Can I rely on having busoms - be it live or on line - to protect me from any criticisms
of course not.. this is the age of equality
Can i get personal and share details of peoples lives with complete strangers - and i mean facts such as what they do for a living - ridiculing what I speculate the said person earns and belittling them without any facts to back up my statements - without having to apologise - and can I laugh when someone who has voiced their discomfort at said behaviour - is knocked out?
this seems enormously pathetic, why do you think someones earning power is a mark on their character, and why would you laugh at someone when they are knocked out, just because they think your behaviour is rediculous (which it would be if you did what you said)
I guess my question is - where is the boundary on what is acceptable behaviour at a table: When would you class it as someone who clearly has no social skills whatsoever and should have that fact pointed out to them; Or someone who is just downright rude and clearly rather ignorant?
you can either ignore then and take the moral highground, or you can be equally rude and equally ignorant, and thus taking yourself down to their level. If you think what they are doing is wrong, then you doing the same isn't right just because they did it first. that kind of thinking should have died once you went from single digit to double digits in age.
would love to know - as i experienced some truly rude behaviour on line the other day - and wanted to know what my rights were - can i report them. OR should I just accept that some people are narrow minded and petty. Your thoughts and comments will be devoured with an ecclesiastical ardour.
You can report them, o you can accept that they are petty, or you can be as petty as they are. Its up to you to decide what you think is acceptable and what isn't, but if you start being pathetic like they are, then it means you are no better then them.
I realise that "you" in the context of this post probably doesn't actually refer to you, but given the perspective you wrote the post in, it seemed best to respond in kind.
I certainly agree, some people take the chat box "abuse" too far. When i talk about abuse i am talking about calling another player a fish or questioning a call. People that take things too far deserve to be punished especially if you are made to feel uncomfortable.
many people already think this is taking things too far, do you think that people that play poker for enjoyment should be subject to such turgid nonsense in the chatbox? Who are you to call someone a fish or ask them why they called? they called because they wanted to, thats all you need to know.