How To Buff At Poker

by snoopy
Submitted by: snoopy on Sun, 02/04/2006 - 5:06pm
Expecting pictures of naked women? Well, think again? This is a respectable poker site with up-to-the-date news about all things serious in poker.

Anyhow, it is my distinct pleasure to announce to you all that Paddy Power Poker intend to hold the biggest ever strip poker tournament… including Page 3 Girls!!! Woooo (deep breaths snoops, deep breaths).

This marvellous and most thrilling of events will be taking place at a secret (drat!) location in Dublin on August 1st 2006, so it shouldn’t be too breezy for all those with narrow frames.

This isn’t just a fun day out in the nod though. Not only will the victor be presented with the Paddy Power Golden Fig Leaves Trophy (Zoiks, he/she’ll have to use his/her hands to accept that!), but they will also receive a 2-week holiday in one of Europe’s premier nudist spots. I hear Scarborough’s nice that time of year.

Paddy Power, head of communications for the barefaced bookmakers, said, ‘Any man would be a fool to not want to play, I’ve been working out already for when I have to play my joker.’

The prestigious honour of largest naked poker game goes to current record-holders the Naturist Society of Estonia who managed to gather together 104 eager beavers back in 1999.

As will be the case in Dublin, the rules in Estonia stated that each player must start off naked and don clothes as they play, the winner being the one wearing the least by the end of the competition. In fact, the champion from 1999, Petma Boom, finished the game wearing just one sock. Blimey, sign her up!

If anyone is interested in this event, please send your details (including picture – ahem) to my good self. However, many of you will be disappointed on the day as I shall not be in attendance. Only the exceedingly fortunate are allowed to see my Adonis-like frame.

Tikay will be there though…
[Ed Note: Just found out that this is a spoof press release from Paddy Power. Confession: The words 'hook, line and sinker' spring to mind. Revenge will be sweet!]