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Poker Forums => Poker Hand Analysis => Topic started by: clayftknight on March 12, 2006, 07:00:13 PM

Title: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: clayftknight on March 12, 2006, 07:00:13 PM
You hold AKs
Heads up

you have exactly 3/4 of the chips, other guy moves all in and shows you 22.

call or fold?

what if you had 1/4 of the chips?  or half?  would your decision change?

this is not a real situation, this is about your style of play, ignore blinds, just imagine 1/4   1/2  and 3/4 of the chips heads up, and imagine you hands are equal (AKs v 22 is about as close as you can get)

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: Nem on March 12, 2006, 07:07:17 PM
I'm calling everytime with AKs.

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: clayftknight on March 12, 2006, 07:20:15 PM
what if you had the 22?

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: WellChief on March 12, 2006, 07:20:56 PM
3/4 of the chips - Call every time

1/2 and 1/4 of the chips depends on opponent and blind size (in proportion to stack size).  You can not ignore blind size thats just stupid.

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: AdamM on March 12, 2006, 07:36:27 PM
sounds cocky perhaps but I believe I can match anyone HU and have an edge over the majority. with that in mind I call if I have 3/4 or 2/3 of the chips, confident I can out play my opponent if I dont hit. if I have 1/2 the chips I pass and look to out play my opponent.

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: Nem on March 12, 2006, 07:39:11 PM
sounds cocky perhaps but I believe I can match anyone HU and have an edge over the majority.

Adam Ivey ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: AdamM on March 12, 2006, 07:49:34 PM
sounds cocky perhaps but I believe I can match anyone HU

including Ivey  8)

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: thetank on March 12, 2006, 08:45:44 PM
In this situation, I would call a floorman and insist that my opponent be subject to a 10/15 minute time penalty for deliberately exposing his cards.  8)
Then I'd win the tournament by default  ;ifm;

In all seriousness though,
With 3/4 I'd need to feel like I had a big edge over them to fold. Usually I'd call with that stack.

I agree with wellchief, you cannae ignore the blinds and it would depend upon the ability of your opponent.

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: clayftknight on March 12, 2006, 09:20:00 PM
if you read Adams reply you will see what this post is really about, your mindset headsup.
I did say it's not real but if it helps you to have blinds then blinds are 1/2 and there are 10 million chips on the table.  in other words, you are not pushed towards calling due to huge blinds, your call or fold is based on your game strategy......

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: thetank on March 12, 2006, 09:27:27 PM
Then I definately call, can't be assed playing with 10,000,000 chips.

We'll get it over with and have a spot of lunch  8)

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: thetank on March 12, 2006, 09:33:54 PM

if you read Adams reply you will see what this post is really about, your mindset headsup.

Yeah we all got that but would you not have been better citing the example the other way round, ie you have a small edge rather than being a small dog?

Against some really weak players you should never call all-in pre-flop heads-up with reasonably small blinds (with hands as strong as KK!) such is your edge through your ability to read them, win small pots, get paid off with the nuts etc.

These kind of players are rarely going to put you to that desicion though.

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: NoflopsHomer on March 12, 2006, 09:35:06 PM
Then I definately call, can't be assed playing with 1,000,000 chips.

We'll get it over with and have a spot of lunch  8)


Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: Canuck on March 13, 2006, 06:48:03 PM
AK s versus 22 and I have 3/4 of the chips.

FOLD!!!! no question
He is ahead and I need to catch something.
As chip leader I dont want to play big pots..small little ones and chop chop chop away at him

If I am 1/4 of the chips in play and I have AKs and he has away...all in baby.

If I have half the chips in play and I know he has 22 I would move all in. If he moves in first I would fold.

Thats just me though

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: AdamM on March 14, 2006, 10:49:50 AM
that makes no sense to me. what you seem to be saying is if you're ahead in chips you turn down the 50/50 (and if you are suited it's pretty much EXACLY 50/50) but if you're behind in chips you take the gamble.

Surely the other way round makes more sense. If I have the lead, take the 50/50 and lose and I'm down to even in chips I can still win it. If I'm behind, take the 50/50 and lose and I'm out so I want to avoid it.
you win chips early in a comp so that you can be in marginal situations with chips to spare. if you dont have your opponent covered you should surely avoid marginal situations

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: SupaMonkey on March 14, 2006, 02:02:15 PM
If the blinds are low then i would fold most of the time. I would only take the 50-50 bet if the other guy was obviously better and i had 1/4 of the chips.

With 3/4 of the chips it doesn't make sense to call. Hypothetically, if my opponent and i are equally as good as each other then i should win 75% of the time from this position, so why chase 50% gambles. If s/he is better than me then i don't want to give him/her the chance to draw level (my opponent must be a lot better then me to be more than 50% fav to win when i have 3/4 of the chips)

If had 1/4 of the chips and the blinds were reasonably high, then i would gamble because i can't wait around all day.

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: AdamM on March 14, 2006, 02:15:09 PM
but if you think you are the better player you take the 50/50 confident that if you lose you're still favourite to win?

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: SupaMonkey on March 14, 2006, 02:26:43 PM
if i think i can get another game out of him because he thinks i only won on a gamble then yes. It depends, if i am only slightly better than him i would like to retain my chip advantage but if he is really bad then i would like to give him hope and i would gamble here. In thirty secs though, i probably wouldn't think like this and fold as chip leader anyway.

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: AdamM on March 14, 2006, 02:36:34 PM
ah, you see when I think about HU I think about the end of a live Multi. you're thinking of an Online HU game. completely different propostions

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: SupaMonkey on March 14, 2006, 02:39:53 PM
Sklansky's book (tournament play for advanced players) covers this sort of stuff really well.

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: AdamM on March 14, 2006, 02:44:51 PM
at the risk of opening a can of worms, not all of us a sklansky fans.

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: SupaMonkey on March 14, 2006, 02:51:10 PM
lol, i found it useful. i think there are some books that have to be read because so many people have read them. I read his first one (which is quite boring actually) but this one is better. There are probably alternatives but i don't know of any. There are others on this board who probably know some good books for this kind of thing.

Edit: I am mathematically minded and his arguments are often mathematically based so i think that appeals to me.

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: AdamM on March 14, 2006, 03:00:01 PM
I am fairly numerate but I dont use it very much at the tables. HU particularly the numbers go out the window.

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: clayftknight on March 14, 2006, 06:04:58 PM
I play it exactly like canuk.

keep the pots small when I'm ahead and make the pots big when I'm behind.   thereby effectively increasing or decreasing the lead depending on whether I hold it :)

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: AdamM on March 14, 2006, 06:14:05 PM
must just be a difference of styles then cos I dont get that. HU Im trying to pick up every pot large and small. the only ones I pass are when I'm sure I'm behind AND I'm sure they wont pass. If I have 3/4 of the chips I'm taking the 50/50 because I'm better than my opponent (hence the large chip lead) and starting from even is no problem. if I'm behind on chips I dont want to give him the win on a coin flip.

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: clayftknight on March 14, 2006, 06:20:17 PM
you could also say then that if you are behind he is better so take the gamble :)

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: AdamM on March 15, 2006, 10:05:31 AM
he might have out drawn me to get the chips.

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: clayftknight on March 17, 2006, 03:25:05 AM
true, and you may have outdrawn him to get the chips :)

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: AdamM on March 17, 2006, 11:01:37 AM
I NEVER outdraw people


Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: clayftknight on March 17, 2006, 06:09:03 PM

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: Heid on March 18, 2006, 01:53:51 AM
I call on that .... it's a race...but if you lose, chips are equal and you start again, no biggie.

HU is probably the best aspect of my play, so if things end up equal after the hand I am not overly worried.

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: The Baron on March 20, 2006, 01:38:04 AM
Some great posts here. I think the main point would be how you got your chips. If you got them from small pots then why change a winning formula?

In the hypohetical situation (of an extremely small blind compared to the HUGE starting stack) then I would disagree with the shortstack being he player to try and increase the size of each pot. By increasng each pot you increase the pressure on yourself to win these pots, as each pot lost is more significant (upwardly proportional to the size of your pre flop raises). With such small blinds time is on your side and small pots can still be played and therefor trying to outplay the other guy can still be your primary tactic. There's no law with trying to slowly recover a short stack you know! - NB: With 5 million chips and blinds at 1/2 there's lots of play left in it!

The only advantage I can see to playing so aggressively with a short stack in this situation is that you would want to create an image whereby your opponent would maybe call your all in with a mediocre holding as he "doesn't believe you" but this will be very hard to do with these blinds compared to your stacks as he can "pick his spot" - it's not like the 1/2 blinds compared to his 15million chips are going to bother him is it?

I agree with Adam M that at the end of a multi you are more likely to take the shot as it is a freebie and you have accumulated a chip lead precisely for an opportunity like this. To end it - but not be out if you lose. That's the key to NLHE even money shots IMO.

However I also play heads ups at every buy-in level I can afford and in a comp like this where your opponent is usually pretty useful and there is usually more than one match I would probably call.

Apologies for the long post.

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: clayftknight on March 22, 2006, 05:12:38 PM
don't apologise, lots of good stuff there.

One thing that concerns me is that there is a lot of talk of outplaying the other guy,  of course if you are outplaying him you want to keep the pots small but would your answers here differ if you felt your opponent was as good as you?

What if you thought he was better than you?

Title: Re: your move.....3 (no right answer)
Post by: AdamM on March 22, 2006, 05:50:20 PM

what, heads up?





