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31  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: Blonde will make you STRONG on: June 24, 2016, 11:40:05 PM
A quick breakdown of my PULL day at the moment.

Rack Pulls - 3x 5; 2x 3
Deficit Deadlift - AMAP @ bodyweight
Pull-ups - 4x AMAP
Preacher Curls - 4x 8

After that, things get pretty intense. We're doing strict 30 second rest periods.

Face Pulls - 5x 10
Lat Pulldown - 5x 10
DB Bicep Curl - 5x 10
Russian Twist - 5x 20
Heel Touches - 5x 20

I really like the hybrid feel to it, going really heavy to begin with, then immediately into an AMAP set, then heavy again, followed by what is basically a HIIT workout. The pump is insane, my strength is flying up, I'm down to 14% bodyfat, and the cardiovascular feel to the whole thing is really refreshing.

I challenge someone to try it.
32  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: Blonde will make you STRONG on: June 24, 2016, 11:15:01 PM
Quick update on the strength movements that I'm working on at the moment

Pause Press: 90kg x3
Rack Pull: 220kg x3
Box Squat: 120kg x3

Got two more sessions to get that box squat to three plates, which I think will happen. Numbers are flying up. Think I'm maxed out at five plates on the rack pull, without straps at least. Finding the pause press hard to improve, but will try to get two plates for 3 reps by July if I can find a spotter.

The crazily high benches in Pure back box squats so much easier, so can't compare numbers there. But I am guessin if it is anywhere near depth that is pretty dam tough.

How you do rack pulls without straps is beyond me, I am strapping up at around 160 when I do reps. Don't really do alternate grip anymore so not too sure where abouts I would be with that but 220 seems incredibly ambitious.

Yeh we have blocks at my gym so you can set up within about two inches. I make sure I'm roughly parallel and try to maintain tension in the hole (so I'm only just touching the box, not completely sat)
33  Poker Forums / Poker Hand Analysis / Re: Kind of interesting river spot on: June 21, 2016, 12:43:46 PM
Pretty sure bet $5 >>>>>>> check fold.

Not disagreeing but why?
34  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: Blonde will make you STRONG on: June 20, 2016, 11:20:30 PM
Quick update on the strength movements that I'm working on at the moment

Pause Press: 90kg x3
Rack Pull: 220kg x3
Box Squat: 120kg x3

Got two more sessions to get that box squat to three plates, which I think will happen. Numbers are flying up. Think I'm maxed out at five plates on the rack pull, without straps at least. Finding the pause press hard to improve, but will try to get two plates for 3 reps by July if I can find a spotter.

Very impressive numbers.

Assuming the pause press is on a flat bench? How long do you pause for? Might see if I can match you on those but the others I'd be nowhere near.

Might have to start back on the rack pull as part of my back workout, if I combine them on back day with RDL on legs day I'm almost at a full deadlift Smiley

Interestingly enough, that's basically what my program is geared towards at the minute. In June, the focus is on my weakest point of each lift, pyramid up to 3 reps; followed by my second weakest part of the movements. On deadlift day I start with heavy rack pulls, and then move to deficit deadlifts. The idea is that in July, my conventional deadlift is much stronger!

Pause press is on the flat bench yes. I rest on the chest for 1 second just to take the elasticity out. Get some numbers posted Cheesy
35  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: Blonde will make you STRONG on: June 19, 2016, 10:19:34 PM
Quick update on the strength movements that I'm working on at the moment

Pause Press: 90kg x3
Rack Pull: 220kg x3
Box Squat: 120kg x3

Got two more sessions to get that box squat to three plates, which I think will happen. Numbers are flying up. Think I'm maxed out at five plates on the rack pull, without straps at least. Finding the pause press hard to improve, but will try to get two plates for 3 reps by July if I can find a spotter.
36  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: Blonde will make you STRONG on: June 19, 2016, 10:59:53 AM
World's broadest chest. Really nice transformation bud.
37  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: Blonde will make you STRONG on: June 04, 2016, 09:45:51 PM
Loving the thread right now. Looks like everyone is crushing. Just weighing in with some updates.

Four weeks into the hypertrophy phase of my annual plan. Doing a push/pull/legs/off rotation where I alternate high intensity and low intensity cardio on my off days. Start with a heavy compound, then immediately followed by an athletic/endurance set, then 5x10 with 30 second rests for the accessory/isolation stuff. Really enjoying the challenge and the results.

Kcals down to 2150~ and also includes ice cream. 83g of Ben & Jerry's chocolate fudge brownie for those wondering! Refeed on Mondays with loads of white rice and kids cereals. Cheesy Loving the shift in attitude from Harvey; the guys at Collosus Fitness have been talking a lot recently about the idea of taking it easy and feeling these things out. However, I've promised myself I stay rigid and strict this year just to see how it turns out and tbh there's no stress or feelings of restriction etc. so I'm going to keep at it.

Currently at 88kg, first time below 90 for the first time since 2014, at ROUGHLY 15% bodyfat. Feeling strong, lean, athletic, flexible. Also, tanned from a week in Crete. Don't underestimate how good a tan will make you look! Wink
38  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: Blonde will make you STRONG on: May 17, 2016, 01:10:16 AM
Yep day before I go away so I'm up for it. Plus I'm lifting "heavy" now so I'm happy to get involved with whatever. What time lads?
39  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: Blonde will make you STRONG on: May 16, 2016, 03:15:08 PM
Pretty happy to see a lot of love for Alan Thrall in this thread lately.

I would 100% recommend checking out Mark Bell's "supertraining06" channel. There are three of them, but they always get guests to come in and just pick their brains. It can get very specific sometimes, but a lot of them are very good at putting ideas into words and there will always be something in there that identifies with you and your technique
40  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: Blonde will make you STRONG on: May 07, 2016, 10:18:00 PM
Huge advocate of shoeless closed-chain leg work.

Also a huge advocate of ROM > weight, so going to agree with you here; drop the weight a little and hit a better depth Smiley
41  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: Blonde will make you STRONG on: May 07, 2016, 12:18:23 AM
Chest/Back Shoulders/Back is literally how I spent 2015, with two legs obv (I say obv, if you saw my legs you may question that).

Now I tend to just do, OH movement, incline movement then a flat movement. Then vertical/horizontal/wide/close pull movement.

Life is good when you keep getting stronger right?

Matt (or anyone else) what are your favourite movements (can be isolations) for shoulders/chest/back/quads and hams. Interested to see what people's opinions are. Doesn't have to be for results as such, just enjoyment.

Face Pulls are probably my absolute favourite, dno if you'd call that shoulders or back.
Plate Press for chest. Love that feeling at the top of the movement, SO much recruitment.
Box Jumps or Sled Sprints for quads and hams. Don't really "enjoy" bodybuilding style leg stuff. I mean, heavy deadlifts and squats are cool and all, but I wayy prefer the plyo/athletic stuff.

What's your choice Butters?
42  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: Blonde will make you STRONG on: April 25, 2016, 12:02:02 PM
Good stuff everyone. Anyone going to be brave enough to post pictures soon? Cheesy 

Yup. I'm going to post a few "before" pictures as I'm heading into a hypertrophy phase. I won't lie to you, doing nothing over the winter months but yoga and a few light weights here and there means I've lost some mass and actually got kinda fat. Not like fat fat but think I'm around the 18% mark right now, hoping to drop that to ~12% by end of July. I'm going to be busy, but I've got a routine and meal plan in place so the only reason I will fail is if I lack discipline.

So prepare yourself for some completely unflattering photos Wink

Also thanks for the invite boys, didn't want to train in Loughborough anyways Tongue
43  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: Blonde will make you STRONG on: April 21, 2016, 09:19:59 PM
Did a full legs routine this morning including squats, RDL, leg extension and leg curl.

My squats are coming on really nicely now and I'm getting good depth at 90kg.

Have to admit my RDL is pretty shit and this probably explains why my deadlift is so shocking. I was watching one of the Alan Thrall videos and he reckons you shouldn't even attempt deadlifts until you can do a proper RDL. Seems to make sense to me but what's everybody else's thoughts?

The video where he talks about it is here:


Yeah deadlifts are tough. RDL is definitely the regression to it. If I am fatigued or not in the mind frame I just RDL. Still RDL once a week regardless.

Hip hinging is probably the key to the fitness part of it all (i.e. injury prevention).

I don't think everyone 'has' to do deads/squats. The aim would be to at some point, but don't run before you can walk as they say. The reason always goes down to why, if you aren't focused on total strength you can definitely make a program that will work without deads and squats. Well you can clearly make a program without any of them but it may not be 'optimal'.

His beard is also incredible.

The hip hinge is what I'm currently focussing on. In his squat videos he talks about 'breaking at the hips' meaning that your hips go first, not your knees. I've never really thought about that before but I really concentrated on it today and will continue to do so. I don't know what used to happen but now I'll make sure it's hips first.

My problem with deadlifts is that I never used to do them so I haven't built any of the core strength needed for them. I'm going to keep the RDL in my routine and work up to deadlifts slowly. Definitely want to do them but only when I'm completely ready. It might mean some bar only stuff but I can be patient.

I really like his approach. I sat down for a chat with the head coach at my gym the other day and he was talking about something similar. Getting the body to move correctly IS strength training.

One of the guys I used to train with posted a video of him leg pressing 560kg. Crazy strong right?! Why is it the same guy can't squat parallel, can't press overhead while standing, and can't touch his toes? Because he isn't strong, he's a dysfunctional mess and truly exemplifies running before learning to walk.

Keep throwing the RDL in with legs and you will get to deadlifting in no time. As Harvey says, you've got plenty of time and plenty of patience!

Can't wait to get the dowel rod out for some corrective movements :p
44  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: Blonde will make you STRONG on: April 16, 2016, 06:44:03 PM
Best day of the year training wise I think. Little bit nervous about it as had high expectations, not just on deadlifts but the leg press too. Has taken me a while to find an efficient position on this leg press, and although I am not in love with it I am starting to creep higher and higher.

BW last week (or two weeks ago not sure) was 85 and haven't weighed since so will use that.


1x1 180
1x1 190

1x5 155
2x5 160

Leg Press

2x8 200
1x8 200 drop set 1x10 100.

Famers walks up at 46kg. Walk is probably around 20m there and 20m back but it is the turn that is the tough part.

Upped my leg ext too, quads are lagging so something I am conscious of. Worst body parts of quads and chest which is probably the complete opposite to 99% of gym goers.

Really good day though. Inc bench earlier in the week went horribly so was touch and go with the confidence. But found a higher gear today. Definitely going to go for a 1x1 200 and 1x5 170 before the end of the month. Whether it works is a different matter.

Rumour is me and Rich are having training together next weekend. Not sure where my head will be at, as me and him tend to talk a lot, twice in the last few months we have talked for 'five mins' that lasts an hour. So might not be concentrating too much, but we shall see.

Everyone else's week?

I hope you're referring to the deadlift, and not the incline bench Tongue

Currently transitioning from yoga into hypertrophy. Upward bow is an absolute staple; crow pose is almost a solid headstand; about 2 inches away from front splits.

I know for a lot of people yoga is an absolute snore, but I've noticed a huge amount of progress in such a short space of time (inb4 n00b gains) and it IMMEDIATELY transfers to my weightlifting. I'm so much more aware of how my body lines up now, gives me a much easier time assessing myself and so on. All of my clients/classes have enjoyed the benefits of it so far. I'm not down with the spiritual bullshit that comes with it, but the ideas behind active stretching and core integration are so key. I would 100% recommend to anyone from old lady to rugby player.

In terms of hypertrophy, just doing 4 compound movements @ 3x10, 2 isolations @ 3x15. Couldn't be simpler right now. Noticing some pretty tasty back definition and some massively improved straight-arm scapula strength. Not forcing anything and the numbers are flying up.

I'm going to be rammed in May, but should still be able to find some time for a group session. If we can find some time in April tho that would work loads better.
45  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: Blonde will make you STRONG on: April 08, 2016, 05:15:17 PM
Not going to be posting any sick numbers for a few months yet, but I achieved upward bow earlier Wink

I want to have another go at getting a few of us together for a session if anyone is interested?

Very keen, although April weekends are pretty busy. Open for options in May

Let me know when and where and if I'm available I'll be there. Assuming everybody's planning on lifting some big chunks of metal of course rather that comparing their downwards dog......

FWIW my downward dog is awesome but you won't get to see it so you'll have to just believe me.

Looks pretty solid in your avatar mate. Cheesy

I won't be lifting heavy as I'm still under my own strict instructions not to. Very happy to offer form fix & advice as a PT of course. Then we can finish with some athletic stuff. Cones/sled/ropes/ladders etc.
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