« Reply #600 on: May 17, 2016, 11:20:32 PM » |
FFS at that 93rd min Bourney goal, costs me the win in £25 league and the £550 GUKPT seat in Grosvenor league I think. 😞
Jesus and I was having a moan about it costing me 3rd in the £25 league but that's sick.
« Reply #601 on: May 18, 2016, 12:45:38 AM » |
I lost the h2h final but held on in the £100 league so pleased overall. Lingard could have snatched it away tonight and had a good game so I was sweating!
« Last Edit: May 18, 2016, 12:56:16 AM by RobM »
« Reply #602 on: May 18, 2016, 11:21:28 AM » |
Well, a fairly disastrous season has finally and thankfully come to an end. Well done to those who won prize money and thanks to those that ran it. Cheers
« Reply #603 on: May 18, 2016, 11:48:42 AM » |
Congrats to "Deeney Mata to Mee" for winning and "The Silkworms" for 2nd in the proper shark infested £100 league. Toughest division I was in by a mile. Thanks also to all the organisers on here for escrowing the money and setting it up. Will absolutely 100% be in next season if its run again and you will take my money once more  Mr Ironside - ship the £20 on stars please 
« Reply #604 on: May 18, 2016, 01:09:05 PM » |
I lost the h2h final but held on in the £100 league so pleased overall. Lingard could have snatched it away tonight and had a good game so I was sweating!
Well played. I wasn't holding out much hope of catching you last night but when that chance fell to Lingard in the second half I did get briefly excited. If he'd taken that chance and Smalling then didn't score the o.g., think that might have been enough depending on bonus points.
« Reply #605 on: May 18, 2016, 03:38:43 PM » |
FFS at that 93rd min Bourney goal, costs me the win in £25 league and the £550 GUKPT seat in Grosvenor league I think. 😞
Yea, I couldn't quite believe it, what a way to the end the season! Thanks to TheDazzler and Junior Senior for hosting, was great fun as ever. So...Fantasy Euro 2016 [ http://blondepoker.com/forum/index.php?topic=66929.0] anyone? Tell you what, I'll seed the money leagues with £50 to give a bit of overlay.
« Reply #606 on: May 18, 2016, 03:47:08 PM » |
Well done to all the winners!
Please can everyone looking for payment contact Greg (Junior Senior) with your payment details and I'm sure he'll get onto it over the next couple of days. We'll want to make sure all the details are correct, what with multiple leagues and cups and hopefully record numbers of people paid, so bear with us. We'll put a list of all the winners and payments up here in the thread and hopefully get a mod to put them in the first message in the thread too for easy access.
Many thanks to Greg for collecting all the monies and also to the inestimable MereNovice. If it wasn't for his spreadsheet skills, I'd not have bothered with the cups as it is so much work.
Junior Senior
« Reply #607 on: May 18, 2016, 08:28:02 PM » |
Congrats to all!
Now, the downside and worst part of the season... the admin.
Just had double feature burgers and 5 chicken classic chaser to prepare myself. When did a standard Macdonalds order get to almost a tenner?!
It may take me a couple of evening to sort it all - so bear with!
Junior Senior
« Reply #608 on: May 18, 2016, 10:35:51 PM » |
As summer gathers, at last, our FPL watch has ended... and thank fuck for that! I am off to watch cricket and golf in the Haunted Forest with the White Walkers!
Well done to the winners this season – a season that has thrown many a curve ball and has been far from standard. I am not sure what is more amazing – Leicester winning the Premier League or The Dazzler only scooping one minor prize in the whole thing! Still, the cream has risen to the top (mostly) and those that have won prizes have certainly deserved them.
Special mention to Ironside in his first real go at this game who has made a tidy profit which he’ll no doubt spend on lap dances and booze!
Gazza and RobM have dominated this year and finished very high up overall in the FPL game. ChipRich has returned to form to take the £10 league and there have been strong performances from a number of others. It seems we may have to handicap this thing next year (that’s given me an idea for next season...)
Thanks to MereNovice for his spreadsheet wizardry for the admin of the cups and to Dazzler for posting updates. I’ve not been around much this year for one reason or another so Tom and Vince should take all the credit for the main running of things.
Anyway, here are the final scores on the doors. I am going to leave this here for a day or two for people to see then will start sending the monies through. Please PM me with your bank details if you have won a prize.
£100 League 1st (£700) RobM – Deeny Mata to Mee 2nd (£400) thesilkworm – The Silkworms
£50 League 1st (£375) Gazza – Premier Lead 2nd(£225) Fruitbat – ZeFruitbatzzzz 3rd (£150) RobM – Deeny Mata to Mee
Champions League 1st (£100) Drop the Hammer – So Long Stevie 2nd (£50) RyG – Athletico Kofty
£25 League 1st (£230) Gazza – Premier Lead 2nd (£170) ChipRich – AC Dead People 3rd (£120) Fruitbat - ZeFruitbatzzzz 4th (80) Teacake – Stevie’s Wonders
Europa League 1st (£50) toddswain – Bring The Swain FC 2nd (£25) Mitch – Monson Magic
£20 H2H League 1st (£140) Gazza – Premier Lead 2nd (£120) Ironside – Ironside’s Hopefuls 3rd (£80) RobM – Deeny Mata to Mee 4th (£60) The Dazzler – The Dazzler
Playoff Winner (£60) Gazza – Premier Lead Runner Up (£40) RobM – Deeny Mata to Mee
£10 League 1st (£120) ChipRich – AC Dead People 2nd (£85) Teacake – Stevie’s Wonders 3rd (£50) toddswain – Bring The Swain FC 4th (£30) C4ught – The Mutt’s Nutts 5th (£25) Karabiner – FcK The Knockers
FA Cup Winner (£20) – Karabiner – FcK The Knockers Runner Up (£10) – Ironside – Ironside’s Hopefuls.
Free League A £10 bonus prize for the highest placed finisher in this league that has won NO OTHER PRIZE goes to Mark Porter.
All prizes and payouts are subject to final checking by The Dazzler and MereNovice and of course the winners, who no doubt will be giving them the once over.
Enjoy your summers and see you next season,
« Reply #609 on: May 19, 2016, 12:55:21 AM » |
Nice one Greg. 15 different winners I think, which is what we were looking for. Spread the wealth!
« Reply #610 on: May 19, 2016, 09:57:48 AM » |
Thanks to The Dazzler and Junior Senior for running this.
Junior Senior - I just tried to PM you my bank details but not sure if it worked as I can't see it in my outbox (maybe my low post count prevents me from sending PMs?). If you didn't receive it please let me know.
« Reply #611 on: May 19, 2016, 10:09:28 AM » |
Congrats to "Deeney Mata to Mee" for winning and "The Silkworms" for 2nd in the proper shark infested £100 league. Toughest division I was in by a mile. Thanks also to all the organisers on here for escrowing the money and setting it up. Will absolutely 100% be in next season if its run again and you will take my money once more  Mr Ironside - ship the £20 on stars please  will do Thanks for running the league Congrats to all the winners
I am the master of my fate I am the captain of my soul.
Junior Senior
« Reply #612 on: May 19, 2016, 11:10:17 AM » |
Thanks to The Dazzler and Junior Senior for running this.
Junior Senior - I just tried to PM you my bank details but not sure if it worked as I can't see it in my outbox (maybe my low post count prevents me from sending PMs?). If you didn't receive it please let me know.
got it cheers
Junior Senior
« Reply #613 on: May 19, 2016, 11:30:26 AM » |
the money standings and final tallies below.
please pm me your bank details if not already done so. I can pay some of the smaller winners on paypal if that helps anyone out? if i send as a peer to peer family and friend transaction then you don;t incur fees.
well done to all.
RobM 970 Gazza 805 thesilkworm 400 The Fruitbat 345 ChipRich 290 Teacake 165 Ironside 130 toddswain 100 DroptheHammer 100 The Dazzler 60 RyG 50 Karabiner 45 (+ 20 for our seasonal side bet) c4ught 30 Mitch 25 Mark_Porter 10
Junior Senior
« Reply #614 on: May 19, 2016, 02:30:38 PM » |
Ok, everyone that has PM'd is weighed in apart from Fruitbat as i think he has sent me the wrong account number so have pm'd him back.
the next lot will be sent Friday night or Saturday night as am pretty busy in the days.
cheers Greg