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Poker Forums / The Rail / Re: POKER FOR HEROES
on: May 30, 2011, 09:21:33 PM
Thourougly enjoyed this event, pretty sure i lost the drinking contest, still continue to run ridic bad at raffels, and got told i was broker than georgie...
more of these events coming?
Poker Forums / Live poker / Re: 2010 G Luton blondeite League and Fantasy Poker Competition
on: April 27, 2010, 05:18:36 AM
Meh, run badage all night. 77 into KK on a K76KA board. Outplayed Tikay though. Obv. Was 'priced in' with Q8 (blue, not off). Raised to 150 with blinds at 25-50 and he only made it another 275 with KK. Pretty gay. Had to call for comedy reasons, esp as he'd already had the rebuy. Edna, Thomas, me, Xpress, Tikay all gone, so only the low-stacked Mr and Mrs Alien left at time of departure. Weakest field I've seen at the G for a long time tonight. sigh such bad reportage u should work for the sun......... u know i dwelt on the river for 3minutes cursing myself but had to call the last 2k into 10k...such a flipping binker running 8 8 sigh...FML..Good player folds there. What else could I have but quads? btw is Semtex one of the Reading Two ;-) both of them decent players imho
hero level wars..
Poker Forums / Live poker / Re: G Casino Luton 2010 blondeite league
on: March 22, 2010, 06:09:45 PM
played omaha... saw the ridic binkage run like god factor of Tom Myland against everyone else...
board shows Q52r..tome gets check-raised all flop in a limped pot.. he says to the other guy ur 3 Q's are good and pushin his stack across the line with 55-44...obv turn and river complete 3,6.. standard mbsfn
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