Part 2/2 - sigh @ writing so long.... not even done my grind for today.. thats off now, im knackered!(I've just seen Cambridgealex's response and I appreciate your pains... I had to write it and check it godknows how many times.)
Hand 4Again this is a spot vs Gavin, again we're in late position.
Seat 1 limps.... (hmmm) and we open

and get Gavin flatting us behing on btn, with SB coming along.

(or similar Kxxr)
SB checks, Seat 1 checks, We check, Gavin Checks... We will now expect both SB and Seat 1 to lead a K on the turn, and Gav is probably betting a K when behind me (this is significant later).

SB checks, Seat 1 checks, I decide to turn my hand into a bluff here as I will often be behind to a K but Gav shouldn't have one and both SB and Seat 1 will call turn but fold river imo close to 100% vs me here (remember I haven't been caught out in any spots and always had a premium at showdown.. so they should see me as a nit).
I bet just over 1/2 pot and Gavin calls but the other two fold.
I should have thought about his range here more.. but I guess I assumed it would

heavy and should have realised it would include flush draws sometimes.
I decide to give up here, figuring that after the

hand Gavin will call more often than he should and check back his

hands or other one pair hands often. Then he bets 1/3 to 1/2 pot... by this point this is around 40% of my remaining stack.
I try to work this out here... to see if I can ever try to rep a monster and check shove.. obv I would be repping AK only.. but also doing so pretty solidly imo. I don't think he will ever call with a bare A and would be folding Kx a decent chunk of the time.
What flits through my mind, but not really for long is that it seems strange for him to bet here.... I might be being results orientated here but I should really have reminded myself that he would probably have bet the flop with a K.
I sigh fold and wisper to him, it'd be a nice bluff spot. He oblidges and shows me the

for a turned FD.
ARGHHHHHH!!!! he was still pissed about being owned before and couldnt resist, but after the hand I thought about it and realised its a ridiculous bet from him and that I should've fistpump snap called as he isn't betting worse pairs than an A and the he should never have a K. This pot would have been great for me and given me a nice 34k stack just over average. Instead I was down to 14k and now going to be on 'life support' -ish with 35bb's.
This is where the most important part of my last years work on my game came into play. This is where I would have made one of the biggest mistakes I see players make and would have certainly wasted both my time and the money involved.
I would have 'blown up' trying to get a stack... even though I had 35bb's!
Instead, I used my more sensible, calm self to re-set and remind myself that I have 35bb's and that basically it removes all plays/ moves from my arsenal and that we will just be playing for value from now on.
We re-nit it up and avoid a few trouble spots where we wanted to open


utg vs a competent table.
We carry on with watching, learning, paying attention and picking up some very reliable bet sizing tells on a couple of the players -
once I see something confirmed 3 times I take it as 'fact' until I see otherwise. Then we end up going to the break with about 12k and 20bb's.
Come back from the break a minute or so early.. to actually get our mind right and chillout.
NO SPEW NO SPEW NO SPEW! We did go out of the last DTD500 with a TPTK + NFD combo but it was in a spot where we shouldn't have got our stack in, we should have called the turn and shoved if we hit.. turns out we ran into a gutshotted bottom straight who snapped, saying "you've got a bigger straight right?" OMG wp kid.... and we didnt hit.
By now the table has changed, Seat 2 has been moved, Seat 3 has gone bust - replaced by a big stacked Adam McGuiness (know him well), Seat 4 has his starting stack, Seat 6 has our 35k!

, Seat 7 has bust into PLinton - replaced by an aggressive older gent who PL seems to know.. and Seat 8 has left our table. So the table is much better for us imo and with Adam having a lot of chips and we have a history where he will call me down lighter than I think he should I look forward to finding a hand. Deekon is now dealing and we have chatted to him a lot in the past, really nice guy... ask him for a few hands please, it would really help.

First hand back from break -

Both SB and BB aren't there and we open UTG+1 ... (hoping to get action here because of absence of blinds)
We min +25 to 1625 and the table folds right around - ok so not that unusual, we're opening a 15bb stack utg.. we should be strong.
Second hand back from breakNow the BTN is back but the SB (Adam) isn't and we find

... hmm this couldn't be better timing.. looks like we're stealing again and praying someone wakes up here... shame Adam isn't here as he won't be folding to me too much pre-flop.
Everyone folds again and we sigh as we look at Deekon and he realises we had it both times.. his face saying 'sorry dude I gave you something obviously...'
Adam comes back and makes a chatty "hey, how are you" kinda comment, its nice to see him but there is certainly a look of 'dont even think about it John' in his eyes.
An orbit or so laterThere is an EP raise and Adam makes a small 3bt, we're back to our 16-20bb stack and find

..... ****!!!!
How the hell can we get a call here from him when we cold 4bt shove over his 3bt when we're still 2 off the BTN?!?


..... (no John.. that's what 'we' might think.. they dont!)
- Then we think about our history, can we afford to flat here?
Maybe, but with his stack he is more likely to call it off pre- Will he stack off post flop as easy or easier than pre?
No- Does he 3bt light often enough for this to be a 'move' in MP?
NO!- How big is his stack really... Will the 16k dent his table CL significantly?
No, he has around 70kSo we reason the only play, despite the fact it should scream 'MONSTER' is that we have to shove. I think he will put us on AK/ AQ too much and snap with any pair.. but almost certainly call with those hands himself.. =
we should be getting called.We shove, and he takes a minute or two.... then realises there's no way he's passing 'this hand' to John Black when it won't hurt his stack and its probably the best hand right now. He calls with

we hold!BOOM! back to a playable stack and we're off to the races ladies and gentlemen!
So........ Like a nit... we nit it up and decide our stack and table is now perfect for extracting value and dodging any kind of tough spots.. then this hand happens.
We find

and open min+25 UTG playing 30k-ish and then get really small 3bt from the 'older aggy gentleman' that PL knew, he's seemed a little too lose pre but has certainly not done anything
aggressively out of line preflop. He has shown he will call too much pre, but it was always in position (peeled

to my HJ open and bet flop n turn when checked to on

I really really really hate this min3bt here.... its just so evident of hands I've played in the last 12 months when people have 'telegraphed' their hand strength to me and I've not listened. Online, small 3bts have always been AA's...
So I decide to play this rather carefully as he covered me I thought.
I call his 3bt and we see

I check, and he puts out a healthy bet... I wanted to raise/ get it in here to make sure he believes I have a FD but my instinct told me that he would be barrelling the turn 100% of the time so wait till then (he will be commited with any one pair hand).
(or other similar brick)
We check and he snap checks behind.... Hmmmm, not sure what to do on a river.. its a big'ish pot and we should always have the best hand.. but maybe he's cautious too. If he has the dreaded AA, KK he will always vbet the river!
I check and he looks genuinely happy to see the A... My stomach lurches..
literally climbing up to strangle my Oesophagus and make sure my tongue doesn't say anything my cards can't match!And I sigh.... then take 30 seconds... put the 'call' (turns out I have him covered but it is 80% my stack) to one side and think about this.
I announce to the table "sorry if this seems like a slow-roll, I can't see myself folding but I need to think.."
He doesn't look worried, no problem at all... I'm still sat there trying to convince myself he doesn't have AA:-
When something doesn't sit right >>>
Why would he shove when it completes a flush and it probably looks like I'm drawing.. >>>
It looks like I have a flush, he wouldnt try to get me off this... >>>
Then I feel like durrrrrr and realise there is no spoon >>>
and despite realising that I should always be ahead... I call saying 'please show me the
sir.....'.He stands up, laughs and shows me the
.... and I now have a massive stack... 58k and its definitely time to ROLLLLLLLL!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From here the story is relatively short we play pretty snug on the table from there on in.. using our stack quite well and staying away from danger..Then we move tables and we're now going to have to start all over again. We now have 50kish..
An orbit or so in and we find

and open our HJ, Finalist Paul Romain peels his BTN and one of the blinds comes along.

Pretty good flop considering our hand/ image (new to table) and we decide a cbet is manditory.. We stick to our 1/2 pot sizing and Paul takes some time then calls (he's playing 80k or so, has us covered). We don't think he will have a monster here very often, my 'stereo-typing' of him (which is rarely wrong in a big way) is that he seems like an experienced player (- he seems
very comfortable at the table), who probably doesn't play GTO poker, and may have a tighter range pre/ as a result may not find the fold button often.
I don't think he will hero me with a K through 3 streets, but will likely fold to a 2nd barell with worse than tp and obv we have lots of outsies!

Oh hello dere!!!

Pretty good to make the nuts first hand vs a guy we "now hope" doesn't fold too often....
We take some time and work out stack sizes, raise sizes.. and stack:pot ratios if we do X, Y or Z... We remind ourself that players of this 'stero-type' will rarely do the betting for us, so we have to bet!
We decide a larger size is definitely the way, maybe even overbetting the pot.. but resign to a 4/5 pot bet.. making a river shove a perfect just over pot size. (lovely for bluffs and value imo).
We bet 4/5 pot and he takes very little time in 3.5x-ing our raise... OMFG! he has

and he slowplayed the flop... - boomtown!
We're always shoving now, with it being just over a min-raise back to him... but we decide that its possible he might only have one pair here... and if he does we need to make sure we get called. So we take the longest we've ever taken to shove the nuts in any hand of poker we've played ever....
close to 3 minutes.. with mumbling and talking to ourselves.. Imagining what it's going to be like to have 110K when the average is 37K and then wait some more..... finally we say
"I'm all in"Paul checks - "did he say all in??? I call."
F***MyFMFMFLFDJDOFJDSOFM life... he only snaps with QJ... and he rolls over

for a chop pot.... SIGGGH!
Nothing much else happens and we only seen one more pot of significance involving Paul (who at this point has about 120k)
Where he raises CO and BB flats...

BB checks, Paul bets 1/2 pot, BB Craises to 3.5x and Paul takes a few seconds then declares All in, BB sighs and calls...
Paul -

BB -

And we're off to the races in a ridiculous spot worth about 140k when the average is only 38/40k.
- BB takes the lead
- Pauls retakes the pot with a full house! mbn sir..
The BB storms off in disgust but there is a lot of commotion as the dealer realises that the BB has Paul covered and that he has around 14k left..
Next hand he shoves his SB over Pauls raise and I cold call

knowing that Paul is never going to get out of line here..
He calls and we see

I check, he checks..
I check, he checks.. going to value bet any river now..
I bet 11k, and he folds... the BB shows down

for a now chopped pot.. FFS! That was 27K that would've boosted my stack by like 40%.
We don't do much else for quite a while, some small pots here and there... we realise that the table is actually quite good and that there quite a few chips up for grabs if we can make a hand! (I'm starting to realise deep down that live poker shouldn't involve a lot of bluffing -
yay = learning!)
We find

again and open (some nice starting hands yes, but we've been very patient tbh!)
We get 3 callers, Paul in CO and the two blinds..

SB Checks, BB Checks and we bet around 4/5 pot with the intention of setting up a turn pot sized shove even if we only get one caller, Paul folds, SB folds and BB hesitantly shoves - covering us.
We snap his hesitant shove, knowing he hasn't got a set 'this time'... and he turns over

! He exclaims "****!" and I'm loving life! we're about to get back into a good stack again with 2.5x avg and a great table...
CMON SON! 91% here we are!Turn 
- In my head I'm like "Don't you ****ing dare mate..... don't even think about it...."
GG, WP, NH, mbsf-jkldjflkdfkjdsgfhdskjghdsfldsjhf-
nice He explains his shove by saying "I thought you had
so I shoved..." - ty ty ty sir.
And this gentlemen then goes on to finish the day in the top 5 chipstacks and not even cash I believe... This is the bit that makes me most upset... I'm completely happy with the way I played, but I know.. for certain that winning that pot on that table would really set me up well for a solid run. Nevermind, next time then please.
Well that was my DTD500 report...
I hope you survived it, that you enjoyed it, and would appreciate all comments......... Next month if I'm around I'll be there! £70K 1st please!!!!
I finished the day playing a little bit of 50/1 cash and lost a bowl (of rice = not a lot).. but played well and only missed one spot where I folded

pre and it came

and a deepstacked player who has massive tells and can't release a pair, had the

and I would have received a full £300 double up..
sigh @ £5 disciplined SB folds...........Now onto BRoll commitments...