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61  Community Forums / Betting Tips and Sport Discussion / Re: Big Boxing Thread on: October 21, 2013, 07:06:56 AM

Check out Barrera vs Erik Morales pal, can't put link up because I don't know how to do it...
62  Poker Forums / Poker Hand Analysis / Re: Man plays DTD 6m online; gets tasty on: October 19, 2013, 05:03:35 PM

Sure am folding.
63  Poker Forums / Poker Hand Analysis / Re: Dtd 6 max online on: October 18, 2013, 08:52:21 PM
Funny because vs anybody else on table I would of just 4bet jammed, apart from 1 person who was ridic tight.. But as the villain was Mr Vinson i wanted too allow him to go for the 5bet with weak holdings. Although I now relise this to be the mistake cause even if he has    he not in terrible shape.

Although he happened to have  this time, I sort of got what I asked for but unfortunately the Q,Q,10 flop wasn't what I asked for..

Lesson learnt don't try non of this FPShit, just get in and collect pot right there..

Thk guys  thumbs up
64  Poker Forums / Poker Hand Analysis / Re: Dtd 6 max online on: October 18, 2013, 09:06:07 AM
If i am 4betting here, Im definitely calling it off. But i can't see how you are ever ahead in this unless he flips AK...

yeah always calling it off.

Should I just be 4bet jamming tho?
65  Poker Forums / Poker Hand Analysis / Dtd 6 max online on: October 18, 2013, 12:43:06 AM
Don't get on here much but would appreciate some feedback on dis.

Blinds 600/1200 we have 34k been up an down a little not been getting ool much basically ABC stuff

Around 20 odd left with a few more levels too play

There's 2 going for table captainship I'm not one of them but villain is and is the chip leader of our table and possibly the comp.

I'm Utg (34k) and raise 2400 with 

Gets flatted Utg+1 an button, then SB villain makes it 7400 (Ben Vinson) playing 90k, BB folds

I decide to 4bet 14k?

Folds round too villain he ships it in, and I make the call...

66  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: Genting Poker Series II announces a DTD leg of the GPS in January on: October 17, 2013, 10:18:09 PM
Looks like I'll be playing my first GPS in new year   Smiley
67  Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: DTD £150 Six Max £50,000 GTD - 17th-20th October on: October 16, 2013, 03:03:54 PM
Something wrong with ipoker. Doesnt allow us to register for the £5 sats with the token, says player already regged for the main tournament?Huh?/

Aslo had that on Monday night.

Try loggin in\out not saying it will work as after id spent sometime with online chat it decided too let me register.
68  Poker Forums / Diaries and Blogs / Re: smashedagain on: October 04, 2013, 10:11:33 AM
In Herbie We Trust
69  Poker Forums / Poker Hand Analysis / Re: Alex Goulder and the massive check raise. on: October 03, 2013, 08:00:59 PM
j 2
70  Community Forums / Betting Tips and Sport Discussion / Re: Big Boxing Thread on: October 03, 2013, 07:59:52 PM
It's great news that this could be happening. I'd also argue that Khan has earned this fight in that this is a fight people want to see happen and will pay good money to watch. Money makes fights and we should give Amir Khan credit for getting himself into a position to receive what must easily be the biggest pay day ever for a British boxer.

Who want's to see this fight ?

Other than to put your net on Mayweather, I see no point in this fight.


Well I did when I thought it would take place in the UK, cause I could see a big blonde gathering for boxing, drinking and maybe some pokerz,err nah more drinking...

But now it's in Vegas sigh, not all that fussed... Mayweather will get another KO on his record that's all...
71  Poker Forums / Live Tournament Staking / Re: London Package (revised) on: October 02, 2013, 11:54:02 AM

Moniez sent £64

Ref:- Leatherman

gl us Wink
72  Poker Forums / Live Tournament Staking / Re: London Package (revised) on: October 01, 2013, 07:38:56 PM
Soz only just caught up with this, yep I'm still in obv...

Eso will vouch 4 me.... 

If ya can send me digits I'll ship via bank..

73  Poker Forums / Live Tournament Staking / Re: London Package on: September 30, 2013, 06:24:18 PM
2% pls and good op

I'm not as Bala as Eso but I'd like 1% plz, can't see me playing much poker for rest of year but still need the sweats...

Great op and good luck us  thumbs up

74  Poker Forums / Live Tournament Updates / Re: DTD £250,000 GTD Grand Prix: Day 3 and final on: September 29, 2013, 08:09:59 PM
Go on big David Milligan
75  Poker Forums / Live Tournament Updates / Re: DTD £250,000 GTD Grand Prix: Day 3 and final on: September 29, 2013, 06:21:49 PM
Milligan has his own railer. He's Ginger, but they all count I suppose

Double sigh...

Told Milli an Bettsy i was coming down, no pass...

There in spirit boys..

Milli get it won..
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