Andre Moraria opens to 66,000
and so begins the most controversial hand of the tournament that takes many many minutes to play out
Leigh Wiltshire calls
In the big blind Freddy Deeb shoves a stack of chips over the line
He says nothing
The dealer colunts and announces 191,000
This is a mistake, It is actually 291,000
Moraria without saying anything puts in 380,000
Wiltshire folds
and then it kicks off
The table discovers that the dealer has made a mistake
Deeb is an argumentative so and so, very belligerent in debate and no quarter given
He maintains that Moraria has not put in enough to raise
Moraria says he was following the dealer in clicking back
Across multiple languages and multiple railers there is a hubbub
The floor is called
Several minutes later Simon Trumper is called
He listens to the players, listens to mthe dealer
He asks the dealer how he cut the Deeb raise, to see if the 100,000 blue chip that the dealer has not ben accounted for has been exposed
He rules that everyone has had a chance to see the blue chip,its clearly more than 191,000 and that Moraria is held to call 191,000 as he has under-raised
The key here is that neither Deeb or Moraria said anything, and that the player has to accept the dealer error and realise he had the opportunity to see it was 291,000 not 191,000

The flop
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Deeb shoves
"You are lucky, I was going to do that pre-flop"
Moraria thinks and thinks and calls all in with A-K
Deeb, to ooohhs and aaaahs from an expectant crowd flips K-6off
He holds on the J-9 turn and river

Deeb goes second chip leader
Moraria is out of the room, storming, before I look up from my notepad