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6991  Poker Forums / The Rail / Virgin/Blonde Team Challenge...Team Northern Boys for the Title on: July 02, 2007, 10:04:15 PM
Just wanted to put a quick thread up to say that after speaking with my team i am confident that the title is heading north. 

If anybody would like to save some face and concede now is your last chance.  Nobody will think any less of you.

"Victory always starts in the head." Douchan Gersi

6992  Poker Forums / The Rail / just called the ipoker helpdesk... on: July 01, 2007, 11:26:52 AM
my god it was like pulling teeth!

does anybody know where they are based!?

6993  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: say it's possible on: July 01, 2007, 09:39:56 AM
Dont take crack
6994  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: How to take a screen shot? on: June 30, 2007, 03:04:50 PM
6995  Poker Forums / The Rail / How to take a screen shot? on: June 30, 2007, 02:35:38 PM
hello all,

can somebody please tell me how to take a screen shot!?

Thank you in advance!
6996  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: I've just found out on: June 28, 2007, 07:27:46 PM
MPs spend alot of time in Parliament, and i can see why they dont want to be standing out front having a snout with the media taking photos all day long...
6997  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: Showing a bluff on: June 27, 2007, 09:11:03 PM
I never bluff and if I did I would never show
6998  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: Showing a bluff on: June 27, 2007, 09:03:50 PM
I never bluff and if I did I would never show

LOL, dont you remember pushing into my flopped full house with A high?
6999  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: blonde Virgin Team Challenge: Team Sign Up Thread on: June 27, 2007, 08:40:37 PM
The northern boys dont need to mess about with fancy art work, we will let our poker do the talking...

on second thought maybe we should sort out some artwork...
7000  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: blonde Virgin Team Challenge: Team Sign Up Thread on: June 26, 2007, 06:34:08 PM
Unfortunatly team Northern Boys is now full!! 

Forum Name       Virgin            Blonde 

Sovietsong         Wikiwiki         soviets0ng
Acidmouse         AcidMouse    Acidmouseuk
Jakally                Jakally             Jakally
Wardonkey        Wardonkey     Armasinus

There must be a mistake here. You've said your team is full, but I can only see a list of four players, followed by a description of the team.

U misunderstand tragic is a valued member of the blonde poker forum as well as an excellent poker player. 
7001  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: blonde Virgin Team Challenge: Team Sign Up Thread on: June 26, 2007, 05:25:38 PM
Unfortunatly team Northern Boys is now full!! 

Forum Name       Virgin            Blonde 

Sovietsong         Wikiwiki         soviets0ng
Acidmouse         AcidMouse    Acidmouseuk
Jakally                Jakally             Jakally
Wardonkey        Wardonkey     Armasinus
Tragic                Ambience       99Flake

Bring on first place!
7002  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: Tables - the Rude the Bad and the Downright Ugly on: June 26, 2007, 12:17:05 AM
Totalise what do you suggest to do after a horrific beat followed by the player giving you the rubdown?
7003  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: Tables - the Rude the Bad and the Downright Ugly on: June 26, 2007, 12:12:59 AM
Its very true that the majority of people that come on the chat box calling people all the names under the sun are pathetic individuals however although totalise may find it easy to ignore, many of us mear mortals are not so understanding.  I know a few online players that turn the chat box off completely to avoid this kind of problem.

its easy enough to ignore if you understand how the poker economy works, and dont place much emotional attachment to one particular hand. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, thats the game. If someone is mouthing off, theres a pretty high chance hes either tilting or hes a bad player, so you cant be getting too upset when you have someone like that at the table.

Also you yourself said that you call people fish from time to time, thats the bit that I found most irksome, because a lot of people just play poker for fun, they dont give a crap about EV or profit or anything like that, and it seems pretty disrespectful to go off on them just because their A2os beat your KK. Peopel should be allowed to have fun without getting an ear full in the chatbox.

I agree however in the heat of the moment its hard not to comment.  I am no pro and maybe if i played for a longer period of time i would accept these beats in a more honorable fashion.

Until that day i expect i will be questioning a play or too or possibly sending the old wtf?
7004  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: Tables - the Rude the Bad and the Downright Ugly on: June 25, 2007, 11:59:20 PM
Its very true that the majority of people that come on the chat box calling people all the names under the sun are pathetic individuals however although totalise may find it easy to ignore, many of us mear mortals are not so understanding.  I know a few online players that turn the chat box off completely to avoid this kind of problem.
7005  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: Tables - the Rude the Bad and the Downright Ugly on: June 25, 2007, 11:52:15 PM

many people already think this is taking things too far, do you think that people that play poker for enjoyment should be subject to such turgid nonsense in the chatbox? Who are you to call someone a fish or ask them why they called? they called because they wanted to, thats all you need to know.


I do agree that i can be very petty, it is not something of which i am proud however it is something that i find difficult to control after suffering a bad beat.  I am far from an angel in the chat box however i have encountered far worse.
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