(8) 1st December 2005 03:38

Submitted by: snoopy on Thu, 23/03/2006 - 8:58pm
I arrived in Vegas at 12pm with my body clock adjusted to US time (I did not sleep last night and slept the whole way on the plane, flew BMI Manchester to Vegas, so convenient). I was lucky to get on the flight really, I got to check in at 8.45am and the plane was leaving at 9.05am. First guy I bumped into was Neal Channing on the blackjack tables, Neal used to work in the Spreadbetting and I tried to get a few free tips off him but he's giving away nothing.

So much for adjusting my body clock, I'm knackered and it's only 7.15pm, still feels like 2am. Lawrence "dry humour" Gosney is somewhere in the Bellagio but I couldn't spot him, I was hoping to change a few $$$ with him. The Bellagio card room is heaving with a waiting list for every table, no matter what the limits. There seems no be a never ending conveyer belt of sit-and-go's and I can't help thinking we should provide these in the club. I just saw a guy call all-in for £6,000 on the 25-50 NL table on a flop of AKJ, he had AK and the other guy had QT, river card A!! I'm gonna have a go at playing the $100-$200 NL game here when my money arrives by wire transfer. Its $800 to see a flop so I guess my normal starting hands will have to be reviewed before I play in it.

I'm racking my brain for a name for the club, there's been plenty of suggestions on the thread but nothing except "poker in the rear and liqour in the back" really bowls you over. Its annoying me now, and I keep sitting up all night writing down names, but I know a name is important so I must be patient. I want to get the new membership forms up on the web site but they just look stupid with "Poker Club in the Midlands", anyway, must decide on a name before xmas, thats the deadline.

I sent an update email to one of the well known UK pros before I flew out, I can't really say who it is because he's a very private type of guy but he's someone that I'd like on board and have had a couple of meetings with already. I want him to be a sort of "Live Poker" consultant to help orgainse the major festivals and do some "Poker School" courses at the club. I see the day to day running of the club being done by a management team, and the strategy and direction of the club being decided by a committe of respected poker players and the members. I also want to get that committee in place to work on all of the set-up, even down to the detail of the colour of chips/tables we use. The set up is a huge job and Nick The Shrew Whiten will have his hands full managing our motley crew of tradesmen - these guys work BETWEEN breaks if you know what I mean.

I'm getting some very interesting and positive PM's from people who I have never spoken to before, offering various advice, support and ideas, this is great. There is quite a lot of people involved in the casino industry who read Blonde but cannot post due incase their bosses see them mingling with the customers.

Anyway, I have my laptop, printer and modem all set up in my room in the Bellagio, so I can keep the momentum going, every day I am trying to achieve something, even if its just a few thoughts about the restaurant menu or the music system in the bar. I'm really happy with the way things are going, especially the people I have managed to get involved, everything just seems to be falling into place nicely.............I guess its about time something went badly wrong like the property falling through or the Gaming Board ripping up my application............I just have this nasty feeling that something bad is about to happen, I can't explain it. On that positive note,