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Author Topic: Chess thread  (Read 389919 times)
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« Reply #2235 on: June 11, 2015, 10:09:27 AM »

Was it obligatory to dress like you were going to a wedding when you wanted a game of chess ~100 years ago?

People should play poker dressed like that. You'd get far less of the histrionics.

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« Reply #2236 on: June 11, 2015, 08:21:21 PM »

Will chess ever be solved?

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« Reply #2237 on: June 11, 2015, 11:55:56 PM »

Will chess ever be solved?

The answer had to be yes, but the scale of the task is staggering.

By way of example, white has 20 possible first moves (16 with pawns and 4 with knights). For each of those 20 moves, black has the same 20 responses. So, after one move each, that's 400 different possible positions.

The number of possible positions in total, including when pawns get promoted by getting to the opponent's back rank is, according to the latest best guesses 255, which is 1046.7.

So that's some 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 different positions this computer that's solved chess needs to know about.

The assessment of each different position will also require the computer to have a perfect grasp of the merits of each move available. The best engines now are miles better than Magnus Carlsen, but they are still going to be a way from a perfect solution. The maths is mind blowing.

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« Reply #2238 on: June 12, 2015, 01:09:57 PM »

"Pawn Sacrifice". Really?!

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« Reply #2239 on: June 12, 2015, 04:27:51 PM »

Really, is it the title that bothers you the most? My gripe is with the casting, can you imagine how that round table discussion went:

Right guys who will we get to play Bobby Fischer?
How about Toby Maguire, he's a bit of a nerd?
*room erupts in agreement*
You cannot be serious! Fischer was a tall physically imposing man who the media said could be mistaken for an NFL quarterback.
 Click to see full-size image.

Nope, you're outvoted. Toby Maguire it is.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2015, 04:35:05 PM by McGlashan » Logged
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« Reply #2240 on: June 12, 2015, 04:44:57 PM »

What bothers me most is actually that there's yet another thing about the 1972 world championship.

Alekhine v Capablanca would have a lot to offer. Proper rivalry, that. Even Kasparov v Karpov (or both v FIDE) would work.

There are lots of tortured souls in chess history. So many stories worth telling and we keep coming back to the absurdity of Reykjavik.

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« Reply #2241 on: June 12, 2015, 05:15:33 PM »

Mark Kermode the film critic had an advance for review copy of Bobby Fischer vs The World. So he's sitting at home with his daughter and she asks what's this DVD you really want to watch? It's a documentary. Dad I don't want to watch a documentary. It's a documentary about a guy playing chess...

His 12 year old daughter really enjoyed the film, but it was a hard sell.

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« Reply #2242 on: June 23, 2015, 04:21:33 PM »

Played a miniature this afternoon with a nice (if 'standard') sacrifice.

1 e4 e5
2 f4 exf4
3 Nf3 d6
4 d4 Bg4
5 Bxf4 Nd7
6 Bc4 f6
7 Nc3 g5

Black's weird (bad) last two moves allow a cool move, winning the game immediately. If you already know it then you'll be like "big deal, standard" (and no need to make a 'guess' since this quiz is aimed at beginners). But if you have not seen this idea before then try to work out what White should play from the diagrammed position below. It's pretty when you see it.
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« Reply #2243 on: June 24, 2015, 04:23:49 PM »

Sheesh that took me a lot longer than it should of.
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« Reply #2244 on: June 25, 2015, 12:57:43 AM »

Sheesh that took me a lot longer than it should of.

Lol, it was meant for weak players like me, not good players like you!
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« Reply #2245 on: June 25, 2015, 06:41:42 PM »

Played a miniature this afternoon with a nice (if 'standard') sacrifice.

1 e4 e5
2 f4 exf4
3 Nf3 d6
4 d4 Bg4
5 Bxf4 Nd7
6 Bc4 f6
7 Nc3 g5

Black's weird (bad) last two moves allow a cool move, winning the game immediately. If you already know it then you'll be like "big deal, standard" (and no need to make a 'guess' since this quiz is aimed at beginners). But if you have not seen this idea before then try to work out what White should play from the diagrammed position below. It's pretty when you see it.

For anyone who has looked at the position, the move is 8 Nxg5!

Point is that after 8...Bxd1 White mates in two with Bf7+ and Nd5 mate.
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« Reply #2246 on: June 26, 2015, 09:37:03 PM »

First time poster ITT. Trying to get back into Chess interested what people think I should do here (black)


Quote from: jgcblack
I wouldn't normally try so hard, but didn't have another opportunity I could wait for. I wasn't ready to surrender what I WANTED SO MUCH, that easily, I couldn't guarantee a call with me staying stoic and relying on a flinch "top pair" calling reflex.
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« Reply #2247 on: June 26, 2015, 09:42:35 PM »

Welcome, Mr 900!

It's pretty grim, with you being a whole rook down.

You don't want to exchange the rook you have left off, nor the queens. These piece exchanges suit white because he'll always be left with one extra piece.

Your best hope is to attack the king and try for a mate. So, trying to get the c-file open has to be your primary objective now.

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« Reply #2248 on: July 27, 2015, 09:06:19 AM »

Being on page 2 of the Lounge is rubbish. Bump very much called for. Chessbase has posted this puzzle this morning:

White plays 1.QxBg6 now. So, does he win or lose?

To get you started, if Black takes the queen with the h7 pawn, White can swing his rook to h3 for check and, if the king moves one square to g8, the knight move to f6 is a delicious double check and mate. In standard notation:

1.Qxg6  hxg6
2.Rh3+  Kg8
3.Nf6 mate.

But that's far from the end of the story. Black doesn't have to play Kg8. He can put the dark squared bishop in the way. He doesn't even have to take the queen, although you'll have to establish whether there's any way of getting the piece back, else we can probably call that a white win. 

Ok. All yours.

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« Reply #2249 on: July 27, 2015, 01:51:48 PM »

The British Championships starts today in Coventry at the University of Warwick. is the website.

74 players, including eleven grandmasters, will be competing for the title of British Champ over the next fortnight. They play one game per day, with a rest day next Sunday, playing eleven rounds. Most of the field are qualifiers through other tournaments, plus some who get in because of their ranking within their age group, plus those who already have a master title. This isn't one of those comps you can rock up to on the day with your entry fee. Invitation only, if you please.

When I played on the circuit, the big tournament for the rest was the Major Open, which would have well into three figures in entry. This year, 37 have stumped up the entry fee (which I'd guess is about £100). Seems a shame but people just don't want to play for two weeks and pay for acommodation plus incidentals. Chess is not cheap. It's not even a break even pursuit.

I feel most sorry for the parents of the younger players who will be spending their two week summer holiday from work in Coventry. My poor parents had the same experience when taking me to Nottingham one year. The things people do for their children.

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