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Poker Forums => Poker Hand Analysis => Topic started by: SuuPRlim on July 26, 2010, 05:51:53 PM

Title: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: SuuPRlim on July 26, 2010, 05:51:53 PM
Sat to the right of an active (but not overly aggro) young guy in a £1/£2 game.
Have lots of history expected a reasonable amount of 3betting but not super light...Im loosing a small amount he is up a few hundred I think.
He is reasonably tight but definatley not a nit by any stretch, does have a tendancy to BIG light river bets as well but doesnt often do it vs me.

Hero £880
Villian £1k

straddled to £4 1 limper, to me in the Hijack i raise to £20 with  Ac Qc.
Villian 3bets to £52 - THIS IS THE THIRD 3bet of the game I've peeled 1 and folded to 2. none showndown.

Folds back round to me, I call £32

Flop  9c 9h 8d I check he quickly checks

Turn  7c. I check he bets £84. I call

River  2s. I check. He bets £188


Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: mondatoo on July 26, 2010, 06:04:24 PM
Fold he has a pair

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: SuuPRlim on July 26, 2010, 06:05:52 PM
Fold he has a pair

pair of?

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: Woodsey on July 26, 2010, 06:08:04 PM

Dunno, does it matter? Your beaten whatever, he has AK at worst. No point trying to out think yourself imo.............

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: George2Loose on July 26, 2010, 06:12:46 PM
Do u never lead turn here cos you're afraid he raises? I think this is a fold. Pretty sure he bets all his air on the flop

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: mondatoo on July 26, 2010, 06:13:03 PM

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: GreekStein on July 26, 2010, 06:17:20 PM
Does young guy play on the interweb?

His 3-bet is pretty small pre

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: SuuPRlim on July 26, 2010, 06:23:55 PM
Does young guy play on the interweb?

His 3-bet is pretty small pre

He does, although has since quit for a life as a professional live playa!

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: SuuPRlim on July 26, 2010, 06:25:17 PM
Do u never lead turn here cos you're afraid he raises? I think this is a fold. Pretty sure he bets all his air on the flop

I didn't lead the turn because I have so much showdown value with the AQhigh here + obv a golden you think he folds AK if i bet the turn....?

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: George2Loose on July 26, 2010, 06:26:38 PM
Do u never lead turn here cos you're afraid he raises? I think this is a fold. Pretty sure he bets all his air on the flop

I didn't lead the turn because I have so much showdown value with the AQhigh here + obv a golden you think he folds AK if i bet the turn....?

Doubt it. You'd have to barrell again on river

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: SuuPRlim on July 26, 2010, 06:32:09 PM
Do u never lead turn here cos you're afraid he raises? I think this is a fold. Pretty sure he bets all his air on the flop

I didn't lead the turn because I have so much showdown value with the AQhigh here + obv a golden you think he folds AK if i bet the turn....?

Doubt it. You'd have to barrell again on river

Just seemed a bit of an unnessercary risk...

What Im wondering

Would would you asses as his ACTUAL value range?
does he really bet 77 for value?
does he turn AK/tiny pairs into a bluff?
do you not think he'd take this line with air?

Does he ever actually have a strong hand here - would anyone consider a check raise?

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: kinboshi on July 26, 2010, 06:32:34 PM


Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: George2Loose on July 26, 2010, 06:35:54 PM
Do u never lead turn here cos you're afraid he raises? I think this is a fold. Pretty sure he bets all his air on the flop

I didn't lead the turn because I have so much showdown value with the AQhigh here + obv a golden you think he folds AK if i bet the turn....?

Doubt it. You'd have to barrell again on river

Just seemed a bit of an unnessercary risk...

What Im wondering

Would would you asses as his ACTUAL value range?
does he really bet 77 for value?
does he turn AK/tiny pairs into a bluff?
do you not think he'd take this line with air?

Does he ever actually have a strong hand here - would anyone consider a check raise?

Not saying I'd always lead turn but just asking your reasoning for not.

Just seems like a check back on the flop for pot control so I'm guessing he has something. I doubt AQ is good here but yah you can deffo c/raise but it's probably gonna have to be all in with his river bet sizing

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: mondatoo on July 26, 2010, 06:39:42 PM
What are we repping if we c/r river here,very little imo

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: George2Loose on July 26, 2010, 06:47:33 PM
Was this hand against Marcin Milde? AKA grimmer for 50$?

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: Rupert on July 26, 2010, 06:50:36 PM
Pretty sure he bets all his air on the flop


I think you're making a decent sized mistake not betting the turn, even though you likely have the best hand you're repping super weakness to get blown off on turn/river.  As played i'd call, you can't really have a lot except a missed draw especially as you've folded to 2 of his 3 bets already

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: George2Loose on July 26, 2010, 07:03:53 PM
Pretty sure he bets all his air on the flop


I think you're making a decent sized mistake not betting the turn, even though you likely have the best hand you're repping super weakness to get blown off on turn/river.  As played i'd call, you can't really have a lot except a missed draw especially as you've folded to 2 of his 3 bets already

How often does he check back his air in this spot then? Maybe a bit strong to say he always bets his air.

And surely the fact he's best lildave off pots in previous hands makes it more likely he's betting for thin value?

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: Skgv on July 26, 2010, 07:31:14 PM
Sat to the right of an active (but not overly aggro) young guy in a £1/£2 game.
Have lots of history expected a reasonable amount of 3betting but not super light...Im loosing a small amount he is up a few hundred I think.
He is reasonably tight but definatley not a nit by any stretch, does have a tendancy to BIG light river bets as well but doesnt often do it vs me.

Hero £880
Villian £1k

straddled to £4 1 limper, to me in the Hijack i raise to £20 with  Ac Qc.
Villian 3bets to £52 - THIS IS THE THIRD 3bet of the game I've peeled 1 and folded to 2. none showndown.

Folds back round to me, I call £32

Flop  9c 9h 8d I check he quickly checks

Turn  7c. I check he bets £84. I call

River  2s. I check. He bets £188

You have ace high, shown no agression so you called turn with intenetion to do what? you never in front in this spot an really dont like your play unless you check rasing river but i still think you get clalled as it looks desperate.

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: Skgv on July 26, 2010, 07:32:05 PM
Pretty sure he bets all his air on the flop


I think you're making a decent sized mistake not betting the turn, even though you likely have the best hand you're repping super weakness to get blown off on turn/river.  As played i'd call, you can't really have a lot except a missed draw especially as you've folded to 2 of his 3 bets already

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: GreekStein on July 26, 2010, 07:33:40 PM
Pretty sure he bets all his air on the flop


I think you're making a decent sized mistake not betting the turn, even though you likely have the best hand you're repping super weakness to get blown off on turn/river.  As played i'd call, you can't really have a lot except a missed draw especially as you've folded to 2 of his 3 bets already


Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: Rupert on July 26, 2010, 07:50:13 PM
How often does he check back his air in this spot then? Maybe a bit strong to say he always bets his air.

And surely the fact he's best lildave off pots in previous hands makes it more likely he's betting for thin value?

Actually when I posted this I thought we were IP and so were peeling a lot wider and could have hit the board harder but OOP our range is def stronger.  Even still I think he cbets any gutshot/sd he can check behind K/A high some of the time just to look to get to showdown and can certainly check behind 22-77 which although is a bluff catcher would be a bit of a bluff/range merge sort of thing if cbet.

By "2 of his 3 bets" i meant 2 of his 3bets suggesting that our range is likely to be fairly solid hands rather than just any old crap we opened with (like lots of live players who have a really low fold to 3bet) so we are less likely to show up with some random 7 which could otherwise be in our c/c range on turn.  Also if he were going for thin value he would have likely bet smaller to try and get called by a wider range.

I quite like the idea of c/r the turn so we win an extra bet when he has nothing, if villain thinks we are airballing then will probs decide to float over 3 betting and if he does 3 bet we can just stick it in his eye anyway but kinda sucks when he just checks behind and bets river

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: DMorgan on July 26, 2010, 08:11:09 PM
First of all I think we need to know whether or not he's perceptive enough to be able to put you on a fairly wide range in this spot and 3bet light. With the limper in there you're repping a stronger range than just an open raise so is he aware of this and is he still capable of 3betting light?

If he's not and the preflop 3bet is purely for value then I think his line here is really really nutsy, like 88+

I can't see him barrelling twice with AK, I'd expect him to snap check back the river. 998 is a pretty cool flop to check back AA/KK 'cos it doesn't really connect with your range very well and with AA/KK its a way ahead/way behind spot for villain so checking is fine to try and induce a couple of barrels from you.

Obv if he has a wider 3bet range then it gets a lot more interesting but only you can know that really and until he does something to show that he can have a wide range here pre I think that we have to assume that like most average live cash regs, he isn't doing this super wide.

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: SuuPRlim on July 26, 2010, 08:40:03 PM
First of all I think we need to know whether or not he's perceptive enough to be able to put you on a fairly wide range in this spot and 3bet light. With the limper in there you're repping a stronger range than just an open raise so is he aware of this and is he still capable of 3betting light?

He is 100%. He is also capable of  betting thin for value (spesh as he knows im a bit of a station) but he wouldn't bet too thin vs me this deep I dont believe.

On the turn my thoughts were that Id probs have the best hand a ton, I would expect him to check back the flop with pure air a bunch as not many of my hands that I peel pre fold on this flop (certainly no pairs, AK, I have some 8s and 9s as well) so wasn't suprised when he checks the flop. now with a flush draw and bunch of showdown value I figured a check call the better option - the main hands I had in his value range were hands like KK/QQ which I wouldnt be suprised to see him check the flop with, as his hand is pretty invenreble and he can probs value town me with smaller pairs post turn. He is never folding KK/QQ/JJ ever on the turn but i have semi-decent equity. Also I rep no strength at all so likely to induce a second barrel as he can still credibly rep and OverPair on the river.

I do like the c.raise line thought for reasons mentioned, thoughts on sizing?

My reasoning for asking if anyone fancied a river check raise was to see if you thought he'd ever be bluffing with better?

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: stato_1 on July 26, 2010, 09:09:02 PM
Can't figure out whether or not I'm the villain. OP do you know?

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: SuuPRlim on July 26, 2010, 09:11:57 PM
Can't figure out whether or not I'm the villain. OP do you know?

I doubt it. sent you a PM though.

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: buzzharvey22 on July 27, 2010, 03:01:07 AM
I just cant see villain checking back his air hands on the flop, obv he may check back ak aq maybe aj, but i think hes gunna be carrying on his agression if he is making a move with qj kq kj etc. He may be checking back AA or KK on the flop to simply under-rep his hand and be able to get two streets of value from your range (which i guess is pocket pairs and maybe AJs +), whereas maybe he'd only get 1 street of value from that range if he fired flop and turn. Of course he may have flopped quads or a house too.

I also dont like just flatting the 3 bet with AQ and playing fit or fold when we are out of position, which is kinda what it seems you have done. he has shown weakness by checking the flop (albeit this may be a trap but meh) then when we turn a flush draw, its a great card to stab at on the semi bluff and give ourself another oopourtunity to win the pot, rather than just check calling trying to hit the river. Just a bit spewy as we miss often with AQ and are gunna be check folding quite a bit to a good player on the flop.

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: SuuPRlim on July 27, 2010, 03:23:34 AM
I just cant see villain checking back his air hands on the flop, obv he may check back ak aq maybe aj, but i think hes gunna be carrying on his agression if he is making a move with qj kq kj etc. He may be checking back AA or KK on the flop to simply under-rep his hand and be able to get two streets of value from your range (which i guess is pocket pairs and maybe AJs +), whereas maybe he'd only get 1 street of value from that range if he fired flop and turn. Of course he may have flopped quads or a house too.

I also dont like just flatting the 3 bet with AQ and playing fit or fold when we are out of position, which is kinda what it seems you have done. he has shown weakness by checking the flop (albeit this may be a trap but meh) then when we turn a flush draw, its a great card to stab at on the semi bluff and give ourself another oopourtunity to win the pot, rather than just check calling trying to hit the river. Just a bit spewy as we miss often with AQ and are gunna be check folding quite a bit to a good player on the flop.

Fair point r.e pre, would you advocate a fold or a 4bet? bearning in mind we are 400bbs deep?
one of the main reason's I called the turn was because I really felt id have the best hand here a TON, but general consenus seems to be that I wouldn't so I may well have been wrong to think that.

On the river then, are people saying this is just a fold...bearing in mind he has bet quite large
And no-one thinks he is bet folding anything in his value range, or that he id turning a better hand into a bluff, so shoving is redundent?
Would ANYONE call here?

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: buzzharvey22 on July 27, 2010, 03:27:03 AM
Oh i forgot to say i dont mind check calling turn if you think you have the best hand and are gunna snap a bet on the river too, therefore i guess theres no point in betting turn or check raising turn if you think you are ahead.

In OP did u say it was this specific player who had 3 bet you 3 times or was it the table combined?

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: DMorgan on July 27, 2010, 03:35:52 AM
4betting to induce the 5bet bluff sounds pretty cool especially if he can definitely spaz out against you which I'd imagine he can. With the straddle out there you're only 220ish BBs deep and if we can 4bet to say 160ish and get him to  jam light then I like that line more than just flatting the 3bet OOP.

As played I'm not really a big fan of c/c turn 'cos it still lets him valuetown us with 22-66 and AK but it does guarantee that we get to see a river though. Check raising the turn and getting jammed on really really sucks, but we do probably fold out AK and 22-66. I couldn't say for certain which is best but its probably really close and doesn't really matter a whole lot in the long run.

I don't like c/c turn and c/r blank rivers though. You only rep boats and quads which I think is too narrow a range to get folds out of overpairs and decent 8x hands. I like c/c c/r inconspicuous club rivers though.  5c 6c Tc Jc I think he checks back a lot but if its like the  2c then c/r looks good.

 8c is just too gross to contemplate at 3am

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: SuuPRlim on July 27, 2010, 10:13:38 AM
Oh i forgot to say i dont mind check calling turn if you think you have the best hand and are gunna snap a bet on the river too, therefore i guess theres no point in betting turn or check raising turn if you think you are ahead.

In OP did u say it was this specific player who had 3 bet you 3 times or was it the table combined?

this player specific. we have played together for a few yrs and are friends/swap HHs online etc.

4betting to induce the 5bet bluff sounds pretty cool especially if he can definitely spaz out against you which I'd imagine he can. With the straddle out there you're only 220ish BBs deep and if we can 4bet to say 160ish and get him to  jam light then I like that line more than just flatting the 3bet OOP.

Defo considered doing this - wish i had tbf. obv he flicks it in with AA/KK/AK/QQ cant see him folding JJ, he might fold TT idk depends because he was winning he might fold and not tell anyone, then combine with the amount of times he folds its clearly a profitable line - high varience obv but meeh!

As played I'm not really a big fan of c/c turn 'cos it still lets him valuetown us with 22-66 and AK but it does guarantee that we get to see a river though. Check raising the turn and getting jammed on really really sucks, but we do probably fold out AK and 22-66. I couldn't say for certain which is best but its probably really close and doesn't really matter a whole lot in the long run

I think this boils down to three points, 1) How often AQhigh is the best hand atm 2) How often he barrels the river again with air 3) How often he bets 22-66?
If we dont have the best hand hardly ever i.e he range is mostly pocket pairs/AK then c/raising is better, but if he checks back 22-66/AK, but bets most of his air again then its proabaly better to c/c, c/c. Like you say Dan, its so close and because he is very good its very difficult to know and therefore long term spose it doesnt matter at all...

Ye for sure he never bet folds OPs on the river, the intention of a c/raise would be purely  if i think he is bluffing with better (which was a worry at the time) but as I dont think he ever turns small pairs into a bluff/merge, or bets AK I dont see any value there.

Dan, as played what do you do on the river?

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: Skgv on July 27, 2010, 12:32:33 PM
Oh i forgot to say i dont mind check calling turn if you think you have the best hand and are gunna snap a bet on the river too, therefore i guess theres no point in betting turn or check raising turn if you think you are ahead.

In OP did u say it was this specific player who had 3 bet you 3 times or was it the table combined?

this player specific. we have played together for a few yrs and are friends/swap HHs online etc.

4betting to induce the 5bet bluff sounds pretty cool especially if he can definitely spaz out against you which I'd imagine he can. With the straddle out there you're only 220ish BBs deep and if we can 4bet to say 160ish and get him to  jam light then I like that line more than just flatting the 3bet OOP.

Defo considered doing this - wish i had tbf. obv he flicks it in with AA/KK/AK/QQ cant see him folding JJ, he might fold TT idk depends because he was winning he might fold and not tell anyone, then combine with the amount of times he folds its clearly a profitable line - high varience obv but meeh!

As played I'm not really a big fan of c/c turn 'cos it still lets him valuetown us with 22-66 and AK but it does guarantee that we get to see a river though. Check raising the turn and getting jammed on really really sucks, but we do probably fold out AK and 22-66. I couldn't say for certain which is best but its probably really close and doesn't really matter a whole lot in the long run

I think this boils down to three points, 1) How often AQhigh is the best hand atm 2) How often he barrels the river again with air 3) How often he bets 22-66?
If we dont have the best hand hardly ever i.e he range is mostly pocket pairs/AK then c/raising is better, but if he checks back 22-66/AK, but bets most of his air again then its proabaly better to c/c, c/c. Like you say Dan, its so close and because he is very good its very difficult to know and therefore long term spose it doesnt matter at all...

Ye for sure he never bet folds OPs on the river, the intention of a c/raise would be purely  if i think he is bluffing with better (which was a worry at the time) but as I dont think he ever turns small pairs into a bluff/merge, or bets AK I dont see any value there.

Dan, as played what do you do on the river?
Obvioulsy after all that talk you obviuosly fold as you have more or less given up on trying to win pot by your explantion above ?

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: DMorgan on July 27, 2010, 01:17:57 PM
I dunno, smilar to your thoughts I really wanna call but I can be a bit of a station in these spots. Also because you know him you can end up levelling yourself into a call when really he's just playing straightforward against you because you're both really deep?

End result is a fold for me especially since he can value bet thin

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: SuuPRlim on July 27, 2010, 11:38:42 PM
So general opinion is

Turn line is ok(ish) but im much better to lead, but if I think he is 3betting wide enough c/raise is better get another bet out of his air, when his value hands arent folding the tirn anyway.

As played fold river.

Here is what happened.

I called. He had AK. gg me sigh

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: DMorgan on July 28, 2010, 12:35:13 AM
Predictions for what happened after the hand?

Villain decides he's so awesome that he's gunna play every hand from now on and does the lot

Everyone else at the table is pretty dumbstruck and casually discuss how awful lildave is

lildave visits the bar pretty quick

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: Skgv on July 28, 2010, 02:16:39 AM
So general opinion is

Turn line is ok(ish) but im much better to lead, but if I think he is 3betting wide enough c/raise is better get another bet out of his air, when his value hands arent folding the tirn anyway.

As played fold river.

Here is what happened.

I called. He had AK. gg me sigh
wow u called ! again u flat called ! respect for honesty though !

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: Rupert on July 28, 2010, 02:35:30 AM
i assume he was bluffing, it's a pretty bad hand to bluff with given that you can only fold out a 7 that beats you and even that might call

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: SuuPRlim on July 28, 2010, 04:36:48 AM
i assume he was bluffing, it's a pretty bad hand to bluff with given that you can only fold out a 7 that beats you and even that might call

+1. he admitted immeadiatley after the hand it was a bluff, he said thought specifically i had a 55/77 hand and i wouldnt call a big river bet. I ruled him out betting with AK virtually immeadiatley, hence why I (somewhat result orientated) asked if anyone would shove the river lol

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: Skgv on July 28, 2010, 04:47:27 PM
i assume he was bluffing, it's a pretty bad hand to bluff with given that you can only fold out a 7 that beats you and even that might call

+1. he admitted immeadiatley after the hand it was a bluff, he said thought specifically i had a 55/77 hand and i wouldnt call a big river bet. I ruled him out betting with AK virtually immeadiatley, hence why I (somewhat result orientated) asked if anyone would shove the river lol
That was my feeling from start when u posted was your only play on winning pot was to raise river an def not calling which was the worst option of all imo.

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: SuuPRlim on July 28, 2010, 06:50:13 PM
i assume he was bluffing, it's a pretty bad hand to bluff with given that you can only fold out a 7 that beats you and even that might call

+1. he admitted immeadiatley after the hand it was a bluff, he said thought specifically i had a 55/77 hand and i wouldnt call a big river bet. I ruled him out betting with AK virtually immeadiatley, hence why I (somewhat result orientated) asked if anyone would shove the river lol
That was my feeling from start when u posted was your only play on winning pot was to raise river an def not calling which was the worst option of all imo.

mmmm dunno if i completely agree tbh. I think during the hand i felt like id be winning with AQhigh more often than I actually would be (maybe I picked a little something off of chris during the hand idk) hence why i ignored what is probably the best route and didnt c/r the turn. If i got a read that he had a weak hand I was kinda (to my detrement) right

On the other hand Chris obviously picked up on my hand strength, realised I thought I had the best hand (which I did), realised that this was probably a hand like 88 and that as his line crediby reps an overpair he was gonna bet huge to make me fold (he was pretty much right as well just so happened his hand was slightly ahead of mine this time)

With the action as played, I still dont mind a call, he doesnt have tons of 9s/8s in he 3bets (97/87/98/9T/86 suiteds granted) + he has AA-JJ aswell im pretty sure that is his value range. all airball hands will bet river again and I win vs all of them except AK, but i expect him to c/back AK most of the time on the river, plus I had a "live read" in this vacuum that lead to believe (correctly as it turns out, but incorrectly at the same time) that he was bluffing in this instance (couldn't tell you what it was I just had a very strong feeling.

With these points considered I dont hate my river call, and actuallly prefer it to folding in this instance, pretty sure raising isnt profitable, and if i can narrow his value range like I can here to not include too many super VBs (really dont think he'd Vbet anything less than an 8 + he'd check a few of those back here i think)  and beat all but 1 hand he bluffs with....

I can justify the hand to myself because I really thought he was bluffing at the time and he was! wiii I win!

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: Rupert on July 28, 2010, 09:37:28 PM
i assume he was bluffing, it's a pretty bad hand to bluff with given that you can only fold out a 7 that beats you and even that might call

+1. he admitted immeadiatley after the hand it was a bluff, he said thought specifically i had a 55/77 hand and i wouldnt call a big river bet. I ruled him out betting with AK virtually immeadiatley, hence why I (somewhat result orientated) asked if anyone would shove the river lol
That was my feeling from start when u posted was your only play on winning pot was to raise river an def not calling which was the worst option of all imo.

you realise villain thought he was bluffing and showed up with the only bluff that beats us?

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: George2Loose on July 29, 2010, 12:03:19 AM
i assume he was bluffing, it's a pretty bad hand to bluff with given that you can only fold out a 7 that beats you and even that might call

+1. he admitted immeadiatley after the hand it was a bluff, he said thought specifically i had a 55/77 hand and i wouldnt call a big river bet. I ruled him out betting with AK virtually immeadiatley, hence why I (somewhat result orientated) asked if anyone would shove the river lol
That was my feeling from start when u posted was your only play on winning pot was to raise river an def not calling which was the worst option of all imo.

you realise villain thought he was bluffing and showed up with the only bluff that beats us?

[ ] big charra has excelled himself in this thread

lol. Big Charra should post more. Helps me understand live players

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: Skgv on July 29, 2010, 01:34:12 AM
i assume he was bluffing, it's a pretty bad hand to bluff with given that you can only fold out a 7 that beats you and even that might call

+1. he admitted immeadiatley after the hand it was a bluff, he said thought specifically i had a 55/77 hand and i wouldnt call a big river bet. I ruled him out betting with AK virtually immeadiatley, hence why I (somewhat result orientated) asked if anyone would shove the river lol
That was my feeling from start when u posted was your only play on winning pot was to raise river an def not calling which was the worst option of all imo.

you realise villain thought he was bluffing and showed up with the only bluff that beats us?

[ ] big charra has excelled himself in this thread
p.s thought i was getting ignored !

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: SuuPRlim on July 29, 2010, 04:45:42 AM
just to add to the hand, villian said "your good" and attempted to muck his hand, id have won the pot if I hadnt excitedly victory revealed my AQ high, eager to get everyone telling me how clever I was....

wp me all round :)

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: AlexMartin on July 30, 2010, 04:01:18 AM

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: Whollyflush on August 04, 2010, 05:06:40 AM
Personally i think c/c>>betting>>c/r the turn in this spot. We have good showdown value, with cards which villian is likely to bluff at on the river if we hit (any ace/queen BDFD)

River is fairly tough, the fact that he turned AK into a bluff here shows hes pretty terrible and you were thinking along the right lines. Assuming your correct and he is 3betting alot, think about how much of his range you will usually beat here. Just a rather unfortunate spot where you ran into the tip top of his range (hate to use them cliche's).

Title: Re: Live Cash Hand. Deep.
Post by: SuuPRlim on August 07, 2010, 12:14:18 PM
Personally i think c/c>>betting>>c/r the turn in this spot. We have good showdown value, with cards which villian is likely to bluff at on the river if we hit (any ace/queen BDFD)

River is fairly tough, the fact that he turned AK into a bluff here shows hes pretty terrible and you were thinking along the right lines. Assuming your correct and he is 3betting alot, think about how much of his range you will usually beat here. Just a rather unfortunate spot where you ran into the tip top of his range (hate to use them cliche's).

Idk, my hand looks a lot like 66/77 and he can rep an OP pretty credibly so im not sure turning AK into a bluff is nessercarily a bad thing, hence why i wondered at the tme if i should be raising to like £425 or something incase he's doing this with a better hand (i dont think so in hiensight as this is the smack top of his bluffing range - or the bottom of his value range lol whichever way u look at it) i always like to c/raise in hero spots where i dont beat 100% of his bluffing range, but in situations where he only 1 hand in his bluffing range that beats me, and h would mostly check it back then i dont think c/r is good.