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Author Topic: An Ape and a notebook, how long will it take?  (Read 540829 times)
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« Reply #210 on: March 09, 2012, 01:19:52 AM »

I was on holiday last year and met some nice Folks one of whom worked in Nigeria in the oil industry he said it was the most  dangerous / unsafe place he had ever been to so be careful mate
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« Reply #211 on: March 09, 2012, 03:16:50 AM »

One of them we peel a min 4bt with and then cc ccain on 97xx vs A7, and he says im bad?!
We won innit. Cheesy

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Please explain what was wrong with this hand?  I was 3bt him on two tables.. one AKs, the other was this.. he min4bt this one and folded other.  I call due to it being min4bt and i have the motha-f***n  biatch!

flop is 9 high and he cbets standard 1/2 pot..dont hate or love it... we'll see a turn pls.
then he snap shoves aiott... timing tell - snapped him off! Cheesy tyty

I'm face palming myself enough at the moment, this is a mini moment of glory - this time 'they' didnt have the AA's!

Is this HU?
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« Reply #212 on: March 09, 2012, 09:38:56 AM »

I was on holiday last year and met some nice Folks one of whom worked in Nigeria in the oil industry he said it was the most  dangerous / unsafe place he had ever been to so be careful mate
I was joking about you being in the SAS obv but Hostage murdered as royal marines and SBS mount rescue operation.

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« Reply #213 on: March 09, 2012, 06:58:33 PM »

I was on holiday last year and met some nice Folks one of whom worked in Nigeria in the oil industry he said it was the most  dangerous / unsafe place he had ever been to so be careful mate
I was joking about you being in the SAS obv but Hostage murdered as royal marines and SBS mount rescue operation.

Yeah, pretty horrible... things are going 10000000 miles an hour after this broke like this.  So unfortunate they weren't able to be saved.
[X] We are the lucky ones.

Sooo..... spent most of the day doing feck all looking around for kit/ tools that shouldve been here weeks ago.
[ ] Found it...

So we went 'shopping' this afternoon down some 'local' Nigerian market (shopping means armored car to and from with 2 minutes outside of it, and local means 45 min drive to get there..)  We managed to find some bits n bobs and got some work done this afternoon, might have a few pics to load up at some point.  Then finished and came home, went to the gym and just destroyed myself then come up to the room and order room service... It takes 10 mins to explain I'd like a salad with Chicken with more than just lettuce, then it gets here and its the two tiniest pieces of Chicken you have EVER seen and I send him packing to get some more!

Now chowing down - nom nom nom.. going to start part 1 of Tommy Angelos 'the eightfold path to poker enlightenment' then play a cash session... wide awake, ready and refocussed to push the 'edge' over larger samples!

Please explain what was wrong with this hand?  I was 3bt him on two tables.. one AKs, the other was this.. he min4bt this one and folded other.  I call due to it being min4bt and i have the motha-f***n  biatch!

flop is 9 high and he cbets standard 1/2 pot..dont hate or love it... we'll see a turn pls.
then he snap shoves aiott... timing tell - snapped him off! Cheesy tyty

I'm face palming myself enough at the moment, this is a mini moment of glory - this time 'they' didnt have the AA's!

Is this HU?

No, 6max but we happened to be playing hu on both tables in this particiular hand.. think I was oop on one table (this one) and ip on the other (AKs - he folded)


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« Reply #214 on: March 09, 2012, 07:13:45 PM »

Wp pleno on putting something in public that was fyi only... sigh! (nvm mate, just not in future pls)

SO... yer I'm in Nigeria... not the best place in the world but not the worst so far - Not in Lagos which is propa bad!
Customs official tried to banter it up with me and screw me over by only giving me 2 weeks on my visa instead of the 3 i asked for - nh him, I have a diplomatic visa so GL them trying to stop me leaving when I feel like.
Few other funny things but nothing major, caused a big hurrah today when i got there because there's not enough Asbestos checks been done so that might be gg to part of the trip. Meh.. 

Are you going to Brazil?
I think we met at DTD this weekend. I was donking about in a red had with IS IT on. This the right blog?
Titty - yer we did mate, thought you played pretty decent, UL with the QQ hand.. obv A10 binks ott. Any chance you remember what you had when you 3bt my utg open? (I had JJ, not sure its going to be easy enough to play that vs you oop when im only like 24-28bb deep).

Well the flesh bit sounds interesting but steak and veg for me!

Sigh cant believe I went for Brazil not Nigeria Sad

And yes I know what I hads :-p  I had loosened up my 3bet range by one pip, just dem 

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« Reply #215 on: March 09, 2012, 07:34:44 PM »

Sigh cant believe I went for Brazil not Nigeria Sad

And yes I know what I hads :-p  I had loosened up my 3bet range by one pip, just dem 

Really? Hmm.. makes sense.  What did you think of me at that point? (obv you didn't know I'm only a 25nl spewtard wannabe)

I took so long to fold despite it being the 'snap' decision, I just hate open/ folding utg to someone who I know 'can' 3bt light.. even when I don't think he is.
(didn't make sense for you to be light there... like ever. imo)

I really wanted you to fold dem QQ's on the TxxTx board, I'm not sure he ever fires the 3rd barrell there with <JJ - what do you think in retrospect?

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« Reply #216 on: March 09, 2012, 07:52:28 PM »

oh ya it's easy fold on turn, but not when i've lost every pot and would rather go home :p

I think you play terribly because you didn't stack off with JJ to ma overpair obv :p
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« Reply #217 on: March 13, 2012, 07:57:35 PM »

This is a long one.. but well worth it if you can work your way through it!

Trip update..

So the work is going ok, doing my stuff... but managed to have a bunch of Deuces Cracked videos while working which has been pretty awesome. 

I have watched:

- The eightfold path to Poker enlightenment (quite old I think - 2008 or something)
Fantastic series by Tommy Angelo, which takes the eightfold path to enlightenment from Budda.  This is really a great watch/ listen for ANY poker player who plays at any stakes as it deals with life and self and improvement.  I am geniunely going to be investigating the path myself as the idea's i've heard so far intrigue and interest me.
I am employing some of the techniques mentioned and will be when i play live from now on... so thanks Tommy.

- Search and Destroy (recent and appropriate)
This is a leakbusting series which I think is essential watching for all <200NL players and anyone who wants to understand how to use HEM2 better to improve themselves, at any stakes!  I will be rewatching this after 50k hands with Pads and probably again at 100/150k etc.. in order to self improve and analyse effectively.

- Creative Grinders (recent)
This is a new series which will have a group of grinders who work with Krantz to analyse and improve their game with the analysis of each other and K.  Looks pretty good but the 100-400NL stuff isn't relevant to me yet.

- G Man Talking Theory (recent)
VERY good HU discussion about certain ideas with regards to betting and adapting to players tendancies and things to consider.
Not finished it yet,

- Finished watching DOGISHEADSUP
This is also a fantastic HU series, from a while ago - with Gman and DOGISHEAD.  They have one theory episode and then one playing... at 3 different levels... and then a bonus one where they play each other and explain every hand of interest.
Helped me start 50NL HU with a slight 'advantage' over the bad regs or poor players, but im not yet good enough to crush the good regs!!!! YET!


So that's the videos, and after watching the S&D series which had 2 people with similar leaks and styles to myself I played last night with one slight 'tweak' to my game in play.  I was going to use a 'structured' opening range, which would only be adjusted if there was a necessity to do so.  (For those of you who do not understand what I mean, I was going to only play hands that appeared on a 'pre-chosen list' of starting hands).

Now I realise this is a simple and almost robotic idea which doesn't allow for game flow and table dynamic range changes.. but tbh I need the fundamentals of something like this first as my post flop play is clearly creative and aggressive enough already.

I then proceeded to play the best session of online poker of my life so far...
We made only one error, when we 5bt shoved utg+1 56cc vs utg KK... woops.  I managed to win $60 in one hour and hit a $50 first deposit bonus.


Then Nigerian live poker in the hilton!

We then went downstairs with a renewed and instatiable want for live poker which we knew could be provided if the guys I'd met the other night (while a little drunk) were there...

I went down and two guys were playing HU ... I found out they were playing 1000/2000 and without reminding myself what the stakes were in ££ i decided to get out 100k and sit down.  They had 100k (player A) and 80k (player B) respectively and were both shockingly bad at the pokers.

I knew this wasn't going to be 'if' I could get the money from them, merely how long it would take could I beat the rake?

We then had a roulette player sit with 30k (minimum) and proceed to do his first buyin in first hand with a full house....  But he went back to the roulette table until he won again when he returned to play some more.
In the meantime I played a few hands but mainly decided that 3 handed I ought to be very tight pre as these two would not fold pre at all...
- My AK was beaten by Q7 on Q7xxx when I checked flop and he checked back, I took one stab ott and he called so I gave up, he then checked back Q7 and I knew I was in for some interesting spots.

A few hands later I found  and opened to 6k (playing 80k).. I was called by player B (playing 80k) and then the roulette fish (playing 30k) who'd come back, player A then squeezed to 36k and I was in a tough spot.  I'd already seen him play one strong pre flop hand by raising small pre and therefore read this as a weak raise and that my A high was good.  I didnt like reshoving here but I was 100% that I had the best hand right now and the two players behind would have to fold when I did reshove.  I take a couple of minutes and reshove... player B folds and the roulette fish snap calls, with player A snap calling also (oh shit) and exposing those magical #gotemwhenuneedem


Fuck my life!



OMFG... the guy takes it really well but laughs it up as I expose my  instantly.

We hold and I get a decent double..

I play really solid from this point on, with my new read of 'he literally bets the strength of his hand' in play and knowing he always calls with any pair I owned him for a good few rounds.

I then decided its 1230 and I have work today I'll go home and lock up a 60k win (turns out this is close to £300....) I felt like a king and a real poker player, properly - for the first time I think.

I then managed to lose a decent sized pot with  on  vs his  with the roulette player all in.  I protected my stack and relunctantly called his river bet, but after review today I don't think he'd made a bet that big at any point and I should have stuck to my read that he could beat top pair in this spot.

I then played really well, dodging 4 situations where I would normally stack off 3 handed  without any thought, based entirely on live reads and hand reading -
[X] They were all sickly good folds and he showed every time.
[X] Literally playing my A game.
[ ] winning pots

I then lost 2x 30k pots where I was 70-80% favourite and took it as well as possible, especially after my  hand.

And eventually got all in with a K10 shove over his AJ open, he made the nuts of course and that was gg to 100k Nigerian - or £400 sterling. - woops.

As much as I know I can take the money off him in the long term... esp with his tells, I am not rolled for that game and that one 'shot' is all im taking this trip.  The overtime of the trip will pay for the shot and I am proud of myself for not going back.

I'm now going to tuck into my Salmon, rice and broccoli for the 3rd night in a row.... - its magic, honest!

And then play a session.. maybe playing the 9pm DTD150 mega sat also.

GL us. and let the long term, real grind through 25NL commence!

All you need to do is be tight pre and semi- thinking postflop and people literally give you $$$!


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« Reply #218 on: March 13, 2012, 08:06:12 PM »

  dad dont dance

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« Reply #219 on: March 17, 2012, 11:49:31 PM »

So we're getting some grinding time in the evenings which is being used to experiment a little...

We've tried a couple of different styles and yes the tighter, more solid game does allow for easy moneys.  But it does also require hands on both parts and relys on our ability to hand read better than our opponents.

After watching the "Coaching Kristy" and "Coaching Kristy 2" in which Andrew 'Baluga Whale' Seidman coaches Kristy Arnett through micros and small stakes online, while she grinds some $1/2 and $2/5 Las Vegas live games. (picture below)
These are particularly good educational series with regarding pre-flop play and discussing 3/4 and 5bt dynamics, why we do it, how and vs who.... which has definitely helped my 'splashy' pre-flop game a lot!  (managed to get someone to 3/5bt shove 55's @ 25NL - doesn't ever happen ime).

As a direct result of the series, I've been experimenting with a much looser pre-flop game, with the intention of praying on the weak tight players and theyre folding tendancies and to cause the Reg's heads to explode!

WPT 6max Grind
After the second week of being staked we'd won a bunch and then decided to try and win every big pot and apparently lost a fair bunch.. (who'd guess that the nits have a hand every time)  I went down to $280 from the original $500 stake (sry pads) and then gave ourselves a little slap around the head, binked a $50 first deposit bonus and then started playing properly.. winning 5 of last 6 sessions - despite still having at least 1x $25 mistake in each session.  I'm not perfect yet, who knew?

But I've been aggressive in much better and more profitable spots in the last few sessions, finding that I can cause the regs to do out of the ordinary things.. but when it comes down to it this will be much more effective at the higher levels and I have to remember this is the case.

Well after the tighter sessions and a couple of looser aggressive sessions - running between 29/24/14 - 43/38/20 makes it fun that I'm playing so many hands but my NSD line is now often +VE... so its just a case of making sure im tight enough post flop to counteract my participation in more than my fair share of pots.

Now we're back up to $470 and getting close to our 2nd $50 first deposit bonus... I'm getting into some massive pots with this style and tbh the majority of the big pots I lost were a mistake in one way shape or form.

[X] Had AK vs AA 2x tonight.... vs Regs.... SIGHH!!!!!
[X] Won 1 of them! -  vs  on    - pretty good board imo!
[X] Check shoved  vs  on  - probably not the best idea.
[X] 4bt called  preflop.... he had KK ofc.

But I'm really enjoying grinding and experimenting...esp when I have a player pool small enough to see the same guys again and again... so looking forward to doing some funky stuff vs the Regs and just owning the fish left right and centre.
Really happy with me getting a Reg to spazz out with 3b/5bt 55's pre vs me!  Sounds silly as this is standard at higher levels with certain aggressive preflop dynamics but I've literally never seen it at 25NL over my short time.

Other than this just looking forward to playing live next as well... want to try my improved pre-flop game out in the different live settings I play in. 

#lovingthegame - cant play enough!

Online is tiring work though..

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« Reply #220 on: March 18, 2012, 11:11:16 PM »

No comments for Kirsty? really?  I'm suprised at you lot!!

WPT Grind
Going good, up another buyin in todays hour session, first time I've only had big pots being +$ and lots of bet fold small ones.... (they raise when they got summat innit!)

Back up to $497 (started with $500), about to bust the 2nd stage of FDB and enjoying it immensely!  Lets not play like a tool this time.

I've been very interested by the 'dont like internet poker' thread on blonde, as its a real topic of debate for live originating players like myself.  However as a logical fella I see the +ve side of online:
- more games
- lower expenses
- no travel time
- anytime you like
- rubbing my balls while getting the $$!
- talking to 5 diff people on strat/ ideas while playing
- watching Blom rip up some dude at 20KNL (that was mega tonight)

Well this was a 'quickie'... hope you all enjoyed it as much as i did!?


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« Reply #221 on: March 18, 2012, 11:52:53 PM »

sometimes you just don't see it...

 4bt called  preflop.... he had KK ofc.

Really happy with me getting a Reg to spazz out with 3b/5bt 55's pre vs me! 


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« Reply #222 on: March 19, 2012, 12:58:12 AM »

sometimes you just don't see it...

 4bt called  preflop.... he had KK ofc.

Really happy with me getting a Reg to spazz out with 3b/5bt 55's pre vs me! 

These lines made me chuckle.

Not sure how 4-bet calling with 55 and being massively proud of getting someone to 'spazz out' getting it in with 55 vs you can be mentioned in the same post..... but I like it.
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« Reply #223 on: March 19, 2012, 06:38:45 AM »

sometimes you just don't see it...

 4bt called  preflop.... he had KK ofc.

Really happy with me getting a Reg to spazz out with 3b/5bt 55's pre vs me! 

These lines made me chuckle.

Not sure how 4-bet calling with 55 and being massively proud of getting someone to 'spazz out' getting it in with 55 vs you can be mentioned in the same post..... but I like it.

Fair... but they dont do that kind of stuff 'most' of the time.

So I did it thinking the guys range was polarised... i.e. QQ+, AQ+ and obv 55's arent a massive dog when there is enough in the middle to offset my 41% equity.

Difference is -
I'm doing it with a structured 3/4/5bt range, however I believe this guy just spazzed with a pair because I was pounding on him so much.
I may be wrong and that he was doing the same as I but the frequency with which he reraised me leads me to believe not.

Does that make sense or am i just throwing terms around?

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« Reply #224 on: March 22, 2012, 11:30:58 PM »


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