Hello Blondes!
My name is Nathan Davies and I plan on entering the UKIPT and EPT Main Events next week.

I am offering 40% of my action in these events to Blonde members only.
My HistoryI started playing poker in 2009, but it wasn't until 2010 that I started taking the game very seriously. I watched many videos and began reading an awful lot of hand histories in various poker forums. It wasn't until 2011 that I found Blonde and I very much liked what I found, with great resources in PHA. Over the last two years I've learned a great deal with help from this board.
At the beginning of 2013 I decided to take the game even more seriously. I have since watched dozens of elite videos on RunItOnce, as well as having private coaching with a couple of top level mtt coaches. This has taken my game to a whole new level.
My BackgroundAs previously mentioned, I began to take poker fairly seriously in 2010. Although I was a small winner in local card room and casino tournaments, I had a hunger to improve. (I don't think I've ever lost this hunger since tbh at whichever levels I've played) I was technically deficient, although I feel I have always had innate people reading abilities, which kept me afloat. Once I'd found all the reading material I could ever hope for in pha forums my technical ability improved massively. Through 2011 and 2012 the majority of my volume in live play came at the cash tables, playing £1/1 and £1/2 at the Vic, DTD, Aspers Northampton and Luton mostly. I did play the occasional live tournament here and there, but it was 2011 that I began playing mtt's online seriously. Due to work taking me to places that didn't have the live game nearby, a decent chunk of my volume became online mtt play. Since the start of 2013, 95% of my volume has been online at Pokerstars.
I play mainly large field large guarantee tournaments. I feel the games I play best in are deepstacked games, like the rebuys and cubed/quad tournaments. I have many very deep runs in these games for the volume I play. These are the games I feel I have learnt the most in, due to the high percentage of excellent players compared to the size of the fields. My deep runs in many big guarantee Sunday tournaments have definitely been influenced by techniques I’ve learnt in these rebuy+addon games.
Throughout this period, I have run my own non-poker related company very successfully. Although I do not earn my income through poker and thus not able to play the volume of a full time player, I do not feel I take it any less seriously than 99% of grinders out there.
My ResultsMy Hendon Poker Mob page honestly is very sparse.
http://pokerdb.thehendonmob.com/player.php?a=r&n=253543It has the St.George’s cross next to my name. I am actually as Welsh as a Welsh person could be (I grew up in the Welsh equivalent of Mordor), but I’ve lived in England now for many many years, not that you could tell from my accent. :p
I have played very little volume live events that qualify for ranking. (4 UKIPT’s, 1 GUKPT, 1 EPT side, a handful of DTD events inc the MC, and the one Omaha series event that I cashed at in The Vic.)
(I feel I should mention, my last live MTT was the Monte Carlo at DTD. This comp had an excellent structure. (But not as excellent a structure as the EPT Main imo.)
As many people will I’m sure know, I made a deep run in this comp. I enjoyed it immensely; it really brought out the best in me. I feel the EPT will do so too to an even greater magnitude.
However, I pure bubbled this comp with a massive stack.
I blew, attempting to make Kev Allen 5b/f blind vs. blind, which I calculated he would do with over 90% of his 5b range with the given situation. But villain had dem Kings and I didn’t get there with Jack Ten of Blue.
I was happy with my play at the time, the min cash did not mean a great deal to me and had all my own action bar a 5% swap with a good friend.
But soon after and ever since, I have regretted making this play greatly. Although I felt utterly confident that this move was correct in terms of cEV, I feel it is certainly incorrect from a $EV perspective. I just wanted to be totally upfront and honest with you all and say that this taught me a valuable lesson, one that I do not plan on replicating in the future.)
I feel my online results show my true potential.
I play online with the screen name Ultraballs18

My online MTT results as well as all my screen names can be found here:
http://www.pocketfives.com/profiles/pinchop73/Although I have played relatively small volume, my results include:
5th in WCOOP#1 KickOff Sept 2013 for $47k
Chopping the Big$109 heads up for $17k
Outright victories in the $55r, the $33c, the $55c and the $33q.
Many separate Stars FT’s in the above events as well as the $33r, $22c, scheduled $109fo’s, rebuy events on Party, 6th Trex on FTP.
A very deep run to 14th in the Sunday Warm-up
A very deep run to 11th in the Party Sunday comp (disgusting AK<AT aipf with a 678K9 board for CL to bust lol)
(I've had the last week off work and have grinded the WCOOP version of my favourite deep games. It's been great fun playing in such tough fields! I've hardly played since my event 1 coup and so was hungry to do well. I managed a 52/1042 in the $320 HLHE/PLO WCOOP #49 comp and 70/1526 in the $320 WCOOP #55 as well as a lot of other deep runs that didn't quite culminate in a huge bink. I am overall very happy with how I've played in the toughest series on the internet though, and feel I can carry this confidence over to these live competitions.)
Overall, due to my live people reading skills (and imo my own controlled demeanour) I feel I have a bigger edge versus the field in a live bird compared to an online comp even though my results don’t necessarily show this due to my lol sample size. This just means I’m due a live score obviously. :p
Previous Staking ThreadsSee links below for my previous staking threads. I have only ever been staked for previous action sold through blonde. Any other volume I have ever played has always been my own action. All my financial transactions have imo been very quick and concise, whether it be returning winnings or buying small pieces in other good value packages.
Sunday Deepstack Package
http://blondepoker.com/forum/index.php?topic=60999.0Sunday Package inc deep Warm-Up run
http://blondepoker.com/forum/index.php?topic=60802.0Live EPT550 side
http://blondepoker.com/forum/index.php?topic=60595.0UKIPT London
http://blondepoker.com/forum/index.php?topic=60470.0PreperationOn my deep run in the MC this year I felt bright as a button all throughout, whilst I could visibly see others loosing their concentration intensity levels late in the days. I have put some monster cash game sessions in in the past too. I feel confident that I will be able to maintain high concentration levels throughout this whole event.
I guess regularly working 13+hour days for days on end does have it’s uses.
ActionI am offering 40% of my action to the UKIPT Main (£1100) and EPT Main Events (£5250).
£1100 + £5250 = £6350
Therefore 1% = £63.50I plan on playing day 1A of UKIPT (Wed Oct 2nd) + day 1A of the EPT Main (Sunday Oct 6th)
Although I have a decent record against high level thinking pro’s at HSMTT’s on stars, I feel I am even better at extracting value from lesser skilled opponents due to my live cash experience.
I will of course provide as regular updates as I can in the thread, hopefully we can get a decce sweat going!
In the event that I am on the Final Table of the UKIPT Main on Sunday I will
be on the next flight to Brazil either be delaying start of EPT to day 1B or just refund altogether, see how I feel.
Payement can be made to my stars account, or Bank wire. PM for details. EDIT: If I don't sell out I will have to reconsider my EPT entry. Let's cross that bridge when we get to it, hopefully won't need to.
Please post any queries you may have about my offer and I will be happy to answer. If there is any information that I have not provided in the OP then feel free to ask and I will be happy to reply.
Let’s win the lot!
Cheers now,
Nathan Davies