Couple of questions as having difficulty operating sleeper
How does the waiver system work? where do you see your FAAB balance?
I can't see the way to populate my team and bench now I have drafted. the page says "Click on position buttons to update your lineup" and when i do so nothing happens
Hi Rich,
If you are in the app and click Team. You can select a position and it will bring up all the players that can play that position. just select who you want and it auto updates.
For FAAB if you click League and move to the bottom it will show you in your division and how many FAAB points you have.
I have set up up that you need to bid for FA players which will process currently every wednesday morning at 9am. The higher the FAAB bid the more chance of getting your player. However there may be a need in the future for a certain player and a high FAAB bid will get your man. if more than 1 player bids the same FAAB it will go to Waiver Order for said period.
Fire away with any other questions