PLO8 1500 report
First table wasn’t brilliant but I did get a middle seat.
Unfortunately I lost most of my 25k stack calling down the table bluffer on a 2249J board with Aa56. I was shown QJ24 but was left with 2.2k as he hadn’t bet enough on the river to put me allin strangely.
I actually played the short stack properly and didn’t just throw it in. Got back to 3500 before getting it in really good with top set on an ak9xcc board vs a medium flush draw . It was for a 9k pot as had other callers pre but the flush came and I was onto 2nd bullet .
New table was better but I just couldn’t get much tools to work with. Dribbled down but did find 1 or 2 good spots to try chip up. Exit hand id reraised mr Frenchman as read his raise as weak end . 6500 preflop with Kk34 from sb and with only 14k left couldn’t find a way to fold on a 10,10,3 flop after my continuation bet. Action was fast and instantly revealed my hand allin only to get the obligatory slow roll from the A339 hand. I couldn’t help myself as knew he was going to do it so put my hands back over my cards to indicate “why aren’t you revealing” then snapped quietly “you’re so rude” when I didn’t improve on the turn or river as I got up. He’d moaned before in 2 pots I’d chopped and scooped when he was dominated preflop ( both allin preflop ) despite hitting several monster hands in the hour before against other players . It takes a lot for me to react and in hindsight I shouldn’t have but it was spur of the moment and it wasn’t like I had shouted at him or anything.
Cleared my head quickly so decided to fire a 3rd bullet given it’s the end of the trip. At this point I’d had 2 coronas and intended to carry on drinking the 3rd bullet as I felt braver 😎. New table was great with half the table easy to play against. Unfortunately I quickly lost half my stack as the aggressor on a 533hhx flop with A2ddKJhh . Board ran out the low and I didn’t improve vs A258. Brick high cards and I definitely would have kept bluffing and I can’t see the old chap calling the river, was as gutted about that as not hitting the flush.
A round or so later right before the break I called a minraise in position with 3456dbl suited from the Romanian guy to my right who only ever minraised ( even if limpers ) and only ever bet minimum on any street . Flop came J78 and I called his continuation bet of 600. Turn was a

to give me a flush draw and once again he bet 600 . This time I made it 5500 with about 7k behind and he quickly folded Aa4 face up. I decided to show the bluff in the hope it would pay off later.
A few more coronas in and suddenly my luck was changing. A few allin type hands that played themselves although I was gifted 10k from someone that had obviously had enough.
Peaked at 80k but unfortunately our table broke and I got placed on a ridiculously tough one for the rest of the night. I still picked a couple of good spots to bluff including this one to try and maintain my momentum:
600/1200 /1200 and I’m bb with QJ75double suited and decide to call a 2500 raise with sb also coming along .
Flop is 10,4,4 and we all check .
Turn is another 4 and it checks to the raiser who weak (my read) bets 3k. Sb gets out of the way and I make it 10,000. He instantly mucks.
Unfortunately tools after that were minimal and couldn’t find any spots . Eventually I’d hung in there but was down to only 18k and blinds were 1000/2000/2000 when I lost my final tournament hand of the trip with A277 vs A3J6 .
An expensive tournament but I don’t regret much at all of it and thoroughly enjoyed it, especially the 3rd bullet ride.
Ended up having about 13 or 14 coronas by 2am ( I only know this as was messaging a mate to keep count ) on a fun big O table where I made 300.
Didn’t fancy Orleans today so just playing cash today. No booze allowed 😉