Was going to post this on Eso's £40 to 20k thread as it is kind of the same thing with a few twists. But i didn't want to derail and i think this concept could be fun and possibly even worthy of its own thread.
Basically I always buy stuff I want but don't really need and i usually just flick it in without any further thought. With my upcoming life changes, not having time to play poker and generally just punting on anything without rhyme or reason I need to change my ways.
I will be going on spinups to see how much shit i can buy, betting on nothing with odds higher than evs, with the bankroll rolling over until i have enough to buy said item, then starting again onto the next thing. If i bust i will start over or move onto a different item. Selections will basically be whatever comes across my path or just my own little fancies. I wont be waiting forever to find that perfect bet, this is more a case of quelling my degen urges with a low output.
So to start with i have £200, 3 x £40 shots and 4 x £20 shots.
The list in order:
Decent camera £500
PS Vita £220
Outdoor jacuzzi tub 8k
Car 6k
Liposuction 3.5k
Maybe the occasional tourney buy in.
For those who don't have a clue what i am talking about, see this spreadsheet:
Click to see full-size image. |
So in a perfect world after bet 7 bets @1/2 or lower i would have £500 for the camera and £65 to start spinning again. If it goes tits up i start over again.
Feel free to:
Spin up yourselves, give ideas for stuff to buy, share tips or just enjoy the ride.
It's my bday in 7 days and i want a new camera, so the first part for the camera is 7 bets in 7days.
Bet 1-