The DTD500 Mega Sat (10 Seats GTD) isn't on again... ON A SUNDAY?

What is going on please??? I reading this incorrectly or does it say Sundays and Monday- Fri before event?
Sunday RoastWhatever... Went to my parents today for a sunday roast and it was delicious. Don't think I spend enough time with my parents really, bit of a shame but its something that despite seeming so easy (they live 1 mile away) somehow becomes so difficult when our 'schedules' are so different.
Had a great post dinner conversation that started with me listening to my mum explain about her writing course she's taking at the moment for a bit of fun. She told us all (dad, brother, Charlene and I) that she had to write some fiction. So she handed me the laptop to read her work and the first word that I saw in the middle of the page was
Mum's pornThis was scary and obviously not something I expected to read... within two lines I realised this 'fiction piece' was slightly adult. Now starting to feel a little strange about the whole thing but intrigued as to what I was about to read I decided to go into the kitchen away from everyone else to try and read it objectively.
The story was to be based on a song and she chose the Dirty Dancing "I've had the time of my life" song. Which translated to a story about a meeting in a bar and the subsequent dance the couple have on the dance floor.......In Newcastle! ........................... hmmmmmmmm......I don't really know how to say this but if I didn't know that my mum had written it then i think it would have had the 'desired' effect on me, however that block was in place and instead I returned to the sitting room and told Charlene to go in and read it herself. She 'squealed' at a couple of the phrases and then returned with us both commending my mum on her skills as the story was very well written, paced, worded and thought out, 590 words well spent, one son truely scarred.
Poker DiaryThen I spent some time explaining about the poker deal with Pleno and why I think I have it, and what I hope to achieve from it. Including this diary and then some time helping her understand the terms and forum phrases we all so commonly use - tbh, imo, aipf, fml, fmfmfmfl, etc....

It took a long time and poor her she listened and asked questions about all of it. She was clearly confused, bored and upset at some of my confessions:
- playing a bent £3/6 game in Uganda
- losing £000's in the first few years when my ego blinded my ambition and progress
- playing E100 rebuy's in Brussels and 'bubbling' both.... she seemed so confused I couldn't "wait one more place" - lolz mum, just that simple innit.
- etc... there's some more unfortunately
However I hope she realises that this kind of thing being here and open and
IF I use this diary correctly and efficiently that this can be the most powerful tool in my poker development by a long long long lon..........g way.
Fitness discussion and Ab rollers!If you don't know what an Ab roller is, watch the video below.... I tried to do a knee one and managed to get close but not back up again!

Do a couple of wide grip chinups on his bar in the conservatory and then we swiftly move on to below - which lasts about 4 hours...!
Zionist societies and Communism and Capitalism and my lovely little brother!So this is one of the best family conversations we've ever had! I can't remember how it got started but it involved in lots of circles the discussion of British national Immigration/ Benefit and Support policies; Zionistic societies; Communism vs Capitalism and Jeremy Clarkson (why is he always in these kinda things>?)
So we were trying to work out why some very high % of sport relief went abroad when the UK today needs so much help at home (bear with me). My idealistic little brother is a trainee accountant doing his Grade 4 and working and at 17 he obviously
"knows how to solve the major problems in the UK and world, but no one listens to us kids" -
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! We then go round about a bit with him pointing out that it is possible but that we would need a 'pure' society with no greed, gluttony or basically any sins... and I point out that eventually someone would come up with the idea for them, and when that happens the game is over!
A bit of banter back and forth.. but it was a really good conversation with us eventually nominating a 'speaking object' you had to have in order to promote better listening to each other, this worked well (despite being sad that its needed) and we all really enjoyed the different viewpoints of myself (mid 20's fairly open minded) my dad (late 40's technical engineer/ supervisor and scottish groaner) and my younger brother (17 and training to be an accountant, very optimistic and naive imo but so full of hope... wp sir).
Now that I'm finished... woah that was another long one... I do pity my readers sometimes but well played for making it this far!
We're now off to sweat our 5% of Tom Langley in the DTD500 deepstack - with 16 left we're CL with 30bb's! (Tom changed our % from 10 to 5 pre tournament - fmfmfmfmfl! musta known innit = live pokerz rigged!)