[12] Day 38 - 41

Submitted by: snoopy on Fri, 24/03/2006 - 1:08pm

Days 38 and 39 : I spent most of Day 38 mucking about with lower limits trying to find a system of multi-tabling that I was comfortable with. I have now settled with continously 6-tabling. For the moment, at least, 8-tabling is a little too much for me. Batching 6 leaves quite a lot of "empty space" on my desktop so I think I've found a happy medium.

Day 39 I put it into practise. I'm feeling good about how it's fairing against the Yankee hordes on Pokerstars so far. There was a point, early on Day 38, where I thought that if things continue to not run so well, I'd need to go back to Party Poker (We certainly don't want that now, do we kids and kiddies?)

Do you remeber the good ol' days in the first week of this thread. Days 2 and 3 when I reported four figured +ve results, it seems like quite some time ago. Thankfully not any more.....

Days 38 and 39 Results : +$1,250.5 (+$4,424.8 total)
ROI : 11.0% (after 669 played)

Well I think I can churn out 50 tournaments using my new method on "workdays" quite easily.

Have to deal tonight (real job), will be able to put in 50 on Friday, but then I'm going away to Aberdeen for the weekend. (Formal dinner/dance on Saturday night that I need to be kilted up for) So it won't be untill next week that you see the tournaments played statistic start to really get moving in an upwards direction.

It'll need to, at the moment 31.7% of my time has elapsed and only 16.7% of my task has been completed. 41 tournaments per day are now needed to get me there. That's pretty much 50 a day allowing for one day off a week. Most weeks I've had two days off, so I'll have to start putting in a little extra effort somewhere.

At least the ROI is back in the realms of respectability. It'll take some doing to get it back to 15%, although it's by no means impossible. (Two more days like today I think'd do it)

Days 40 and 41 - A scary thing happened in one of my tournaments today. The game was uber-loose and was heads up within 20 minutes. I'd managed to get on the right end of some good pots and had around half the chips.

The blinds were still 50/100, that meant we each had over 60 big blinds...eek. For ages I've been in all-in or fold auto-pilot when it comes down to the last two. I'd almost forgotten how to play real poker.  Cheesy

Thankfully it, sort of, all came back to me. I think I managed to juggle being aggresive with keeping the pots small and accumulated a healthy lead by the time the blinds had risen to all-in or fold time. There was even a gear change or two in there to keep him guessing. I took down first place and felt really chuffed about it. The first tournament that I felt I had "earned" in quite some time.

Finally, I'm pleased to report that the grand $$$ total is higher than it was on Day 9.

Days 40 and 41 Results : +$927 (+$5,351.8 total) A new peak.
ROI : 12.6% (after 708 played)

My solution to falling way behind my tournaments played target is, when I come back from Aberdeen, to make next week 'Crazy Chicken Week'.

I'm going to live, sleep, eat and breath STT for a week, starting Monday. I'm going to play as if I were going for a record of the most STT played in a week, clocking them off at an anti-social, unsustainable rate. Then, some time next month, I'll have another 'Crazy Chicken Week' and try to beat whatever total I get next week.  Cheesy

All I have to do is go to work next Thursday, but apart from that, I have no plans. So, hopefully, I'll chalk up 400+ playing like a mad piece of poultry.

I know this seems a bit unbalanced. If truth be told, it is. I justify it by thinking, it's only a week. Working solidly will enable me to do more in future weeks with regard to going out, being normal etc.

The only thing that'll stop me is if I run into a bad streak and it affects me mentally. Then, as always, I'll need to take time off to avoid pissing dosh away needlessly.