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1  Community Forums / Betting Tips and Sport Discussion / Re: blonde NFL Fantasy League 2019/20 on: January 09, 2022, 02:53:02 PM
Ye the plan is to build it up over the years and the first person to win 3 or 5 seasons wins the pit.

More than happy to discuss and see what the league wants?
2  Community Forums / Betting Tips and Sport Discussion / Re: blonde NFL Fantasy League 2019/20 on: January 04, 2022, 06:34:30 PM
Hi all,
Congrats to Dean for the win. Gutted to come 2nd but fair play.

So we were £150 collected with £100 to Dean and £50 to me.

Cheers all. Thourghly enjoyed it.
3  Community Forums / Betting Tips and Sport Discussion / Re: blonde NFL Fantasy League 2019/20 on: August 12, 2021, 07:26:43 PM
I’m lost. 😂😂

Can we get a run down of the blonde leagues.

4  Community Forums / Betting Tips and Sport Discussion / Re: blonde NFL Fantasy League 2019/20 on: August 12, 2021, 06:36:39 PM
On or sleeper?

I’m in regardless
5  Community Forums / Betting Tips and Sport Discussion / Re: blonde NFL Fantasy League 2019/20 on: July 04, 2021, 07:31:43 PM
Its all set.

Let me know when you want to start the draft.

Clock is set to 24hrs.
6  Community Forums / Betting Tips and Sport Discussion / Re: blonde NFL Fantasy League 2019/20 on: July 04, 2021, 06:51:34 PM
All sorted.

I have set up the Rookie draft.

I will amend the Draft order and then i just need the Future Picks and who has traded what. I can fix that too.

7  Community Forums / Betting Tips and Sport Discussion / Re: blonde NFL Fantasy League 2019/20 on: July 04, 2021, 06:36:57 PM
Bear with me guys.

Im trying to set up the Supplemental Rookie Draft.
8  Community Forums / Betting Tips and Sport Discussion / Re: blonde NFL Fantasy League 2019/20 on: July 04, 2021, 03:09:11 PM
Okay Guys.

I have updated the new members to there respective Teams. We are now outstanding 2 Teams: Free Josh Gordon (Rich Hare) and Vegas Venoms (Adam Sharples). I can try and message both.

If you also look now i have added 5 x IR spots too.

Let me know if we need to amend anything else or any further questions.

9  Community Forums / Betting Tips and Sport Discussion / Re: blonde NFL Fantasy League 2019/20 on: July 01, 2021, 08:25:54 PM
Yes I will look at the IR spots tomorrow and turn off the mascot shite.
10  Community Forums / Betting Tips and Sport Discussion / Re: Blonde Sleeper Dynasty League Start up. on: July 01, 2021, 09:47:49 AM
The option is there. I’ve set it up if the league commish want to use it.

I’ve asked sleeper to help with the League history migration as well.

The league is easier to use and saves the manual work of draft picks being traded etc.

As I said. Option is there

11  Community Forums / Betting Tips and Sport Discussion / Re: Blonde Sleeper Dynasty League Start up. on: June 30, 2021, 10:25:06 PM
Here is the Link.

All aboard.
12  Community Forums / Betting Tips and Sport Discussion / Re: Blonde Sleeper Dynasty League Start up. on: June 30, 2021, 10:23:07 PM
Ive got it ready tonight,

Ive added all teams and players manually to Sleeper. I will send the link tomorrow for those to join.

I can set up the commisioners once everyone has joined and the scoring can be reviewed as well. When we are all joined i can allocate each of you there respective teams. We can then set up the rookie draft and we are good to go.

The following players couldnt be added:
Arkansas Gravediggers - Julian Edelman
Tifosi Blackhearts - Drew Brees

There are a few teams with different no of players in there respective Teams. But the commisionors can deal with that when they join.

More than happy to help run this as well but more in the background so someone else has ownership.

Let me know.

Cheers ForthThistle
13  Community Forums / Betting Tips and Sport Discussion / Re: Blonde Sleeper Dynasty League Start up. on: June 30, 2021, 08:10:43 PM
Flying thru the draft now, this Sleeper site is really good too isn’t it?

How easy/hard would it be to migrate the D league over to Sleeper if we chose to do that given the problems with set up etc on the Yahoo site?

Bobby i actually think you can migrate a league from say Yahoo or to Sleeper.

Let me see what i can find out..

I will have it ready by the end of the weekend.

Smiley Grin
14  Community Forums / Betting Tips and Sport Discussion / Re: Blonde Sleeper Dynasty League Start up. on: June 30, 2021, 07:52:12 PM
Top up every season
15  Community Forums / Betting Tips and Sport Discussion / Re: Blonde Sleeper Dynasty League Start up. on: June 30, 2021, 07:41:47 PM
Couple of questions as having difficulty operating sleeper

How does the waiver system work? where do you see your FAAB balance?

I can't see the way to populate my team and bench now I have drafted. the page says "Click on position buttons to update your lineup" and when i do so nothing happens

Hi Rich,

If you are in the app and click Team. You can select a position and it will bring up all the players that can play that position. just select who you want and it auto updates.
For FAAB if you click League and move to the bottom it will show you in your division and how many FAAB points you have.
I have set up up that you need to bid for FA players which will process currently every wednesday morning at 9am. The higher the FAAB bid the more chance of getting your player. However there may be a need in the future for a certain player and a high FAAB bid will get your man. if more than 1 player bids the same FAAB it will go to Waiver Order for said period.

Fire away with any other questions
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