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Poker Forums => The Rail => Topic started by: Poppet7 on November 08, 2006, 04:49:49 PM

Title: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Poppet7 on November 08, 2006, 04:49:49 PM
I'm going to have my fortune read tonight. After all the ups and downs I've had recently I thought it would be a good idea to give me some life direction. I believe in things like Fortune Telling, Palm Reading and Horoscopes etc so I'm going with an open mind to see what the lady says.

I had my palm read a couple of months ago the day after I'd been in hospital and it was strange how the guy seemed to know. There had been tests done on my liver and when I had my palm read he looked and said "Don't worry, your liver is fine, just drink plenty of water"

I'm really excited and can't wait to find out what the future holds. It might help me understand my situation a bit better also. I shall let you know how it went.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Royal Flush on November 08, 2006, 04:52:20 PM

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: TightEnd on November 08, 2006, 04:58:17 PM

I had my palm read a couple of months ago the day after I'd been in hospital and it was strange how the guy seemed to know. There had been tests done on my liver and when I had my palm read he looked and said "Don't worry, your liver is fine, just drink plenty of water"

Remarkable. It's uncanny isn't it?

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Gryff on November 08, 2006, 05:22:59 PM
These conpeople rely on coldreading, there are hundreds of books about it, try one and see how they know the amazing things they know :(

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Poppet7 on November 08, 2006, 05:33:27 PM
Obviously people are entitled to their views but I am very interested in all these sort of things, even down to the stones such as jade for luck (thats why I wear my jade bracelet when playing poker).

I suppose it comes down to whether you believe or not... and I do :) Can understand why some people don't though.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Royal Flush on November 08, 2006, 05:42:45 PM
even down to the stones such as jade for luck (thats why I wear my jade bracelet when playing poker).

How has that worked out for you so far! What are the differences in your results with and without?

Hey at the end of the day its your money, spend it as you see fit. Just be aware it is a con.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: thetank on November 08, 2006, 06:03:21 PM
Con is a strong word.

While it's clearly bollox, so long as they don't charge too much, and leave people feeling better than they went in, where's the harm? Maybe closure from issues, comfort that dead relatives are at peace, or the direction Poppet mentioned.

Maybe they're doing good work.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: TightEnd on November 08, 2006, 06:08:33 PM

Maybe they're doing good work.

Yes, like an NHS Counsellor without the waiting list in effect. If it works to perk up the mood of the recipient it might be healthier than Prozac and fewer side effects.

Of course in practice we all send out verbal and non verbal tells to give the "expert" clues as to what we want to hear. If they tell us what we want to hear, we might come the world works.

I am biased. About 20 years ago I wanted very much to develop relations with a girl I had just begun to see. She was very much into palm reading and took me along to see some old bird in her front room

I, thinking no more than I thought it would look good to be interested and participate, decided to have a reading.

The reader's first question was... "Are you gay?"

Object of my affection never really took me seriously from that moment on.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: FlyingPig on November 08, 2006, 06:13:04 PM
Has anyone seen Derren Brown do this. Its amazing, he does it totally cold, and his results were spookyfyingly good. I have seen him do this live, in front of an audience, were the person was chosen truly at random. Fantastic.

There maybe some thing in it but 99.9% of the poeple who do this sort of tihng are liars, cheats and experienced in cold reading.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Colchester Kev on November 08, 2006, 06:19:05 PM
Is there anyone out there that actually believes this stuff ?

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: TightEnd on November 08, 2006, 06:22:08 PM
Is there anyone out there that actually believes this stuff ?

Is it just a female thing or do any guys believe in it?

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Gryff on November 08, 2006, 06:23:40 PM
I'm sorry I came across a bit overly bad in my first post, sorry - but I do feel these people are nothing but conmen and while maybe they can give people a confidence boost they can also send people down the wrong path.

On another note, Poppet, I have a friend who is the son of the ex-president of Kenya and he has a large quantity of money he needs to get out of the country - I've been told you are an honourable and reliable person and you may be able to help us. We will of course give you 10% of the $56million.

PM me about this matter urgently please.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: booder on November 08, 2006, 06:25:21 PM

On another note, Poppet, I have a friend who is the son of the ex-president of Kenya and he has a large quantity of money he needs to get out of the country - I've been told you are an honourable and reliable person and you may be able to help us. We will of course give you 10% of the $56million.

PM me about this matter urgently please.

i believe you may be getting Poppet and Julian confused

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: roverthtaeh on November 08, 2006, 07:05:35 PM
Is there anyone out there that actually believes this stuff ?

There are DEFINITELY people in online poker rooms who have a crystal ball.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Graham C on November 08, 2006, 07:43:19 PM
Is there anyone out there that actually believes this stuff ?

Is it just a female thing or do any guys believe in it?

It's a woman thing.

Con is a strong word.

While it's clearly bollox,

LMAO  rotflmfao ;iagree;

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: thetank on November 08, 2006, 07:50:29 PM
One of my flatmates is a guy who believes in it.

He got a "reading" the other day and came back singing it's praises.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Newmanseye on November 08, 2006, 08:05:20 PM
Just to play devils advocate, Is there any scientific proof that esp, channeling the spirit and mediums are complete hogwash?

How often did you used to see the "ghost hunters" and the like on telly proving the existence of what we widely don't believe in.

I for one would love to see the scientific arguments for and against the validity of mediums and other spiritual facets.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Colchester Kev on November 08, 2006, 08:09:18 PM
does that mean that you are open minded to it Billy .... or do you believe in it ?

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Royal Flush on November 08, 2006, 08:11:19 PM
does that mean that you are open minded to it Billy .... or do you believe in it ?


Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Newmanseye on November 08, 2006, 08:16:31 PM
does that mean that you are open minded to it Billy .... or do you believe in it ?

Neither really Kev, Just before we all jumpto say what a load of bolloks it might be helpfull to hear a structured argument on the subject from both sides.


Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: thetank on November 08, 2006, 08:22:46 PM
Yes let's.

Perhaps an older generation will be able to bring an interesting perspective on the subject. Was this sort of thing going on as much in the 1960s?

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Dewi_cool on November 08, 2006, 08:31:54 PM
should have seen that question coming ;popcorn;

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Mbuna on November 08, 2006, 08:38:34 PM
I was supposed to go for a reading last night , but the fortune teller was run over by a bus in the afternoon. Apparently she never saw it coming  ;whistle;

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: totalise on November 08, 2006, 08:41:32 PM
ghosts definately exist... no-one remember Claptons ghost kid behind the curtain in that film? proof rite there on camera.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: bolt pp on November 08, 2006, 08:47:24 PM
The Blair Witch Project was real! ;D

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: tikay on November 08, 2006, 08:50:54 PM

Do ghosts, mediums & ESP exist? Don't be silly........You been reading too many comics.

Trains exist. You can see them. Touch them. Feel them. So do mobile cranes.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Royal Flush on November 08, 2006, 09:04:27 PM


Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: thetank on November 08, 2006, 09:12:15 PM
Tikay, are there any train stations in the British Isles rumoured to be haunted?

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Newmanseye on November 08, 2006, 09:16:53 PM
Tikay, are there any train stations in the British Isles rumoured to be haunted?

Glasgow Central and london Picadilly have ghost stories

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: AndrewT on November 08, 2006, 10:17:24 PM
Psychics, mediums and fortune tellers are all, at heart, con merchants.

You could cut fortune tellers some slack on the basis that most people who go to fortune tellers do treat it as a laugh and a bit of fun, and just want some perking up to be told the man of their dreams is just round the corner (because it is mostly women who consult fortune tellers). Mind you, there's serious money in it. Jonathan Cainer is the highest paid newspaper columnist in Britain, purely from horoscopes.

However, psychics and mediums are not just con merchants, they are dangerous. Because a large part of their act (and it is an act) revolves around 'the spirit world' (ie dead people) they attract people who are likely to have had some sort of recent experience of death, usually the death of a loved one, which is a very traumatic thing for someone to go through.

Psychics and mediums are not trained psychological counsellors and are not in a position to fully deal with the psychological trauma that bringing up memories of dead loved ones will bring to people (people who, by the very fact they are going to see a psychic/medium, may not feel emotionally strong enough to deal with things on their own).

Watch Derren Brown be a fake psychic here - (

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: thetank on November 08, 2006, 10:23:34 PM

I'm concerned now. Is this maybe why we've not heard from Poppet about how it went yet?

She was dicing with death and crapped up.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Poppet7 on November 08, 2006, 10:31:41 PM
OK, I'm back I'll run through it a bit later when I have the chance...

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: thetank on November 08, 2006, 10:39:34 PM

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: AndrewT on November 08, 2006, 10:43:52 PM
OK, I'm back I'll run through it a bit later when I have the chance...

*pen hovers over Euromillions ticket in anticipation of this week's winning numbers from Poppet*

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Rookie (Rodney) on November 08, 2006, 11:04:03 PM
I believe in ghosts..........................;hide;

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: FlyingPig on November 08, 2006, 11:12:06 PM
If you ever get the chance to see Derren Brown in a theatre - Take it... The man is a genius. Thank god he is not playing in newcastle

The things that he does are amazing.....

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: TightEnd on November 08, 2006, 11:36:45 PM
I would like to know what more ladies think about this.

Redimp? Suzanne?

What do you think for example?

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Colchester Kev on November 08, 2006, 11:38:32 PM
Sigh !!!

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: RED-DOG on November 09, 2006, 12:09:25 AM
I can tell fortunes.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Poppet7 on November 09, 2006, 12:10:56 AM
Ok here goes...

I chose 10 tarot cards and she said "Hmm, interesting" then went to turn the tv off so she could concentrate.

First she mentioned the interference I'd had in my life recently. She said although it's been painful it's over now. She said as long as I perservere with what I want everything will be ok. I am naive with love, I fall too 'head over heels' and she said I'll end up in the mental hospital if I carry on like that (which I agree with).

My family has had lots of problems but thats all sorted now too (that was to do with the recent problems with my dad and his wife all clearing up).

I have a good brain but I'm not using it (no job and not in education). I am a good communicator and I can build upon this by getting a job where I'm not in the background. She suggested a front-desk or similar. Even suggested taking up French or Spanish (but I'm no good at langauges).

She asked me to make one wish on the Crystal Ball which I did and she said it'll come true as long as I get out of my depression and fight for what I want.

Don't marry too young. I am the sort of person that wants a life partner, not lots of on-off boyriends. (True).

I am very fertile, and will probably have my first child when I am 26.

She then asked about my Nan, and a lot was said about her, stuff I don't really want to go in to but as I've mentioned before, she was my closest relative before she died.

She also mentioned that as well as being a good communicator, I am good with figures and money, so should maybe look for a job to do with that.

She somehow knew that Leon and I met when we were 14 and 16, she said he is a good man that will give me no grief, that I can forgive him once but not more. She said to stay away from the older guy with the baggage - he isn't good for me.

When I asked about my children she said I would definitely have kids, she said theres at least 1 boy she can see and that one of my kids will be very wise, as if they have lived before. Perhaps even psychic. She went quiet for a bit because she turned over the Science card which meant that even though I am fertile I might have trouble concieving because of my period problems (True) but in the end I won't have any grief over my kids... so to sum up, I might need help with concieving, but hopefully I won't lose any children. She also said she hopes I'm not pregnant now because I'm not ready to be a mother.

Other random things were:

- I like blowing things (Dirty cow!)
- My mums shoulder could cause problems
- I should wear brighter colours
- She could sense a doll in a pink dress but said this might be my daughter.

It was a good experience, and for £25 it didn't break the bank. The scared me when she said she could see my Nan and she could tell I was her favourite and my Nan was upset with me because I kept crying into my pillow. Also when she managed to tell me that I met Leon when I was 14 and he was 16... that was strange, I was like "How on earth did you know that?" I didn't give off any indication that we'd been together long or that we'd met when very young, she didn't even know his age.

It was a good experience and I would consider going again.

Don't worry Thomas, it wasn't dangerous!

and Rookie, I believe in ghosts too. If I go into those experiences I will be going on forever!

- I should take up a course
- Cut down on gluten

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Poppet7 on November 09, 2006, 12:12:20 AM
Funnily enough RED DOG, I bought some Fortune Telling Cards yesterday and the guy on the cards looks just like you. He needs a hair-cut though to properly pull of the RED DOG look!

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Heid on November 09, 2006, 12:23:49 AM
I liked the bit where she went and turned the telly off.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: TightEnd on November 09, 2006, 12:25:03 AM
what did you have for tea Poppet?

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Poppet7 on November 09, 2006, 12:30:09 AM
Went to an indian restaurant for a delicious chicken tikka masala with pilau rice, onion bhaji and a plain naan bread... why?

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Poppet7 on November 09, 2006, 12:30:51 AM
I liked the bit where she went and turned the telly off.

Well, she said it was too loud and she couldn't concentrate!

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Heid on November 09, 2006, 12:31:13 AM
That was slightly facetious of me. I've had my palm read a few times, they never got anything right, and I have a friend who swears blind she is psychic, but she never told me anything about my future or anything that I had never inferred to her in some way or another.

There is a facet of me that would be glaringly obvious to anyone whose business it was to deal in altered perceptions, and not one of them has ever managed to mention it to me.

I remain unconvinced.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Heid on November 09, 2006, 12:34:15 AM

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: TightEnd on November 09, 2006, 12:36:09 AM
I can tell fortunes.

Does that count?

Yes, IMHO it does.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: thetank on November 09, 2006, 12:36:33 AM

There is a facet of me that would be glaringly obvious to anyone whose business it was to deal in altered perceptions, and not one of them has ever managed to mention it to me.

I remain unconvinced.

Would that not suggest that they are in fact not dealing in cold reading and stage hypno trickery like we all thought, but instead are using other more unusual methods to find their info.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: TightEnd on November 09, 2006, 12:39:51 AM
Certainly leaving the telly on during a reading would be a very unusual method. Much frowned upon in such circles, especially if it is on Channel 5.

Sorry Poppet, only joking! Glad it was useful for you and things work out as you hope

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Heid on November 09, 2006, 12:42:57 AM
I want them to use that "force" I didn't write Jedi on my census form for no reason you know!!! Sadly their lack of otherwordly hocuspocus makes me quite sad, as I know it's not real, as I always expected.

As for stage hypno trickery. It's no such thing, it's a bit of memory, some good acting, an understanding of society and a dash of psychology.

Like I said .. find me someone who can tell me exactly what would be glaringly obvious to anyone with an ounce of otherwordly doodahy "sight" and I will be a believer.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: TightEnd on November 09, 2006, 12:45:04 AM
serious question.

Has anyone ever been hynotised?

tell me about it

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Royal Flush on November 09, 2006, 12:46:24 AM

Flour>Jack Bauer

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Colchester Kev on November 09, 2006, 12:48:47 AM
Sigh !!

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: TightEnd on November 09, 2006, 12:49:34 AM

taking each post as it comes, its a long season young Bauer. I'll only look at the league table at Xmas

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Poppet7 on November 09, 2006, 12:52:54 AM
Tighty, my Mum was hypnotised, it was to stop her eating junk food and the only bit I can remember her telling me (as it was a few years ago) was that her belly was filling up the room and she said to the man "You need to open the door or my belly is going to suffocate me".

She cried and cried during it as it was such an emotional experience, even from the beginning because they asked her to pick a truely happy moment in her life and she couldn't think of one (not even when I was born because of the problems) so from that point she was blubbing!

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Rookie (Rodney) on November 09, 2006, 12:58:50 AM
My Nan was hypnotised when she wanted to give up smoking. It worked too..

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Newmanseye on November 09, 2006, 08:12:25 AM
Hypnotised or programmed??

Could that be what hypnotists these days are up to, programming "patients" , if so whats to stop these people taking it a step too far?

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: tantrum on November 09, 2006, 10:03:53 AM
Palm reading/tarrots or whatever, I can do it for £25.
 Mixture of psychology/nlp/cold reading/and some other techniques of manipulation

1. Certain type people who go for palm/tarrot/horoscope and other future reading.(I am not talking about cynics), so producing a type of your character is very easy and most of the time will fit in with how the person visiting feels. Depending on your age and how u look, by reading your body language I can say oh you are very shy/angry/unhappy depressed or whatever so therefore blah blah blah, from then on I can really pick on further signals to continue my reading about your past and future.

2. If you find a decent person who uses those techniques to help people, than sometimes it can work as a substitute for a counselling, otherwise it will just reaffirm all those people who are unhappy with their lives, that waiting instead of doing is the best way to live their lives.

3. As they want your money they won't tell the truth i.e. you have a problem with x,y,z go and sort it out

I had a friend who was a frequent visitor and keen reader of tarot.  I have known her for over 15 years and to be honest if she spent more energy on exploring the world and changing her attitude towards life and not on reading whether she will get married and have kids and be in love, by now she would be more happy and have some fun.  Majority of people who use those services have problems with their self-esteem and their lives have not particular direction so they need re-assurance that they are not bad, etc and that there is a hope for them.

I think visits to fortune tellers (I went once, when young, unhappy and insecure, and never went back as I got older, happier and very secure) is a form of escapism and fulfilling a need for re-assurance and some attention as well as to hear something positive about one’s life.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Jon MW on November 09, 2006, 10:19:20 AM
Funnily enough RED DOG, I bought some Fortune Telling Cards yesterday and the guy on the cards looks just like you. He needs a hair-cut though to properly pull of the RED DOG look!

You can make some interesting poker variations playing with a tarot deck. :)

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: thetank on November 09, 2006, 10:21:55 AM
What of the folk who have been torn, beaten down and downtrodden in the past. There self esteem is such that they believe they will never get a man, that they don't deserve one. May as well spend every Friday night with your cats, and every Saturday with Ant and Dec. Going out will just be super scary.

The wizened Tarotist tells them they're going to meet a fella (probably tall, dark and maybe handsome too.)

All of a sudden she is accepting offers to go out on the town rather than make up excuses why she can't. She starts dolling herself up a bit. After all, when fate comes a-knocking, she better be ready.

Lo and behold, she gets someone willing to pump her who doesnae run off and even buys her some of that Jade's perfume on her birthday. She get's knocked up and they live happily ever after.

These people do good work.
Twenty-five knicker? Bargain, 'specially if they're missing 'Stenders.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: byronkincaid on November 09, 2006, 10:55:51 AM
serious question.

Has anyone ever been hynotised?

tell me about it ( (

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: TightEnd on November 09, 2006, 11:04:08 AM
LOL thanks

I only ask because someone tried with me once. I was young and a git and volunteered to go up on a stage with about 20 others to be part of the hypnotists stage show

At first I thought I would go along with it, as I wasn't being hypnotised at all.

Then he gets us all to join hands and tells us in "look into my eyes, not around the eyes" style to do the opposite of what he says, as a group

Unfortunately after a few minutes I forgot, and when they all sat down (told to stand up) I stood up, breaking the chain and causing several others next to me to crash into chairs and rather spoil the stage effect.

According to those watching, it was a classic moment..both the look on my face and the look on the hypnotists.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Graham C on November 09, 2006, 11:14:19 AM
My Father-in-Law had one of his friends go up on stage in one of these shows and he claims it's real.  The guy was doing all sorts of wierd stuff (chicken dances etc) and wouldn't usually do that. He (like most people) volunteered to go up because he was a non believer.  After he didn't remember a thing and when people told him, still didn't believe them.  When someone showed him the film, he was gobsmacked.

Also, my Dad went to see one for giving up smoking and to improve memory.  The smoking didn't work, probably because the first thing he did when he left was spark up but the memory thing was amazing.  He told me about it the next morning and could remember a list of about 50 things via an elaborate story - the classic describe your way to work in the morning and have key items related to the things you want to remember.  That was impressive.  He couldn't usually remember 10 things,let alone what he came out with the next morning :D 

I do think there is something in reprogramming the mind.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: tantrum on November 09, 2006, 11:45:29 AM
the memory excericises and how to improve your memory method is definitely working.
Sport psychology is another good discipline in order to explore how to be motivated and goal orientated.  Self-hypnosis is used by many top sportsmen and has been proven as a good way to stay focused for a long periods of time. 

All those things are much better to spend money on, rather then on palm and tarrot reading....

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Graham C on November 09, 2006, 11:47:16 AM
Also being used in poker these days (the psychology stuff and hypnosis)

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Alex B on November 09, 2006, 12:01:00 PM
I have read quite a lot about cold reading (and NLP etc) and have been trying to do it myself. It is interesting to watch Colin Fry do it on FTN in the evenings (talking to dead people). For a pre recorded show they usually seem to still edit in plenty of swings-and-misses.

There are a few key techniques that are often used by cold readers, even when they aren't in a position to 'read' the person. (e.g. horoscopes, by telephone etc)

For example, they often use items or devices that transfer the responsibility of the predictions onto something random in order to prevent it being too personal for the reader and make it seem less like they are coming up with whims. (e.g. palm, tea leaves, tarot cards, etc)

"Ok here goes...

I chose 10 tarot cards and she said "Hmm, interesting" then went to turn the tv off so she could concentrate."

A lot of the language patterns they use are of the form "there has been an issue which you know about, but it is over or improving now". They use particular words for which I have forgotten the term, but they mean nothing without context and require the listener to add the context, this means they are great in hypnotherapy as they are always congruent, but also means thy can be manipulated in cold reading. "Interference" is a good example. Ending phrases on positive notes prevents listeners wanting to dispute them.

"First she mentioned the interference I'd had in my life recently. She said although it's been painful it's over now. She said as long as I perservere with what I want everything will be ok."

Cold readers then often talk about issues that are common to everybody: Love, health and money. This is an area where being face to face will allow them to get a stronger reading and jewellery, clothing etc add clues to the equation.

"I am naive with love, I fall too 'head over heels' and she said I'll end up in the mental hospital if I carry on like that (which I agree with)."

Note that while doing this they will still use the types of words I described above. For example, the word "problems" can refer to love, health, or money, and noboday ever has zero problems:

"My family has had lots of problems but thats all sorted now too (that was to do with the recent problems with my dad and his wife all clearing up)."

In personality reading, complements work best. While I have been practising this the easiest things to get good responses to are "people don't realise your full potential", "on some level you realise if you were'nt so modest and concerned for others you could progress much faster", "why did you start learning an instrument or art skill you havent realised to your full potential"

"I have a good brain but I'm not using it (no job and not in education). I am a good communicator and I can build upon this by getting a job where I'm not in the background. She suggested a front-desk or similar. Even suggested taking up French or Spanish (but I'm no good at langauges)."

Anything you would like to cold read that refers to the future can obviously be anything you want to say, as it hasn't yet happened, but using the language patterns described above will make it more likely to come 'true'

"She asked me to make one wish on the Crystal Ball which I did and she said it'll come true as long as I get out of my depression and fight for what I want.

Don't marry too young. I am the sort of person that wants a life partner, not lots of on-off boyriends. (True).

I am very fertile, and will probably have my first child when I am 26."

Unfortunately, once cold readers start talking about dead people, they get into an emotional freeroll of success because anything they say is so welcome. They often guess that an older person has passed, and the subject says somethign like "yes it was my nan, is she here??" passing over all the 'read' information voluntarily.

"She then asked about my Nan, and a lot was said about her, stuff I don't really want to go in to but as I've mentioned before, she was my closest relative before she died.

She also mentioned that as well as being a good communicator, I am good with figures and money, so should maybe look for a job to do with that."

Throught a long reading, cold readers will be throwing out names and dates all the time, remembering half hits and quickly dismissing complete misses. It is very likely that some information could be picked up earlier, then presented much later in the session as a completely unknowable but accurate fact.

"She somehow knew that Leon and I met when we were 14 and 16, she said he is a good man that will give me no grief, that I can forgive him once but not more. She said to stay away from the older guy with the baggage - he isn't good for me."

Certain things are true about people that go to see psychics, for example, they are very recepetive to the complementary idea that they or their families could have pyschic abilities or other spiritual qualities themselves.

"When I asked about my children she said I would definitely have kids, she said theres at least 1 boy she can see and that one of my kids will be very wise, as if they have lived before. Perhaps even psychic. She went quiet for a bit because she turned over the Science card which meant that even though I am fertile I might have trouble concieving because of my period problems (True) but in the end I won't have any grief over my kids... so to sum up, I might need help with concieving, but hopefully I won't lose any children. She also said she hopes I'm not pregnant now because I'm not ready to be a mother."

Other random things were:

- I like blowing things (Dirty cow!)
- My mums shoulder could cause problems
- I should wear brighter colours
- She could sense a doll in a pink dress but said this might be my daughter.

It was a good experience, and for £25 it didn't break the bank. The scared me when she said she could see my Nan and she could tell I was her favourite and my Nan was upset with me because I kept crying into my pillow. Also when she managed to tell me that I met Leon when I was 14 and he was 16... that was strange, I was like "How on earth did you know that?" I didn't give off any indication that we'd been together long or that we'd met when very young, she didn't even know his age.

It was a good experience and I would consider going again.

Don't worry Thomas, it wasn't dangerous!

and Rookie, I believe in ghosts too. If I go into those experiences I will be going on forever!

- I should take up a course
- Cut down on gluten"

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: TightEnd on November 09, 2006, 12:07:26 PM
What a good post!

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: booder on November 09, 2006, 12:36:49 PM
I am a good communicator and I can build upon this by getting a job where I'm not in the background. She suggested a front-desk or similar.

would you like fries with that ?

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Colchester Kev on November 09, 2006, 01:47:01 PM
SHIP IT !!!!

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: TightEnd on November 09, 2006, 01:54:25 PM
Judge rules?

It's a goal

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Rod Paradise on November 09, 2006, 01:56:53 PM
"She somehow knew that Leon and I met when we were 14 and 16, she said he is a good man that will give me no grief, that I can forgive him once but not more. She said to stay away from the older guy with the baggage - he isn't good for me."

She's met Mikky.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Royal Flush on November 09, 2006, 01:57:15 PM

No way!

Open minded sceptic.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: TightEnd on November 09, 2006, 01:59:17 PM


Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Colchester Kev on November 09, 2006, 02:02:26 PM
"She somehow knew that Leon and I met when we were 14 and 16, she said he is a good man that will give me no grief, that I can forgive him once but not more. She said to stay away from the older guy with the baggage - he isn't good for me."

She's met Mikky.

Gaol !!!

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: AndrewT on November 09, 2006, 03:20:36 PM
"She somehow knew that Leon and I met when we were 14 and 16, she said he is a good man that will give me no grief, that I can forgive him once but not more. She said to stay away from the older guy with the baggage - he isn't good for me."

She's met Mikky.

Gaol !!!

Genius on more than one level.

Who's stolen Kev's login?

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Acidmouse on November 09, 2006, 04:01:37 PM
It's a rather interesting thread. I kinda believe stuff like this but tbh I can't be bothered to really look into it further.

About 4 years ago I was in a rather stressful job as an IT Helpdesk person in a local college. A lady approached me one day, she was around 60 and very well spoken and needed some help on the computer, I sat down and proceeded to help her with some powerpoint stuff.

All of a sudden she starting talking about me being the real reason she had enrolled on a part time course here, it was to help me (although she didnt know this till meeting me) and point me in the right direction in my life.

Well she came in a few more times over the following weeks and we sat down and had some great talks, she seemed to know everything about me(without me telling her), my wifes dodgey knee, my inlaws deaths, my current health problems and outlined if I didnt change jobs very soon I would pay for it in later life with heart problems. The only really spooky thing about her was that she claimed famous ex-dead people spoke to her.

The rest seemed perfectly logical and straightforward to me, her advice was great and she asked for nothing in return. I changed jobs, become 100% more relaxed and my life totally changed directly as a result from this womens advice.

I have not seen the lady for years now, but I have fond memories of her love and spiritual guidence she showed me.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Royal Flush on November 09, 2006, 04:05:01 PM
It's a rather interesting thread. I kinda believe stuff like this but tbh I can't be bothered to really look into it further.

About 4 years ago I was in a rather stressful job as an IT Helpdesk person in a local college. A lady approached me one day, she was around 60 and very well spoken and needed some help on the computer, I sat down and proceeded to help her with some powerpoint stuff.

All of a sudden she starting talking about me being the real reason she had enrolled on a part time course here, it was to help me (although she didnt know this till meeting me) and point me in the right direction in my life.

Well she came in a few more times over the following weeks and we sat down and had some great talks, she seemed to know everything about me(without me telling her), my wifes dodgey knee, my inlaws deaths, my current health problems and outlined if I didnt change jobs very soon I would pay for it in later life with heart problems. The only really spooky thing about her was that she claimed famous ex-dead people spoke to her.

The rest seemed perfectly logical and straightforward to me, her advice was great and she asked for nothing in return. I changed jobs, become 100% more relaxed and my life totally changed directly as a result from this womens advice.

I have not seen the lady for years now, but I have fond memories of her love and spiritual guidence she showed me.

Sounds like the perfect setup to a con, how come you stopped talking?

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Colchester Kev on November 09, 2006, 04:07:25 PM
Did she tell you that leeds were going down the toilet ?

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Eck on November 09, 2006, 04:16:01 PM

The only really spooky thing about her was that she claimed famous ex-dead people spoke to her.

Yep quite scary.

All of a sudden she starting talking about me being the real reason she had enrolled on a part time course here, it was to help me (although she didnt know this till meeting me) and point me in the right direction in my life.

This however was perfectly normal of course as this actually happens to me frequently. (My Boss seems to think I need a change of direction  rotflmfao)

My advice would be to try and discover her wherabouts as soon as possible as she might be able to help stopping your wife  ;smackedbottom; in the fantasy football.   :)up

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Acidmouse on November 09, 2006, 04:24:06 PM
lol :)

Setup for a con? She wanted nothing. She just stopped coming in once I changed jobs, maybe she died? who knows.

Ps, i let me wife win at everything its called keeping her happy :)

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Poppet7 on November 09, 2006, 04:34:26 PM
"She somehow knew that Leon and I met when we were 14 and 16, she said he is a good man that will give me no grief, that I can forgive him once but not more. She said to stay away from the older guy with the baggage - he isn't good for me."

She's met Mikky.

:o :o :o

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Claw75 on November 09, 2006, 04:34:41 PM
I don't know the rules of the game that's being played here, but if it helps to clarify whether or not a goal has been scored the bottom line is I don't believe that fortune tellers, psychics, mediums etc can see the future/contact the dead.

hope that is useful.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Newmanseye on November 09, 2006, 04:37:52 PM
Is the Crystal ball thingy the same as the Crystal sportacus has in Lazy town?

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Rod Paradise on November 09, 2006, 04:41:27 PM
"She somehow knew that Leon and I met when we were 14 and 16, she said he is a good man that will give me no grief, that I can forgive him once but not more. She said to stay away from the older guy with the baggage - he isn't good for me."

She's met Mikky.

:o :o :o

I couldn't resist it Poppet ;)

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Poppet7 on November 09, 2006, 04:44:21 PM
I was quite happy being a believer, it gave me something to focus on and gave me an escape from the real world... seeing as it's pretty f***ed up at the moment.

It seems that it's more a case of "Well done Sophie, go and waste £25 on someone using a couple of carefully selected words to boost your self-esteem. What a mug."

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Colchester Kev on November 09, 2006, 04:46:20 PM
"She somehow knew that Leon and I met when we were 14 and 16, she said he is a good man that will give me no grief, that I can forgive him once but not more. She said to stay away from the older guy with the baggage - he isn't good for me."

She's met Mikky.

:o :o :o

I couldn't resist it Poppet ;)

Said the Prison Guard to Mikky in the shower block :D

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Rod Paradise on November 09, 2006, 04:48:50 PM
I was quite happy being a believer, it gave me something to focus on and gave me an escape from the real world... seeing as it's pretty f***ed up at the moment.

It seems that it's more a case of "Well done Sophie, go and waste £25 on someone using a couple of carefully selected words to boost your self-esteem. What a mug."

Poppet - ignore the piss-taking. While I personally doubt that someone truly psychic would be telling fortunes for £25, sometimes even thinking about what they tell you helps sort your own thoughts out.

I used to have a Tarot deck, not to tell the future, but to help me concentrate on what was happening in my life - it worked as well.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Newmanseye on November 09, 2006, 04:49:53 PM
"She somehow knew that Leon and I met when we were 14 and 16, she said he is a good man that will give me no grief, that I can forgive him once but not more. She said to stay away from the older guy with the baggage - he isn't good for me."

She's met Mikky.

:o :o :o

I couldn't resist it Poppet ;)

Said the Prison Guard to Mikky in the shower block :D

 rotflmfao rotflmfao rotflmfao

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Poppet7 on November 09, 2006, 04:52:44 PM
I bought Tarot Cards the other day, haven't got the hang of it yet, but I regularly use Fortune Cards which are easier to use and understand and they have helped in the past. Even if it is a load of nonsense it still makes me think about what is going on in my life and what I have to be careful of, or what to look forward to.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: thetank on November 09, 2006, 05:06:17 PM
I don't know the rules of the game that's being played here, but if it helps to clarify whether or not a goal has been scored the bottom line is I don't believe that fortune tellers, psychics, mediums etc can see the future/contact the dead.

hope that is useful.

Judge has already ruled.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Colchester Kev on November 09, 2006, 05:07:27 PM
Judges decision is final  :)

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: thetank on November 09, 2006, 05:11:48 PM
Unfortunate but true. It's the only way we can function wothout anarchy.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Newmanseye on November 09, 2006, 05:14:57 PM
Whilst we are on a touchy feely subject, I am often shocked by re responsed you get when people are asked if there is life on other planets.

Lets be honest, its kind of narrow minded to think that we on this planet are alone in the entire Universe.

Has life from other worlds visited us, well thats one i'm a little sceptical about.  WHo the FU*K would want to visit here, let alone some moor in middle England or the place where Tank Lives.


Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Graham C on November 09, 2006, 05:36:44 PM
See, I don't know if we are the only ones out there but I can't believe we are the only planet in the vast and ever expanding universe that has life on it.

Lazytown :D  I quite like that program!

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Newmanseye on November 09, 2006, 05:44:00 PM
See, I don't know if we are the only ones out there but I can't believe we are the only planet in the vast and ever expanding universe that has life on it.

Lazytown :D  I quite like that program!

I live the way its a complete aerobics workout just to open a door!!!!

My youngest daughter is convinced that I am sportacus, Dont know why, i'm a fat Git !

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: suzanne on November 09, 2006, 07:10:33 PM
I personally dont believe in fortune tellers. I was talked into donating £20 a few years back to have my cards read and I found it all to be complete garbage.

"I keep seeing the name Stephen...Do you know a Stephen?"


"Someone called Stephen will come into your life blah blah" - still waiting for the mysterious Stephen.

"Do you know someone who is or has been in jail?" Now this one I found really funny as half the estate I lived on had been in jail at sometime.  :D

I also went to see a hypnotist show many years and my mate was one of the chosen subjects. I thought at first she was pretending but some of the things she did I knew she would not have done if she was not hypnotized. She also said she didnt remember anything.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Colchester Kev on November 09, 2006, 07:28:19 PM

"I keep seeing the name Stephen...Do you know a Stephen?"


"Someone called Stephen will come into your life blah blah" - still waiting for the mysterious Stephen.

"Do you know someone who is or has been in jail?" Now this one I found really funny as half the estate I lived on had been in jail at sometime.  :D

Stephen does sound a bit like Mikky though :)

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Poppet7 on November 09, 2006, 07:28:44 PM
Just a thought...

Everytime she mentioned this 'older man' she could tell I was responding to what she was saying to me, so if she was just judging on how I react to things then why did she say that Leon was in the same age group as me?

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Claw75 on November 09, 2006, 07:41:23 PM
any news on that female mod yet?   ;goodvevil;

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Poppet7 on November 09, 2006, 08:02:15 PM
any news on that female mod yet?   ;goodvevil;

Should be you!

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Royal Flush on November 09, 2006, 08:04:43 PM
I protested at the time of the ruling, my protest stands!

P.S. UL Tighty.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Colchester Kev on November 09, 2006, 08:08:06 PM
I protested at the time of the ruling, my protest stands!

P.S. UL Tighty.

Objection overruled !!

And yes ul tighty :D

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Trace on November 09, 2006, 08:12:06 PM
Are there two separate conversations taking place on one thread here?

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Alex B on November 10, 2006, 09:40:08 AM
Just a thought...

Everytime she mentioned this 'older man' she could tell I was responding to what she was saying to me, so if she was just judging on how I react to things then why did she say that Leon was in the same age group as me?

As long as you wanted an informative answer and don't just think this is cynicism for the sake of it...

1 technique you will see (used quite frequently by Colin Fry) when fishing for dates or ages is just to change what you meant as you get responses.

Imagine trying to cold read the age of a person's younger sister:

"She is quite a lot younger than you"
1) [positive response/body language]
"Its a lot of years between you, and this meant you didn't always get on perfectly" (note the second half is virtually certain and deflects from the date fishing)
This is now a judgment call, but I guess:
a) [Firmly positive]
"Sometimes siblings with 8-10 years between them have ( issue, make something up)"
[Above is an indirect guess, reconfirm a positive response as though you knew it, adjust guess otherwise, it will be considered correct from 6-15 maybe 20 years]
b) [Medium response]
"She is around 5, maybe 6 years younger than you"
c) [Weak Response]
"3 - 4 years, maybe more"


"She is quite a lot younger than you"
2) [weak response/body language]
"1 or 2 years at least"

The latter is where you need to be a salesman and deliver the line completely confidently and congruently, in text its clearly silly, but live, with someone who wants to believe and you have created good rapport with, its quite possible it will be remembered as a successful hit, and certainly not a failure.

I don't know how the conversation went in your case, but a guess would be that she said "around the same age range" and got a strong positive response and, went for within months (or you said "yes, within months!"), and hit first time. I guess if you had looked uncomfortable at the 'same age range' comment, she would have said "yes, similar age range, within 10 years?" and tried to sell it as a hit.

I should add, because I think someone hinted at this earlier in the thread, that some of these pyschics could well believe what they are doing (unconcious fraud). This is because instructional books on tea leaf reading or palm reading tell the learner what phrases to say based on patterns or lines. The phrases are worded as per the cold reading, but perhaps even the author believed it and didn't realise that.

Because of the correct wordings, the hits are believed by both the reader and the subject, and they both come to genuinely believe in the supernatural. Add to this someone who reads people well anyway and will trust their intuition (although probably without realising they are unconciously picking up all the queues from theit customer), and they can genuinely believe they are doing something magical.

Having said that, Colin Fry and John Edwards are conmen who have earnt fame and a living preying on vulnerable people. So some cynisism is healthy...

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Alex B on November 10, 2006, 10:12:37 AM
Having said that, Colin Fry and John Edwards are conmen who have earnt fame and a living preying on vulnerable people.

It occured to me that someone could argue the same could be said about winning poker players.

I think the difference is that it would be like making sure you will only played poker and won money from people whose close friends and relatives have recently died.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: zelda on November 10, 2006, 10:15:10 AM
I believe in this 100%, but obviously not all who profess to have the gift do.  After I split from my husband some years ago I went to see Sarah Petulengros in Blackpool.  I went in December and she knew I was effectively homeless and was looking for a home, but would find a new house and move in early Jan.  I knew it takes at least 6 weeks to complete a house sale, so took it with a pinch of salt.  I had 3 kids then, but was only 21 and didn’t take them with me.  She knew I had 3 and said there would be more.  She knew about past relationships and difficulties I had endured.  She rightly predicted that there would be more trouble ahead, but that I would get through it and be stronger.  She knew so much! I gave nothing away at all.  Upon my return I found a house and the lovely woman who owned it had moved next door.  She let me move in early - Jan 1st. I find great comfort in this kind of thing.  That said I have had some very vague and poor readings, so finding the right person is essential.

Good luck to you poppet.  I hope you get everything you desire...

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: madasahatstand on November 10, 2006, 11:14:44 AM
i dont believe in fortune telling. My mum was a great believer. our neighbour used to read tea leaves and my mum loved it. She also went to see psychics none of which could ever read her. She was also into white witchery and cast spells for her pals some of which worked but the events may have happened anyway without her intervention. I'm sure they would have.
As well as all that, she used to do the Ouija (is that the spelling?) after my dad was killed. its not a good thing to get into. I am now terrified of all that nonsense and i do believe in spirits and ghosts, although Ive neverwitnessed any. maybe its just fear in case they do exist?
after my mum passed on i have felt compelled to visit a psychic. my uncle told me not to go as i would have a big sign on my head saying 'bereaved' or 'gullible'. Ive not went and thats been 9 months (feels like yesterday). i do however still feel like going as I'm desperate to find out if my mum is okay. This is where the con merchants get you though. if anyone knows a person that appears genuine and is contactable in Glasgow, let me know and ill let you know what i think. i have a very healthy scepticism of this kind of thing and know if my mum could get in touch, she would but with very specific info.
Ive seen a man called the psychic barber on TV. he seems to be good if hes not a fake.
the only way we can find out if these things are really true is to pass on and find out for ourselves hopefully.


Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Trace on November 10, 2006, 11:40:11 AM
A good point to start to get a feel for it is to go to your local Spiritualist Church, sit in see what you think, if you see a medium that has impressed you, approach them afterwards and ask if they do private readings.

Or ask someone from the Church to recommend someone, most of the people that run the Churches are mediums themselves.  You may find yourself drawn to someone.

Go with an open mind and you won't be disappointed or fooled.

Good luck!

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: madasahatstand on November 10, 2006, 11:45:56 AM
thanks trace. thats good advice and i will start there:)

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: GlasgowBandit on November 10, 2006, 02:39:02 PM
I'm not a believer in the psychic stuff I just think much of what they say is hit and miss and they are good readers of people. 

Scarily though I have dreams that quite often come true, not always a 100% accurate but when in situations I can recall being in the situation previously does this mean I have some sort of psychic powers?

In regards to Hypnosis I firmly believe in this.  I have been hypnotised for 2 stage shows the first time I went along I went up as a sceptic and thought it was a load of bollocks but was amazed that it worked.  I even paid one of my mates £50 to help me find my pet leprechaun.

I often listen to a self-hypnosis recording which helps me relax, this is particularly helpful if there is anything stressfull going on and I feel agitated.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: GlasgowBandit on November 10, 2006, 02:43:29 PM
thanks trace. thats good advice and i will start there:)

Mad I once went to a Spiritualist church over at Charing X I wasn't a fan of it to be honest but I have heard that there are some decent places in Glasgow.  I think there is one in Shettleston that is supposed to be really good.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: Poppet7 on November 10, 2006, 03:03:06 PM

Scarily though I have dreams that quite often come true, not always a 100% accurate but when in situations I can recall being in the situation previously does this mean I have some sort of psychic powers?

That is de-ja-vu. I get that a lot. It's like you know what's going to happen next but before you've recognised it, it has happened... if you know what I mean.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: CelticGeezeer on November 10, 2006, 03:30:50 PM
de-ja-vu is when something changes in the matrix.

Title: Re: Tarot, Tea-Leaves & Crystal Ball
Post by: roverthtaeh on November 10, 2006, 04:03:48 PM
I'm not entirely sure but I think I've had dejavu before.