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Author Topic: Jake Cody "In the Well"  (Read 127073 times)
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« Reply #75 on: February 01, 2010, 03:12:12 PM »

What are you like with BRM?

How did you take the step from casual player to pro?

Best player you've played against live and online?

Pls post a picture of your ideal woman / closest thing you can get via celebrity/model etc.

in general been pretty good with brm, just taking shots now and again which i think is fine.

its hard to really describe it as taking a step, it just kind of happened, i was playing poker more and more, going to college less and less and eventually decided it was pointless to carry on with college right now whilst i was making this amount of money and thought if it all fails i can just carry on with education when im a bit older.

This is a really tough question..
Best Online..   theres obv the usual suspects gboro/moorman etc, but i really hate playing against Eisenhower and mendieta19 they always seem to know exactly what im doing, also somebody like Belowabove is so hard to play against because hes so unpredictable.

Best Live..    there was a few sick unknown Euro guys deep in the EPT that i thought played really really well, but im going to go with Timex i think, he just doesn't seem to make mistakes, we spoke about hands at the breaks a couple of times and hes just ridiculously good

Elisha Cuthbert & Hayley Williams imo Cheesy

good choice!

i met her last month Shocked Cheesy
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« Reply #76 on: February 01, 2010, 06:19:20 PM »

nandos order?

wsop 2010?

with abit of a unique look/ aggressive style/ in lots of pots/ not that many famous young brit players - you think you have a chance/interested in getting a sponsor?

who's the biggest degen out of the young pros who are on the circuit?

<3 nandos       double chicken on pitta with chips & coleslaw..  medium or hot.

Wellll into flipping for everything possible though so sometimes we flip for whether we get a starter, what we get, how hot, who pays etc, it usually ends with some hilarious consequences lol.  Always push it to the extreme especially with Tom Macdonald.  Im not sure how many of you know about this story but last year, me and Tom were on a night out in Manchester, it was like 2am hilar drunk and we knew that Perrins and Eames were going to Brighton the next day for a tournament but there was also a student party in Newcastle so we decided we should flip on where we go.  We get a few more Jagerbombs and Sailor Jerrys then decide it would be funny to add a few comedy places to the flip so we could end up somewhere stupid.  So we thought Dublin could be fun.. and Edinburgh so now its a 4way flip on where to go.  The club closes around half 2 and we get a taxi, not having flipped yet we think fuck it lets just go to the airport and flip when we get there on where to go.  We snap taxi it back to my house and i turbo pack while Tom grabs his bag and off we go to the airport.  We're fucked at this point and trying to persuade Colin the taxi driver to come with us, unfortunately he declines.  We stumble into the airport and see what flights are available, its escalated now and we're set on going to another country.  Orlando was our number one choice but we needed a visa sigh and injections to go to places like Thailand etc.  The choices were Madrid, Ibiza, Paris, Bruges, Barcelona, Milan and a few others so we drunkenly flip and end up with Paris, didn't think it was the best one at the time tbh until Tom says lets go to Disneyland!   Still drunk and very carried away we start ringing everyone on our phonebook to see if anyone else is up for it, i know we rang a few people on here about it lol.  Surprisingly nobody wanted to meet us at the airport at 4am while we were singing down the phone.  Im fuck scared of flying but hadn't sobered up so it was all good.

We get into Paris at around 7am and snap taxi it to Disneyland and end up spending 3days at the Disney hotel and going on all the rides and seeing all the character going to shows etc it was fucking awesome lol.  We even have photographic evidence of the whole trip, while drunk at the airport we bought a camera and took pictures of everything and us with Mickey Mouse Cheesy.   It was probably one of the funniest moments of my life when we woke up the next day with Disney duvet covers in Disneyland thinking wtf happened last night, i just looked over at Tom and couldn't stop laughing.

About sponsorship - Im hoping so, iv already been contacted by some smaller sites but im waiting it out for one of the bigger ones, not got my heart set on it really but it would be cool.  

Biggest degen -  Iv heard Middy is, but from personal experience/what iv seen im gonna say Riverman
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« Reply #77 on: February 01, 2010, 06:25:28 PM »

Firstly - WP fella - great score

a few quick fire questions if I may?

1. Is it true you are afriad of flying - if so- how are you gonna get to vegas?

2. Do you feel like you have won a life changing sum of money? Has it sunk in just how much you have?

3. what have you done with the hoody you played in - is it getting "retired" - or is it never coming off?

1.  Yes terrified, Perrins is way worse than i am though.  We think were going to set off a month early and get a partycruise to NewYork then roadtrip it across America stopping at all the fun cities along the way

2.  Nah it still doesn't feel real at all, can't even imagine that amount of money in my bank tbh.  Not going to let it go to my head though.

3.  I bought that hoody on Day1 and wore it with the hoodup and listened to my ipod all day, im really supersticious and day1 went well so i wore it on day2 and it went well again so then i had to wear it everyday, it might have smelt awful, probably gave me an edge lol.   Ill probably wear it to some live events this year still.
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« Reply #78 on: February 01, 2010, 07:28:21 PM »

do you read any poker books
if yes
whats the best poker books to read?

also the same questions but with poker training sites.

best flavour pringles?

Just me
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« Reply #79 on: February 01, 2010, 07:33:08 PM »

well done on your win. are u playing in ukipt at mcr in 2 weeks should be top tourny, any tips lol
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« Reply #80 on: February 01, 2010, 08:17:00 PM »

do you read any poker books
if yes
whats the best poker books to read?

also the same questions but with poker training sites.

best flavour pringles?

Iv read lots of poker books and they're really really good for amateur players learning the basics but for any thinking player whos been around a while iv not read a book that had any advanced stuff in it.  The best way to improve is to talk about hands with good players and discuss situations that have come up.  Im in a great spot where i can discuss hands with lots of players i respect hugely a lot of whom have hugely different styles too which helps you look at spots from different perspectives.

Harrington on Holdem is probably the best book iv read though.  A lot of them are really dated.

Same goes with poker training sites i think, although they definitely help actually talking about hands with good players is invaluable and even constantly double checking on maybe obvious spots can help plug so many leaks.

Best pringles flavour is sour cream and chive and its not close.
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« Reply #81 on: February 01, 2010, 08:20:43 PM »

well done on your win. are u playing in ukipt at mcr in 2 weeks should be top tourny, any tips lol

thanks Smiley

yeah ill definitely be playing, me and matt and putting like 10 of our friends in too lol.

if you get into a marginal spot, take the aggressive option

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« Reply #82 on: February 01, 2010, 08:40:01 PM »

LMAO at the disneyland story,newcastle wudve been better obv but still com story

Congrats on the win sir
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« Reply #83 on: February 01, 2010, 10:02:24 PM »

playing thurs day 1a which day u playing jake
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« Reply #84 on: February 01, 2010, 10:05:22 PM »

Do you like/dislike the phrase 'back raise' ?
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« Reply #85 on: February 01, 2010, 11:40:21 PM »

great playing fella and love the Paris story.


“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”
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« Reply #86 on: February 02, 2010, 12:20:16 AM »

Whats more likely, your mums your dad or your dads your mum?

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« Reply #87 on: February 02, 2010, 12:27:57 AM »

On the sponsorship front just wait it out, you will get a UK Stars deal or a red name full tilt without a doubt, winning is everything and you're a good kid, come across well and are marketable. Well done mate.

The T4os hand is dross btw, and the explanation is like Hitler saying why the Holocaust was correct Smiley
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« Reply #88 on: February 02, 2010, 12:35:27 AM »

incred story. sicko

Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of  fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
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« Reply #89 on: February 02, 2010, 01:11:58 AM »

Whats your Favourite Band? Tongue
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