I learned from Johnny Bevan" with some poetry coming afterwards. Would recommend it to any poetry/literary enthusiasts. to thank everyone for their posts/advice/pms. I was pretty over it by the time I walked into dtd yesterday, and I feel like I've learnt some lessons from it. Certainly yesterday pots that previously would have felt pretty big to me didn't feel so big anymore, so I think my comfort zone has shifted. More encouragingly I was sat in a 1/1 game for a bit and didn't feel like punting or think it was too small or whatever, which I'm taking as a nice mindset positive. But yh, thanks for taking the time to read and post, means a lot and have certainly taken the comments on board. Might have to re-open the diary too!