Why would you go through all this play and deal on final table.....i'm sorry i'm new to poker but been in pro rugby league over 40yrs and winning is everything,money is just a bi product of your level of success......................No Deal..
You'd be fun with Noel Edmonds.
"Tell that banker he can stuff his offers. I'm having what's in this box"
Great TV, mind.
Tal...the banker can have the day off...i aint dealing..........you can go into work tomorrow and say "i won a million and am ISPT winner" or "i played through the sats and got through 5 days..then bottled it for 100k"..................not happening on my shift.....Good luck the small guys left in.
Please....please...PLEASE apply for
"In your MFKN eye, Banker! I ain't deal in' so you can do one, sunshine"
Mavis holding number 17 looks perplexed.