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Poker Forums => Diaries and Blogs => Topic started by: Mark_Porter on February 02, 2020, 09:31:23 PM

Title: Getting into Golf
Post by: Mark_Porter on February 02, 2020, 09:31:23 PM
I turned 32 in November and as a middle class white man, decided the time was probably right to take up golf.

I actually badly need a hobby, preferably one that is social, keeps me fit and is competitive. I have never found anything that ticks those boxes that I can get passionate about.

I live 5mins away from Chichester Golf Club - I saw them advertising "free beginners golf" lessons which I signed up for a couple of weeks ago. It is basically an hour group lesson every Sunday for a month. 3 sessions on the range and one chipping and putting around the green.

I played golf a bit as a teenager in Guernsey, had some second hand clubs and a few lessons. I never really took it seriously though, barely played a full round, never got close to breaking 100 and generally just dicked around with my brother whenever my dad drove my down there.

Thankfully, my hand eye coordination has always been pretty good. I played a fair bit of cricket and tennis in the past so I knew I would be able to hit the ball OK.

The second of 4 lessons was today. In the first lesson we worked on the basics and the grip. Today was re-enforcing that and working on aiming and ball striking. All this was with a 6 or 7 iron.

I am going to track my progress here. I know it won't interest many of the few people that still post but it will hold me accountable and keep me motivated to improve.

Anyway I recorded a bad quality video with my last ball of the basket today. I was off the mat rather than the tee after the first lesson last week and it felt reasonably natural/comfortable today. Am now quickly obsessed with reading and watching everything golf related! Any Blondes out there that play?


Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Mark_Porter on February 02, 2020, 09:34:40 PM
The only golf gear I currently own are two gloves that I bought today. We get to borrow clubs for the lessons.

I am planning on buying a set of clubs at the end of the 4 weeks of lessons - I want to make absolutely sure I want to carry it on before splurging.

I will either go for something like this:-

Straight out the box starter set.

Or spend a bit more money on something like this:-

I would look at second hand but the allure of the shiny newness might be too much plus the second hand market does not look particularly easy to navigate.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Mark_Porter on February 02, 2020, 09:39:59 PM
My only short term goal at the moment is to break 100. Really interested in how quickly I can get there. If I don't do it by the end of the Summer then will be really disappointed.

I am planning on booking some 1:1 lessons after the group lessons finish and combine those with an extra trip to the range every week. Chichester has a good looking par 3 course and a couple of 18 hole courses so want to get out there sooner rather than later.

I don't have any mates that are interested in golf though so could do with finding someone to play with.

I absolutley love chipping and putting. We had an 18 hole putting course 2mins from our house that I must have played circa 500 times with my brother. Long game will be the focus for the next couple of months I suspect.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Karabiner on February 02, 2020, 10:05:49 PM
That swing looked pretty good to me - I'm sure you'll break 100 this year on that evidence.

Keep practicing what you have worked on in the lessons and you'll be hooked in no time at all.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: peejaytwo on February 02, 2020, 10:24:58 PM
Swing looks good to me as well. Love the last paragraph, in concentrating on your long game don’t forget how many shots you play around the green.

Getting up and down in two when you missed the green is such a good feeling, nearly as good as tonking one 275 yards down the fairway 😁

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Marty719 on February 03, 2020, 01:58:19 PM
I have a very similar backstory to you.  I took it up again 2 years ago after doing much the same as you between age 12 and 16.  Now absolutely hooked.  In terms of clubs, I did go down the pre-owned route, getting all my clubs through GolfBidder.  Excellent quality and haven't had a problem.  With having a long break without playing, I was advised to get Ping's due to a lower spin rate and the overall "forgiveness" (the word every beginner golfer wants to hear).  Got a set of G10 irons 3-PW (literally could count the number of times I've hit the 3 and 4), a Glide 2.0 56°, i20 Hybrid, G Driver, 3 and 5 wood, and a Cadence TR Rustler putter.  Love them all. 

With work/kids I'm only getting out once a week at most, so improvement hasn't been as quick as I want.  Off 22 atm, but determined to actually work on getting it down this year.

Also can't stop watching as much golf as physically possible.  Nick Dougherty an excellent follow on IGram, and Rick Shiels podcast and videos entertaining and understandable.  Look forward to following the story.  Good luck!

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Mark_Porter on February 04, 2020, 09:00:54 AM
Yea I am hammering through stuff on Youtube at the moment. Trying to avoid too many instructional things as am just going to overload my brain and implement things incorrectly. I have an obsessive personality so its always all or nothing with things like this.

I like Rick Shiels and all the "youtube golfers". That's where I saw those Costco clubs from that looked good. I will look at Golfbidder, all the options are a bit intimidating. Will have a chat to the pro about some good options.

Planning to go to the range after work on Friday and just hit 20 balls. Focus on making sure the grip is comfortable and see how consistent we can strike the ball. Will get a better video of my swing as will be interesting to see the changes made in actual 1:1 lessons over the next few months. Might hit the par 3 course this weekend too and remind myself what chipping and putting feels like. Bring on the warmer dryer weather!

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Pokerpops on February 04, 2020, 01:36:57 PM
I had this set all ready to list on eBay later...

Irons are Ben Sayers M2i 3-SW
Woods are Ben Sayers Big Ben 1,3,5
There’s an American Golf 60deg wedge and a Ben Sayers putter too

Bag is errrmm you guessed it, Ben Sayers with loads of pockets. It’s carryable, but the GreenHill trolley is so easy to push and pull and I wouldn’t have any other type. It’s British made too.

I’ll throw in this load of balls and stuff too.

PM if it’s of any interest at c£175 with you paying postage.

Edit: pictures weren’t showing, so have edited to just show the links

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Mark_Porter on February 04, 2020, 02:18:26 PM
I had this set all ready to list on eBay later...

Irons are Ben Sayers M2i 3-SW
Woods are Ben Sayers Big Ben 1,3,5
There’s an American Golf 60deg wedge and a Ben Sayers putter too

Bag is errrmm you guessed it, Ben Sayers with loads of pockets. It’s carryable, but the GreenHill trolley is so easy to push and pull and I wouldn’t have any other type. It’s British made too.

I’ll throw in this load of balls and stuff too.

PM if it’s of any interest at c£175 with you paying postage.

Edit: pictures weren’t showing, so have edited to just show the links

Thanks, will let you know either way. I am not going to buy anything for a couple of weeks though.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Mark_Porter on February 08, 2020, 12:06:26 AM

A nice relaxed 25 balls after work today with a bashed up old 7 iron from the lost and found.

Struck the ball really nicely. Only a couple of real duffs, the rest were clean but a reasonably wide dispersion as to be expected.

I am getting that fade shape to virtually every strike. I guess that's the sort of thing that we can get into with some coaching. Am trying not to think too much, focus on striking the ball well and swing the club in a way that feels natural.

Jeez I am so unfit though. Even after 25 balls, I can feel it in my hips, across my shoulders and twinged a stomach muscle where my core strength is just non-existent.

Group lesson number 3 on Sunday and I think we are experimenting with some different clubs. Weather looks awful so won't be hitting off the real green stuff this weekend.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Mark_Porter on February 09, 2020, 05:25:31 PM
This wind is not conducive to a good balanced swing so no video today.

Got into some good technical stuff this morning and lots to practice this week. You will see in the last video that during the back swing I am rocking my hips backwards then forwards. My weight transfers almost completely onto my back foot in the backswing then comes forward again on the downswing. No real rotation. The obvious thing to spot is my right leg doesn't start to straighten at all.

Rather than this side to side motion, I should be rotating my hips. This will keep me more stable over the ball and I can then push through with more power. It feels strange but it's a movement I can practice without needing a club. It's very obvious when you watch a good golf swing what the difference should look like.

I have also bought a grip training aid as I was getting a bit underneath with my right hand and struggling to get the grip consistent every time.

Aiming to now be hitting 100 balls a week - 2 range sessions. Last group lesson is next Sunday (chipping and putting) then going to block book some 1:1 coaching and buy some clubs.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Junior Senior on February 09, 2020, 07:43:19 PM
Difficult game to get good at if you don't start young, so good luck.

My main tip is to enjoy it and try to get better every single time you play - it looks like you’re doing that already.

P.s. I know a guy called Mark Porter who plays for our county and is excellent at the game and hits it further than i go on my holidays these days so it’s a good name for the game!

P.s. my other tip is don’t get carried away with all the marketing hype on equipment - whilst you’re learning, you don’t need much to get started.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Karabiner on February 09, 2020, 07:46:34 PM
The swing looks very promising - try not to get too bogged down with tekkers as there are so many ways to hit the golf ball.

I would just stick to  basics and trying to strike the ball well without going at it 110%

PS The guy who posted above me knows what he's talking about so pay especial attention to his posts.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Mark_Porter on February 16, 2020, 10:35:55 PM
Golf is hard.

I have gone from just swinging the club in a way that feels right to thinking about hip rotation, transferring weight, extending arms, cocking wrists, striking down etc. There is so much content out there and I have consumed too much of it.

Unsurprisingly that has made hitting balls much harder and I have hit 125 this week. Went to the range on Friday night then final "beginner lesson" today. It is really challenging but exciting. I am trying to focus on just one thing at a time - rotation. The problem is by changing the way my hips move, it changes the plane the club travels on and the whole swing falls apart. The group lessons have been good though and am seeing progress.

They are now running another set of 4 lessons (£15 total), all out on the really well kept par 3 course. I am going to keep doing those group lessons, will be good to hit some shots from actual grass.

I have also purchased some clubs! I probably have gone a bit OTT but couldn't resist. Spent £200 on a set of second hand (albeit actually brand new) irons and am picking them up Tuesday. Very excited, will post some pictures.

I went to Goodwood on Saturday morning to chat to them about their "Get Into Golf" membership.

At £375 it looks brilliant value and it's only 15mins from my house. Will see how we get on with this next batch of group lessons, potentially book a couple of 1:1 lessons then go from there.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Mark_Porter on February 19, 2020, 10:01:31 PM
We have our first set of irons.

I went for the Wilson Staff D300 and have a 4 iron through to a gap wedge. They look like this:-

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I picked them up brand new and still in the packaging last night. They were only released in 2017 and looked like a good option for the high handicapper. They are "super game improvement" irons, easy to hit with lots of forgiveness as the head is absolutely enormous. They aren't going to win any prizes in a beauty contest but I had tested something similar and they suit me. Just need a putter now then can get out on the course, have my eye on a couple.

Spent an hour at the range tonight and the clubs felt great. Felt more comfortable with my swing too after the last session, especially with the higher lofted clubs. I was knocking the 4 iron close to 200 yards and finished with some nice smooth pitching wedges below. They are getting a Trackman at Chichester this month so will be interested to see the numbers. Let's hope the weather behaves then can get out on the proper green stuff at the weekend.


Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Karabiner on February 20, 2020, 12:30:43 AM
The swing and especially the ball-striking is looking really good.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Mark_Porter on February 24, 2020, 04:13:48 PM
Had such a brilliant lesson yesterday.

It was supposed to be the first week of the intermediate session but only 2 people turned up as the weather was awful. We spent an hour on the range doing some video analysis of the swing and making some tweaks. I am such a geek for that kind of stuff.

I now have some really targeted drills to work on this week but broadly my coach is happy with the swing. Still fixing the “sway” and rotating properly but even that has shifted drastically since my first swings. Just looking to nail down the exact “perfect technically sound swing” (doesn’t exist obviously) so I can embed it and feel comfortable that it can be replicated over and over again. Love it, I am obsessed.

I am working with my coach on the Hudl app which lets you take super slo mo videos and spot the exact points of the swing to tweak. Will post some this week as it is so cool! I have also been thinking about setting some goals for the next 6 months or so, will make a separate post on that in a couple of weeks. Not the worst time to take up golf really, do lots of technical stuff for a couple of months before taking it to the course in the Spring and get a better balance between range/course. Another 100 balls this week, will see how we go.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Mark_Porter on March 02, 2020, 09:35:07 PM

This is such a big difference from my first swings 6 weeks ago. The hips are starting to rotate properly and that slide left has gone. It's a concious effort to think about it every time but it feels much better.

I hit 50 balls on Saturday morning and maybe only 5 slices. Compared to when I started and was slicing 80% of shots. Definitely an improvement.

Managed to get outside for the lesson on Sunday and we did putting, bump and runs and little pitches. All felt good, I have always felt comfortable putting and chipping. I had a wander around the par 3 course to see if it was playable but despite it being sunny, it was a bit of a bog so left it. Lesson next week is on the course if weather is OK.

Back to the range this week to play with my grip again. As per the video, my right hand tends to go too far underneath. Every time I slide it round and get it in the "right" place, I feel like I lose control of the clubhead completely. Will hit another 100 and see where we get to.

Is it Summer yet? Really want to get a baseline for where I am in terms of breaking 100 quickly.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: MrDickie on March 05, 2020, 04:56:25 PM
Check out this guy and his tips....
Rick Shiels Golf

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Mark_Porter on March 05, 2020, 09:20:02 PM
Check out this guy and his tips....
Rick Shiels Golf

Thanks, yes seen lots of his videos as am a bit addicted to Youtube. Some good tip stuff and entertaining. Really like the podcasts too.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Mark_Porter on March 05, 2020, 09:30:51 PM
A non golfing post to share.

Yesterday afternoon, I said goodbye to my beautiful dog Max. He was diagnosed with cancer just over a year ago and my parents have done an amazing job giving him round the clock care for the last 6 months to make sure he retained a brilliant quality of life. We celebrated his 13th birthday just last week and he passed away at home after being put to sleep on my mums lap.

I am very lucky to have never lost anyone close to me so have never really felt a loss like this. The whole family is devastated. He was the most pampered pooch you can imagine, he never ate dog food his entire life... even enjoying a cooked breakfast and a wander around the park on his last morning. I loved taking him for his daily long walks on the beach in the Summer, he was a true member of the family. The most special dog, always greeted me with absolute excitement right up until the very end. He has been a huge part of my life over the years and have so many amazing memories. RIP my special boy Max. xxxx

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Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: booder on March 05, 2020, 11:41:19 PM
My dog is 14 and has just been diagnosed with cancer and i would be lost without her.

R.I.P Max

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: RED-DOG on March 06, 2020, 01:10:37 AM
RIP Max.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Marty719 on March 06, 2020, 09:04:05 AM
Sorry to hear.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Mark_Porter on March 13, 2020, 11:16:02 PM
It's been quite a tough week. I am trying to keep a close eye on my parents who are really grieving for Max. My poor mum is sleeping with his collar under her pillow and coat by the side of her bed. They are keeping themselves fairly isolated for obvious virus related reasons but life without a dog in the house is proving harder than expected.

I sacked off working from home this afternoon and got out on the 9 hole par 3 course. 875 yards total with the longest hole being 120ish.

First 9 holes, carded +11. That included one lost ball that resulted in a 7.

Went round again and carded +4 which I am absolutely over the moon with. My ball striking wasn't great all afternoon but my short game was excellent. In 18 holes I didn't have one 3 putt and my new putter (Wilson Staff Infinite Buck Eye) was only delivered this afternoon.

Super encouraging and feel quite comfortable plotting my way round. Target for the next few months is shooting a level par round.

Another lesson coming this Sunday and got to work on swing mechanics. I am still coming in too steep so going to get some pointers and a plan in place for the next couple of months. Not going to brave the full course yet, I want to feel really comfortable that I have a shot that consistently goes 150 yards and straight. If I can find that and keep working on short game every week then should be able to break 100 fairly quickly.

So so good to be out on grass in the setting sun, not a soul about. Spending the next week at Centre Parcs. Books, fresh air, board games etc. Can't wait.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Mark_Porter on March 22, 2020, 09:25:51 PM
At the moment, golf is one of the few things I can do to get out of the house and get some exercise. Since the +4 round on the par 3 course, I have carded:-

+7  - 2 GIR, 16 putts
+7 - 2 GIR, 16 putts
+6 - 2 GIR, 15 putts
+7 - 4 GIR, 19 putts
+6 - 1 GIR, 13 putts
+7 - 2 GIR, 16 putts

I have a pretty clear baseline there so can start to make some judgements on my game inside 120 yards.

Long game - 4/10.

Hitting greens is really hard. My swing is definitely still evolving. I have made some quite big changes to the swing path fairly recently that I will show in a different video. That being said, it is just really hard to consistently hit greens. I am not too wayward, hitting a lot of fringes or small misses. That being said the last few rounds have included 1 or 2 really bad swings that have resulted in a 5 or even a 6. Need to find that consistent strike and club face. Generally my distance control has been fairly solid. Would like to think I could reach a point where I could hit 4+ GIR fairly consistently given the yardages.

Chipping - 6/10

No stats here but, in general, my chipping has been very solid. I feel reasonably comfortable with my gap wedge in hand from a decent lie. I want to start really working on making more up and downs now. I tend to be pretty solid at getting the ball back on the green if I stray, next step will be tightening up so I can get it within 10 feet more often and make more pars. One thing I do need to work on is the 8 iron bump and run, not a shot I get to play very often given the nature of the rough around the greens but have messed up a couple of times. 

Putting - 7/10

I find it hard to evaluate my putting at the moment. I feel reasonably comfortable over the ball and my stroke is fine, am just not holing a great deal. Not sure whether that is just not reading the greens well or making poor swings. In the 6 rounds above, I have only had 2 "three putts", both in the same round. I am not throwing away too many shots with the putter, just need to start working on the 10-15 foot range and getting them to drop.

Consistency is really king. Looking at my 2 rounds this afternoon, a +6 and a +7. The +6 included a disastrous triple bogey where I shanked one off the tee into deep stuff. That round really should have been a +4. The +7 round included a double bogey on a 60 yard hole where I thinned one 20 yards through the green then duffed a chip.

I am hoping that we don't go into total lockdown so I can keep getting out on the course this week. Can almost play it daily now to get some air and work on those long wedges. Hoping this sets me up well to get out onto the proper courses in the Summer. Might try and video a few shots from my round later this week if I can get a little tripod to hold my phone.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Mark_Porter on June 02, 2020, 08:44:34 PM
Finally back out on the golf course this week. The par 3 course is unrecognisable since I last played, dried to a crisp. Need to pitch the ball 10-15 yards short of the green to allow for the roll.

Been brilliant getting back out and after a +7 and a +9 earlier this week, put this together today:-

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Beats my best round by 2 shots and I left one right on the lip for birdie on the final hole from 25 feet. 3 of my missed greens were fringes, easily the best I have struck the ball and my putting from all around the greens was excellent.

Probably going to keep playing the par 3 course most days now and get out on the main course later this month.

Goal of shooting under 100 is still on. Going to book a few 1:1 lessons then see what happens on the big boy course. So great being out there today, felt like a proper player.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Pokerpops on June 03, 2020, 09:48:14 AM
Finally back out on the golf course this week. The par 3 course is unrecognisable since I last played, dried to a crisp. Need to pitch the ball 10-15 yards short of the green to allow for the roll.

Been brilliant getting back out and after a +7 and a +9 earlier this week, put this together today:-

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Beats my best round by 2 shots and I left one right on the lip for birdie on the final hole from 25 feet. 3 of my missed greens were fringes, easily the best I have struck the ball and my putting from all around the greens was excellent.

Probably going to keep playing the par 3 course most days now and get out on the main course later this month.

Goal of shooting under 100 is still on. Going to book a few 1:1 lessons then see what happens on the big boy course. So great being out there today, felt like a proper player.

I hate you!

Played golf for around 20yrs and never got better than an 18 h’cap and you’ll be single figures by this time next year. Git!

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Mark_Porter on June 05, 2020, 06:19:33 PM
Got to share this straight away as absolutely buzzing!

Rounds this week on the par 3 course:-

Monday +9, 16 putts, 4 greens hit
Tuesday +2, 16 putts, 5 greens hit
Wednesday +3, 16 putts, 4 greens hit
Thursday +2, 12 putts, 2 greens hit
Friday +1, 15 putts, 5 greens hit

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Hit a few poor tee shots in this round but got some good luck with running out onto the green. Got so pumped making a 10 footer for par on the 8th and sunk two 20 footers including the birdie. Heaped pressure on myself on the last two holes, feels great to find something I can really push myself with.

Booked a lesson on the range next week so probably will pop in over the weekend and hit some balls. No real motivation to go on the range anymore when can just play this course over and over again.

Will be on one of the main courses either next week or the week after for sure.

I hate you!

Played golf for around 20yrs and never got better than an 18 h’cap and you’ll be single figures by this time next year. Git!

You would have thought I was useless if you had seen me topping one on the first about 40 yards! Whole different game when I have to start hitting it +150 yards but we will see.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Pokerpops on June 05, 2020, 07:32:23 PM
Got to share this straight away as absolutely buzzing!

Rounds this week on the par 3 course:-

Monday +9, 16 putts, 4 greens hit
Tuesday +2, 16 putts, 5 greens hit
Wednesday +3, 16 putts, 4 greens hit
Thursday +2, 12 putts, 2 greens hit
Friday +1, 15 putts, 5 greens hit

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Hit a few poor tee shots in this round but got some good luck with running out onto the green. Got so pumped making a 10 footer for par on the 8th and sunk two 20 footers including the birdie. Heaped pressure on myself on the last two holes, feels great to find something I can really push myself with.

Booked a lesson on the range next week so probably will pop in over the weekend and hit some balls. No real motivation to go on the range anymore when can just play this course over and over again.

Will be on one of the main courses either next week or the week after for sure.

I hate you!

Played golf for around 20yrs and never got better than an 18 h’cap and you’ll be single figures by this time next year. Git!

You would have thought I was useless if you had seen me topping one on the first about 40 yards! Whole different game when I have to start hitting it +150 yards but we will see.

Get a good short game and you’ll be fine.
I could hit fairways with few problems, but...

I never found a consistent touch on or around the green, which was a big problem because I missed a lot of greens  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: stato_1 on June 05, 2020, 10:11:03 PM
If you can do that on the short course, be amazed if you don’t break 100 pretty quickly on full course. Think you might need a harder goal!

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Mark_Porter on June 12, 2020, 05:57:33 PM
Played every day again this week.

Monday +4, 16 putts, 3 greens hit
Tuesday +8, 18 putts, 1 green hit
Wednesday +2, 14 putts, 3 greens hit
Thursday +5, 18 putts, 4 greens hit
Friday +1, 16 putts, 6 greens hit

A bit more erratic this week but today was definitely my best ever round. The first time I have hit 6 greens and could easily have been a level par round. Hit the last 4 greens and had a really good look at 6 and 8. Made a lovely birdie on the 3rd as well from just 5 foot.

I really understand the course now, where you can't afford to miss, how the greens run (awfully) and where the best landing spots are. It should be a matter of time before it comes together and can make a level par round.

The reason I am not getting carried away is that I play these rounds by gripping right down the club and making relatively short swings. That way, I feel like I have total control of the club head and can feel the distance. Once you need to hit it more than 100 yards then I have to lengthen the swing and that's when everything can go wrong. Lose control of the club head direction, the swing path goes crazy and it doesn't go straight.

I need to get back on the range and practice though. All I am doing is playing the par 3 course over and over at the moment trying to go low. I have a lesson this Sunday to work on the full swing. Hitting the main course next week for sure. Will be good to get an idea of where we stand on a full course. If I can get the ball inside 100 yards then will be fine but got to get there first.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Karabiner on June 12, 2020, 09:02:30 PM
It'll be interesting to see how you get on when you play the full-sized course.

All of this pitch&putt practice won't do you any harm at all.

Looking forward to further updates.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Newportlad on June 13, 2020, 12:01:40 PM
Good stuff this Mark. 

I'm a 16 handicaper but very erratic.  Normally play once a week, but due to COVID, have only just managed to get the clubs out.  First round was a total disaster off the tee, but short game was in good nick.
Second round was better, but managed to find what felt like every bunker on the course (and i'm hopeless in bunkers).

Keep up the good work.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Mark_Porter on June 13, 2020, 09:17:56 PM
Right. The best place to start with this post is right here:-

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We shot 94 first time out on the course. No gimmes, no mulligans, off the mens tees. Same ball the whole way round. I am absolutely over the moon, not just about the score but the way I played.

Couldn't resist with the nice weather today so went for a 5,26 tee time. Took 3 hours to get round and I am beyond exhausted. It's the most exercise I have done in 5 years easily, legs are like jelly.

The longest club I took off the tee was a 6 iron, no woods in the bag. The majority of tee shots were little 7 and 8 irons.  I did a really nice job of keeping the ball in play, I treated the majority of holes like the pars were +1 i.e. 3 shots to hit the green on a par 4. It kept me away from trying to do anything silly. Ignore the fairway arrows on the scorecard, I got bored of keying those in.

My ball striking was good enough but not great. There were some lovely pure irons in there but a whole lot of left to ride big fades and a few tops off the tee. I got quite lucky with my misses on a fair few occasions.

My short game was absolutely A+. No 3 putt the whole round is something I am most proud of. On proper greens with ridges and slopes. My chipping around the fine too, nearly chipped in a couple of times and gave myself lots of good chances to make putts. Only one triple bogey and that was on the 17th - a hole that has water up both sides and I was bricking it knowing my score was solid. Played it really tentative and got punished.

Absolutely highlight was the 18th. A short up hill part 4. An 8 iron right down the middle, a pitching wedge to 20 foot and then dropped one in dead weight.

Very excited to show my coach in tomorrows lesson. Need to take a couple of days off as have now played golf 13 out of last 14 days. Let's go and break 90 I guess and might have to buy some woods.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Karabiner on June 13, 2020, 11:41:31 PM
Well done that man  ;hattip;

Deffo need some woods now.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Pokerpops on June 14, 2020, 08:54:54 AM
I knew I didn’t like you

 ;applause; ;applause;

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: titaniumbean on June 14, 2020, 12:08:55 PM
Mainly posting to say Max looked adorable sorry for your loss.

From looking at the quick swing videos, my top tip would be to not take the club back too far. parallel with the shoulders is the common descriptor for where to stop, with the John Daly being wrapping it round your back and up your crack before unwinding it all.

The longer you swing the more chance of a cock up, taking a half swing reduces the options for error. you can slowly expand it as you get more comfortable and consistent. with a 50% swing you probably can hit 75% of your max distance. to get that last 25% you try really hard and your chance of inaccuracy goes up immensely.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Mark_Porter on June 14, 2020, 08:11:17 PM
Mainly posting to say Max looked adorable sorry for your loss.

From looking at the quick swing videos, my top tip would be to not take the club back too far. parallel with the shoulders is the common descriptor for where to stop, with the John Daly being wrapping it round your back and up your crack before unwinding it all.

The longer you swing the more chance of a cock up, taking a half swing reduces the options for error. you can slowly expand it as you get more comfortable and consistent. with a 50% swing you probably can hit 75% of your max distance. to get that last 25% you try really hard and your chance of inaccuracy goes up immensely.

Thank you. It hasn't taken long but my parents are now on the hunt for a Westie puppy. Unfortunately the Covid situation has meant that getting hold of a puppy is almost impossible, dog prices have nearly doubled as everyone is working from home and buying a dog. They are hoping to get one by October. I popped round for a cup of tea this afternoon and my mum was handfeeding and cooing over a couple of seagulls she has adopted. The best fed seagulls ever, they had steak in the week and left over lamb chop today! They need a dog.

I had a lesson today and we were working on exactly that. Getting the golf club travelling on the right plane and not overswinging and throwing the hands up high. That flatter baseball movement is what I am looking for and that stops the slice. I will put up some more videos as I get some cool slo mo videos as part of the coaching.

Going to take a break until Wednesday now then probably try and stick to at least one technical session on the range each week and the rest out on course. Going to invest in some woods in a few weeks after getting a few more rounds under my belt and get confident with the irons.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: titaniumbean on June 15, 2020, 11:10:55 AM
shorten swing + head still for 2 full seconds after impact can normally improve most players games by a significant degree, not just early on but in general.

by definition as you move into the woods you hit it further, which amplifies any inaccuracy.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: stato_1 on June 15, 2020, 08:16:18 PM
To have nothing worse than a double bogey in your first round back is actually ridic congrats

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: scotty2hatty on June 15, 2020, 09:40:09 PM
To have nothing worse than a double bogey in your first round back is actually ridic congrats

Agreed, incredible performance. Some scoring, especially given 6I was longest club. Even mugged yourself off in the analysis by claiming you tripled the 17th when it was only a double.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Mark_Porter on June 15, 2020, 11:35:09 PM
Thanks guys, genuinely no idea that the 17th was a par 5 until saw your post. I really want to get a few more rounds in before getting too crazy, I think that was definitely right at the top end of what could be expected at the moment. Am sure I ran very very good.

Some cool videos to share from lesson yesterday:-


Ignore where the hands are going but this is such a huge difference to when I first started. You can almost draw a straight line down my right hip and you don't see any of that rocking backwards motion. I have to think about this on every shot and chant pivot like a mantra or I slip back into it. My natural movement is to want to rock backward all the time. This looks good though.


So here is the swing at the start of the lesson and the one that got me round the course on Sunday. This is probably the worst version of it. The takeaway is fine but it is obviously at the top of the swing where it gets messy then we get out of line on the way down and see variations on the baby fade and the big old left to right swinger.


This is where we got to at the end of the lesson. Note the weird ball position, for some reason I have this habit of aligning really close to the heel which got me too close to the ball and just exaggerated that steep downswing and slice. The fix with the low hands doesn't look that big but it really feels like your slinging a baseball bat. The difference is huge though, was pinging them dead straight and even some little draws. Really going to have to work to get this natural with all the clubs.

The course is only 5900 yards. I was hitting a 4 iron off the mat 200 yards. Bogey golf would get me an 89 and seems perfectly doable with just the irons in the bag. Let's see how consistent we can get the swing.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: titaniumbean on June 16, 2020, 05:00:56 PM
Small changes such as grip and positioning will have large consequences and will feel awkward. but you have to push through to reset your default to be more 'proper'.

Little bit more twisting motion with your hips as the rotation of the hips is where alot of the power through the ball comes from. Good progress so far  :)up

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Mark_Porter on June 28, 2020, 10:34:33 PM
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Second round on the course and 4 shots worse than last time. A much more erratic round and when I got back in the car, genuinely thought I hadn't broken 110. I guess I remember the bad holes and not the good ones.

Compared to the last round where we didn't have worse than double bogey, today included a quadruple and three triples. Lost 4 balls in total. Ball striking was not great, probably due to the fact I hadn't played in a week and swing just felt very rusty, especially on the front 9. 

Really pleased with that back nine obviously especially given I thought my score was total garbage. The wind was really blowing today, lots of long holes into the wind that were a real struggle.

Enjoyed it a lot even though didn't play great. Lots to work on to break 90. Did shoot -1 on the par 3 last week which was pretty nice.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Royal Flush on June 30, 2020, 12:00:26 PM
Just stumbled around this thread, fantastic stuff.

I'm just down the coast, you have a couple of good courses near you, you've mentioned Goodwood already and then you have Littlehampton and Worthing as well.

Sadly Sussex is pretty shit for golf and all the courses are in shit nick this year but right now that's not too important.

Keep on doing what you're doing, competing against yourself is great fun eh?

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Mark_Porter on July 11, 2020, 10:42:50 PM
Just stumbled around this thread, fantastic stuff.

I'm just down the coast, you have a couple of good courses near you, you've mentioned Goodwood already and then you have Littlehampton and Worthing as well.

Sadly Sussex is pretty shit for golf and all the courses are in shit nick this year but right now that's not too important.

Keep on doing what you're doing, competing against yourself is great fun eh?

Thanks Flushy, having so much fun. Despite this poor showing:-

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So I ended up playing a full round on the Cathedral course at Chichester. This is a much tougher course than The Tower and I only played it as couldn't get a tee time on the Tower. It's just a really hard course with water on 13 holes, lots of bunkers and awkward lies. I absolutely loved playing the course, its a lot more visually interesting than the other course but is a bit beyond my skill level at the moment. I lost a fair few balls, did hit a mish mash of really nice shots but just can't hit consistently straight yet so just was getting punished left and right.

Went back to the range this week and had a really good session working on long game. Just practiced pinging 4 irons 200 yards as need to be able to go to that shot off the tee to break 90 round The Tower. Playing a round tomorrow so will see how that goes.

I would like to play at least another 3 different courses before the end of the year - hoping to get up to Goodwood next when it is back open to non-members as they have a course their that I believe is reasonably forgiving.

I have a little boy (my first) due in November so enjoying the freedom of walking around a golf course at 8pm on a Summers evening without a care in the world! Going to try and play a full round once a week for the forseeable and mix in at least one other range session and a session on the par 3 course. See if we can break 90 before the end of the Summer.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Mark_Porter on July 12, 2020, 10:16:26 PM
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Really good round today. Struck the ball really well, especially off the tee.

So frustrated to play the last 3 holes +7. Definitely left a 90 breaker out there and can feel it coming. Was an almost flawless front 9 other than a poor 9th that ended in missing a 3ft putt.

Didn't lose my ball once too. Go again next Sunday. In the mean time got some stuff to work on for sure - still need to try and find that consistent flat swing with my low irons off the tee. As I got my tired, my swing got worse and starting leaking off with slices again. Need to work on my pitching wedge, 9 iron stuff too as didn't hit those very well. Body is definitely adjusting to 3 hours walking but I did feel tired on the last few holes and it showed in the scores.

Stuck my first 4 rounds into a handicap calculator and it told me I am off 20. Might be time to buy something longer than a 4 iron. :-)

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Royal Flush on July 13, 2020, 03:07:33 PM
Ha I had a proper blowup on Friday, was +3 on the 17th fairway with 130 yards in, made triple. Onto the 18th, 118 in, shank and a 3 putt for a double.

My career low is +4

Such a funny game, 80 is a good score for me but will deffo sting for a while.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Mark_Porter on July 24, 2020, 09:55:05 PM
I am so happy.

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I had a couple of good range sessions earlier this week and then to see it come together and break 90 is so satisfying.

I was so hot on the front 9. Great ball striking, felt super confident and my chipping and putting was so good. Had to really grit my teeth on the back 9, was feeling really tired as probably didn't eat enough before the round. So satisfied to play the last 3 holes in +3 given we were in a similar situation in a previous round and ended those in +7.

I bought a hybrid earlier in the week and used that a bit. Some good early signs and the extra distance definitely helped on a few holes off the tee. Flushed one around 230 yards ish, gives me a good +30 over my 4 iron.

Have another 1 hour lesson on Sunday. I am still coming over the top a lot and the swing is very inconsistent and seems to get more so the longer the round goes on. I am also not good enough from 100-150 yards and struggle with ball striking with my pitching wedge through 8 iron. Lots to work on but just buzzing. Made a ridiculous up and down on the 17th over a bunker then holed a 15 footer for the par.

The really encouraging thing is that I can see how shooting sub 85 is possible for me somewhere down the line. No pressure for the rest of the Summer now, just going to enjoy playing and experience some different courses.

Title: Re: Getting into Golf
Post by: Karabiner on July 25, 2020, 02:17:46 PM
Very well done Mark.

Best get yourself a couple of fairway woods now.