« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2007, 06:23:49 AM » |
Here is the provisional list. With cancellations, alternates, no-shows and whatnot, there are sure to be some tweaks, but for now, this is the expected line-up.
Adderley, Anthony Alterman, Paul Alula, R Aris, Ed Atherton, Lee Atkin, James Badimansour, Fari Bansi, Praz Bates, John Bayliff, Steven Blake, Gary Boatman, Ross Bowden, I Bowker, E Bradpiece, Jerome Brown, Steve Browning, James Bruce, Chris Buffenbarger, Jeff Burke, Ciaran Burke, John Burke, K Butles, D Butters, Jonathan Byrne, J Cartwright, Matt Cavangh, Martyn Chatterton, Gary Cheese, M Citrone, Carlo Clark, Adam Clark, D Clark, Michael Clifford, M Constantinou, C Cook, Rob Coombes, Dean Cotter, J Craig, S Cronin, Cornelius Dean, Alan Demeh, P Dempsey, James Dicesare, Toni Dionysiou, K Dixon, S Dobson, P Duffy, Brandon Duncan, David Dunwoodie, Thomas Duvall, J Ellis, Mike Eminoglu, Yucil Exley, John Farrer, Jonathon Feridooni, B Flood, Liam Forster, M Fox, Gary Fox, Neil Gardner-Brown, R Garfield, Robert Gerrard, Colin Gibbons, S Giddins, Ed Goodwin, Marc Gregory, David Grey, T Grundy, Tom Gurnam, Harpit Harman, Tony Harpa, N Harvin, P Hawkins, Keith Hawkins, Mark Haxhiaj, Driton Herron, Mark Herron, Paul Hewston, Jon Hicks, Nick Holden, Stephen Hosell, N Hoss, G E L Hughes, Andrew Hussain, Arshad Hutinson, K Ioannou, P Jahanapour, Essy Jelinek, Steve Johnson, D Kabbaj, John Kelly, JP LKenworthy, G Keown, John Kerrigan, Jim Kildalen, BA Knapp, C Koumi, Joe Lakha, R Lea, Jon Lecky, Paul Lennon, Stephen Liepina, Irina Linton, Pete Lithman, Bernard Littlewood, keith Lundberg, Jan Macintyre, F McCloskey, Paddy McKeever, George Michael, M Millar, Stephen Mohammed, B Moronpochen, M Morris, Jamie Moss, Paul Nash, Stephen Nash, Stuart Neilson, R Nelson, T Newman, G Ngo, B Nicholls, Anthony Nielson, S Nijjar, B O'Connell, Kevin O'Donnell, H Owen, Craig Owen, Richard Owston, David Parhizkar, H Patel, R Piddock, Steven Ponte, Jamie Powell, Ken Rayner, Allen Redmond, Richard Rees, Glyn Reeves, S Reid, Jim Rogers, Debbie Rogers, G Romanello, Anthony Sapiano, A Shafiq, Mohammed Shallow, Dave Shelley, D Shevket, Y Smith, Chris Smith, Daniel Smyth, Peter Sokrati, Chris Stoneham, Adam Stuart, Nick Tarmey, A Topp, Rob Turner, Justin Tutty, David Ung, N Vicary, Paul Vladar, Steve Vladar, Xuyen Welby, Brian Woodridge, W Woods, A Woods, Andrew Wright, Andy Wright, C Yuen, Waikwan Zach, S