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31  Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: Eggheads on: October 02, 2007, 12:31:21 AM
Do BBC ask you to drag out the questions your answers or what? Every time we get a 5 minute speech as to why it's not one answer but another which usually ends up wrong!!
Also, how many times did roll his eyes and look rather unimpressed!!!??
32  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: DUSK TILL DAWN - HAVE YOUR SAY AT THE COURT HEARING.............. on: August 08, 2007, 04:19:30 PM
I would like to play poker at Dusk Til Dawn because I feel it will be run very well and the management will take into consideration the needs of all the players, from the people who play poker as a hobby and want to learn and have fun to the more established players who want to play games in a safe environment and know that their money is secure. 

JP Kelly
Poker Player
33  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: FLUSHY IS GOLDEN on: August 08, 2007, 03:50:30 PM
He suddenly went for a mystery walk after this and claimed he was too drunk to carry on playing when it was probably his most sober point of the night LOL.

THe funniest bit was Flushy's face after he announced he had wrap and nut flush draw and ActionJack goes that's funny coz I have the nut flush draw.
Flushy = value.
34  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: WSOP - Final Day on: July 17, 2007, 10:19:18 PM
Um I think they are being harsh on Yang. SB v BB I don't see that either of them did anything wrong to be honest I call with the A9 and I move in with the A7. SB v BB lee watkinson is not putting Yang on as good as A9 as he would raise with any 2 cards in this position. Lee Watkinson's hand range is wide and Yang will still be chip leader if he loses the pot. Maybe call me a fish but he played that hand fine.

Also, is Phil Gordon really annoying anybody else?

GOOOOOOOOOOO SKALIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

35  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: WSOP FINAL TABLE LIVE STREAMING??? on: July 17, 2007, 07:22:47 PM
Can I have the link please?
36  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: SKALIE SAYS "I'M HERE TO WIN IT" on: July 15, 2007, 12:07:28 PM
37  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: Who Killed Mr McMahon? on: June 19, 2007, 08:48:06 PM
Paul Heyman. He comes in and takes over with Eric Bischoff. WCW reforms with ECW.

Or the old it was a big setup like that hasn't been done before!!
38  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: JP in the money in $2,500 No Limit WSOP Event 19 on: June 13, 2007, 02:34:07 PM
Hey guys thanks for the support that last hand was a sickener especially with the other Q already folded. I dunno how I managed to get through day 1 as I felt as bad as I've ever felt not just at the poker table either. I slept on it and felt really good for day 2 and quickly began accumlating chips and felt I wasn't in control of the table but was playing in a controlled way and didn't think I would make a mistake. 400k with 4 tables left would've been huge and I had great respect at my table.

It's 6 am here and I've just had a horrible nights sleep and been sick but I feel a lot better now and will be playing the 5k NL in a few hours so let's see what I can do this time!
39  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: Whos the Hottest player ?? on: May 11, 2007, 05:13:43 AM
Vanessa Rousso or Isabelle Mercier.
40  Poker Forums / Live Tournament Updates / Re: Cardiff GUKPT: FINAL DAY - Interactive on: March 25, 2007, 09:11:21 PM
41  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: William Hill Poker Grand Prix heat 6 Tuesday night. on: March 07, 2007, 12:18:10 PM
I went in with a bit of a game plan into this game and the idea was not to waste any chips in the middle stages and hopefully pick up some easy chips by way of hands if not I turn it up a notch or 2 at the 300/600 level. As long as I had my starting stack at this level I liked my chances.

The 10-2 hand where I raised, the play works over 95% of the time and I pick up 600 chips and move on. I was trying to play off my tight image but of course Mr Esfandiari saw right through that. I was almost certain Antonio had nothing as well and was really considering moving all in but the play is so high risk for the reward that it was probably not the best spot, also this was only the 2nd or 3rd hand Antonio had played and the small chance he had a monster made this the right fold. I also thought I might get a cheap double up later on as there had been some rather loose play.

I really enjoyed playing in this event and well done to William Hill in putting on a great poker tournament and giving me the chance to play. All the heats have been really enjoyable and it seems bar last week the most deserving player has gone though to the final.   
42  Poker Forums / Live Tournament Updates / Re: Walsall GukPT: Final Day - Interactive on: February 19, 2007, 02:30:00 AM
Was pleased to see Billy the Kid did well, I was sat with Jamie watching and noticed he was chuffed just to make the final so coming 2nd he must be over the moon.

Well played to both him and Jerome. Make sure you join the 3rd leg of this great tour in Cardiff!!!
43  Poker Forums / Live Tournament Updates / Re: Walsall GukPT Day Two - Interactive on: February 17, 2007, 06:37:06 PM
44  Poker Forums / Live Tournament Updates / Re: Walsall GukPT Day Two - Interactive on: February 17, 2007, 06:10:28 PM
Flushy played the best I've ever seen yesterday if he doesn't get into personal battles he is my outside tip to win this.

How are the welsh boys and Nick Persaud getting on?
45  Poker Forums / Poker Hand Analysis / Re: A good move? on: February 12, 2007, 04:33:12 AM
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