Good morning from a sluggish Aria poker room
All a bit rushed today for an 11am start $1,100 big O
Tried to short the cashier and got a telling off as I had only given him 800, in my head it was an 800 despite my schedule being correct .
He also asked if I was from London , arrgh im missing hands here . No small talk here please, though I obviously replied politely .
Table is great , I’m licking my lips at moment . Best one I’ve had in ages .
Awful dealer and a bit slow players but I’ll take it
I tried to finish between 11 and midnight last night but ended up leaving cash table -250 at 12:30am
I’d had a nice ribeye steak with extra vegetables - my first hot veg of the trip unless you include pizza and washed it down with a few beers
Had an interesting bomb pot when I was up to 750$ that I lost . May post in a bit once coffee has hit in.
I set my alarm for 9:30am , slept well but changed it to 10am when I woke then napped for at least 3 presses
A speed walk through Paris but I hit the crosswalk just after lights had changed resulted in me missing just 2 minutes of play after I’d registered
Of note , there’s a new inside walkway to go between cosmopolitan through vdara to aria , only outside for the last minute .
I wasn’t aware of it until this trip so it’s prob new .
We just wasted nearly 10 mins on a have where guy bet pot but put less than pot out . Asian chap having none of it and wanted to call 6000 not 6900. Correct ruling eventually followed and made to call 6900 but annoying to waste such a time
Dealer stop giving me QJ1073 and J9923 type hands please , even I can’t play those , although I did the latter