Also, every previous blonde bash has been announced 6-8 weeks (at the most) before the event itself. This one was announced over 4 months beforehand and I can't help but wonder if this has had an adverse effect on the number of people who have pulled out.
Also the bash was more of an attraction, these days with money tight its not so easy to come to a bash. One person said to me "I've had the APAT and the Ladies Tour event in the last month, I couldn't do the bash too"
This was me and im gutted to be sitting at home but I had 3 comps one after the other to choose from and couldnt do all 3 as it was not fair on my kids or my sister who babysits.
APAT was my first choice and then I had to decide between Betfred tour which is an 1hr 30 mins in the train, won the seat in a sat + £1500 added to the fund or Leeds which is 4hrs up and 5 hrs back with me having to get back on the Sunday to get kids to school so missing the quiz/HU comp and all the fun.
I think to announce the date so far in advance meant there were obviously going to be a lot of drop outs as everyone wants to secure a seat not knowing what their plans will be.
Regardless of how many people turn up I am 100% sure that this will be like any other bash...awesome, memorable and a shit load of laughs...enjoy it everyone and I hope to make the next one x