First two hours great viewing .
Surprisingly it tailed off a bit the last couple of hours but still good to watch.
Really is a fine line between doing chunks and having a winning session.
So many "Ifs" it reminded me of the poem by Rudyard Kipling.
If Richard hadn't lost a cooler a few hands earlier against Keith then there is
no way he would have called a 2.5k 3 bet from Mitch with 4 7 off pre flop.
If Taffy had shoved with his QQ against Mitch pre flop ( AK suited for Mitch ) in the
same hand then Rich would have folded and Mitch would have won a pot around
That one hand sort of defined the rest of the evening for Mitch , he could not do
anything right , except for a good laydown with QQ against Alex who hit a gutshot
on the turn with 89 suited on a J 7 3? board.
The commentary of Skalie , Giblin , Lildave was excellent , loads of banter rather than
talking too technical.
Everybody saying how nice a bloke Taffy is , which is true , he's a smashing bloke , but
do think he's cannon fodder for the pro's. Wish he would get a little bit of coaching and
play a bit more selectively . I would guess he only wins around 1 in 10 sessions.
But Taffy is Taffy